#recon mini-con team
NNBMNWNSJ where do I start?? AH YES. ur stories. They..are fragging AMAZING?!?!!? Actually it would be more than one word if I could even describe them.
And if ur request are open, could u do Cybertron Jolt? Bc he is so unloved..
Oh and, NSFW? Well, if u do them? I just feel like he would be jealous and I mean really jealous- if we hung out with the kids and minicons instead of him- and female human?
oh hey! If u have alot of request or something, take ur time and please do take care of urself! Thank u and goodbye! :)
Hello, Sorry this took so long. I got caught up in writing something else and I dont really know Jolt like that, but of course I got it done. I'm glad you like my writing! My requests are always open as well, but I hope this story is to your liking! Take care of yourself as well, Enjoy! :)
Pairing: Jolt x Female!Reader
Warnings: NSFW, Female Reader,
An off day, a day you get to spend time with the Autobots and the kids. So you spent the day cooking, cooking for the kids. You lived in a rural area, so no one would notice the large robot chilling outside your house. You decided it would be fun to have a little picnic, you had accounted for everyone, small or large, but it was just the kids, the mini-bots and Landmind. Everyone you regularly talked to was there, except Jolt. 
“Hey, where's Jolt?” 
You asked anyone, a worried but sad look seemed to be present on your face, your grip on the serving dish tightening as no one was answering your question. 
“He said he had something to do, then he’d be here.” 
Lori said, sitting at the picnic table. 
“But he should be here by now. We’ve been at Miss (Y/N)’s house since 10.” 
“Maybe he just got caught up in what he was doing,”
Colby said, he saw the worry on your face. He smiled at you before also sitting at the picnic table. Jolt never missed the opportunity to be with you, even though you had previously told him about the idea before inviting people. He had told you he would be here, but you guess with him being the avatar of primus and all, he must have gotten busy. 
By the time the picnic was over, It was just you and minicons. You had sent Lori, Bud and Colby home. They didn’t want to leave but with the excuse of ‘needing lots of energy for tomorrow's great adventures.’ they left with the happiness and excitement of any other kid. You had cleaned up the house with the help of the minicons, a smile on your face as Reverb handed you the dried serving plate, and Six Speed drained the skin. 
“Heyy, thanks for the help guys. Y’all probably want to get back to the base, so I can take it from here.” 
Both the minicons nodded, they helped clean up the kitchen and then left. Jolt's arrival was something else, almost all the lights in your house were off and you sat on the couch watching some weird documentary. 
“Hey! Where is everyone?” 
His question threw you off guard, you turned your head to look towards the bot.
“They all left, considering half the group were children, and I sent the other minicons back to base. They helped me clean up, so I didn’t wanna keep them any longer.”
He hummed, walking around to where you were sitting. There was a moment of silence before jolt sat down. The tv in the background is still talking about some type of animal as you thought about what to say next. 
“Next time you see Reverb, please thank him for me. He did a whole lot of things, he didn’t have to do anything at all.” 
You paused, turning to fully see Jolt, watching as the colors flash on his face plate. You noticed he didn’t have the glass dome around his helm this time, his rest folded behind his helm. You really could see the way his plating connected, you knew that cybertronians were different then humans, but no matter how many times you started at other mechs, the way they're playing fits together to make their version of skin fascinates you.
You reached out towards his helm. Your fingertips lightly brush over the seams. You startled him, he originally pulled back but then came closer to your touch. 
“No matter how many times I see you guys. I’m always fascinated. The different configurations of plating, and textures are so different. Your plating feels smooth, almost like it's been untouched its whole lifetime. While Reverbs has the same configuration but its rougher, battle worn. Then,” 
You paused, climbing into his lap, turning on the side tables lamp before you grabbed his whole helm. Moving it around and examining it.
“Then it ranges in difference from the big guys, like Jetfire or Landmine.” 
You drag your thumbs under his optics, Hearing his intake in the process. He places both his servos on your hips, his thumbs  rubbing back and forth on the skin under your shirt. 
“You guys are so human, but made out of metal.” 
You brought your hands down to his mandible, resting them lightly there as you angle his helm down and then back up again. Your thumb is running over his bottom lip, you glanced up at his optics as you felt his servos tighten on your hips. 
“I wonder if Reverb or,” 
You were cut off by Jolt, his lips hungrily eating at yours. You felt him pulling back, but grabbed the sides of his helm pulling him into you. You weren’t letting this go, you felt the way his grip tightened, the simple actions that he thought would go unnoticed. He lets the kiss go, pulling back to say something. 
“Stop talking about them,” 
He kissed you again, a more possessive kiss, like he was trying to claim you. 
“This isn’t about them.” 
You can feel his servos getting antsy, one of them trying to move further down while the other is moving upwards. His servos that moved down finally found what it was looking for, pressure pressed on as he pulled away from the kiss. 
“You haven’t shut up about some other ‘bot since I got here.” 
You let out the moan you had been holding in since his servos found its spot there, moving around his servos, his digits found their way into your panties, and straight to your slit. Moving from the bottom up, giving your clit a little nudge before repeating the process. Each time he meets your clit his nudge gets harder.
Each moan you let out getting louder and louder, until you're practically just moaning his name. Your body rested fully into his, your knees brought to the side of his tibulen, the fingering he did to you hitting in just the right places. Your hands were not displaced to his shoulder plating, at this point you just wanted release. 
“Any questions you have about my plating, I’ll answer myself. No need for you to ask anyone else. Ya got that?” 
You could tell he was in fact very upset, comparing his plating to some other bots, not shutting up about some other bot, hanging out with the other minicons and the children, and not just him. This was punishable, and he knew how he was going to do it. He wanted your confirmation of his question. You were to come to him with such questions about cybertronian plating or anything, and he’ll show you. He allow for touching, pulling, pushing, and if need be he’ll fuck it into you. But you were for him and only him, not Reverb, not Six Speed, not Jetfire, just him. 
