#remove stretch mark
vamputer · 6 months
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some of the first few nexus mods for this game is a fucking harry potty outfit and the removal of the stretch marks from a mother who gave birth, and its by the same dude. we need to start killing people
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vykko · 9 months
I finished a body study I was doing
did a body study of my lovely character terra
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she wouldn’t nessarily wear this but I spent too long on the body to cover it up and also I wanted to draw her scars
also the water melon boardshorts are based off my board shorts
they are just cool and also too big T-T
up close details as that are hard to see without zooming in
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Like adding stretch marks and body hair is fun
it adds ✨flavour✨ I spent way too long on the togs pattern
I need to do more body studies maybe finally make a ref for Cyrus
here’s like screenshots of it still in wip I guess
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I decided against the exposed teeth as it look not good that far away
oh yeah procreate tracked over 10hrs
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cnsmedspa · 9 months
Age-Defying Beauty: Skin Tightening Solutions for Every Skin Type
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Skin tightening is a universal desire that transcends age, gender, and skin type. As we age, our skin inevitably loses some of its youthful elasticity, leading to sagging, wrinkles, and fine lines. However, the good news is that there are skin tightening solutions available to address the unique needs of every skin type. Whether you have dry, oily, sensitive, or combination skin, understanding the right approach is key to achieving the firmer and more youthful appearance you desire.
Dry Skin: Hydration and Nourishment
Individuals with dry skin often experience more pronounced signs of aging due to the skin's reduced ability to retain moisture. To tighten and rejuvenate dry skin:
Rich Moisturizers: Choose moisturizers with hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid, glycerin, and ceramides. These ingredients help lock in moisture and improve skin texture.
Nourishing Oils: Incorporate facial oils, such as argan oil or jojoba oil, into your skincare routine to replenish lost moisture and promote skin elasticity.
Collagen-Boosting Serums: Look for serums containing collagen-boosting ingredients like vitamin C, peptides, and retinol to enhance skin firmness.
Oily Skin: Balancing and Tightening
Oily skin can still experience sagging and loss of firmness. The key is to balance excess oil production while tightening the skin:
Oil-Free Moisturizers: Opt for lightweight, oil-free moisturizers to provide hydration without exacerbating oiliness.
Salicylic Acid: Incorporate products with salicylic acid to help control excess oil and improve skin texture.
Non-Comedogenic Products: Choose skincare products labeled as non-comedogenic to prevent clogged pores while addressing skin tightening concerns.
Sensitive Skin: Gentle Approaches
Sensitive skin requires extra care and gentle solutions to avoid irritation while achieving skin tightening:
Fragrance-Free Products: Use fragrance-free, hypoallergenic skincare products to reduce the risk of irritation.
Mild Exfoliation: Opt for gentle exfoliation methods, like enzyme masks or lactic acid, to promote skin renewal without causing redness.
Patch Testing: Before incorporating new products, patch test them to ensure they don't trigger adverse reactions.
Combination Skin: Targeted Care
Combination skin requires a balanced approach, addressing both oily and dry areas, to achieve skin tightening:
Zone-Specific Products: Use different products for the oily and dry areas of your face. For example, apply a lighter moisturizer on the oily zones and a richer one on the dry zones.
Spot Treatments: Target specific areas with skin tightening serums or treatments, focusing on the regions that need the most attention.
Balancing Masks: Consider using masks designed to balance combination skin, which often combines clay and hydrating ingredients.
Normal Skin: Maintenance and Prevention
While normal skin types may not have extreme concerns, maintaining skin elasticity is essential for long-term skin health:
Preventive Care: Implement a preventative approach by using sunscreen daily to protect against UV damage, which accelerates skin aging.
Collagen-Boosting Ingredients: Use products containing collagen-boosting ingredients like vitamin A, vitamin C, and peptides to maintain skin firmness.
Regular Skincare Routine: Stick to a consistent skincare routine that includes cleansing, moisturizing, and using targeted treatments for your specific skin tightening needs.
Mature Skin: Advanced Treatments
Mature skin often requires more advanced skin tightening solutions to address deeper wrinkles and sagging:
Retinoids: Incorporate prescription-strength retinoids or retinol products to stimulate collagen production and improve skin texture.
