#quilge def has a soft spot for emil .
biskael · 1 month
“ You didn’t break me; you built me. All you did was make me ruthless. ” (FROM EMIL)
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" VERY GOOD . AS I WOULD HAVE EXPECTED from someone of your calibur , emil . you are not a coward . and that is commendable , indeed . " not a single complaint from the lad . and a bloodthirsty one , at that. the master-hunter possesses a pointed , beast-like grin , dark lips sharpened into cruelty . so used to giving commands , and watching men fall to their deaths , or simply give up . not emil , though . His Majesty had assigned Quilge administration over the training of many Quincy through the centuries . if they could not withstand such a brutal committment , then they would surely falter in the frontlines . it was simple .
" isn't that what His Majesty wishes ? " Quilge says , rising , his grand form of torment & battle a defining trait in his presence . he stands amid the weaponry , all polished & newly-sharpened , a cold gaze running over them one by one . " To not turn from the horrors , and to not give up in the face of our adversaries ? it is the only way we can strive for peace . " then , quilge smiles . " or , is that perhaps , what I wish ? how my mind craves to comprehend what our leader has foreseen for us all ...
good lad . off to the barracks with you , then . rest . "
@reiiishii , for emil . darkness haunts your narrative .
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