#ralis becomes a king  .
rijurambles · 4 years
After TP Headcanons
More headcanons! Just my opinions here! You don't have to agree with any of these. As of the start of this post, Link is currently 19. He was 17 at the start of his journey.
- Ganondorf is defeated and Hyrule is saved. - Link (who I will call Twi for the rest of this post) is absolutely beaten after the fight and is taken to the Kakariko shaman Renado for healing immediately. Midna comes with him. Zelda stays behind to try and repair the Castle. - Twi recovers slowly. He is often restless and tries to get up on his own, insisting that he is fine. He almost acts as if Hyrule is still in danger. Midna leaves to visit Ordon as Twi is making his final adjustments. She explains what happened to Twi to Rusl (during the course of TP, not in the battle) and entrusts the shadow crystal to him. This is because she plans to leave Hyrule, unbeknownst to them, and she wants Twi to have it in case he ever needs his wolf form. This recovery takes about a week. - Midna, Zelda and Twi meet up at Arbiter's Grounds. The ending scene of TP happens. - Twi is in a state of shock after this and doesn't move for several minutes. Zelda is surprised as well, but she pieces things together and understands that Midna had to leave to rule her kingdom. Twi argues that even if that is the case, then she still could've kept the mirror standing so that there would be a link between them. He also cries. A lot. Twi tries to repair the mirror, but to no avail. He does manage to find a fragment of it, though, and he keeps it. - On the way back to the Castle, Zelda asks Twi what he plans to do now. He responds with a determined smile - "I'm going to find another way into the Twilight Realm.". Zelda....has her doubts. She offers him a place as a royal knight. He refuses. Twi returns to Ordon. - Rusl meets up with Twi and tells him about Midna. This causes him to trust Rusl much more. He makes the shadow crystal into a necklace for better access. - Twi starts doing research on the Twili. This continues for some time, around six months, until he gives up the study. During this period he is known to have stolen a few books from the Castle Library, which he promises to give back, but what happens after this makes that kind of hard. - Twi eventually gives up on the study, and decides that it's time for him to move on. He returns the Master Sword to its pedestal. A month later, he receives a letter from Zelda inviting him to a ball at the Castle. Now, usually, Twi isn't good at parties, so he initially wants to refuse, but it did say that it was important, so he comes along. - The castle servants are insistent that he wears something more proper (because he basically just showed up in his Ordon clothes). He is assigned a tailor - which means he has to change - which means his scars are going to be visible. He usually only covered the major ones before this (being the ones on his shoulders and chest), but the tailor's reaction makes him feel a little bit defensive about showing them. - This causes his usual need to wear layers. Anyways, the party is uneventful except for that the silk fabric is foreign to him and he's quite awkward while wearing it. When he is called into the Princess' room, things go south. - First she asks if he's reconsidered being a knight. Still a no.Zelda explains that she felt when he placed the master sword back - and when he tells her that he's permenately retiring the blade, she gets angry with him. This grows into an argument to where a few offhand comments are thrown around (such as "Maybe Midna severed the mirror because she wanted to get away from you!" Which boy howdy pisses Twi off.), and eventually Zelda calls the guards to escort him out. - But this is the Hero of Twilight we're talking about. Though reluctantly, he's able to easily get the guards off of him, and announces that "if I'm leaving, it's going to be on my terms, not yours." He does not return to the castle. Nor does he ever return those books. - It's now been almost a year after TP. Twi goes back to being a ranch hand. He's formally adopted by Rusl, though it doesn't matter much since he's nearly 20 now, but it does mean that Colin is now legally his little brother. He steps up to the role quite well. Their infant little sister, Liza, is growing. Twilight returns his original tunic to the Light Spirits, exactly where he got it from. Though Ordon does come together to make him a new tunic for all that he's done for them. - Years pass, and Liza and Colin grow up. As Rusl and Uli get more elderly, Twi steps up to the plate a lot. He's a strict big brother, but only because he cares. He sets serious bedtimes so that those two won't develop his insomnia. Liza becomes an avid researcher. Colin attempts marksmanship. The town of Ordon expands. - Prince Ralis reaches official King age, and Twilight gives him back his coral earring as a gift. - Telma and the Resistance are always looking out for Twi in Castle Town, even if he's unwelcome in the Castle itself. - After this, things kind of mellow out. That is, unless Linked Universe happens and he gets plunged into a life changing field trip. Yeah, so Zelda is kinda rude to Twi. She's not a bad person, they simply have conflicting ideals. You know that one person you just can't get along with no matter how nice you are, even if they aren't exactly horrible to you all the time? Yeah. That's Twi and Zelda.
