#putting art tag anyways dgaf
joobforut · 1 month
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amen he has been beaded
by god he can spin.
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the BohkeeNaht glazing in those comics and in the fanbase glazing said comics is making me alkdvnkvnklnLMFAO
i can't even fully blame those writers or even the current editor bcuz, despite SteevShayrun writing/dynamic being objectively worse, BN pisses me off more. I think it's bcuz the loss/tradeoff for the ship's existence is more severe IMO. in the 2000s the men in charge had the bright idea of rewriting Nat's backstory to make her a Cap supp character, and now we have to suffer bcuz there's a gaggle of "Nat" fans that dgaf about Black Widow stories or supp casts and just wanna see her in Cap comics to enact their brainwashed teacher tropey romance bs.
but imma still blame those two "we love female characters even tho we write them terribly" writers bcuz omg the writing fuckin awful, even worse than SteevShayrun writing somehow, and Bucky doesn't even have a solo comic to repair the damage that those writers have been doing to his character the past year.
but even if he did have a solo, with the current i doubt it would do anything for him. ever since ~10 years ago when they got the job and editorial authority of every Bucky appearance, his character has been getting worse, i can't fully blame those men since it's a tag team effort. that editor is part of the problem ever since they got put on lowkey.
but the glazing of the turds is what gets me. CA fans will praise anything and ignore the shite writing as long as there's even worse written shippy panels to post omfg
I agree, it pisses me off a lot, too! I don't know why natasha went from being in a relationship with bucky (which was always a terrible choice, of course) and still having her own life & solo runs & being a generally well-respected member of the superhero community to being bucky's girlfriend with seemingly no life of her own and no solo runs :/ like, why is she co-parenting that fuck ass cat with him now or something?
#Those writers are clearly doing this because there's demand, though...while I'm happy to blame them for everything ever, I think this time, I'll equally blame the fans (why is buckynat so popular anyway? I feel like it's all people who noticed mcu fans being misogynistic towards natasha and decided to ship them harder than they normally would) because #they probably know they have a hard time getting people to read their books so they're forming an alliance with people who know nothing about the characters.
Is there any cap character who is being written well rn? I agree about bucky but I feel like every single character is getting atrocious writing and stories right now and the worst part is that their fans don't seem to care. The rest of us (fans of other characters) constantly complain about mischaracterization when it happens but cap fans seem to be happy with anything they get as long as the art is pretty and their ships are together 😭 sam literally tortured someone in his latest solo run and people were totally cool with it. Every writer who wrote sharon and bucky wrote them differently. Misty & natasha deserve better than to be stuck with these people and if they don't know what to do with steve, they should stop giving him solo books. I don't know how long the current cap editor was active for so I don't know if they're the only person to blame but they're certainly doing a terrible job regardless of whether they're solely responsible for all of these things...
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