Professional Treatments: Consider non-invasive treatments like radiofrequency therapy or ultrasound therapy, which can provide noticeable skin tightening results.
Consult with Professionals: Schedule consultations with dermatologists or skincare experts to explore customized solutions, such as chemical peels or microdermabrasion.
Achieving skin tightening for every skin type is not only possible but essential for maintaining a youthful appearance and promoting skin health. By tailoring your skincare routine to your specific skin type and concerns, you can effectively address sagging, wrinkles, and loss of firmness. Remember that consistency and patience are key to achieving and maintaining skin tightening results. Consulting with skincare professionals can also provide valuable insights and guidance on the most suitable treatments for your unique skin type. Whether your skin is dry, oily, sensitive, combination, normal, or mature, there are solutions available to help you achieve the firm and radiant skin you desire.
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blesseinstein · 1 year
How to remove stretch marks
Stretch marks are a common skin condition that occur when the skin is stretched rapidly, such as during puberty, pregnancy, or weight gain. There is no one-size-fits-all solution to removing stretch marks, but some treatments may help reduce their appearance.
Topical creams: Some creams contain ingredients like retinoids, Vitamin C, and hyaluronic acid that may help improve the appearance of stretch marks by increasing collagen production and moisturizing the skin.
Microdermabrasion: A cosmetic procedure that uses a device to exfoliate the skin and stimulate collagen production, which may help reduce the appearance of stretch marks.
Laser therapy: Certain types of laser therapy, such as fractional laser therapy, can target the skin's deeper layers to boost collagen production and reduce the appearance of stretch marks.
Radiofrequency therapy: Radiofrequency energy is used to stimulate collagen production, which may help reduce the appearance of stretch marks.
I hope you find this helpful. But if you want to learn how to remove stretch marks completely without home remedies, creams, oil, scrubs, soaps or expensive laser treatment that changes skin color. Even if you got them from harsh bleaching creams, weight gain, weight loss or during child birth click here to know how.
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ransomdemands · 2 years
why would u edit out stretchmarks!? they r cool and sexy
You know I always thought they looked kinda bad and odd, but I suppose that is probably just bog standard insecurity. Hmm.
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anoosbeautyclinic · 2 years
The various factors that cause excess oil production, home remedies in treating excess oil and latest treatments in dealing with excess oily skin
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There are numerous factors that can cause the skin to accumulate too much oil from sebaceous glands. Some of the factors are:
changes in hormones during pregnancy and menstrual cycles in women
increased level of stress,
 excessive consumption of dairy products,
alcohol consumption,
skipping the mositurizer
inadequate sleep
high levels of humidity,
use of wrong skin products,
certain medications like birth control pills,
over washing of the face,
large skin pores tend to produce more oil
Tips to minimize excess oil production:
Avoid creamy and sticky skin lotions
Avoid smoking
Get the right amount of rest each night
Eating a healthy and balanced diet
Use water based skin products
Wash face at least twice a day
Use lukewarm water for washing face
Use sunscreen lotion
Gently exfoliate your skin
Manage your stress levels
Use makeup products that is suited for oily skin
Remove your makeup before going to sleep
Maintain good hygiene
Use of oil-based shampoos and cleansers
Use light, oil free moisturizer
Avoid irritating skin products
You can use coconut oil to reduce the overall level of grease on you face
Apply aloe vera gel and gently massage. Wash off after 15-20 min
Use cleansers which contain  salicylic acid
Apply multani mitti face mask at least twice a week
Milk, turmeric and besan face mask
Maintain a healthy diet
Use good toners
Drink plenty of water
Use oil free and perfume free face wash
One of the major benefits of oily skin is that, those with oil skin may not show signs of aging as quickly as those with dry skin.
Anoo’s provides excellent treatments to deal with excess oil condition. Its board-certified dermatologist understands the requirements of the client and would create a treatment plan tailored to suit their skin’s needs. All the treatments can be done on both men and women. Results may vary from person to person.
Advanced Treatments for excess oil at Anoo’s:
Deep skin therapy
Chemical peels
Spa oil control treatments
IPL therapy
Contact us for more Info : 7097298070
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itplcolourclinic · 5 hours
Permanent Eyeliner at Colour Clinic: Wake Up With Flawless Eyes!