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Anonymous asked: Do any of the Mods have any Headcanons for their OCs?
Mod Tullius-
Cylsandra Willowbrook (Skyrim OC):
Even though she was born in Cyrodiil she came with her mother to Skyrim when she was younger and the reason she was left at Honorhall was because her mother had become a vampire and didn't trust herself enough to not hurt her.
Being the only Bosmer at the orphanage did make it substantially harder for her, the other kids would pull on her ears and trash talk Bosmer in front of her.
Ever night when the other orphans were asleep she'd practice magic hoping that one day her biological mother would turn up and take her back to Cyrodiil with her but as the years past she started to give up hope.
After 'graduating' from the college of Winterhold she managed to track down her biological parents who lived in the Imperial City and she decided to head out.
When she got to the Imperial City she went to the Market District she was reunited with her mother (Valimina Sagelock) her farther (a certain Bosmer merchant) and two older brothers.
After spending a few years in Cyrodiil she began to miss all her friends back in Skyrim and Solstheim and began to write her former classmates just to keep in touch with them.
One day much to her surprise she ran into an old classmate of her's who had been thinking of marrying a lovely fellow who happened to be her only half sibling.
Mod Sheogorath-
Psylina and Mithlian (Skyrim OC):
The twins never really saw eye to eye on anything until the eye of Magnus incident.
Mithlian looks kinda like a younger version of their father and Psylina looks more like their mother except for a few minor things.
While Mithlian wanted to follow in their father's footsteps Psylina just wanted to learn more about magic and to fit in somewhere.
Neither twin likes to admit it but they hate the Thalmor even though their father was one.
Mithlian has a hard time using Restoration and Psylina has a hard time with Conjuration.
Mithlian and Psylina both keep journals to mark their progress but some pages have been burned out of Mithlian's while two were torn out of Psylina's.
After 'graduating' Mithlian leaves Skyrim and travels to Solstheim where he ends up falling for a Dunmer by the name of Ralis Sedarys and Psylina travels to Cyrodiil where she runs into a handsome Bosmer who happens to be the half brother of a friend of her's.(Cylsandra)
Mod Phintias-
Valimion Sagelock (Oblivion OC):
She was adopted by a Noble family in Valenwood and grew up along side the Bosmer known as Gwinas.
Guards found her at the scene of a murder and decided to lock her up in the Imperial City's Prison even though she hadn't committed the crime in question.
After breaking free and heading to Jauffre to give him the amulet of Kings and then saving Kvatch and Martin Septim she somehow managed to get lost on the way back to the Imperial City and somehow managed to arrive at the stable area.
After investigating the strange door she found herself in Sheogorath's plane of Oblivion which was a welcome change from Dagon's.
While attempting to stop the Greymarch from happening she swore that she'd protect both Thadon and Syl who'd she'd ended up falling in love with the duo, unaware of the affair between the Duke and Duchess.
A few days before Sheogorath demanded that she replace one of them she decided to bed one of them, unaware that she'd be forced to kill one of her two 'freinds'.
With a broken heart she decided to kill Syl because she knew that watching Thadon's heart blow up would destroy her already fracturing mental state.
As soon as she was given the position and Thadon confronted Sheogorath about what happened she cursed herself out as the only other 'freind' she'd made in the Shivering Isles abandoned his post to become a Priest of Order.