He still hadn’t received his confirmation, so he picked his pace up. The once slow and normal pace was replaced with a quick one, one that brought you closer to finishing, the knot tightening far too fast then your use to. 
“Im need an answer, (Y/N).” 
You hum first, then change into a fast string of yes’s, until you're begging to cum. His pace is still not letting up. 
“I can’t hear you.”
“Yess yes yess, I'll do anything, please Jolt.” 
You managed to mona out in between breaths. He hums in agreement, which you take as a cue to let go. Jolt slows his pace to an almost stop. 
“I didn’t say you could finish.” 
You let out a whine, a high pitched whine. You were so close, yet he would not allow you to finish, so in the wake of not moaning like a pornstar, between breaths you look up at him through your eyelashes and ask.
“Why can’t I finish?”
And with the most evil and devilish smirk, he responds. 
“Because, you spent the day with other bots and people.”
A pause as you lower your head, a whine escaping your mouth as he lean in placing a kiss to your forehead while saying, 
“You're only mine.” 
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askvectorprime · 1 year
Dear Vector Prime, have you ever fought any musically inclined villains who aren't Soundwave (Cybertron)?
Dear Musical Multiplier,
I have indeed faced my share of musical malefactors! One such individual was the doomsinging Dirgesong, whose morose melodies attempted to sing the inhabitants of Eurythma to an early end. His alternate mode was a shrike bat, and his ability to echolocate combined with his natural talent at singing allowed him and his minions—the Metal Thrash Mini-Con Team—to tap into the unique energy of Eurythma and nearly destroy it. Luckily, the Recon Mini-Con Team, Safeguard and I were able to band together and belt out a jam that re-stabilized the musical world, sending Dirgesong and his minions running for the next star system. Reverb certainly lived up to his name! I must say, I did quite well on the Eurythmian guitar that day…
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artoni-arts · 2 years
sparks in the ashes; prologue
previous . index . next
what u should know;
@tiesthatbind-tf verse, quintesson-era [late 1920s] humanity's enslaved; my thought process was that while most of them are being used for manual labor, why build a completely new infrastructure if they can just live in the ruins of their old lives when they're not actively being used only give the nice new stuff to the ones who help enforce your rule ...whether they want to or not
[look, having your spirit broken is a bitch.]
The bells of the tower were mournful, that day. They'd always sounded mournful, to Victor, but today seemed particularly melancholy; in truth, he couldn't remember the last time they rang in some sort of celebration. The end of the Great War, perhaps?...though in hindsight, it wasn't so Great anymore. Not in comparison to the one that followed.
Victor adjusted the collar of his coat as he walked streets that still showed signs of the Invasion. They'd hardly been cleaned of rubble, it seemed, before the skies had opened up and a new threat had emerged; something from the stars themselves had arrived and was only interested in one thing: domination. Many had screamed of the end times, that God Himself had abandoned them; Victor had lost his faith in the previous years, so he had no such qualms to stop him from trying to fight for a world that, for the first time in history, had been united against a common foe.
For all the good that did.
The London he lived in would be hardly recognizable to the likes of his mother and father, had they not both perished in the Invasion. The Clock Tower was one of the few buildings that hadn't been destroyed, or otherwise 'improved'. To say nothing of the great structures in the river, leading towards the ocean; supposedly, he'd been told, the squiddies preferred salt water. Not that anyone dared called them squiddies except under their breath- after all, any sign of disrespect or disobedience was treated...harshly.
Even by humanity's own. After all, what better way to keep subjects in line except with the same, except given marginally more rank and status?
Red eyes combed through the shadows of the alleys, hunting for any sign of movement. The night had been quiet, for the most part, thank whatever powers were out there watching over them - or simply thank luck. Victor absolutely despised his role, but there wasn't much of a choice in one's positions nowadays. You either did what you were told, or you wouldn't do much at all; his heart felt a brief pang upon seeing a small, still form curled up in a mound of refuse. Most children who hadn't families were rounded up in to 'nurseries', which were more or less simply clusters of tiny cells for experimentation...
And, technically, part of his role was to find any 'strays' and bring them in. The question, then, laid, which was a crueler fate; being forgotten here and left to rot, or to be subjected to the squiddies' tender mercies. As much as his heart ached, it ached all the more knowing that he'd at least need to see if the poor thing was still alive. Taking a breath, Victor approached, not so much as thinking of the small baton at his side that was meant as a tool of enforcement. A sign of whatever wretched status afforded to him, but he certainly didn't feel much for it, at the moment. Quite the opposite; the ache in his chest had traveled down to his gut, a rolling unease as he lifted the young lad's (lass's, he corrected himself a moment later) hair and searched for any signs of breathing...
Their eyes opened blearily. Amber gold - a rarity, particularly in this day and age, which meant most likely they hadn't been altered or simply hadn't slid in to the more common red or blue. They were bleary, unfocused; a few blinks, though, and the light returned as a hand wearily raised to swat at Victor's. "Wha...?"
"Sorry, lass," Victor murmured, pulling back his hand. "Couldn't tell if you were all right." Alive, then, but he still clung to hope. "Can I take you to your parents?"
Hope that faded a moment later. "Don't got'm," she mumbled, reaching for some of the torn fabric she'd been using as a blanket. "Leave m'lone."
"Any family at all?" There must have been something in his tone, for she frowned up at him, squinting in the dim light. Finally, realization crossed her face, and with a sharp gasp she recoiled away from him.
"No, no- 'mfine! Go 'way!"
Instinctively, he raised up his hands, palm forwards; "Easy, girl, easy, I'm not going to hurt you-"
"-you're with them! You're a Squiddie-Guard!"
Any protest he might have made died in his throat not just from the truth of the accusation, but the tell-tale sound of humming electricity. The girl must have heard it too; her eyes widened as she looked past him, towards the mouth of the alley, and he turned, gut twisting all the more as he caught sight of green metal and glowing eyes.
Quintesson, his mind supplied.
