#renardie taking questions
renardtrickster · 3 years
So then I must ask, what is a legitimate form of objection if the person in question actually does not believe that trans people are what they claim to be? Your assessment, regardless of whether or not it is a valid assumption of how things would go, seems to run an undercurrent implication that the people who object do not truly believe what they are saying and are merely saying it to be hurtful or dismissive or intentionally ignorant. So riddle me this, if they are sincere in those beliefs, how ARE they supposed to voice them? Or is the answer simply be that they should not and that’s the end of it?
I'm gonna be real with you, chief. I don't know who you are, what this is about, or what prompted this, so I barely have an idea of what "my assessment" is. I haven't been on tumblr in months and I don't remember anything related to this subject.
But you're basically asking "if I don't think a trans person is trans, how do I say that politely". The true and honest answer is, basically, "don't". The entire process of even asking "am I trans" is pretty introspective and soul-searchy, and not really something you can take stabs at from an outside perspective. So if someone came to the conclusion of "yeah I am", a lot factors into that decision. A lot that you don't know unless there are literally zero secrets between you and them, and you both think the exact same way. Two bodies, one mind type stuff. So casting doubt and asking "are you really?" is mighty presumptuous.
And leading into my other point, it's also kind of a shitty thing to do. I don't think there’s a lot of trans people out there that came to that decision lightly. It's pretty Major Stuff, finding out that your gender does not match your birth sex, and one has already faced a lot of self-doubt and arguments from oneself trying to figure it out. They're also going to face a lot of doubt and derision from the rest of the world and all of the Highly Pleasant And Likeable People therein, which is yet another factor in the whole "am I or am I not trans" process. So chances are, if someone is out as trans, to you or in general, it's the true, legit deal. And asking or doubting any further than "real shit?" and being prepared to accept whatever answer they give you places you firmly into the "Highly Pleasant And Likeable People please detect the sarcasm" category.
Note, the above is written with the assumption that you know the person you are doubting. If you do not know the person, you are absolutely in the wrong place and should currently be questioning every decision that led to you wondering if you should doubt this random person's identity.
Note also that the above is written with the assumption that you are asking about one trans person in particular, and not that you're doubting the identity of every trans person, which I am beginning to suspect is what you actually meant. If you are doubting if every trans person is not what they claim to be, then your ignorance may not be intentional, but it is undoubtedly there. This stuff isn’t new. Studies has been done. Trans people are provably happier when they’re not chained to their AGAB and are allowed to live as they want to. A trans man’s brain is closer to that of a cis man than a cis female, and vice-versa for trans women. “I think trans people are not what they claim to be” at this point is as goofy and stupid as saying “I think gay people are just confused”, and there’s no acceptable way to express that arctic cold take. The only acceptable things to do are either follow the old maxim, "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt", or better yet, get with the program and stop thinking such foolish thoughts ASAP.
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sburbian-sage · 5 years
Join with the horrorterrors. Become one with their dark essence, let them envelop you. Taste true freedom as you ascend beyond both life and death, and simply into the dark.
Hey, I’m imminently deceased, not suicidal.
Unless you actually mean that, in which case Speakers get out of my inbox.
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renardtrickster · 4 years
Anarchists be like “society is exploiting and killing people therefor we need to do away with any existing safeguards put in place to protect more people from exploitation and death”
Anarchists will go off about how the government is itching to strip away our rights and kill/enslave us, then turn the concept of free speech into a dogwhistle and beg the government to take everyone’s guns.
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renardtrickster · 4 years
How long until we get THOSE people in the Helltaker fandom, who insist that all the demons are somehow related, so shipping them together is wrong, or that Cerberus is too childlike, so anything involving them is pedophilia?
It’s funny that you mentioned Cerberus being too childlike because according to the Artbook/Making Of, Cerberus’ gimmick was going to be a lot of “is she legal” jokes and similar stuff to that before Vanripper decided not to play with fire and went with the Triple Demon thing instead. I don’t know if you knew.
Anyway, I think that’s a low possibility. Not only is this a very short almost-a-shitpost game (I mean this in a good way) which kind of regulates itself, but even IF those kind of guys show up it’s a doomed venture. In her current state, calling Cerberus “childlike” seems like a stretch the generally chill vibe I hope this fanbase has won’t accept, but femslash is a force stronger than Hell itself. Not to mention it’s implied Azazel has a thing for demon girls, so it’s like... Failed step one. 
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renardtrickster · 4 years
Duuuuude I have seen hella drama going down on twitter about people wanting to fuck Animal Crossing characters. Like, it’s gotten HEATED. I don’t know exactly what percentage of the community is flipping their kid over it though ... I’m just lowly Invader Zim shipping trash and I only know about this from the things that have crossed my twitter feed.
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So we are in fact Serious Business about this.
This all sounds recent too, and if so, they’re a couple of years too late. New Leaf introducing You Know Who opened a door that could never close.
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renardtrickster · 4 years
Gotta get this off my chest like I just gotta say. I’m bisexual and I dread pride month every year. I hate all the discourse online, even the stuff I agree with. Nobody cares about coming together in a celebration of love and being yourself. It’s become oppression olympics and being hateful. I don’t go to the few pride events in my area because I don’t want to out myself to all my crazy religious family and I don’t want to be associated with the people full of vitriol online
I feel you. I usually just post one Pride Month related thing (I even have one planned tomorrow) and treat it like any other month. Despite that, I hope your June is a good one and relatively pain-free.
