#q slur 40823
kadywicker · 7 years
on ezra miller and that “he directed a film from darren wilson’s point of view so he’s garbage” rumor
y’all seriously have got to learn to fact check before u demonize already marginalized ppl. here’s the actual short film and please watch it instead of just believing what people tell you about it. some are in entirely good intentions about it and just sharing what they think is true, but other people aren’t so great in their intentions with spreading misinfo.
in case you don’t want to take the time to watch it, it’s not at all “from darren wilson’s point of view” or defending him. yes, it’s darren wilson speaking. but the entire point of the short film is that before his interview, darren is practicing having emotions and feeling bad about what he did because he doesn’t actually feel that in real life. he’s talking to himself in a mirror, practicing faking remorse to gain sympathy. the film is literally a statement on how anything he says to excuse his actions is just fake bullshit. 
i get that ppl don’t want to go against the grain and have an opinion that shifts from the main perspective on this site, but please, when it comes to shit like this, watch things for yourself. read the articles yourselves. don’t just blindly believe it bc not everyone has good intentions and a lot of this cropped up bc mcu fans were annoyed about his growing popularity. 
(also a note: stop calling him a boy or privileged from that when he’s nonbinary. he’s also jewish and queer (the term he uses for himself so i don’t want to mislabel and as for the source it’s a pretty well known fact but u can just google ezra miller sexuality) so he does have a place to speak on quite a number of issues involving those things thanks)
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