The voice was unmistakably inhuman; synthesized, somehow, through that mass of alien technology. Its tone was one that had grown to cause unease, distress even, in humanity as a whole; the voice of the invaders, those who come only to rule and ruin. Nonetheless, Victor drew together all of his composure, straightening up as he reached in to his coat to pull out a metal card.
"Victor Prentiss, Night-Guardsman oh-nine-nine of sector delta-nine," he supplied, the routine answer hardly a comfort when faced with a looming threat that had every chance of outright killing him if it deemed him defiant. He tried to seem as deferential as possible, offering the identity card as a means of proving his claim.
A light shone out from the Quintesson's eyes, highlighting the card and scanning its contents. Frankly, Victor had only so much idea what, exactly, was stored on it, or how it was done in the first place - but what mattered was that the Quintesson seemed satisfied...at least until it looked past him, in turn. [The child?] it prompted, and Victor's mouth went dry.
He'd hoped the lass had run by now, but memory quickly supplied the reason why; the alley was blocked at the other end. Any attempt to climb over it would no doubt attract even more attention; the tiny squeak he heard made it clear that she'd been hoping if she'd simply kept to herself, she'd be overlooked. No such luck. The Quintesson would round her up, he numbly realized, bring her wherever the rest of the orphans were stored, conduct their twisted engineering on her as though she was no more than a rabbit-
"She's mine," he found himself saying before he could catch himself. When the Quintesson looked towards her in query, he cleared his throat. No taking it back now. "I found her. She's mine," he repeated, desperately hoping to convince the squ- the Enforcer, that was what these ones were called, that he wasn't being defiant, he was simply stating a fact, he'd found her, that made her his, right? Surely they understood some sort of 'finders-keepers' mentality, though you couldn't own a child unless they were a slave, but-
[You have no children registered,] the Quintesson interjected through his thoughts. Was it just him, or did it sound bemused?
No point in trying to backpedal. "I, ah, hadn't gotten around to registering her," he answered, the words sounding wretched to even his own ears. "She's new. I was going to once the sun came up, I swear it," he desperately pressed as the Quintesson narrowed its eyes. As he heard motion next to him, he wondered just what the girl's reaction to all this was, but he didn't dare break his attention away from the armored form before him. "I didn't mean any-"
Victor's jaw snapped shut, heart beating rabbit-fast. Tension grew all the more as he felt a small hand touch his arm, and he knew that this had to work, if there ever was a god or power-that-was, let it work-
The Quintesson reached a tentacle forwards. [Your card.] Stiffly, Victor handed it over, watching anxiously as the creature did some sort of manipulation to it before proffering it back. [The child has been added to your file. Your card,] it continued, a second tendril from its arm-mass reaching towards the girl.
She shrunk back against Victor all the more, and he found himself automatically moving - however slightly - to shield her. "She lost it," he lied, or, well, assumed he lied. "We were looking for it here. Weren't we?" he added, finally daring to look down at her, hoping against hope that she'd pick up on what he was trying to do...
Amber eyes met red for the briefest of moments, then looked down. "Didn't mean to," she mumbled. "'Msorry."
There were a tense few seconds of silence, where Victor couldn't bring himself to look back up at the Enforcer. Instead he found himself taking in the girl once more; in the slowly-lightening air of dawn, he could see that she was pale, underfed- not unlike any of the street children who managed to avoid being caught, however precious few there were. Her hair was dark, mussy, strewn about her head and in dire need of a good trim. A coat that seemed two sizes too big for her made her already small form seem all the tinier, and he wondered for a moment just how old she was.
Once again, the Quintesson pushed through his thoughts. [Obtain new identification as soon as possible. Further oversight may result in reassignments.] Despite the threat in those words, Victor could only think of one thing;
It worked.
Mindlessly, he confirmed and even bowed as the Quintesson turned to leave; his heart kept thump-thumping in his chest, the young lass's hand clinging tightly to his own coat as she mirrored the gesture. But only once the electrical hum of its armor left his perception did he finally release the breath he'd been holding, sagging against the wall in relief as his knees went weak.
"Thank God," he moaned, making a note to at least try and start believing again. Surely it was by some sort of grace that the squiddie had believed him, that the girl had gone along with it, the-
-the girl was gone.
He blinked towards the mouth of the alley, then back towards the wall he'd noticed - just in time to catch sight of a form dropping over. For a few more moments, he could only stare dumbly, before, of all things?
Laughing. He slapped his forehead, hand dragging down his face; of course she had no reason to trust him. Every reason not to, really, for all she knew he was going to hurt her, or worse. So Victor laughed, up until he noticed something very important;
His identity card was gone, too.
As a Guardsman - regardless of shift - Victor's assigned residence was 'modern'...insomuch as it had been recently constructed. Between something Quintesson-designed or the worker slums, however, one was hard-pressed to make their choice. Yes, there was electricity, running water - but the loft was somehow sterile, despite his attempts to make it more comfortable. And far too big for him - an oversight, perhaps? He wasn't going to question it.
Scarlett would have made it feel like home.
He pushed the thought out of his mind, merely thankful that while an identity card made things far easier when it came to entering, it wasn't required - a mere combination allowed him entry. He slung off his coat and set it down on the couch, followed by his jacket and vest- and then he was reaching for the bottle of crude alcohol, pouring himself a generous portion before capping the bottle. As he set it back, he couldn't help but catch a glimpse of movement to the side, and even knowing what it was - turned to look at the mirror.
A man he hardly recognized stared back, his red eyes sporting heavy bags under them. They were set in a slim face, sharp cheekbones that led to a narrow jaw - but skin that seemed even after so long to be strangely smooth. A result of his 'modifications', the sort every Londoner had to go through - it wasn't just children who were experimented upon, every survivor had to line up to bear the stress in their own time - and if they fit a certain criteria, off to the mines with them. While Victor hadn't quite fit that scope - his changes seemed to be merely an uncanny sense of direction, he'd already known London well but now he could just about find his way blindfolded - he arguably didn't fit the criteria of 'Guardsman' either, one of those who were tasked with monitoring their own. Though, uselessly, his hair had changed; the brown had lightened, and though he still kept it short and groomed as well as possible, there was a golden hue to it now that he'd once, perhaps, considered striking. Now it was just a reminder of the state of the world, the state of its people - because it wasn't just Londoners who'd been enslaved.
