#rat scabies x reader
Pairing: Rat Scabies x Reader
A/N: This lil’ fic is dedicated to all my followers that suffer from headache or migraines- I deal with that shit too and it fucking sucks!! ALSO, Rat is referred to as Christopher in this bc I feel like his partner would not be calling him Rat in their day to day lives...
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When you got home from work with a raging headache, the last thing you wanted to hear was your boyfriend pounding away on his drumkit. Almost as quickly as you stepped through the front door, the smashing feeling in your head seemed to match the intense beat he was putting out. Your hand flew up to your head, trying to ease your pain as you stepped into your house.
“Fuck,” you groaned, kicking off your shoes.
The sound of your boyfriend’s playing fortunately came to a stop as you made your way further into the flat.
“(Y/N)?” he shouted. “S’that you?”
His voice felt ten times louder than usual and you winced due to the noise.
“Yeah,” you replied weakly, not even sure if he’d be able to hear you.
You made your way into the kitchen and began fixing yourself a glass of water. You could hear footsteps coming down the hallway to where you were. Because of your headache, it sounded like stomping.
“Where are you?” you heard your boyfriend ask before he popped his head into the kitchen. “Oh, there you are.”
His face softened as he spotted you leaning against the sink as you filled your cup.
“Hey, are you okay?” he asked, taking note of your exhaustion.
You turned to him and nodded, taking a sip of water.
“I’ve got a headache,” you explained, reaching for the cabinet you kept the painkillers in. “Work was shit and I’ve got an awful headache.”
He frowned.
“Aw shit,” he said. “Anything I can do to help?”
You managed to send a small smile his way despite feeling so ill.
“Stop banging on the drums for tonight?” you joked.
“Duh,” he replied, practically rolling his eyes. “You don’t need anything else?”
You shook your head and swallowed down your pain medication with a gulp of water. Hopefully it would take affect soon.
“I think I’m just going to lay down for a bit,” you said.
To your surprise, Chris followed you down the hall and into your shared bedroom. Although, it was unexpected for him to join you, you didn’t mention it. You didn’t feel much like talking anyways. Instead, you headed straight into the closet to grab some comfortable clothes to change into and out of your work clothes. When you emerged just a few minutes later, Chris had already prepared the bed for you to sleep in. He had pulled down the sheet and blankets and set your pillows up exactly like he knew you liked them.
You smiled at him appreciatively.
“Thanks love,” you told him, sitting down on the bed next to where he was perched.
“It’s no problem,” he assured you. “Go ahead and lay down.”
He didn’t need to ask you twice. Right away, you made yourself comfortable in your bed, desperate for some well-needed rest. You knew it would take a bit of time for this headache to fade away. You’d rather sleep it away than have to wait through it.
Once you were settled into bed with your eyes shut, you were already feeling much better than before. You could feel Chris shift so that he was sitting behind you on the bed and his hands gently came to rest on your head. Surprising you again today with his sensitivity to your affliction, he began to gently massage your scalp and forehead, releasing much of the tension behind your skull.
His calloused fingers felt amazing as they made their way over your temples and up above your ears. He expertly kneaded the skin above your brows and worked his way down your cheekbones too, caressing his hand through your hair as well. As he did so, your headache seemed to waver, diminishing more with every touch. And with every touch, you became more and more tired as well, eyelids getting heavier.
“Where did you learn to do this?” you asked Chris.
You found yourself almost fighting to stay awake at this point.
“My mother used to do this for me when I had a headache as kid. It always made me feel better, so I figured I’d try it. Is it helping?” He replied.
“Mhm,” you hummed.
“Go ahead and try to fall asleep,” he told you. “The pain meds should kick in soon and then you’ll be on the mend.”
You were already sleeping before he finished his sentence. Christopher smiled as he watched your breathing relax.
“Sleep well love,” he whispered, kissing you on the forehead. “Feel better.”
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You Know What They Say?
Pairing: Rat Scabies x Reader (Requested)
Author’s Note: This one came together really fast. The idea was super fun so thanks to the person who requested it!
