#randomly got muse to write ela going dark
donnasheridanwrites · 5 years
“you are allowed to feel messed up. it doesn’t mean you’re defective – it just means you’re human.”
Mitchela for @karolinadeanwrites
It had been weeks since the forest fire that destroyed the better part of her homeland; and since then - Ela hadn’t been herself. She was numb. In the aftermath of losing her parents, her extended family and friends and her home in one foul swoop was enough to break her - but the fact that it had been consequence of her own doing - bringing an untrustworthy stranger, Mitchell’s guard, who would return after the three of them had finished their trip - with fellow Auradon citizens, to poach and pillage. The fire itself had been an accident, but their intentions had been malicious from the get go, at least in Ela’s eye. 
She had practically demanded Mitchell send them to the isle, a demand that was met with obvious push back. Ela had been very against the isle from the get go, but grief was a powerful emotion and she felt herself abandoning her political stance easily at the idea of revenge. But with Mitchell recently announcing his plans to disband the isle as a whole, sending people there would totally juxtapose his ideals. On top of that, it was made clear to Ela that he couldn’t prosecute his guard or his companions for crimes they commited outside of the United States Of Auradon. This, of course, left Ela feeling betrayed. As though he was siding with his people over hers. That because they worked for his family, they got special treatment. Over her, even. 
“I don’t feel messed up…” Ela spat back as she brushed his comforting hand from his shoulder. “I feel furious”. The trauma of the past few weeks had unleashed something in her, the animalistic side that placed her in the role of predator and placed the perpetrators of her parents death as pray. “At them. At you. How could I ever marry someone who would betray me like this…” Clearly overwhelmed with grief, her words were laced with contempt. 
       The way Ela saw it, if she couldn’t protect her land or family - she would sure as hell avenge it. “If you won’t make sure justice is served through the system,  if no one is going to hold these people accountable…. I’ll do it myself.” 
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