redthreadrp-blog · 8 years
{ ' yikes ! also gajeel mod and i have spoken and we're going to be fating levy and gajeel ! thanks again, and sorry to make another appearance in the inbox, eep ' }
rcdfox said: After some discussion, mcqarden (Levy) and I (Gajeel) would like to fate our muses !!
Oho, another lovely fated pair arrives to the city! And don’t be sorry, it’s lovely to see you in the inbox~! We wish you the best of luck, and everyone, please congratulate our latest fated pair! 
❝ MOD X.┊
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freedthedark · 8 years
☃ : What is your muse’s favourite season? What about their least favourite season, if they have one?
Random headcanon meme!
So I believe that I stated it in a very early headcanon already but the funny thing is (although it def fits some of Freed’s contradictory character traits lmao) that Freed can deal better with hot weather but actually prefers the colder seasons. That he’s more used to warmth it probably because he wears a lot of layers of clothing most of the time.
Like, look at the scene on the ship at the beginning of the Tenrou ARC. Everyone is dying and shirtless or in a bikini but Freed (and Bix and Juves) are like ‘lol nope fck it, where’s the problem??’. They don’t give a single fck lmao.
But yes, this rune mage is actually quite fond of Winter and Autumn! He wouldn’t say that he has an absolute favorite season or one he hates, mostly because he sees positive and negative aspects for each of the four, but if you asked him to pick one he’d probably say Winter.
He’s rather fond of the calmness and peaceful atmosphere it provides while knowing that Winter is one really powerful season actually.
Living in Magnolia makes everything easier though, as we’ve gotten to know that there are no big seasonal differences in this town. They don’t have rain often, let alone snow. So there’s that!
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raikc-blog · 8 years
➏ What’s the one thing you especially love about roleplaying your muse?
Interview with a Mun.
[[Goodness, I don’t think I can really pick? Like there’s just so much that I love about this boy. He can be quiet and intimidating, then around the right people he’s basically a giant kid(or cat). He’s hurt so much, been through so much, but he’s still got the capacity to care for others, to love like he never felt from another before.
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altairiiis · 8 years
rcdfox replied to your post:starbearing answered your question:outofcharacter....
it’s puzzling to me honestly, the whole ordeal with people stealing headcanons. i like following other blogs with the same muses because i like seeing other ideas and interpretations and it lets my muse evolve from that, and in turn developing headcanons that may be similar. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Now, see, I love sharing and exchanging headcanons.  It helps with connections as a writer.  If it’s something like a birthday or a favourite food, it seems like more trouble to stress over it than to just go with it, you know?  That’s just how I feel about it.  I put a LOT of thought behind the birthdays I choose for my characters.  I look at time of year and every aspect of the zodiacs involved, even the time of day in some cases.  If someone else decided they also liked the birthday I picked, hell, I’d be honoured.  I didn’t put in that effort for it to go ignored, after all.
But like the other person who previously responded to this said, if it were something more personal, then perhaps I’d see where a problem would come in.
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drakossidirou-blog · 8 years
      everyone else: * well thought out headcanons....
bro………this is a good headcanon. what a dork.
bro... thank you bro. glad you agree that gajeel is a huge dork 
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redthreadrp-blog · 8 years
[ here's gajeel redfox from fairy tail. all of his info can be found on the pages that pop up when you click the second square from the left. :) ]
Welcome to Bellevue, Gajeel! Be sure to follow everyone on the masterlist, and everyone follow Gajeel!
❝ MOD X.┊
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wrjt-blog1 · 8 years
★ !!!
Tumblr media
levy is so weak for languages. she’s a lot more interested in orthography than phonetics tbh, but she’d still be super interested in learning about gajeel’s language. trying to find out if it has any written form or if it’s strictly oral. i just love the idea of them being a brotp because levy honestly ? she forgave gajeel. & that’s such an important part of her character, that capacity for forgiveness. she sees so much potential in gajeel, so much good & she wants to bring it out. to learn about it, to learn about his past so she can understand him. levy loves people, she loves their stories. that’s her at the core. them being a brotp means so much to me because it says a lot about forgiveness, making amends & moving on together.
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altairiiis · 8 years
rcdfox replied to your post: “Modern AU”:
[ me like........ can gajeel and him play wow together. can this be a thing omg-- ]
yes.  this can be a thing.
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altairiiis · 8 years
rcdfox replied to your post: “��”:
"C'mon light-weight -- y'can do it!"
❝I shouldn’t... I shouldn’t... of course I can....❞  There was an odd, breathy keen to his voice.
❝I’ve got t’do this..!❞
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