Killing her only other friend was what drove her to the edge and as she prepared to do battle with Jyggalag she wondered if it had been worth it to lose everything she loved just for the chance to fight the Daedric Prince of Order.
After a few months as Sheogorath she left the Shivering Isles and used her newly found abilities to assist Martin.
Sadly even with her new abilities she still couldn't save him in the end she did manage to assist him in saving the world from Dagon and afterwards she left Cyrodiil in shame.
After a few years she returned to Cyrodiil, well more specifically the Imperial City's Market District with a young Bosmer who happened to be her son.
She did end up settling down with a Bosmer merchant named Thoronir but part of her wished she'd been with her first lover again.
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midzelink · 5 years
Wonderful response! I too enjoy Midzel; it has a lot of potential and I wish their relationship was explored more in-game. Ilia/Shad was also a weird curveball from the manga, but it was pretty fun and could work! Luda/Beth is absolutely ingenius, they're cute friends and could become a cute couple! Ralis/Colin is also very interesting; I would like to see them interact more. I also really adore the idea of Link becoming the wolf equivalent of a crazy cat lady; how cute!
Link would absolutely be a great father, he’s the king of the kids in Ordon! Him adopting a kid in a similar situation to himself is great. I like that Midna would bring order to the Twili realm as to before Zant ruled, but would also change the old customs of it, as it needed improvement. She would be an amazing ruler! Ah, but so sad; I respect her decision and understand why she did it, but the right thing can hurt you deeply. Ah, and Shad opening a school is perfect! With Auru, too, maybe?
The idea that Ilia would help out at the bar is just very sweet. :> Especially when Telma gets older in age!! I imagine the girl might be busy going back between her aging father and her aging adoptive mother, but maybe Telma or Bo could move to Ordon/Castle Town? Hah, but who knows. :] Ashei and Agitha is interesting, where’d ya get that from? Ashei would be a good big sister figure to kids, definitely; especially young girls!
Colin and Talo would definitely learn the sword, hah! I imagine from good old Rusl? Since Link’s a wayward soul, and all. And Uli taking over as mayor is EXCELLENT. She’s perfect for it! She loves the village and doesn’t leave it, and she is a mother and motherly instincts are good for a job like that. :]
* * *
Whoa, thanks for giving me your feedback! Regarding Ashei and Agitha, I don’t exactly know where Agitha’s parents are or what happened to them, but they don’t seem to be around, and I feel like she’d eventually need more than her insect subjects to keep her company. I imagine that Ashei sees a younger version of herself when she looks at Agitha: odd, but perfectly content in her own special interests, and because of this she grows fond of her to the point of becoming protective.  Also, I just, like, really want Agitha to have a presence in this future, dude.  I love her to pieces!
I woke up this morning to another thought: Iliad has potential, but what about Iliashei, anyone?  Is that anything?
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mavda · 6 years
Ch.1 | Ch.2 | Ch.3 | Ch.4 | Ch.5 | Ch.6 | Ch.7 | Ch.8 | Ch.9 | Ch.10 | Ch.11 | Ch. 12 | Ch.13 | Ch.14 | Ch.15 | Ch.16 | Ch.17 | Ch.18 | Ch.19 | Ch.20 | Ch.21 | Ch.22 | Ch.23 | Ch.24 | Ch.25 | Ch.26 | Ch.27 | Ch.28 | Ch.29 | Ch.30 | Ch.31 | Ch.32 | Ch.33 | Ch.34 | Ch.35 | Ch.36 | Ch.37 | Ch.38 | Ch.39 | Ch.40 | Ch.41 |  Ch.42 | Ch.43 | Ch.44 | Ch.45 | Ch.46 | Ch.47 | Ch.48 | Ch.49 |
Ch.50: Jewels and sweat, courage in a friend
William stood in ceremonial stillness next to Kafei. Zelda stood far to his left, surrounded by nobles and merchants and whoever could have a say in the Kingdom. Link stood in front of him, just a little bit further down the line.
