#rani liveblogs marvel
thewingedwolf · 3 years
Mark Ruffalo is the only good thing Joss ever did with the MCU. The delivery of him accidentally blurting out “you can’t kill me I’ve tried” and the way even Bruce seems shocked that he’s admitted that to a group of strangers he doesn’t particularly like or trust, but it’s just something he needs to say out loud and admit to is like, the Best characterization of Bruce in decades.
And then the decision to let Ruffalo play Hulk, so you get that strangled, mocking, deeply self hating “YOUR LIFE??!” when he attacks Nat is just. So good.
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thewingedwolf · 3 years
How many times do we have to have antagonists who talk about how Stark completely and totally ruined their lives before we admit that the common denominator is not their evil but Tony’s warmongering
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thewingedwolf · 3 years
It’s so jarring to go from Jane realizing she can’t save Thor, who is not just the man she loves but also the living representation of all her research and theories being RIGHT so while Thor struggles with whether he wants to be a man or a symbol Jane has always seen BOTH of those concepts in him in a way no one else has, and she just gives up and lays on top of him to die with him
To a one off “I broke up with her she didn’t break up with me” funny line in Ragnorok
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thewingedwolf · 3 years
Characterizing Cap as a big Boy Scout is dumb for a lot of reasons that plenty of people have gone into over the years but it’s especially jarring when you’re watching the movies back to back bc we go from Steve flagrantly going against direct orders and storming a heavily manned military science base to save one (1) man to getting all “gosh golly gee tony” when he finds out tony is sniffing around shield bc some of their projects are fishy.
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thewingedwolf · 3 years
1. You can never tell me that Steve wasn’t cruising for dick when he went on his run and that he wasn’t trying to sus out whether Sam was into guys or not
2. Sam realizing he’s upset Steve and zeroing in on a small detail that he knows bothered him and probably bothered Steve (not just the pillow, but the lack of sleep) because he wants to keep talking to Steve but also doesn’t want to leave it on a sour note is such a great way to introduce how compassionate and intuitive Sam is
3. Nat pulls up in that car with a smirk and you Know Sam is thinking “that’s a sandwich I want to be in the middle of” (bc listen. Whatever your stance on SteveNat, they are 100% the sort of friends who get assumed to be a couple by everyone around them) and when they drive off, Nat probably says “what about him he’s cute” And Steve gives a long suffering sigh that Nat found out he’s bi so now no one is safe from her matchmaking shenanigans
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thewingedwolf · 3 years
Okay my opinion beyond the fact that the movie was dumb as fuck is that the entire movie would have been avoided if pepper (or for that matter, Betty) had been there because the moment that Tony started talking more AIs she would have stomped that shit with her heel and put him in a time out and I just feel like if your entire movie can be stopped with one character going “uhh no” so the only way the plot works is if that character is gone, it’s a bad movie
Also I’m gonna be honest I don’t even understand why Ultron was the villain instead of another Thanos thing. All of Phase One was building to Loki and the introduction of the infinity stones, and then all of Phase Two built towards Thanos and Old Evils coming to life (the Aether, Hydra, Ronan and his purity nonsense. The only real hitch in that is IM3 which explicitly talks about Tony setting aside the suit!!) so shouldn’t Avengers2 have dealt with another crony of Thanos, likely some sort of Old Ancient Evil, coming to fuck up earth and the issue is that Tony retired from the Avengers and Cap and Nat are busy rebuilding SHIELD so they’re too busy to initially notice the threat, instead of *checks notes* an AI gone rogue, a theme that has been touched on in one (1) movie and was immediately condemned by the character now building another too powerful AI???
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thewingedwolf · 3 years
Didn’t realize that Nat and Bruce interact so much in Avengers until this rewatch. The thing is that, most of it is Bruce purposefully trying to freak her out (because he’s resentful of being followed and treated like a monster) and Nat very naturally responding to this with fear, caution, and a healthy dose of annoyance (bc she knows he’s trying to get a rise out of her and succeeding, but she can’t not react negatively when she knows he’s the biggest threat there).
I think there’s room for a friendship there despite his resentment of her hovering and her resentment of his outbursts (and tbh....them bonding over not being able to have children could be interesting if it’s just one of many things they bond over) bc a lot of the issues between them are brought upon by their circumstances and if you put them in easier surroundings, it’s not a stretch that Bruce would like someone as tough and compassionate as Nat and that Nat would like someone who is exceedingly loyal and just as driven to make amends as she is but not THAT FAST. Esp when neither of them have solo movies between the two avengers movies. Going from Nat being rightfully scared of him and Bruce being rightfully resentful of her and SHIELD to them going all Tarzan and Jane in the forest the literal next time they interact is stupid as shit.
