#put a little more effort into this one
catmask · 8 months
does anyone have like an anti aesthetic. like something you look at and can recognize as a complete fashion/interior design/artistic movement and understand it but it makes you shudder seeing it. i am not talking like “its morally bad” “its poorly structured” like just sheerly devoid of joy for you actually invites a repulse response.
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latepivi · 2 months
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omaano · 1 year
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"I bet it was the martini that blew your cover." "You can judge my drinking habits after you got me out of here, Djarin!"
I've seen one (1) James Bond movie my entire life back when 00Q was a whole thing on this hellsite, but I'm ready to die on the hill that Din would make a great Q who knows how to work in the field and can poke at gadgets just fine, but also gets very passive agressive when he has to work overtime - he asked for the office job because his kid is going to school and they are working on building a normal-adjacent nighttime routine, which is very difficult when the agent he's working with cannot stick to a plan.
For the Spies/Assassins square on my Bobadin AU bingo for @bobadinweek
(I've seen all the John Wick movies though, so if Boba's pose is familiar, that is why)
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lucalicatteart · 3 months
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A few silly little small sculptures that I made with some of the leftover clay from the main one I did recently
#sculpture#birds#neopets#sparkly little aishas my beloved.....#Though I actually kind of liked them with a matte finish more?? I wanted to try out making them sparkly and shiny..but#I think they might have looked better before adding all the shine. BUT I kind of like both. Maybe I should make two more that aren't shiny#just to have variation lol... an entire army of tiny aishas.....#The little house is so bad lol I hada headache at that point and kind of just wanted to get everything over with#(I bake the clay all at once so I had to get the smaller ones done to go with the main one)#and was like.. zero effort into making things line up or measuring at all. one window on one side is like twice as big as on the other lol#but I think from afar ifnot examined too closely it's still kind of cute. The birds were also just random like 'what can I shape out of thi#s small blob of clay I have leftover' etc. I did actually put irridescent eyeshaow on the pigeon but it just doesnt show up in photos ToT#The other bird is not anything in specific... some sort of random fantasy creature bird with slight purple on it's wings or something#The strawberry is exclusively just a quickly done accessory for the birds.. I wanted them to have a little meal to share#even though I dont know if birds eat strawberries#the last picture in the set is them all sitting on a shelf (the most well lit place I could find) but looks weird#since it has all of my avocado pit eyes in the background......... ominous backdrop for such peaceful little creachures..#you kind of cant tell what they are from that angle though i guess lol
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codacheetah · 3 months
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missmolsa · 2 years
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hes sending this to Yoko Okino or some shit
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bonebrokebuddy · 3 months
Oh my god they’re finally almost done! The Superboy ones took me somehow nearly 5 hours. Curves are the fucking worst when trying tocut cardboard neatly. My exactoknife is getting dull super fast from this unfortunately so I’ll likely have to go out and get replacements tomorrow.
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I think they look super nice and I’m very happy with how they turned out! Just waiting on the glue for the SB logos to dry so I can attach them to the shortbox!
Only 5 more to go!
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mintythecup · 4 months
Maybe its because no one gives a fuck about your original au. You cant force people to like your original stuff. Yeah it might be saddening because you put time and effort into it but time and effort was also put into the better casino and people like that more.
what, did bro wake up on the wrong side of the bed or sum.
I wasn't trying to force anyone into liking it. But the fact you went anon is kinda embarrassing ngl. If you were going to say it, say it with your actual account.
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swift-sage44 · 8 months
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po-tober day 12: piston hondo
maybe he skipped breakfast today or something..
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kirbydaily · 2 months
are you gonna do the leap year?
i've been thinking over if i want to stop it at a year or keep going
ive been doing art for this blog with a little less effort just bc ive been more focused on drawing other things, but i still enjoy running it
i think id be disappointed if i stopped doing it but i also don't know if its as worth it if i don't make like. quality art for it anymore
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debble-from-deltarun · 9 months
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Changed my moth Jevil so he’s an actual species
They’re an African death’s-head hawkmoth now
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ametisztpatkany · 2 months
Helluvaverse characters as TMA fears 2 - Husk as the End
I think this one needs a little explanation. It would also be easy to connect Husk with the Web as well, just like Angel Dust - they have a whole song about how they are both trapped and puppeteered by demons stronger than themselves.
However, I think Husk’s gambling and dealing in souls (being a previous Overlord), ties in neatly with the concept of the End in the Magnus Archives (especially with MAG029 - Cheating Death). So yeah, I figured Husk is the perfect candidate for the End, so, enjoy.