As the most recent person to court Her Highness he was placed farthest from her. Not that he seemed to mind, he had his hands clasped behind his back and stole glances to Her Highness with no lust or love, or any type of adoration one would expect of him.
He almost looked worried.
And Princess Zelda stood proud and menacing in front of everybody.
William could feel that something was bound to happen. Zelda had been too calm about receiving Prince Ralis. Not that she was nervous in previous visits, but now, today, she was proud... like she was expecting people to realize something.
William would eat his shoe if it didn't concern Link.
Link moved his feet on his spot. He had wanted to stay out of this, but now he was courting Zelda and that meant his position was different. It meant he had to attend a shit ton of activities in which his only asset was that he remained silent and got to see the others embarrass themselves in front of the Princess.
Maybe it was a little late to realize this, maybe not in the best of times, but Link wasn't really the type to like attention. Sucked to be him.
The door that lead from the outside to the Castle opened and trumpets made a point of making a grand entrance for the Zora Pri- No, not anymore. To the Zora King.
Ralis looked heavy, adorned with jewels the size of Link's fists, but he stood tall and walked surrounded by Zoras that looked ready to kill. Link would have liked to lay in the grass and look at the clouds move in the sky.
The procession moved slowly, not because they wanted to look regal and formal, but because Ralis was taking little steps so as to not disturb his jewels. Link could feel the concentration Ralis was mustering to walk, look menacing and look good while doing that.    
Nobody moved a muscle. The procession moved slow and the music had long finished but King Ralis was doing his best and-
Link had remained still as a statue, long gone was his eagerness to leave, he was now sending all his strength to Ralis. To keep poised, to not get nervous, to have his first meeting with the Ruler of Hyrule without problems.
It was one of the suitors. He shuffled his feet, just enough to move his leg and rest his weight on the other, just enough that in any other circumstance no one would have seen it.
Princess Zelda looked at him with killing intent and the man stood straight.
Link had Ralis a few feet away from him and he looked like he was going to pass out. Link could see water droplets running down his skin and his skin looked pale.
It was a second. Link was standing, all seriousness and kindness, and Ralis stopped.
It was a second, because Ralis' guards looked at their charge with urgency and what looked like Ralis' advisor gave the King a slight push for him to keep on walking.
It was a second, because Link couldn't even finish his smile before Ralis passed his position.
The moment Ralis moved forward with a slight smile on his face, the moment Link locked eyes with William who had his mouth open in a question, the moment King Ralis greeted Her Highness without nervousness and with a soft smile that surprised Zelda, the moment Ralis' advisor turned around to look at Link, so obvious even a suitor moved from his position to get a good look at the blond. The moment the procession disappeared and the Council stood there for a couple more of seconds to stare at Link, the moment the suitors, the musicians, the servants, the merchants and the nobles left, Link let out a sigh and disappeared into the stables.
Link was brushing Epona's fur, murmuring sweet nothings to his mare when William appeared at the stable.
"Link," he greeted.
Link hummed in answer, asking to Hylia to be left alone.
"You didn't tell the Council you were friends with King Ralis."
Link thinned his lips, shrugged his shoulders, "Don't know why I should've."
William walked forward, "To up your chances to become a suitor?"
Link couldn't help the pride that filled him, "Accomplished it anyway."
William was next to him now, "Barely."
Link raised his shoulders again.
"And mainly because Dotour didn't want Zelda to go on another escapade with you."
Epona neighed and Link caressed her muzzle.
"Why didn't you tell the Council that you had ties with the King?"
"Because I didn't want you to use him because of me."
William squinted, "That's not how it works-"
"And the last time I saw him he was just a Prince."
William raised an eyebrow, "Just," he marked, "a Prince?"
"I'm not letting you use him because he's friendly with me."
"Friendly is an understatement," William said, "I'm just quoting here, but you," William stressed, "are the reason he's alive, the reason he could calm himself today and a dear friend always welcome in Zora's Domain."
Link could feel his breathing getting labored. He was a child. A naive, dumb child who didn't know who he said those things to.
"Who else heard that?" The Council? The advisor?