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thewingedwolf · 3 years
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@iusedtoknowwhatawishwasfor I skipped ant man first time around bc I’m a bitter Janet stan but I’m really loving it actually!!!!! I’d put it right behind CATWS in terms of best movies in Phase 2. It’s like early MCU - smart, funny, not so flashy, and fun friendship dynamics. I’m excited to watch ant man and the wasp now!!
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thewingedwolf · 3 years
1. I’m loving this little group of friends Scott has, their bit about the titanic was hilarious
2. How do you go from Working Class King Scott Lang to a literal cop and then get mad bc the father of your baby has the audacity to want to see his daughter on his birthday and is clearly trying to get his life together
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thewingedwolf · 3 years
I would go so far as to say that I like the way the twins have been characterized thus far (and Cap’s sympathy for them echoing him being the first one to believe in them in the comics is a neat touch, along with having Clint still have some sort of semblance of his relationship with them despite him being so completely and stupidly different from his comics counterpart) but there’s still the unavoidable facts that they apparently volunteered to be lab rats for nazis and that they completely erased the Maximoffs from their Jewish and Romani origins (but not from their European origins bc keeping them Foreign but Not Too Foreign is important apparently) and that’s just not something that is even remotely forgivable (but it could have been so easily avoided!!!!!)
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thewingedwolf · 3 years
Okay I’m watching GOTG (skipped TWS bc that’s my favorite of phase 2 so I’m saving it for last) and like, I know I’ve been ragging on Thor a lot, but the Thor movies are still better than the Tony Stank and GOTG movies, and like most of the Avengers movies as well lmao
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thewingedwolf · 3 years
The way Bucky smiles and yells “lets hear it for captain America” and then the MOMENT Steve looks away Bucky’s face falls and he looks hopeless until he notices the other soldiers are staring at him so he smiles again
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thewingedwolf · 3 years
1. Giving Ultron to Tony and Bruce was always a bad idea because it is one of Hank’s DEFINING traits; the idea of a wayward father playing god and losing control and dealing with the consequences forever is his main redeeming quality and giving it to someone else completely throws his own character off kilter
2. I can buy Tony “I want to privatize world peace” Stark building Ultron but after IM3, he’s gonna need a lot more push than Wanda messing with his head once (1) to build another AI
3. I do NOT buy Bruce Banner, a victim of both military overreach and people playing god with the super soldier serum, being okay with building a robot that will Keep The Peace at all costs
4. Joss is always good with creepy and casting James Spader was INSPIRED and if Age of Ultron had been the third avengers movie instead of the second (and also if he had someone to spray a water bottle at him whenever he’s acting Like That) I don’t think he would have done a bad job but he rushed to Ultron, and had no oversight and marked the beginning of the end of any sort of continuity between solo movies and avengers movies
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thewingedwolf · 3 years
I like to completely disregard the fact that they cut Bucky and the Super Soldier Serum out of Nat’s backstory bc a) I’m a huge BuckyNat shipper and have been since I was like 12 and b) the way she talks about him, the way she’s almost laughing when they’re fighting, that cat and mouse dynamic as they stalk each other is just so much more delicious if Nat knows him as James, her tortured, brainwashed lover who she leaves behind when she escapes the red room but never stops thinking about.
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thewingedwolf · 3 years
The Dark world, like the first Thor movie, makes a lot of missteps (in this case bc it had too many writers and directors and no clear vision) and the Loki reveal at the ending is so fucjing stupid but when you see Odin/Loki sort of lean forward with his eyes wide when Thor goes to give him Mjolnir, and then settle back and tell Thor to take it before adding “if you are worthy” was SUCH a good character choice. It’s the first small sign that Loki realizes to whatever small, incredibly repressed extent that he still loves Thor and Thor still loves him
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thewingedwolf · 3 years
Like, I really love Jane a whole lot and I find the vast majority of the hate she gets to be absolute nonsense and I hated the way she was written off but also, I’m so nervous for her being back and what that means for Valkyrie and Thor/Valkyrie, but also for Jane and Thor/Jane bc it’s not like these movies have a good history of writing off female characters - the abysmal ending for Steve is equally unfair for Peggy, and the way Sharon, Frigga, Maya, Gamora, and Natasha were all written off were so unfair and bad, and characters of color like Sitwell, Heimdall, and Gamora (again) are also written off in bad ways. So like, if they’re gonna bring back Jane just to give her a bigger but still bad send off, I’d rather not have her. Or if they’re gonna include her but at the expense of Valkyrie’s story, I’d rather not include her. I just. I think Taika could do a perfectly good job but we’ve seen Marvel meddle and make a movie worse, not just in the MCU but with Thor specifically.
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