#really loved that for my (canon) chinese-american sole survivor
domorebemore · 2 years
that really is why the beginning of fo4 pisses me off so much i PROMISE I’LL BE DONE SOON BUT LITERALLY LMAOOOOOO romanticizing that kind of fucking disgusting world................... INSANITY! and that’s why i cannot sympathize for the sole survivor unless i fundamentally change almost everything about them because all they do is whine about how perfect their life was and how much they loved it and that’s how it’s even depicted! which means they live a comfortable enough life to not have to think about like. idk the billions of factors that came together to cause NUCLEAR ANNIHILATION. in the fallout universe there were like daily ongoing violent riots, chinese american internment camps (!!!!!!!), a nationwide PLAGUE that caused government-mandated quarantining (hmm) and like idk a million other horrible things like in this world some countries and cities had already been destroyed by nuclear weapons before the rest of the world did....... this is all shit that canonically happened in the fallout universe before oct 23, 2077. and the beginning of fallout 4 is like wow look at how perfect our life is :-) i love america and my family. <3
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weakzen · 2 years
man, now i'm thinking again about how obsidian gave your courier the opportunity to canonically speak latin, a language that was obscure and functionally dead even before the apocalypse, but it was apparently too much for bethesda to assume that a player character would be able to speak any form of chinese, y'know, a language spoken by billions of people around the planet lmaooo
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