William saw Link's distress and answered, "Just the Princess," and then as an afterthought, "she told me. No one else heard, no one else knows," Link let out a breath that made William cock his head, "he may be young but he's not dumb."
Link patted Epona and stepped away, "Good, don't tell anyone else."
William shook his head, "It was obvious, Link, that he trusted you in some way, don't try to hide the sun with your thumb."
"I can always try," Link turned before leaving the stable.
William stopped in front of him, looking at Link. William rolled his eyes at Link's silence. "I just wanted to know why you didn't use such valuable assets to try and earn you position as suitor."
"I do not do the things I do because I'll get benefits from them."
William wasn't sure if Link was being sarcastic or not. "And yet you used your ties with the Gorons to make the Council eat shit months ago."
"That was different," Link snarled.
"Was it?"
Link thought about his travel to Death Mountain, about the monster that was Darbus, about the smirk of Gor Coron and the way the Gorons had looked reluctant with him. Sure, Link hadn't forced it, hadn't threatened, but was it any different?
"He's a child."
William nodded, "Just know that though people don't know as much as Zelda or me, they suspect." William opened his arms, "Nothing you can really do, just... prepare for it."
Link blinked, "Are you... helping me?"
William raised his shoulders and made a high-pitched sound, "I'm still deciding if you're dumb or too nice."
William patted Link's arm before leaving, "See ya."
And Link couldn't decide if William was a mean bastard or a cunning one.
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yay855 · 6 years
Legend of Zelda Lore Tips
So I’ve seen a lot of people confused about how the Legend of Zelda series works in terms of lore. So I’m here to set you straight! You can find the whole thing under the cut.
1: Reincarnation
Despite what most people think, reincarnation only happens once in the Zelda series, during Four Swords Adventure, where Ganondorf is reincarnated as... himself, basically. Thanks to Skyward Sword, we now know:
* Link does not reincarnate, ever. He bears the Spirit of the Hero, some esoteric trait that is passed on from hero to hero, which may just be the approval of Hylia herself. This sometimes carries through his bloodline, but not always. Furthermore, the Spirit of the Hero can be both destroyed, and remade, as seen in The Wind Waker, where Link is not the chosen hero, but a normal child who made himself into the hero. That said, Links usually share some traits, such as having a love of food and sleep. But, as shown in Twilight Princess, they are all different people.
* Hylia does not reincarnate, ever. After the first Zelda died, Hylia returned to her status as a full goddess. Her descendants, the various Princess Zeldas throughout the series, don’t reincarnate either. Every Princess Zelda after the first one (who was the goddess hylia in a mortal body) is a demigod, a mortal descended from a god. Their power comes from this connection to Hylia. Furthermore, as evidenced in the first two Zelda games, it is tradition for the Hyrule Royal Family to name their firstborn daughter Zelda- the Zelda in The Adventure of Link is the aunt of the Zelda from the first game.
* Demise does not reincarnate either. His incarnations bear not his soul or spirit, but his hatred. His “incarnations” are essentially just people whose hearts were corrupted by hatred or evil.
* Ganondorf, as I stated earlier, only reincarnates once. Every other time, he is sealed away, typically returning after his power is regained.
2: The Curse
Despite what many believe, Demise did not lay down a curse after being defeated in Skyward Sword. Fi says as much, his power was gone. Rather, he laid down a prophecy, which he infused with what power he had left to influence, that his hatred would continue on in others, and they would continue to plague Hylia’s descendants and their champions for all eternity.
3: Ganondorf
Despite popular belief, Ganondorf is not Demise’s reincarnation. Neither was he unduly influenced by the prophecy/curse. Rather, Ganondorf was merely an exceptional man born into evil. He is the child of Twinrova, a fusion between two ancient and evil Gerudo witches, and as such, he inherited much of their power. And because they raised him, he became evil. His origin story is no more complex than that; he was simply a man born into power and evil, who happened to fulfill the conditions for the prophecy due to the hatred in his heart.