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You let out a sigh of relief as you entered the room. Only a few groups of people lingered about. You could finally have a moment of peace.
You were a model, an although you were pretty new to the industry, you had become well-known quickly. The party you were at, some event celebrating an upcoming album release from some big artist, was crowded and full of people trying to talk to you and inviting you over to their table for a drink. You weren’t even sure why you were invited.  A majority of the people here were musicians or record industry workers. You had just happened to pose for the album artwork. Did that really warrant an invite to the release party?
Don’t get it wrong, you were extremely happy with where your career was headed. You just couldn’t stand the countless amount of people who were now suddenly taking interest in you. It was like everyone and their mother wanted a chance to talk with you and what’s worse, flirt with you.
So, you had run off to find a space with less people which led you here, to a room tucked away from the main reception area of the party. You were aware of some eyes on you as you made your way over to a sofa and took a seat, but that was becoming more and more typical as your fame grew.
You stretched your legs out in front of you and enjoyed the peace and quiet you now had. Unfortunately, it didn’t seem it would be lasting long. You noticed a guy approaching you from the other side of the room.
“You’re (Y/N) (L/N), right?” he asked once he reached you.
“What’s it to you?” you asked, irritated already. He was clearly the flirting type if the smirk on his face was anything to go by.
“I’m Rat,” he said, taking a seat next you. “Rat Scabies.” He leaned back and put his arm around your shoulders in a flirtatious manner.
You shrugged his arm off of you. “Wow, your parents must’ve hated you,” you remarked.
He laughed. “It’s just a nickname.”
“Well, it’s a dumb one.” You were aware you were being rude, but you were tired of people coming up and trying their hand at wooing you. Few were as bold and straight-forward as Rat was, however.
“Say, you wanna get out of here?” His eyes raked over your body which he seemed to enjoy looking at.
“With you? No.” Now that he was closer, you could get a better look at him. He had scruffy auburn hair and was dressed curiously. He was wearing torn up and frayed jeans with a worn-out t-shirt and some battered tennis shoes. Unlike everyone else at the party you had seen, he wasn’t dressed up in the slightest.
“I’m in a band y’know.”
You scoffed. “Is that supposed to impress me?”
He faltered but regained his composure quickly, the smirk staying on his face. “Well, kinda. I’m the drummer for The Damned.”
“Never heard of them,” you lied. You actually had heard of the punk band before, but you weren’t going to let him know that.
“Oh, don’t worry. You will.”
You rolled your eyes and stood up from where you were seated. Without saying another word to him, you turned around, headed back to the main room for the bar.
“You know what they say?” he called after you.
You stopped. You had half the nerve to keep walking, to blow this boy off like you had with everyone else tonight, but something about him kept you interested. You found yourself wanting to hear what he had to say.
You turned around to face him. “What?” you asked, confused by his question.
He took a couple steps closer to you, his face close enough to yours that you could feel his breath on your skin as he spoke. “Do you know what they say about drummers?”
You regarded him skeptically. You knew you would probably regret it but answered him anyways. “What’s that?”
He grinned wolfishly and stepped even closer. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you flush against his body. He leaned down to whisper in your ear. “That they do it harder.”
You pushed him away roughly. You couldn’t ignore the shiver that ran up your spine at his words though. “Get off of me,” you scolded, glaring as he laughed.
“Oh c’mon! You don’t want to test the theory?” he asked, waggling his eyebrows at you.
“Not a chance in hell,” you said, though you felt the corners of your mouth begin to pull up in a smile. He really was quite the character.
Rat looked at you victoriously. “See! I made you laugh,” he pointed out.
“I’m not laughing,” you said, trying to fight the smile creeping onto your face.
“Okay, well, you’re smiling. That counts for something.”
You both looked over as your agent came into view and headed over to you.
She regarded Scabies much like one would an actual parasite-ridden rodent. “I’ve been looking for you for ages. I have some people I’d like you to meet.” She lowered her voice. “It would be wise to make a good impression on them.”