He still remembered hearing the progress of the Invasion over the radio- so similar, yet so different from hearing the news of the Great War. He'd been too young to fight in that one, but his brother had gone - Victor raised his glass in solemn toast to his elder before taking a sip and moving towards the tiny kitchen. The technology contained in such a small area was astounding - it was a pity the food it made was so tasteless and bland, but at least it was edible. And maybe he should have eaten before he started drinking, but no changing that now.
She could have livened it up-
Why was he thinking so much about her, today? Victor frowned, taking another sip, for a brief moment not fighting the intrusive thoughts and instead allowing her memory to fill his mind, her brilliant red hair only outshone by her smile and laugh, the way she'd been so future-minded, the way she'd pushed him aside when they were all lined up like cattle-
Another sip and a closing of his eyes. A moment later, that fear, that alarm he saw in her face in his mind's eyes warped - rather, the face did. Instead it was a young girl's, trying to shove him away, too-
"You're a Squiddie-Guard!"
And thankfully, Scarlett wasn't around to see that. He made a face, at least able to make the connection, and perhaps now that meant he'd be able to dismiss it from his mind. Better he not think about either of them; both were gone, one longer than the other, and he wasn't likely to see the lass again. She'd probably trade the identity card for some food or clothing if she was smart, the sooner the better - as when he managed to get a new one, it'd be useless. Though supposedly, there was something of a black market where others had found ways to alter the information contained within...
It wasn't quite his purview, and far be it from him to go out of his way to try and gain favor. Some did - and yes, they were rewarded for it, but frankly? Victor wasn't interested in any of the boons one could gain. In all honesty, if he could abandon his position, abandon the city, find some untouched corner of the wilderness to live out the rest of his days untouched by any of this...
It was a nice thought. An impossible thought - there were no such untouched places left, as far as he knew, and even London itself was being 'harvested' in a sense. But it was a nice thought. One that he allowed to entertain himself during his meal, and even as he finished his drink, settled down, and tried to rest.
He hadn't realized he'd dozed off until he was startled awake by the sound of something falling in the other room. For a moment, Victor simply stared up at the ceiling, heart racing once again - the sound of quiet voices trying to shush one another did nothing to soothe him, but footsteps moving just a bit closer had him shut his eyes once more, hoping their tell-tale glow of surprise would be hidden-
-apparently, it worked, because a moment later he head a voice once more; "He's still sleeping!"
"Keep your voice down, stupid!"
And that voice he recognized - it was the girl's. Here? How did- his identity card. Of course. But what was she doing here, and why had she apparently brought fri-
Ah. Right. Thievery. He didn't blame them, really, but the poor lot was out of luck; he didn't have much to steal, other than his equipment, which had his eyes shoot open once more because if he lost all that, there'd be hell to pay in explaining what happened. As quickly and quietly as possible, he moved off his cot, creeping towards the open door before being treated to the oddest sight he could remember seeing in some time;
There were four children currently making a mess of his quarters, having all but torn through it in a search for, presumably, anything of value. The lot of them - which included that young lass - were currently gathered in the kitchen, apparently trying to figure out how to work the machines. For a few moments, Victor could only stare dumbly - then, as one of them cursed and pulled back a small fist to thump it, he cleared his throat.
Heads slowly turned towards him to stare. For a moment, no one moved. A standoff of sorts, four sets of wide eyes warily watching his form - and then, with a groan, Victor sighed and closed his eyes.
"The left column is the food type," he wearily explained. "Right side is food quantity, and in order to actually make it work, there's a bit more involved..."
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supernova1us · 5 years
Transformers Protectors
Vector prime was the master of time and space, but even he was not infinite.  None of the primes were; not for much longer.  Among his brethren, only he had foreseen the coming of the shroud, the rise of the villainous ultra magnus and his use of the terminus blade to wipe out whole Universes.  He alone saw the conclusion of the events; the strengthening of the dimensional walls themselves.  The 13 themselves would be shattered by this process, separated into many dimensional counterparts, just like every other being.  This would also limit the ability of travel between realities to near none.
Vector knew that inner space, the limitless expanse between dimensions, could still yield great threats. The 13 would no longer be able to guard it, and others would be needed. Vector did not trust the Transtechs, who had until then oversaw dimensional proceeding, with this task.  They had grown to arrogant and bureaucratic in their perceived superiority over others. With his power and abilities soon to slip from him, he needed a new team, protectors, from across the realities to guard the universe from its center in his stead.
 Optimus primal(BW)-somehow revived and reformatted after his death on cybertron, primal’s dedication to peace and harmony and his skill in battle made him the natural leader of the Protectors. He is grateful that the multiverse laws of science are flexible enough to make him equal in size to his naturally larger peers.  
Elita-one(G1)- battle hardened, scared and forged in war, elita fought alongside the original optimus prime, her spark mate. She left cybertron in mourning to wander the universe after his death, never having learned of his later revival. She sees much of him in primal, resulting in their becoming lovers, even with the age gap of her being millions of years older than him.
Soundwave(online)-technical and strategic specialist, he’s just as icy and callous as his many counterparts, but more pragmatic and reasonable, soundwave cooperates with his comrades to fulfill their greater mission.
Jazz(Animated)-fluid and easy going, he is the most calm and adaptable of the autobots, despite some difficulty breaking free of his homes close minded beliefs. The only thing he needs to know to go on is all the music the universe has to be heard.
Wreck-gar(IDW)-survivalist and medic, he’s half-mad, unpredictable and indestructible. While he misses his mate rum-maj, he relishes in the freedom and openness of the greater universe.
