wholehealthclinic · 4 years
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Purple yam Strange but equally beautiful the purple yam is a starchy root vegetable with high forms of antioxidants. In fact they are good a source of 👉🏻 vitamin A, C, B⁶, fiber, potassium and manganese. They have a low glycemic index which makes them perfect for diabetes as they maintain blood sugar levels👌🏼 Yams should be cooked as they have a natural occurring protein that can be quite toxic. What's more the purple yam rich form of vitamin C helps to boost the immune system health by enriching the cells, all of which are protective and effective in preventing sickness and disease. The benefits of consuming purple yam are:👇🏻 • May help to prevent DNA damage • Helps to maintain and fight the effects of diabetes • Lowers blood sugar levels • May helps to lower blood pressure • May improve the health of the lungs • Promotes good intestinal health • A great vegetable that encourages fertility • May help reduce inflammation. A versatile vegetable, easy to use very similar to a sweet potato it can used either way, sweet or savory dishes, a great vegetable to include into ones diet. . . . . #purpleyam #purpleyamcake #purpleyamcheesecake #yam #purpleyambrownies #rootvegetables #rootveggies #starchy #starchyvegetables #starchyfoods #potassium #manganese #dietaryfibre #glycemicindex #lowglycemicindex #diabetesfood #immunebooster #immunesupport #dnadamage #dnaprotection #bloodsugarbalance #bloodpreasure #lungs #healthylungs #intestinalhealth #fertility #fertilitydiet #fertilityfood #fertilitysupport #healthtips (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B70zaodpuZU/?igshid=yuirhpgduw7r
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