The only reason Ganondorf has lasted for so long is because he was the only villain to truly grasp even a fraction of the Triforce, which is itself creation given form. By taking the Triforce of Power for himself, his magic and strength were increased to ridiculous levels, causing him to be all but incapable of dying to anything but divine power.
He dies a total of three times across the series- once in A Link to the Past, once in the Oracle games, and once during Twilight Princess. In every other game in which he appears, Ganondorf is never killed, only sealed away.
However, it is clear that, by the time Breath of the Wild takes place, Ganondorf has become a force of nature, and lost what humanity he had left; he is a monster, a miasma of evil energy. This is likely due to him repeatedly dying, as seen in the Downfall Timeline- each time Ganon is resurrected, he loses a small piece of his mind, until he’s completely mindless in Link Between Worlds, used as a puppet by the real final boss to grant them extra power.
4: Timelines
The series is divided into four timelines: a unified timeline beginning with Skyward Sword and ending with Ocarina of Time, and then three new timelines spawned from OoT’s events: the downfall timeline, the child timeline, and the adult timeline. However, the timeline itself is largely just made up after the fact, and aside from a few games, most aren’t made with continuity in mind.
The Downfall Timeline is where Ganondorf defeats Link in their final battle, and a war is raged between the awakened sages and Ganondorf, ending with Ganon being sealed away in the Sacred Realm as a last resort. After spending an unknown amount of time in the sacred realm, Ganondorf’s power transforms it into the Dark Realm, a land of demons and monsters. In this timeline, Hyrule is in a constant state of decline due to Ganondorf’s influence, with monsters becoming more and more common even when Ganondorf isn’t around, to the point where it generally isn’t safe to venture outside by the time the original game comes along.
The Child Timeline is one where Ganondorf’s influence is never truly allowed to spread. However, this also causes Hyrule to slowly lose its magic, and to slowly grow more dependent on technology. By the time Twilight Princess comes along, magic is all but unheard of outside of divinity and the royal family; similarly, the Sheikah, ancient magical protectors of Hylia and her descendants, are all but gone, with only one Sheikah remaining, Impaz. However, it seems to make a small return once Four Swords Adventures comes along, as the four Links find various magical tools and items to help them on their journey. That said, it’s obvious that Four Swords Adventure was just tacked on to the Child Timeline because it didn’t fit anywhere else. Furthermore, Twilight Princess only happens because of how Link was sent into the past; by holding the Triforce of Courage in the future, Link accidentally created a time paradox, which caused himself, Zelda, and Ganondorf to each hold their triforce pieces in the new timeline despite not having split the triforce yet.
The Adult Timeline is a unique one. Hyrule is subjected to Ganon’s reign, but he is defeated by Link. Link is then sent back in time by Zelda, creating the Child Timeline, but the Adult Timeline still exists- and it is without a hero. Link is nowhere to be found, and the creation goddesses instead lead the peoples of Hyrule to the tops of mountains, before flooding it underneath a great sea. Ganondorf is sealed away underneath the ocean, inside the remnants of Hyrule, trapped in a bubble of time as the world moves on. However, Ganondorf’s power was not fully trapped, and he managed to escape after untold years to once more wreak havoc. After he is defeated in the Wind Waker, Link and Tetra move on to explore the world, eventually coming across a continent, which they rename New Hyrule. In this New Hyrule, magic and technology flourish in tandem, causing a technological boom; magical trains become the standard method of transportation, and the royal family itself sponsors it all. However, this land is home to an ancient evil which was sealed away long ago by the Lokomo tribe, a demon king named Malladus; the train tracks that New Hyrule relies on are actually chains which bind Malladus’s prison, which existed long before the people even arrived on that continent.
Finally, there’s Breath of the Wild, which has a unique problem of not really fitting into any of the timelines. It contains elements from every series, and was intentionally created separate from the rest of the series, likely in order to help further separate it from the rest of the series. Breath of the Wild contains many timeline-specific things, including:
* The Rito, which only existed in the Adult Timeline, and which were Zora transformed by the power of a minor god. Some argue that these Rito are not the same due to the difference in design, but the fact remains that they consider Medli to be one of their own, to the point of naming Vah Medoh after her- thus, these Rito must be descended from the Rito of Wind Waker.