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renardtrickster · 4 years
the ONLY issue I have with asexuality tbh really only comes from people not understanding what it is or twisting it to fit another definition. And it’s usually from non-asexuals. Like people that aren’t asexual but say they are bc they aren’t horny 24/7 or call themselves ace because they’re under 18 and they think that sex is inherently evil and bad. Idk I just feel like there needs to be more understanding of it. Like I hate to call people “fakers” but sometimes it’s like (1/2)
(2/2) like it’s something new and trendy and the fun thing to say that you’re ace. Like I know pretending to be LGBT for clout is becoming more common but it seems like pretending to be ace is having an uprising bc it’s “easy” bc people are like “oh if you’re not ready to fuck at any given moment you’re ace dw about it” and it’s driving a wedge between actual asexuals and everybody else. idk where I stand on incl/excl argument but I def think asexuality is being warped into something it’s not
I didn’t get any notifications for this ask so sorry for the late answer, but you’re right. Like, I’ve seen a couple of really bad intentionally malicious definitions of asexuality (the worst was “asexuals are incels” which genuinely pissed me off for several days), but there are a lot of softer misconceptions that people seem to latch onto in good faith (like people IDing as ace or are trying to understand them). Like Asexuality being Celibacy 2, or sex repulsion/hormonal imbalance: the sexuality, or how they never have any sexual thoughts or feelings ever.
Those are wrong, obviously, but between people who don’t understand asexuality and don’t want to, people who don’t understand asexuality but do want to, and people who think they understand what asexuality is, it creates a lot of confusion. Most of it isn’t malicious I think, especially in the case of people exploring their identity. But enough of it spreads that for some people The Asexual That Lives In One’s Mind is COMPLETELY different from The Asexual That Lives In Reality. Which heavily taints the Inclusion/Exclusion discourse, yes, but also spreads in a general way, like SEVERAL popular users turning aphobia into a meme on the basis that they’re like, very proud virgins or some dumb bullshit. It’s really important that we correct those misconceptions and let the actual definition be known, not the definition other people are making up.
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renardtrickster · 4 years
Happy Three days late birthday, fam
And happy seven days late birthday to you too, dude.
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renardtrickster · 3 years
Asks have formatting now (at least on mobile) you can also send images as asks as long as it’s off anon which is kind of neat.
Sick! Also, you bastard.
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renardtrickster · 4 years
can’t wait until ppl try to tell me, a grown ass adult, not to date because I’m short with a baby face and “‘child coded’” also what the fuck does that mean. They’re either a child or they aren’t.
I’ve seen this same sentiment in the notes of who-knows how many posts like those. “This small gal’s actually a little girl” is a cold take whose only effect is to vindicate the “X is pedophilia gang” at the expense of real women.
It’s really bad here because a common comment I’ve seen around La Brava is “when I first read this arc I thought she was 12 or 16″, but instead of accepting that they were mistaken, they went back to this tired argument. It’s like The Mandela Effect except worse.
This stuff is worthless. It’s only use is for Fandom Warriors to make a hotbutton issue out of nothing. It doesn’t protect IRL short ladies, it only belittles them. And you NEVER see “this short man is actually intended to be a kid”, so I’m led to believe it’s just more unnecessary and condescending scrutiny of female characters. The sooner it dies the better. Womanlet gang rise up.
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renardtrickster · 4 years
You are unlovable
You say that, but I love myself. So one of us is wrong.
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renardtrickster · 4 years
The confederate thing is that one of the Cullen vampires, Jasper, was a confederate soldier and never regretted his actions. He also teamed up with another vampire to eat children
Someone pointed me towards the Twilight wiki and I read skimmed his article. I’m pretty sure he’s intended to be some sort of Redeemed Villain or something, but you kind of need to regret doing bad shit for the redemption to land.
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renardtrickster · 4 years
rose lalonde is not bi
I thought this discourse ended once everybody was done getting upset at the Grimdorks shirt.
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renardtrickster · 4 years
Happy birthday, nerd
Thanks, geek.
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renardtrickster · 4 years
My take on the "no more evil races" is that people who are complaining abt that exact point fail to see the point of how those races have an evil creator deity, and changing said deity would promptly affect the induced culture - see orcs, drow, et cetera; meanwhile there isn't really anything stopping them from retaining the pre-revision position barring the Unfortunate Consequences of what's to follow. Heck, even Warcraft had Horde willing to live peacefully if Blizz didn't need conflict.
I keep forgetting that “A Deity Made” them is a thing. I just assume that Dwarves and Elves and Orcs and stuff just kind of naturally happen like, evolution or something.
Also, what is the “pre-revision position”?
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renardtrickster · 4 years
I try to stay away from discourse, even on topics that I’m really passionate about or things that I think I’m actually correct on because I feel like it makes my brain rot. I have weird confrontation anxiety and I’m not going to change anybody’s mind and all I’m doing is working myself up for somebody else on the internet to be “WELL AKCHUALLY...” there’s no real purpose to this message I just wanted to share
I understand you, Anon. I’ve got anxiety too, and while I’m good at writing up posts, I have to fight a twitchy stomach before I can actually post them.
I was going to write a big wannabe-sentimental post, but anything longer than this would be too preachy. Just know that even though we have different ways of handling The Disco, I’m seriously picking up what you’re putting down.
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