#putting weird things into my tank just to see what happens: SIENSE!
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The tank went unmanaged for nearly a month while I helped my parents clean and organize their house, and interesting things happened. I’d put some pothos clipping in to propagate, but they were only hanging onto the rim by their leaves, which died. The stems fell into the tank and I forgot about them, thinking they’d been gobbled up. I found them under a patch of Java moss and subswassertang, having both sprouted.
One of the dracaena (lucky bamboo) had died at the base, but was putting out new roots that I trimmed before realizing it had separated from the pot. I took it out of the tank entirely because a whole new shoot of dracaena is coming up elsewhere around the pot.
Lastly, a little less than a week ago, I put a whole old carrot in the tank, just to see what would happen. The tops grew a little and, again, I forgot about it. Today I thought it look grey and moldy, so I pulled it out. Turned out it had been completely hollowed out and the grey hue was, in fact, a mass of snail in and under it. I wish I’d gotten that first picture. Snails positively poured out of it. This is only a quarter of the original number of snails.
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