* The Sea Zora, which only existed in the Child Timeline. They were transformed into the Rito in the Adult timeline, and were transformed into the monstrous River Zora in the Downfall Timeline. Some people defend them by saying that these Zora are relatively new to the region, but the fact remains that they consider Princess Ruto to be one of their own, to the point where Vah Ruta is named after her; thus, these Zora must be descended from the same Zora found in Ocarina of Time.
* Goponga Island, Kanalet Ridge, Mabe Village Ruins, Martha's Landing, Tal Tal Peak, Tabhal Woods, Ukuku Plains, and Koholit Rock, all of which areas named after places on Koholint Island, in Link’s Awakening, which itself took place on the Downfall Timeline. And Koholint Island is itself not a real place, but rather the dream of the Wind Fish, a place that is presumably never seen in any of the other timelines.
* Linebeck Island, named after a character in Phantom Hourglass, of the Adult Timeline.
* Lulu Lake, Mikau Lake, and Toto Lake, named after characters in Majora’s Mask, which takes place in the Child Timeline.
* Mount Daphnes, named after the King of Hyrule in The Wind Waker.
* Ralis Pond, named after the Zora Prince in Twilight Princess, in the Child Timeline.
* The Tunic of the Wild, which most resembles the clothing of the Downfall Timeline links.
* Vah Medoh, named after Medli (named Medori in the original Japanese), the Sage of Earth in The Wind Waker, found only in the Adult Timeline.
As such, it can be said that Breath of the Wild takes place in a New Unified Timeline, where elements from all timelines existed.
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Ritos and Zoras?
Ok, one of the biggest questions in ‘Breath of the Wild’ is how do the Rito exist at the same time as the Zora? After all, in Wind Waker (where we see the debut of the Rito Tribe) it is said that they were descended from the Zora race.
Well, I do know the theories about the Rito and the Loftwings. 1) They are actually descended/related to the Loftwings or 2) the Rito began to mate with what remained of the Loftwings. Either way they get their new colorful plumage.
However, I am providing a third theory, one that does not include Loftwings at all.
To introduce it, I ask you this one simple question. What is always happening to the Zora’s Domain?
Well, that’s simple. It likes to freeze.
That’s right, Zora’s Domain freezes. We see this in both ‘The Ocarina of Time’ and ‘Twilight Princess’ and we know that most of the Zoras were frozen in the ice each time. Hmmm, seems to me like that happens quite a lot when trouble (*cough* Ganon *cough*) appears in Hyrule.
So, let’s picture this. Pre-Wind Waker, we know that Ganon escaped his bonds and began wreaking havoc upon Hyrule and this caused the entire kingdom to be flooded until it becomes the Great Sea. Now this shouldn’t have really caused any change for the Zora Tribe. After all, they are part-fish and could swim anywhere they wanted.
Oh, except for two things.
1) Ganon was back. Yep, maybe he froze the Domain again. Or
2) When the Goddesses flooded Hyrule, they did it to stop Ganon. To stop Ganon and to make sure that the old Hyrule kingdom was forgotten, the Goddesses froze the Domain this time. They couldn’t risk the Zoras finding that kingdom or accidentally releasing Ganon from it (although he did get out eventually and that leads into the events of Wind Waker. But I digress.)
So this leads to a frozen Zora Tribe. But, both times that the domain was frozen before, not all of the Zoras were frozen with it. Ruto was rescued by Sheik to save the Domain in Ocarina of Time, and later Link unfreezes the Zora King. In Twilight Princess, we not only had multiple Zora guards who escaped it, but also Prince Ralis. So I think it is a fairly safe assumption that, yes, some Zoras escaped being frozen.
