#reminder Philip still isn't the best parental figure in this AU - he tries but orphan don't know too much about good parenting ghggh
flowery-king · 2 years
in the defanged philip, how does the golden guards work?
Somewhat differently (long-ish post)
As per canon, the Golden Guard is technically still the highest in the ranking compared to the other soldiers. But instead of being the top guy with all the stresses of being in charge, this is more of a prince-type position, if that makes sense. Like, Philip is the King and the Golden Guard is the prince that also has a bit of a say in what's to do [He still has responsibilities of course but not to the point where he gets a panic attack if he fails]
Since the death of Caleb was accidental instead of intentional in this AU, I feel like Philip would be a lot less focused on shaping Hunter or any previous Golden Guards into a 'better' version of Caleb and more just have them for company and a helping hand. Once they start getting an interest in wild magic (which they always do) he becomes a bit tenser and strict about rules. However, since Philip in this AU is slightly less of an idiot, he registers the pattern of interest in each grimwalker and lessens the reigns on the rules each time (not without extreme caution of course).
Most of the time Philip keeps Hunter busy by making puzzles for him to solve, especially when he was younger. (Think like Marcy and King Andrias from amphibia hah). Of course, at some point, Hunter started becoming interested in doing things like the other actual guards and started begging his 'Uncle' to go on missions with them too. Philip eventually gave in once Hunter became 16, but only after he was fully trained to be able to defend himself.
TLDR/ AU Hunter does not need therapy for being the golden guard... yet
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