Sari(?)-scout and “little sister” to the group, she is a technorganic mini-con, hidden on earth and originally raised to believe she was human. She has since discovered her true heritage and nature, now emotionally and physically embracing it, reformatting into a more cybertronian form.
Swoop(G1)-big muscle and aerial recon, he is arrogant and standoffish, but still far more friendly and receptive then most of the dinobots in the multiverse.
Kup(steampunk)-combat specialist and sage, he is the teams oldest member. Wared, rusted and from a universe low on advanced weapons and technology, leaving him lacking in physical capabilities.
Snowcat(energon)-shock trooper and clown, always manic and playful. He was abandoned by his comrades, and lost his lobotomized BFF in his own universe and is happy to leave it behind.  
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Top 11 Cold Steel Recon 1 Review | Best Cold Steel Knife Reviews
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In this article, we will give you the Best Cold Steel Recon 1 Review. If you are really looking for a unique Cold Steel Recon 1 you are at right place. And take a look at the Cold Steel Recon 1 Review. Here we explain all about Best Cold Steel Knife. After reading this reviews you will be an expert to find the Best cold steel recon 1. Please take a look of our Best Cold Steel Knife.
Intro to Best Cold Steel Recon 1 Review
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Intro to Best Cold Steel Recon 1 Review With a title like Cold Steel Recon 1, you know this knife implies business appropriate to begin. What's more, in light of its looks, it does satisfy that name. This is a genuine looking knife, with a tactical-style appearance and a wonderful stainless steel blade. On the off chance that you are searching for an organizer with a state of mind, you could very well become hopelessly enamored with what the Cold Steel Recon 1 brings to the table. Editor’s Recommendations Best Damascus Chef Knife Best Folding Hunting Knife Reviews Best Pocket Knife for Self-Defense Best All Around Hunting Knife Best Hunting Knife Reviews Best Pocket Knife Under 100 Best Pocket Knife Sharpener Best Wood Carving Knife Reviews What is the Best Steel for a Knife Chef’s Choice Knife Sharpener Reviews
Top 11 Best Cold Steel Recon 1 Review
Here we at BestDamascusKnife.com will give you the Cold Steel Recon 1 Review. We deeply research for you to select the Best Cold Steel Knife. Take a look of our Best Cold Steel Recon 1 Review in the listed below: Editor's Note: We will update this list as more Cold Steel Recon hit the market.
No. 1 Cold Steel Mini Recon 1 Spear Point Folder
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Cold Steel Mini Recon 1 Spear Point Folder
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PROS Handle: 4.1 Inch long. G-10 Blade thickness: 3.5 mm Steel: craftsmen cts xhp combination with dlc Covering Pocket Clip: able to use both hands pocket/Belt Clip CONS
No. 2 Cold Steel XL Recon 1 Tanto Point Plain Edge 27TXLCT
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Cold Steel XL Recon 1 Tanto Point Plain Cold Steel XL Recon 1 Tanto Point Plain Edge 27TXLCT
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PROS Blade thickness: 4 mm Handle 6 3/4" long. G-10 Opener: thumb stud Steel: woodworkers cts xhp composite with dlc Covering Pocket Clip: able to use both hands pocket/Belt Clip CONS
No. 3 Cold Steel 27TXTVB Recon 1 Tanto Point Plain Knife with Black Hardware, 5", Coyote Brown
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Cold Steel 27TXTVB Recon 1 Tanto Point Plain Knife with Black Hardware
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PROS American G-10 coyote handle with dark equipment 5 inch tanto point plain edge Thin, light and well sharpened sharp and incredibly solid TRI-Promotion bolt makes the knife relatively impenetrable to stun Persevering, reliable tool for any event CONS
No. 4 Cold Steel 27TDT Micro Recon 1, Tanto Pt., Plain Edge
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Cold Steel 27TDT Micro Recon 1, Tanto Pt., Plain Edge
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Presenting the Smaller scale Recon 1's. With a 2" blade, they give the huge majority of the highlights of their bigger partners. The main contrasts are the handle pieces are made of Griv-Ex style G-10, and the pocket clip has been supplanted with a little key ring. Cold Steel is well known for increasing current standards in a knife business & our Recon 1 tactical envelopes are setting the standard that is difficult to beat. Why? Since they are as extreme as nails and will cut like a cutting tool! With a 2 inch blade, they share the vast majority of the highlights of their bigger partners. The main contrasts are the handle chunks are made of G-10 Griv-Ex Style, and the pocket clip has been supplanted with a little key ring. Each aspect of their development has been over-designed to make them as solid, sturdy and powerful as humanly conceivable. The Best blades are produced out of an imported Japanese Best AUS 8A stainless steel that has been vacuum warm treated and below zero extinguished & the handles include G-10 cover scales guilefully molded and scalloped for an astounding non-slip hold. In addition, they are held together by the most recent in high-quality mechanical latches and further moored by a 6061 warmth treated spacer. To supplement their super intense blades and handles they're outfitted with our progressive Tri-Promotion bolt, which essentially blocks bolt disappointment. PROS Blade Thickness: 2.5 mm Handle Griv-Ex Style G-10 General Length: 4-3/8 Inch Steel: Japanese AUS 8A Stainless Steel with dark Tuff-Ex Covering Blade Thick: 2.5mm Blade Length: Two Inch Handle Length: 2-3/8 Inch CONS
No. 5 Cold Steel 27TDS Micro Recon 1 Spear Pt. Folding Knife Black
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Cold Steel 27TDS Micro Recon 1 Spear Pt. Folding Knife Black
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PROS Blade Thickness is 2.5 mm Handle Griv-Ex Best Style G-10 General Length: 4.38" Steel: Japanese AUS 8A Stainless Steel with dark Tuff-Ex Covering Pocket Clip: Stainless Pocket/Belt Clip CONS
No. 6 Cold Steel 27TLTVF Recon 1, Tanto Pt., Plain Edge, Flat Dark Earth
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Cold Steel 27TLTVF Recon 1, Tanto Pt., Plain Edge, Flat Dark Earth