Seeing this, the Goddesses knew that they had to keep them away from the flooded Hyrule. How they did it, I don’t really know. We could open up the whole freshwater vs saltwater debate if you really wanted to, but it is possible that they perhaps gave Valoo a little nudging in their direction and told him to give the Zora some scales for wings.
Either way, some Zoras were frozen and the others went off to become the Rito seen in Wind Waker. Later on, (to be explained in greater detail after I have my Breath of the Wild timeline theory typed up for you all) Zoras Domain is unfrozen and ta-da! We have Rito and Zora in the same timeline, in the same world, in the same game.
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beardycarrot · 7 years
An interesting part of BotW is the names of locations, though none of them can make for a timeline placement. For example, there's Ralis Pond and Rutela River, referencing the queen and prince of the Zoras from Twilight Princess... and locations named after Mikau and Lulu as well, referencing the Zoras from Majora's Mask. Sure, that takes place in an alternate dimension, but most of the characters in Termina had counterparts in Hyrule; it's possible that their Hylian counterparts did something noteworthy enough to have geography named after them.
Unfortunately, you can't just look at this and claim that the game is set in the child timeline; there's also an island in the nearby marshland named after Linebeck and something-or-other named after Laruto, characters only seen in the adult timeline. I've seen people using the argument that it has to take place after The Wind Waker, as the Rock Salt item mentions an ancient sea. First of all, there can be more than one sea. Skyward Sword referenced a location that used to exist where the Lanayru Desert came to be, and specifically called it the ancient sea. Secondly, if it takes place after The Wind Waker, how do you explain the Master Sword? Characters in BotW specifically mention the fact that a spirit inhabits the sword, so it's clearly meant to be the same one. It can't have been reclaimed from Ganondorf's skull, either: King Daphnes used the Triforce to wish that Hyrule would be washed away and remain at the bottom of the sea, and that includes the desert where Ganondorf and the sword were left.
People also like to argue that Koroks only exist on the adult timeline, but I'm not really sure of that. In Ocarina of Time, Link meets the Deku Sprout after beating the Forest Temple, and that sprout is what grows to become the Great Deku Tree and guardian of the Koroks in The Wind Waker. The thing is, nothing Link does in OoT's future really influences the existence of the sprout; it had already been planted before he got there, so there's no reason to think it wouldn't exist in the other timelines as well. As for the Rito, they pretty clearly have no relation at all to the Rito from TWW.
So, yeah. Aside from the fact that it obviously takes place after Skyward Sword, and there's no reason to doubt the developers when they say it takes place after OoT, there's really nothing that suggests one timeline over another... from what I've seen in the game, anyway. The fact that some ancient hero put the smack down on Ganon so hard that there was a ten thousand year peace also makes finding meaningful ties to other games challenging.
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vincentdanointed · 7 years
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MISGUIDED EPISTLE... I wrote about the death of OBI MADUBUOGWU on my Facebook wall, and alot of people were commenting, then this man came on my wall and wrote this very misguided thoughts... Why do people keep saying what they don't know? Why do you think the industry abandoned him? By the way, who is the industry? If I know nothing about who and who that ralied to lend a hand of help, at least I know that the Directors Guild of Nigeria where he belonged tried their best Who told you Obi Madubuogwu died because there was no money for his treatment?? This life is a battle and a very personal one at that! That you are in Nollywood does not in anyway drop your burdens on anyone's shoulders!!! Everyone is carry a baggage of problems and fighting their own battles! Mr. Know it all... As a good Nigerian you claim to be, what did you do, or contribute to save the deceased??? So sad the King of Musanga is gone! Death itself is a debt all mortal must pay! To those of us living, be careful what you do, be careful with your health... Alot of folks in Nollywood abuse alcohol and smoke all manners of trash, tomorrow your liver, kidney and heart will start to fail and when you cannot foot the huge medical bills, you would then realise that life is a battle fought only by you and you alone! Don't say tomorrow the people around have failed you! Look after your health today. Leave alcohol alone! Leave weed alone! Don't become a liability to the folks around you tomorrow! My name is Vincent D Anointed... May God rest the soul of Obi Madubuogwu
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