#ratatosk boktai
Django: -survives the attempt made on his life, crawls out of his own grave, kills every member of Ratatosk's clan and finds a way to the moon to fight him-
Ratatosk, absolutely bewildered: HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?!
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ufoet64 · 5 years
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A sketch of Ratatosk (Shinbok/Boktai 3) and Duneyrr (Zoktai/Boktai 2) swapping each other’s clothes.
With Duneyrr’s mink coat, Ratatosk looks like a sassy-ass dude who can’t find his precious whip through the rummage of fur.
Duneyrr shows off her figure in Ratatosk’s costume and proudly holds her stolen whip.
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gun-del-hell · 6 years
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Yeah, that ring is the same from my anniversary art.  I actually have it saved since I liked it so much.
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kura5 · 2 years
What sources do you reference when writing characters based on Norse mythology? Do you use anything in particular, like Snorri Sturluson’s Poetic Edda, or do you just look it up online and pick what fits into Kura5’s narrative?
For Kura5 specifically, it's the latter: there's only one character that is named after a character from the Poetic Edda/Norse Mythology.
Since the fangame project is intended to be a "lunar knights parallel timeline au" I felt like I was allowed to pull from different mythologies/motifs (egyptian, vampire lore, germanic folklore, danish folkore, norse, kaijin stuff, etc)
Some of the creatures were pre-meditated (wadjet), others I just looked up online for "is there a creature that's like X" and running really, really far with it.
But for general boktai fanfiction stuff honestly you can be as surface level/as deep as you want. (For example, shinbok's guidebook says that ratatosk has a white crow motif, but in the mythology he's a squirrel)
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thelunarbase · 6 years
Boktai Headcanons; Vampire Clans
- Clans are formed for a number of reasons, varying from clan to clan. Some are to increase power as a whole to further goals, others of lower rungs do it for safety in numbers. - A group of Vampire/Immortals is considered a Clan when there is, at minimum, 3 members. There is always a leader who has power greater than the others of the group, be it through magic, might, or incredible skills that make them unopposable. - Clans can be made with just a word and promise in it's least binding form, or as powerful as magical ties to one another's souls. The connection of the clan varies with the goals. - The Death Clan was formed with various goals in each member; The Count was bored, sent to spy on, and then fell for Hel; Carmilla was following her sire; Hel wished to make the Earth itself Undead, needing obedient, decently strong followers. Hel was not considered much in the ways the Queen of Immortals, most other Immortals scoffing at her as a rushed child, and not much more. The Death Clan is, or was, considered just a jest and an attempt to seem formidable. - The Shadow Clan was used as a binding seal nearly 2,000 years before the events of Boktai2, by the 4 brothers of the 4 Elements. The 4 Immortals have a soul tie to one another, wishing to see the world end. - The Demon Clan used to exist in much greater numbers, but due to their imposing, terrible powers and gathered plot, they went to war with the Lunar Children who stepped in to balance out the growing darkness they brought. Both suffered from tremendous casualties, leaving a sole surviving member of the Clan in that of Ratatosk. - Ratatosk took some care to kill as many Lunar Children as he came across due to vengeful rage. He became known among Lunars as "the Scarlet Ratatosk"; some liked to say his hair was the result of him consuming Lunar blood constantly. After a century, he began to gather a small clan under the Demon Clan name, refurbishing the plans to revive Vanargand. Sabata was just the perfect opportunity, and felt like the perfect vengeance, as the presumed last of the Lunar Children.
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If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one.
Ratatosk to Django
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gun-del-hell · 6 years
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Non-ruined version of the second of the Eternals set. Forgot to save a non-ruined version for Jormy - oh well.
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kura5 · 5 years
In the real world, what country would the Immortals of the Nightmare Clan originate from? For example, La Lupe may come from South America (Mexican or Cuban). The Immortals in the original Boktai franchise (like Count, Dainn, Ratatosk, Dumas, etc.) are most likely European.
Cuba, America, and Brazil, based off of their namesakes.
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gun-del-hell · 3 years
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It’s him, the wonderful asshole~~~~
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