You sighed. “Can’t it wait?” You glanced back at Rat who was watching you and your agent converse. As much as you hated to admit it, you did want to stay and keep chatting with him.
“(Y/N), you know I wouldn’t come get you if this wasn’t important,” your agent answered.
You groaned. “Fine,” you said. “I’ll be there in a minute.”
Shooting one more disgusted look Rat’s way, your manager was off, muttering about how she “didn’t get paid enough for this” under her breath.
“Well, I guess you heard, but I have to go.”
“Right,” he said, looking disappointed. “It was nice talking to you.” He looked like he was about to walk away but before he could, you called out to him.
“Wait. Let me give you my number.”
He seemed surprised and you didn’t blame him. All you had done was shoot down his previous advances. You gave him a soft smile as you found a pen and napkin and wrote your number down. You looked him up and down as you walked up to him. He really was pretty cute.
“Don’t keep me waiting,” you purred, stroking a hand down his chest and enjoying the way his eyes followed your movements. “I’ll be expecting a call from you soon.” You slipped the folded-up scrap of paper into his back pocket.
His earlier confidence seemed to vanish as the tables were turned on him. “Uh, I- yes, I will do that,” he stammered out.
“Good,” you pressed a lingering kiss to his cheek before stepping back from him and turning to walk away. Looking back over your shoulder as you crossed the room, you grinned at the sight of Rat watching you saunter away.
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Ramble On
Pairing: Razzle Dingley x Reader
Author’s Note: Happy New Year’s everybody!
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From the second Razzle laid eyes on you he was smitten.
You were sitting across from Michael at a table when Razzle entered the bar. He was going in to meet up with his friends for a night of drinking and conversing. Mike had told Razzle that he was bringing a friend of his but hadn’t told him much about you. Just that you had known Mike for years and that you were a lot of fun. Had Razzle known that you were going to be so freaking beautiful, he might have put a little more effort into how he looked tonight.
He glanced down at his outfit before approaching the table. He didn’t look too bad. He was wearing his favorite pants, the ones with the black and white vertical stripes. On top, he had on some frilly white dress shirt under his leather jacket. He found himself thinking about what your first impression of him would be and he wanted to smack himself. He didn’t know you at all. Why should he care what you thought of him?
“Razzle!” Michael shouted at the sight of his friend, beckoning him over to the table where you and a group of others sat.
He motioned for him to come take a seat. Razzle offered you a shy smile before taking a seat in the chair next to you.
“Hi,” you greeted, turning toward him slightly. “I’m (Y/N).”
“I’m Nick,” he said happily, “but everyone calls me Razzle.”
“Yeah, Mikey told me,” you said with a small laugh that left Razzle’s heart beating fast.
“Mikey?” He asked, not able to miss the way you referred to his friend. Maybe he had read the situation all wrong. Maybe you and Michael were more than just good friends.
“I told you no one else calls me Mikey,” Michael said, rolling his eyes and taking a swig of his beer.
“Aw, Mikey,” you said with a playful pout. “You know you love it.”
This caused the rest of the table to laugh. Michael flipped you the bird. Maybe Razzle had a chance after all.
You subtly looked the newcomer up and down, checking him out as the rest of the table fell into their own conversations. He was handsome with beautiful blue eyes and a strong nose.  Your eyes wandered to the buttons and pins adorning his leather jacket.
“You like The Damned?” you asked, pointing to the pin on his jacket.
He glanced down at his pin before looking up at you with an excited grin.
“I do!” Razzle said. “Do you?”
“They’re one of my favorite bands at the moment,” you said, leaning forward in your seat to be closer to him.
“Rat Scabies is one of my favorite drummers of all time,” he said. He was so happy to be talking to you.
You nodded along to his words.
“He’s amazing,” you agreed.
Razzle bit his lip slightly. “I play drums too,” he said, hoping that information might impress you. You obviously liked rock music. Maybe this would make you like him too.
Mike, who had been listening to the two of you talk, raised a silent brow at his friend. Razzle wasn’t very subtle, and it was clear to Michael that he was already interested in you. This wasn’t surprising to Michael though. He’d had a feeling the two of you would hit it off.