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Ditch the daily eyeliner struggle! Colour Clinic offers permanent eyeliner for long-lasting definition. Enhance your natural beauty & simplify your routine. Schedule a free consultation today!
For More Details Colour Clinic Permanent Makeup
☎️ Phone: 289-839-0258 📬 Mail: [email protected] 💻 Website: colourclinic.com 📍 Address: 627 Lyons Lane, Unit 201, Oakville, ON, L6J 5Z7, Canada
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ethanleonel · 19 days
Saying Goodbye to Stretch Marks with Stretch Mark Removal Laser
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Stretch marks are those bothersome lines that appear to show up out of the blue and leave us with an unsure outlook on our skin. Assuming you have presumably attempted endless creams, oils, and serums in order to exile them for good. However, consider the possibility that will let you know there is a more successful arrangement. Stretch mark removal laser treatment - the distinct advantage in the battle against stretch marks.
Grasping Stretch Marks
Before we plunge into the enchantment of laser removal, we should initially comprehend what stretch marks are. These difficult lines, otherwise called striae, frequently show up as red or purple streaks on the skin and are brought about by quick stretching of the skin's dermis layer. Normal guilty parties incorporate pregnancy, quick weight gain or misfortune, and pubescence.
The Disappointment of Conventional Medicines
You might have attempted your reasonable part of traditional stretch mark medicines - creams, oils, and salves promising marvellous outcomes. In contrast, some might offer temporary help, but in reality, most neglect to convey durable outcomes. That is where stretch mark removal laser treatment becomes possibly the most important factor.
The Enchantment of Laser Removal
Stretch mark removal laser treatment outfits the force of cutting edge laser innovation to target and separate the shade in stretch marks, animating the body's regular mending process. This outcome in the progressive blurring and smoothing of stretch marks, abandoning smoother, all the more even-conditioned skin.
Why Pick Laser Removal?
Not at all like traditional medicines that only address the outer layer of the skin, has laser removal infiltrated profound into the dermis layer, focusing on the underlying driver of stretch marks for additional viable outcomes. Moreover, laser treatment is harmless, meaning practically zero free time and insignificant inconvenience during the method.
Experience the Distinction at Cosmo Laser
With regards to stretch mark removal laser treatment, one name stands apart over the rest - Cosmo Laser. With cutting edge innovation and a group of gifted experts, Cosmo Laser is devoted to assisting you with accomplishing smoother, more gorgeous skin. Express farewell to stretch marks and hi to newly discovered certainty with stretch mark removal laser treatment at Cosmo Laser.
All in all, stretch mark removal laser treatment offers a protected, compelling answer for banishing stretch marks and accomplishing smoother, more even-conditioned skin. Assuming you are worn out on concealing your stretch marks and prepared to embrace the certainty that accompanies clear, lovely skin, now is the ideal time to think about laser removal. Experience the distinction for yourself at Cosmo Laser - your skin will thank you for it.
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sffgtrhyjhmnzdt · 1 month
Achieving Radiant Skin: Effective Treatments for Common Concerns
Achieving flawless, radiant skin is a desire shared by many. However, various skin concerns such as sagging, acne, pigmentation issues, and stretch marks can hinder one's confidence. Fortunately, advancements in dermatological treatments offer effective solutions to address these concerns and restore skin health. In this Amista cosmetology clinic, we'll explore some of the most sought-after treatments for skin sagging, acne reduction, skin tightening, periorbital pigmentation, and permanent stretch mark removal.
Skin Sagging Treatment:
As we age, our skin loses elasticity, leading to sagging and drooping in various areas such as the face, neck, and body. The best skin care center in banjara hills options have evolved to include both non-invasive and minimally invasive procedures. Non-surgical options like radiofrequency therapy and ultrasound therapy stimulate collagen production, resulting in firmer, tighter skin. Additionally, minimally invasive procedures like thread lifts offer immediate lifting effects with minimal downtime.