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Supplemental: Angel Dust
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utytimeline · 4 months
Headcanon: After the sendoff and Marty's resignation, Star asks her to come work for him. The Wild East needs a carpenter to fix up some of the old buildings that are practically falling down. And he needs a deputy to keep the Four in line during harvest and planting season, when he helps his folks. Who would make a better deputy than the one that took charge when Clover's life was on the line? Heck, she was the one keeping them in line and making all the decisions when they were all at a loss as to what to do after finding Chujin's tapes. And besides, she's got the Royal Guard training (although maybe a couple lassons wouldn't hurt).
Marty is flabbergasted at first, but as Ceroba points out, she has nowhere else to go. Marty humbly accepts and promises that while she may not live up to the hype, she will do her best.
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bigbrainbiology · 1 year
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1 hour rkgk <3
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toriliashine · 3 months
need mastermind kokichi and gonta going mwah mwah
the angel/demon theming working together perfectly, matching the mask/reveal scene in chapter 4 only to reveal they were working together the whole time
the mind games, the clashing personalities and bodies yet melding perfectly together, in despair and in love, it's like
they were made for each other...
//on to notes like
**i am now also BEGGING YALL to read the tags
i'm still working on the designs but i know i have some drafts here hmm
>for their mastermind fits, i'm thinking gonta being all white , with his hair being more curled and really framing his face for that angelic round-faced look, plus his ahoge making a little halo to really top it off. one eye of his glasses are red for monokuma. with a black choker . nice fancy 3 piece suit that really accentuate his muscles, giving the image that he's not someone to mess with despite his angelic demeanor and damn, he looks good in it too plus an all white , n gold/red accented overcoat! letting the boy be dramatic and fancy and beautiful 2k24.
*more notes at bottom
kokichi's fit is a sleek, sharp black. but still comfortable to move and store things in. He can still be silly and dramatic in it but It's be really cool for his new fit to be purposefully cold, controlled and intimidating , a good contrast from his usual clownness to really grab their attention. //need to explain this one to be an 'oh! he was doing that to distract us' but more... oomf . hm He has a a white glove, and a black one to draw more attention to the former. black captain hat with devil horns, or just the horns? hm. plus the black cape for the demon bat silhouette. inside is one of those cool n kinda slutty but loose all black formal fits, like (ahhh i need to get pack into drawing or outfit scrapbooking but imagine with me)
**** gonta's black choker and kokichi's white gloves is supposed to a) show their connection via the colours lol. but also represent a dog on a leash deal. however gonta can take off and on the choker when he pleases, showing his willingness and equal choice in this operation despite it seeming like ouma has the upper hand [plus feeding into the 'ouma is controlling him!' schtick their classmates got going on, thus making them suspect him less and not believe him and kokichi are purposefully working together! boom baby
also, the kink factor. hehe
**** i do wonder if i should cave and make them both wear chokers matching the other's colour though. i like chokers , and colour symbolism
#ougoku#danganronpa#kokichi ouma#gonta gokuhara#they argue about how best to gut the others in the mastermind hq then grab the other and make out sloppy style#gonta being the.. only one able to do the command grabs but hey- the grape can trip and push him and be all damn guess this big oaf's falli#for me yet again despite his stature! and gonta smirks and calls him another insect based petname which he KNOWS ouma would bitch about#which he does and pins gonts down lower and aaaa they stare#and gonta closes his eyes as the purple dictator leans down#till he can feel his soft breath on his lips#and senses a smile a nanometer away from his month#k - put in a little more effort next time hmm#the grin on his face as gets up reminds the entomologist why his partner got the devil role#g- ...#g - that motherfucker....#writer's note: RAAAAAAH you THOUGHT#I couldve made them kiss but in the middle of writig i was like#you know what would be funny? you know what would be a dick move? hehehe#ndrv3#also random but they are both super cute and pretty here like i can really imagine#gonta randomly pulling back ouma's hair when he notices it's all over the place#while still talking#and ouma beng 1) shocked at the boldness 2) smiling none then less 3) resting his head in gonta's palm#then the big guy realises what he did and goes 7 diff shades of red heehejhebhjhfaclknufa.e#and the others wondering when they got so close and how kokichi could have man-ipulated him bc gonta cant think hur durr#or gonta talking about bug patterns or some tamer ento- shit while kokichi's chilling with him in his lab#he's sleeves are rolled up#and his hands keep running too push back his hair and he rambles. his eyes are bright and firm his hands busy as he works in the sunlight#ee this has leaked into my regular ougoku thinkings but eeeeeeeee#them being made for each other and their story was already a tragedy but them now having to make themselves feel despair on purpose but
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dietmimo · 3 months
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"Look! It's a butterfly!"
"Oh wow! Hello there Butterfly"
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