#quotes edited down for crosstalk and rambling
juggey · 5 years
scullyscout replied to your post
“erskineravel  yall ever think…mavinsay said: ya...”
What is fymg and where can I find this? I’ve never heard this but it makes me so happy
fuckyeahmichaelgavin! it’s exactly what it sounds like. here’s why it’s notable, instead of like, just some random mavin blog
it’s pretty much been around since the first starry eyed ah fan went “haha what if michael SLASH gavin”. i’m talkin june 2012. 
michael randomly found it while browsing tumblr, then talked about it on his podcast (x). highlights of this conversation:
“it’s like, romance. the funny part about it is i scroll through it and almost all of it i’m like ‘man this is extremely gay’ and it’s all just quotes from us. like it’s ripped straight from videos and it’s just the gayest thing ever.” 
lindsay: or the gifs are exactly what happened. like well you did lean over and almost kiss gavin on the cheek.
“i’m scrolling through and there’s like, a little sketch of me and gavin being a little gay, holding each other. and he says ‘d’you want to hit me once for being bad michael’. and [sketch michael] is like ‘YEAH’ and i’m like ‘wow that’s SO GAY.’ and then i scroll down a little and right under that there’s a gif of where that happened in the letsplay and i’m like ‘oh yeah, that did happen!’”
“i created a tumblr just to send [that blog] message and i was like ‘man this website’s awesome i can’t wait to tell gavin about it’“
like michael mentions in the above clip, a big part of fymg’s structure for a long time was posting ah videos with timestamps in the caption of michael and gavin being “michael and gavin-y”. he used his tumblr exactly one (1) more time before abandoning it completely to message the blog and tell them they missed a mavin timestamp (x)
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