kyanitedragon · 2 years
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Zenjirou & Rare Pickmon + Green Zone
[ID: Various screenshots of Zenjirou Tsurugi and the red Rare Pickmon from Digimon Xros Wars episodes 1-3.
Image 1: Zenjirou, Taiki, and Akari are watching a battle from behind rocks, and the red Pickmon is sitting in Zenjirou's hair.
Image 2: Zenjirou and Akari with surprised expressions. The red Pickmon is sitting in Zenjirou's hair and grinning.
Image 3: Akari is on a cliff, crying and surrounded by several white pickmon, Jijimon is sitting on his staff on the right, and on the left Zenjirou is looking down the cliff while the red Pickmon is perched on his shoulder.
Image 4 and 5: Taiki, Akari, and Zenjirou are all sitting on a picnic blanket with food in front of them and surrounded by several white pickmon. Zenjirou is playfully messing around with the RedPickmon, who is playing with his hand. Zenjirou is midly amused in the first image, and laughing in the second.
Image 6 and 7: Zenjirou is clinging to a giant bamboo sprout, and the RedPickmon has climbed up behind him. They're looking at each other in the first image, and in the second they're looking outward in fear.
Plain Text: Zenjirou & Rare Pickmon + Green Zone
End ID]
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