“(Y/N) knows,” Michael said, cutting into the conversation. “They know all about our band, mate.”
“Oh,” Razzle said, a tad embarrassed at seeming so eager.
“Yeah,” you said, “but I’ve never seen you play with Hanoi before. Though if you’re half as good as Mikey says you are, I’m sure you’re amazing.”
Razzle grinned so wide his cheeks began to ache.
Talking with you was something Razzle would like to do for the rest of his life he decided. You were perfect in his eyes. Every joke of yours had him giggling like a fool and he found himself hanging onto every word you said.
Michael found the whole situation to be quite comical. Razzle appeared to be starstruck in your presence, something you seemed to fail to notice. Maybe you thought Razzle drooled over everyone he met, but Mike knew better. Razzle had fallen for you hard and fast and his attempts to woo you were laughable at best.
It seemed like every chance he could, Razzle was telling you some story or fact about him to try and seem cool or impress you.
He explained to you in depth about how much muscle it took to be a drummer. He talked about how his hair used to be dyed green. He went on and on about how well he knew his way around a car.
And you, you just nodded along, your head rested in your hand. Your smile never left your face though. Razzle’s ramblings were absolutely adorable. The way he seemed so excited about everything and the way he seemed so happy to be talking to you. Yes, you realized exactly what was going on, but you didn’t quite mind it actually.
He was telling you all about his fourth-grade science fair when Michael decided to intervene.
“Razzle mate,” he said interrupting his friend, “can I talk to you for a second?”
Razzle looked from Michael to you and back to Michael. “Um, sure,” he said.
He followed Michael to the bar, leaving you alone at the table. The rest of the group had left already, leaving only the three of you at the bar. Razzle looked back at you, nervous.
“What’s up?” he asked.
“What’s up? Razzle you haven’t stopped talking since you got here,” Michael said. “You’re talking about the fucking science fair, mate!”
Razzle looked back at you again. “You think I’m talking too much?” he said, worrying his lip between his teeth.
Michael ran his hand down his face, exasperated. “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you.”
“Oh.” He frowned and looked down. “So I should stop talking?”
“Just take a step back,” Michael suggested. “Trust me, (Y/N) is into you. So just calm down, alright.”
Razzle perked up immediately. “Into me?” He bounced on the balls of his feet, excited. “Really?”
“Just go,” Michael said, pushing him back toward the table with a smile. He knew Razzle was absolutely helpless now.
Razzle bounded back over to you while Mike headed over to the bar to get another drink and give the two of you some time alone.
“Hey,” you said when he returned. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah,” he breathed, sitting down. “Uh, sorry about that and sorry about earlier too. I didn’t mean to carry the conversation like that. I just really like you is all, and Mike said you might actually like me too which made me kinda nervous but it’s a good thing actually, if you do like me, because I think you’re really cool. I just wanted you to like me so that’s why I told you about my green hair and biceps and shit and yeah, I’m doing it again. Sorry. I’ll stop talking now.” A blush rose to his cheeks as he finished.
You stared wide-eyed at Razzle once he finished another rambling. It took you a moment to fully comprehend everything he had just said.
“Wow,” you finally got out. “Um, wow. Well, I do really like you.” You looked down at your lap abashed. “And you don’t have to apologize. I could listen to you talk for hours if I’m being honest.”
“Really?” Razzle asked. “Because Mike said maybe I should shut up about the science fair which is understandable I guess but it’s actually kind of a funny story, the science fair, because- mmph.”
He was cut off by your lips colliding into his. He sunk into the kiss as you pulled him forward and ran a hand through his dark locks of hair. He moaned slightly and you took the opportunity to trace your tongue along his bottom lip, eliciting another soft groan. You pulled away slowly with a smile.
“Sorry,” you said. “I just had to do that. You can tell me about the science fair now if you’d like.”
Razzle laughed at your statement. “Fuck the science fair,” he said, leaning in towards you. “I’d much rather do more of that.”
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