Acne Laser Reduction Treatment:
Acne is a common skin condition that affects millions worldwide, leaving behind scars and blemishes. Laser treatments for acne reduction have gained popularity for their ability to target acne-causing bacteria, reduce inflammation, and stimulate collagen production for smoother skin texture. Fractional laser therapy and intense pulsed light (IPL) treatments are effective in treating active acne and minimizing acne scars, promoting clearer and healthier skin.
Skin Tightening Treatment:
Loose or lax skin can be a result of aging, weight loss, or sun damage, leading to a lack of firmness and definition. Skin tightening treatments  in banjara hills utilize various technologies such as radiofrequency, ultrasound, and infrared light to stimulate collagen and elastin production, restoring skin tightness and improving overall tone. These treatments can be customized to target specific areas such as the face, abdomen, arms, and thighs, providing noticeable improvements with minimal discomfort or downtime.
Permanent Stretch Mark Removal Treatment:
Stretch marks, often associated with pregnancy, weight fluctuations, or rapid growth, can be a source of concern for many individuals. While it's challenging to completely erase stretch marks, advanced treatments such as hydrafacial laser therapy in vijayawada, microneedling with platelet-rich plasma (PRP), and radiofrequency microneedling can significantly improve their appearance. These treatments stimulate collagen production, gradually reducing the visibility of stretch marks and restoring smoother, more uniform skin texture.
With the advancements in dermatological treatments, achieving radiant skin is now more attainable than ever before. Whether you're looking to address skin sagging, acne, pigmentation issues, or stretch marks, there are effective solutions available to restore your skin's health and vitality. Consultation with a qualified dermatologist or skin care specialist in Banjara Hills can help determine the most suitable treatment plan tailored to your specific needs and goals, bringing you one step closer to the clear, youthful skin you desire.
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skinomatics · 1 month
Welcome to Skinomatics, where we bring you the ultimate solution for reducing stretch marks and achieving smoother, more radiant skin. If you're dealing with stretch marks due to pregnancy, weight fluctuations, or growth spurts, our Stretch Marks Treatment Oil is here to help.
Say goodbye to stretch marks and hello to beautiful, healthy skin with Skinomatics. Try our Stretch Marks Treatment Oil today and experience the difference!
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adornaesthetics · 1 month
Hair Transplant Treatment in Pune
The financial efficiency of Hair Transplant Treatment in Pune surgery is among its most significant advantages. The expense of surgery is justified by eliminating ongoing outlays for specialized shampoos, chemicals, and medical visits. After undergoing hair transplant surgery, patients can stop worrying about their thinning hair and bald spots for good. Because the operation is so successful, there is a shallow risk of experiencing any balding symptoms after it has been performed.
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naturaloils · 2 months
Bo International provides high-quality and best private label stretch mark removal creams. We manufacture them in bulk for our B2B clients. They are available in the form of thick creams and we use natural fragrances to increase their overall appeal and aroma.
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equinoxclinic24 · 2 months
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Things You Should Know About Stretch Mark Removal Treatments Available in Perth
Stretch marks are a part and parcel of the lives of many individuals, often arising from changes in weight, fluctuations in hormones, or rapid growth. There is an array of non-surgical options available in Perth for individuals looking to improve their skin’s appearance. This blog aims to discuss the various non-surgical solutions for stretch mark removal Perth.
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It contains linoleic acid, which breaks down the natural sebum of the skin. It controls excess sebum production and reduces oiliness in the skin. It contains Tannins, which can reduce pores, dry out oily skin, and clean pores. Regular usage of this oil helps improve skin type and reduce oiliness. Pure Hazelnut Oil contains tannins, which dry up pores and eliminate microorganisms from the skin. Linoleic acid also regulates excess sebum production, preventing pimples. All of this leads to decreased acne and pimples. It is effective at reducing stretch marks, marks, spots, and blemishes. Vitamin E decreases the appearance of scars, marks, and blemishes, giving the skin a clean, beautiful appearance.
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Hence, based on the insights taken from Dr. Deepthi Devarakonda at Eternelle Aesthetics, which is best known for providing Stretch Mark Removal Treatment in Hyderabad, in this comprehensive guide. We will delve into the appearance, causes, and various treatment options for stretch marks on thighs. So, let's start by shedding light on what stretch marks look like.
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