totipa-s · 4 years
Currently at 9K. A long way to go, but we can get there. We aren't fighting for independence, we are fighting to eliminate red tape and improve the availability of quality healthcare across America and our ability to pivot during a crisis!! We love our MDs/DOs and the collaboration we have with them. Their time is valuable and their patients need them as well! Their time shouldn't be needlessly spent reviewing charts/signing orders/signing paperwork if our docs/hospital admin don't think it is necessary (meaning we aren't under review or other need for supervision). This is to optimize team practice and allow PAs to practice at their full scope not eliminate current collaborative relationships!
White House FPA (full practice authority) Petition
The time is now. There are highly qualified PAs who are being forced to sit on the sidelines because they're current SP doesn't work in Emergency Medicine. This is ridiculous.
Let's do what we can to set our profession up for success (we all know this is needed). But more importantly, to remove barriers that prevent us from treating patients in a time when healthcare providers are needed more than ever. PAs have always been collaborative, and a legislative requirement will never change that. Let us take responsibility for our license and practice to our scope of practice.
Here is the petition. It currently has 6,000. Needs 100,000 to get a response. It might not be much, but it's something.
Here is a NYT video recently put out that does a great job describing the regulatory burden that is placed on PAs and forces willing and qualified PAs to sit on the sideline.
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