newsiepedia · 5 years
Relationship Analysis: Jack and Race (Musical and Film Versions)
Charcter 1: Jack Kelly is the unofficial leader of the Manhattan newsies. What he lacks in smarts, he makes up for with charisma and a determination to do what’s right.
Character 2: Ractrack Higgins is a gambling, flirtatious prankster- and a world- class newsie. Although he may appear mean and irresponsible at first, he really does care deeply about his friends and fellow newsies.
All About It:
Race is Jack’s second in command. Before Carrying the Banner, Race repeats Jack’s call to the newsies to wake up, and they listen- implying he has some power. (Newsies Live script, page 4) When the newsies go on strike, Race arrives early with Jack, Davey, and Les, (Newsies Live script, page 39) and when the price is increased Race checks the other circulation gates for Jack to see if it’s the same everywhere else. (Newsies Film script, page 39)
But he’s also Jack’s friend. Whenever Race thinks he knows which horse will win a race, he tells Jack, (Newsies Film script, page 7) something he only does for one other person: Medda, the newsies’ surrogate mother. (Newsies Film script, page 82) This shows that Race is very close to Jack. He also puts himself at risk to keep Jack safe from Snyder (Newsies Film script, page 73) and helps Jack escape the rally via curtain. (Newsies Film script, page 89) When Jack leaves for Santa Fe, the other boys are sad, but Race is heartbroken, saying “Won't be the same without ya. Give ya even odds on that.”  (Newsies Film script, page 134)
Jack and Race joke around together. They mostly joke about Race’s inability to win a bet (Newsies Film script, pages 7, 35) and their lousy situation as homeless newsies. (Newsies Film script, page 35)
Race trusts Jack completely. When the Delanceys threaten Jack, Race immediately says “Five to one, I say Cowboy skunks 'em” showing his faith in Jack’s abilities. (Newsies Film script, page 13) Race also doesn’t hesitate to give Jack his money when he wants to buy more papers for Davey. (Newsies Film script, page 17) Race appears the most upset when Jack scabs, almost not believing his eyes when he joins them (Newsies Film script, page 104) and doing “his Delancey routine” when Jack leaves the lodging house. (Newsies Film script, page 108) Although Jack broke his trust when he scabbed, Race welcomes him back as soon as he returns. (Newsies Film script, page 123)
Jack doesn’t love Race as much as Race loves Jack. Although Race is Jack’s friend, he’s always playing second fiddle- to Crutchie in the stage musical and Davey and Les in the film. Also, although Race’s jokes are fairly neutral, Jack’s always seem to be at Race’s expense. (Newsies Film script, pages 7, 35) Race isn’t enough for Jack to stay in New York either- that honor goes to his love interests, Katherine and Sarah. It seems no matter how you look at it, Race has the short end of the stick.
Will it Ship?
YES! Jack and Race work well together, and probably have for ages. They have easy chemistry, lots of trust, and genuinely enjoy each other’s presence.
NO! The relationship is unbalanced- Race is putting more in than Jack. Besides, it would probably hurt that Jack left Race not once, but twice, and only came back for someone else’s sake.
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newsiepedia · 5 years
If anyone has any information about the Newsies actors’ thoughts on shipping, the newsies’ sexualities, or the newsies’ genders, please dm me at funnyihope! ~ mod strings
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