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PROS Blade length is 4" Overall length is 9.375" Blade stuff: carpenter CTS-XHP alloy w/DLC coating CONS
No. 7 4005045 Cold Steel Recon 1 Tanto Half Serrated 4in Folding Knife
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4005045 Cold Steel Recon 1 Tanto Half Serrated 4in Folding Knife
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PROS Made of greatest quality material Manufacturer by Cold Steel Best Cold Steel Recon 1 tanto half serrated 4in best folding knife CONS
No. 8 4005044 Cold Steel Recon 1 Tanto Plain Edge 4in Folding Knife
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4005044 Cold Steel Recon 1 Tanto Plain Edge 4in Folding Knife
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Cold Steel Recon I Arrangement keeps on setting the standard for tactical collapsing knives that is difficult to beat. These extremes tried and true knives have been a pillar in the realm of tactical knives for a long time, with a well-deserved notoriety for dependability and quality. A prevalent knife with military and law implementation workforce, fire and protect teams and regular people who value a persevering, tried and true device for any event. Sharp as a surgical tool and intense as a tank, the Recon Arrangement is accessible with 2, 3, 4, and 5 1/2 inch blades, and each feature of their development has been overbuilt to make them as solid, tough and viable as humanly conceivable. These Cold Steelworks of art are thin, light, well sharpened sharp and incredibly solid! Each 4005044 in this various Arrangement highlights Cold Steel widely acclaimed Tri-Promotion bolt, making them relatively impenetrable to stun and guarding your Cold Steel valuable fingers against hurt when utilizing your Cold Steel knife in even the most burdening conditions. PROS Made of special quality material Manufacturer by Cold Steel Cold Steel Recon 1 tanto plain end 4in best folding knife CONS
No. 9 Cold Steel Recon 1 Tanto Point Serrated 27TLCTS
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Cold Steel Recon 1 Tanto Point Serrated 27TLCTS
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PROS Made of special quality material Manufacturer by Cold Steel Cold Steel Recon 1 tanto serrated 4in top folding knife CONS
No. 10 CS27TLTVG-BRK Recon 1 Tanto Plain OD Green
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CS27TLTVG-BRK Recon 1 Tanto Plain OD Green
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Recon 1 lockback. 5.375 Inch shut. 4 Inch dark DLC covered CTS-XHP stainless tanto blade. Od green G10 handle. Cord opening. Pocket clip. Thumb Stud. Highlights the Tri-Promotion bolt. Incorporates additional dark stainless pocket clip. Boxed. PROS The classification name is locking-knives Country of the origin is Taiwan The brand name is Cold Steel CONS
No. 11 Cold Steel Recon 1 Folder Tanto 4In Blade 9-3/8In Overall Folding Camping Knives, Black
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Cold Steel Recon 1 Folder Tanto 4In Blade 9-3,8In Overall Folding Camping Knives, Black
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A prevalent knife with military and law requirement staff, fire and save groups and additionally regular folks who value a dedicated, tried and true instrument for any event. Sharp as a surgical tool and extreme as a tank. Recon envelope development has been over-designed to make the knife as solid, strong and successful as humanly conceivable. This Cold Steel exemplary is thin, light, well sharpened sharp and incredibly solid! Highlights Cold Steel widely acclaimed tri-promotion bolt, making them relatively impenetrable to stun and guarding your valuable fingers against hurt when utilizing your knife in even the most exhausting conditions. From the tough little workhorse that is a Cold Steel Smaller scale arrangement to the savage cutting intensity of our Recon arrangement whatever your central goal, the Recon I is there for you. PROS Able to use both hands pocket/belt clip included 4" cleaned silk blade Premium CPM-s35vn steel blade Highlights tri-advertisement bolt General length: 9 3/8 inch 5-3/8" handle CONS
"All brand names and images are Registered Trademarks of their respective companies. All manufacturers names, numbers, symbols and descriptions are used for reference purposes only, and it is not implied that any part listed is the product of these manufacturers or approved by any of these manufacturers." Read the full article
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movietvtechgeeks · 7 years
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Latest story from https://movietvtechgeeks.com/2017-black-friday-amazon-vs-walmart-best-holiday-deals/
2017 Black Friday: Amazon vs Walmart, who has the best holiday deals?
Now that Walmart has teamed up with Google to take on the mighty Amazon, which one will be able to deliver the best 2017 Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals? Having rivals like Target, Best Buy, Costco and Kohl's, Amazon and Walmart will be giving you shoppers some amazing deals to get you buying online. Amazon is the biggest threat to the box store so let's show you where to go to get the most bang for your buck? It's nice to have two months where the shopper has the upper hand to give you a more happy and peaceful holiday season. To make it easier for you, we've summarized who has the best deals in what area between Walmart and Amazon, but as you scroll down further, you'll see that we've put every single item Walmart will be having a Black Friday sale on and compared it to the same item on Amazon so you can see which deal is best for you. Bookmark this page as it will save you so much time! (Trust me, I know how much time our wonderful elves here put into doing the research!) [caption id="attachment_51165" align="aligncenter" width="615"] Why fight this madness, when you can relax shopping early for Black Friday?[/caption]
You can get all of our 2017 Holiday Gift Guides right here as they will continue to grow and gather speed as the holidays are fast approaching. We’ve broken them up by category this year to make it even easier to find that perfect gift for everyone on your list and that special gift you’ve earned after the year we’ve had!
For that gamer in your life, we’ve pulled together our Gamer store so you can find the must have games and game consoles right here.
Where Walmart Black Friday 2017 Beats Amazon Black Friday The Black Friday Experience: Walmart will begin doorbuster sales on Thanksgiving at 6 pm, and they will run all night into Black Friday. If you want the classical Black Friday experience of fighting the crowds, you won’t find that shopping online at Amazon.com. Walmart wins this one. Google Home: Walmart’s Black Friday sale has the Google Home going for $79 which is a saving of $50 (product link). Amazon doesn’t offer the Google Home (due to its competition with the Echo range), so this is a clear win for Walmart on what will prove to be a very popular product. — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon (Comparable Item) — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on eBay (Comparable Item) iPhone X, 8 and 8 Plus Deals: Walmart is offering a $300 Walmart gift card  on Apple iPhone Qualifying Purchases (7, 7 Plus, 8, 8 Plus and X)  for AT&T & Verizon. The $300 gift card I suspect is too much for Amazon to win this round. — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon (Comparable Item) — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on eBay (Comparable Item) Samsung Galaxy S8, S8 Plus, and Note 8 Deals: Like above. Walmart is offering a $300 Walmart Gift Card on a Samsung Device Qualifying Purchase (S8, S8 Plus and Note 8). (product link). Until we see otherwise on Amazon, I expect Walmart to win again. — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon (Comparable Item) — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on eBay (Comparable Item) Affordable High-Quality HDTVs: Walmart, along with Best Buy, is known for offering at least one high-quality HDTV that is also extremely affordable. This year, Walmart is offering the Sharp 55-inch Class 4K Smart TV for $298 (product link). While this certainly isn’t a top of the line brand, I don’t expect Amazon to have a similar quality brand at a comparable price. — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon (Comparable Item) — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Sony HDTV & 4K (eBay Comparable Item) — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on LG HDTV& 4K (eBay Comparable Item) — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Samsung HDTV& 4K (eBay Comparable Item) Black Friday Ad Transparency: Unlike Amazon, Walmart provides a full Black Friday ad (Walmart Black Friday Ad link) that lists out all of the models and items you can expect from its Black Friday sale. By contrast, Amazon does not create a traditional Black Friday or Cyber Monday ad scan and typically lists many of its most sought-after items in extremely vague terms. Expect to find Amazon listings along the lines of “32-inch 720p LED TV”. Walmart wins this round, but don't be surprised to see Amazon pull out the big guns with some killer 4K TV deals so keep this page bookmarked and check through Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Where Amazon Black Friday Beats Walmart Black Friday 2017 Shipping: Walmart and Amazon will both offer free two-day shipping during Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2017. While Walmart’s free shipping has a minimum purchase of $35, you can take advantage of free two-day shipping on Amazon.com by signing up for a free 30 day trial of Amazon Prime (sign-up link). Even though having to sign up for Amazon Prime is not ideal, you can cancel for free within 30 days at any time and you also get to use the very popular Prime Video and Prime Music services. For those reasons, I am declaring shipping a win for Amazon. Anyone who is a member like all of us here knows that with all the benefits Amazon has thrown into their Prime membership, it’s a no-brainer. Quantity and Longevity of Black Friday Deals: As I previously mentioned, Amazon has already opened its Countdown to Black Friday Store on November 1st. I have also confirmed that Amazon will start some of its best Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales as early as November 19th, if not before. With Walmart only starting its Black Friday 2017 sale on November 23rd, I give this round to Amazon. (Amazon.com Black Friday store link) Amazon Devices: Unlike Best Buy and Target who have dedicated pages in their Black Friday ads for Amazon devices, not a single one is found in the Walmart ad scan. So, as would be expected, Amazon wins the Amazon Device round. Confirmed Amazon devices prices include the Kindle Paperwhite E-reader for $89.99 beginning November 19, Amazon Echo Plus for $119.99 (save $30) beginning November 23, Amazon Cloud Cam Indoor Security Camera for $99.99 (save $20) beginning November 23, All-New Fire 7 Tablet for $29.99 (save $20) beginning November 23 and the All-New Fire HD 8 Tablet with Alexa for $49.99 (save $30) beginning November 23. (Amazon Devices link) Cheap HDTVs: This one is Amazon’s to lose. Every Black Friday and Cyber Monday Amazon offers an extremely cheap 32-inch and/or 40-inch HDTVs. If quality is not your prerogative, then I suspect Amazon once again will have the lowest prices on 32-inch and 40-inch devices beating out Walmart. (cheapest 32-inch TV we could find on Amazon.com at the time of publishing). This thing is at $132 for a 32-inch slim LED HDTV so don't be surprised if it drops to $99. That's a steal! Both Walmart and Amazon are Black Friday heavyweights and shopping at either this season will save you plenty of your hard earned money. Once Amazon officially releases its Black Friday sales list, we will follow-up with an in-depth dive into more specific Walmart Vs Amazon deals. In the meantime, here's a very thorough breakdown of everything Walmart will be having on sale for Black Friday and a comparison to the same product on Amazon for you to see which one is best for you. Bookmark this article as it can save you a lot of time which you can save for either your family or that special glass of wine. The first price is Walmart's sale price, and the link below will take you directly to Amazon's Black Friday/Cyber Monday deal. ELECTRONICS – Gaming Systems & Games Nintendo Switch Console with neon Blue and Neon Red Joy-Con — $299.00 — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon Razer 4-Piece Gaming Bundle — $99.00 Includes Cynosa Pro Keyboard, DeathAdder Mouse, Kraken Headset and Goliathus Mouse Pad — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon (Comparable Item) PlayStation 4 GranTurismo Sport VR Bundle — $299.00 (reg $399.00) Includes Camera, Headset, and GT Sport Game — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon PlayStation 4 Controller — $39.00 (reg $59.96) — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon PlayStation 4 1TB Console — $199.00 (reg $299.00) — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon Xbox One S 500 GB Console — $189.00 — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon  Xbox one X 1TB Console - Walmart isn't having a sale on this but Amazon is. — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon Xbox Live 3-Month Subscription Card — $12.50 (reg $24.96) Limit 5 per Customer — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon Xbox One Controller — $39.00 (reg $59.96) — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon Turtle Beach Recon 50P Universal Headset — $25.00 (reg $39.82) — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon Nintendo Switch Legend of Zelda Special Edition — $49.00 Includes Software, 100-Page Mini Starter Guide and 2-Sided Map — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon Nintendo Switch Wired Controller — $17.00 (reg $24.88) — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon Nintendo 2DS Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Bundle — $79.00 — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon (Comparable Item) Select Video Games — $29.00 Need for Speed Payback for Xbox One — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon Uncharted: The Lost Legacy for PS4 — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon Super Mario Maker 3DS for Nintendo DS — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon  Call of Duty Combo Pack for Xbox One or PS4 — $59.00 Includes WWII and Infinite Warfare S.E. — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon Call of Duty WWII for Xbox One or PS4 — $43.00 (reg $59.88) — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon Select Video Games — $19.00 The Show 17 for PS4 — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon Just Dance 2018 for Wii — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon Injustice 2 for Xbox One — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon Select Video Games — $12.00 Titles Pictured Include: Deadpool for PS4 — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon Titanfall 2 for Xbox One — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon Mortal Kombat X for PS4 — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon And More! Select Video Games — $9.00 Titles Pictured Include: Grand Theft Auto San Andreas for Xbox 360 — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon Left 4 Dead 2 for Xbox 360 — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon Fallout 3 for Xbox One — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon And More! Dream Vision Pro VR Headset — $15.00 (reg $29.88) — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon ONN Mobile VR Headset — $5.00 (reg $9.88) — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon (Comparable Item) Yuneec Breeze Drone — $199.00 (reg $299.00) — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon Sharper Image Streaming Drone — $40.00 (reg $68.00) — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon Merge Cube — $9.00 (reg $14.97) — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon Promark Shadow Drone with GPS — $99.00 (reg $179.00) — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon Xbox One X Console — $499.00 — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon Select Top Video Games — $29.00 Items Pictured Include: NBA 2K18 for PS4 — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon Assassins Creed Origins for Xbox One — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon Mario for Nintendo Spark — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon ELECTRONICS – Televisions, Sound Systems & Movies Element 39″ Class Smart TV — $125.00 — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon (Comparable Item) Sharp 55″ Class 4K Smart TV — $298.00 — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon Select DVD Movies — $5.00 Items Pictured Include: The Fate of the Furious — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon Cars 3 — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon Wonder Woman — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon And More! Samsung 32″ Class TV (UN32J4002) — $158.00 — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon Vizio 43″ Class 1080p TV — $198.00 — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon   Samsung 40″ Class 4K Smart TV (40MU6290) — $328.00 — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon   Vizio 32″ 5.0 Soundbar with Wireless Subwoofer (SB325IN-EO) — $139.00 — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon (Comparable Item)   RCA 37″ Soundbar — $29.00 (reg $48.00) — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon (Comparable Item)   Blackweb 6-Device Remote Control — $5.48 (reg $14.96) — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon (Comparable Item)   Sanyo Blu-Ray Disc Player — $39.00 (reg $49.97) — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon   LG 4K Blu-Ray Disc Player (UP870) — $99.00 — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon   Blackweb 6′ Premium HDMI Fiber Optic or Quadshield Coax Cable — $5.48 — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon   Samsung 58″ Class 4K Smart TV (58MU6070) — $598.00 — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon   Samsung 65″ Class Curved 4K Smart TV (65MU6500) — $998.00 (reg $1298.00) — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon   ONN Tilting TV Wall Mount for 47″-80″ Flat TVs — $19.00 (reg $59.96) — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon   Atlantic Full-Motion Gas Spring TV Wall Mount for 23″=60″ TVs — $59.00 — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon (Comparable Item)   Google Chromecast — $20.00 (reg $35.00) Get $5 VUDU Credit with Purchase — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon   Roku 4K Streaming Stick — $48.00 (reg $69.00) Get 1 Free Month of DirectTV NOW , 1 Free Month of Showtime and $5 VUDU Credit with Purchase — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon   Roku Express +HD Streaming Media Player — $22.00 (reg $39.00) Get 1 Free Month of DirectTV NOW , 1 Free Month of Showtime and $5 VUDU Credit with Purchase — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon Select DVD Movies — $1.96 Titles Pictured Include: Divergent on DVD — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon The Angry Birds Movie on DVD — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon Sing on DVD — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon And More!   Select DVD Movies — $3.96 Titles Pictured Include: Lego Batman Movie on DVD — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon Hotel Transylvania 2 on DVD — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon Trolls on DVD — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon And More!   Select DVD Movies — $7.96 Titles Pictured Include: Boss Baby on DVD — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon John Wick 2 on DVD — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon The Emoji Movie on DVD — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon And More!   Select DVD or Blu-Ray Multipack Movies — $9.96 Titles Pictured Include: Planet Earth and Frozen Planet Multipack — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon Pitch Perfect and Pitch Perfect II Multipack — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon Twilight Multi-Pack — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon    And More!   Select TV Series on DVD — $9.96 Titles Pictured Include: The Big Bang Theory — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon The Walking Dead — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon Game of Thrones — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon And More!   Select Disney DVDs or Blu-Ray — $9.96 Titles Pictured Include: Frozen — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon The Descendants 2 — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon Planes — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon And More!   Disney Cars 3 4K Ultra HD — $19.96 — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon   Despicable Me 3 Digital Download Card — $14.96 (reg $19.96) — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon   Select Blu-Ray Movies — $5.96 Titles Pictured Include: Deadpool on Blu-Ray — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon Monster Trucks on Blu-Ray — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon Assassins Creed on Blu-Ray — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon And More!   Select Blu-Ray Movies — $9.96 Titles Pictured Include: Logan on Blu-Ray — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon The Emoji Movie on Blu-Ray — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon The Boss Baby on Blu-Ray — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon And More!   LG 49″ Class 4K Smart TV — $328.00 — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon RCA 10″ Dual Screen Portable DVD Player — $59.00 (reg $109.00) — Check Reviews and Compare Prices on Amazon (Comparable Item)   You can find a selection of our Black Friday 2017 coverage below, and if you want to be notified by breaking deals as they happen, follow us on Twitter or Facebook so you know right as they happen or just keep coming back here to our Black Friday, Cyber Monday section. Check Out Our 2017 Holiday Gift Guides:
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