#productos nauticos
marinedecor · 9 months
nautiche Timone decorativo
El Timón Decorativo es otro fantástico producto de decoración náutica y marina que simboliza el trazar el rumbo y la navegación. Esta réplica del timón de barco transmite una sensación de dirección, control y aventura, por lo que es un complemento perfecto para el hogar de cualquier marinero o entusiasta del océano.
Il timone decorativo è un altro fantastico prodotto di decorazione nautica e marina che simboleggia tracciare il corso e la navigazione. Il timone di questa replica trasmette un senso di direzione, controllo e avventura, rendendolo un complemento perfetto per la casa di qualsiasi marinaio o appassionato di oceano.
Contattaci: https://www.nauticadecor.com/it/60-timoni-decorativi
Materiali e Disegno:
Il timone decorativo è solitamente realizzato in legno, metallo o una combinazione di materiali, garantendo durata e autenticità. L'attenzione ai dettagli nella riproduzione degli intricati disegni del timone di una nave rende questo pezzo uno squisito oggetto decorativo.
Arte murale unica:
Una caratteristica distintiva del timone decorativo è la sua versatilità come arte murale. Può essere il punto focale di una stanza o un ottimo accompagnamento alla parete di una galleria che mostra altri oggetti nautici come ancore, bussole e remi. Il suo aspetto dominante e il suo design accattivante faranno senza dubbio una scommessa audace nella decorazione della tua casa.
Incorporare decorazioni marine e nautiche come il salvagente decorativo e il timone decorativo nella tua casa è un modo delizioso per abbracciare la tranquillità del mare e aggiungere un tocco di fascino costiero al tuo design d'interni. Che tu risieda sulla costa o a miglia dall'acqua, queste decorazioni marine e nautiche eleveranno sicuramente l'atmosfera della tua casa e ti trasporteranno nel sereno mondo dell'alto mare.
Trasforma la tua casa in un paradiso costiero con NauticaDecor
NauticaDecor, azienda leader nella decorazione nautica e marina, offre una vasta gamma di prodotti raffinati che catturano l'essenza del mare. Dai salvagenti decorativi splendidamente realizzati all'accattivante timone decorativo, la sua collezione incarna lo spirito della vita marittima e lo porta a casa o sul posto di lavoro. Con un focus sui materiali di alta qualità e l'attenzione ai dettagli, NauticaDecor assicura che ogni pezzo sia una splendida replica di elementi nautici, aggiungendo un tocco di autenticità ai tuoi spazi interni. Le sue decorazioni marine e nautiche non sono solo visivamente accattivanti ma anche versatili, rendendole adatte a vari stili e ambientazioni di interior design.
Che tu sia un amante del mare, un navigatore o qualcuno che semplicemente apprezza la tranquillità e la bellezza dell'oceano, i prodotti di NauticaDecor sono l'aggiunta perfetta per migliorare lo spazio abitativo della tua casa. Abbraccia il fascino costiero, salpa per il tuo viaggio di decorazione e lascia che il fascino dell'alto mare ti travolga con questi pezzi di arredamento nautico senza tempo di NauticaDecor.
Visita il suo sito Web all'indirizzo https://www.nauticadecor.com per esplorare la sua squisita collezione e portare la serenità del mare nella tua vita.
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Zapato de trabajo es2 http://bit.ly/2PFfokP
El zapato de trabajo es2 es de suma importancia ya que estos proveen de seguridad al usuario al proteger los pies, siendo este un elemento fundamental de poseer al momento de trabajar en una embarcación ya que aporta al usuario la seguridad de no sufrir lesiones que conlleven a accidentes, cumliendo así con la normativa de seguridad establecida para el trabajo en embarcaciones.
El zapato de trabajo es2 es la mejor elección debido a la naturaleza o la actividad en la cual se va a desarrollar el trabajo. el uso de material pesado y de materiales de carga  contribuyen a una amenaza en la embarcación que con los zapatos adecuados disminuyen la gradualmente la amenaza y se garantiza el trabajo de manera segura y adecuada
Características del zapato de trabajo es2
 El zapato de trabajo es2 posee una suela de goma antideslizante para que el usuario tenga una sujeción al piso que evite accidentes o deslizamientos. Además de poseer aislante para máxima protección de riesgos eléctricos.
Estos son impermeables con esto se quiere decir que contienen una resistencia al agua que garantiza que durarán al ser expuesto en el trabajo en el mar.
La movilidad en los pies es de suma importancia aunque también lo es tener una sujección en la embarcación, este accesorio permite la unión perfecta entre ambas.
Este zapato permite tener una movilidad del pie, aunque estar sujetos al piso es completamente necesario, este zapato tiende a ser el mejor porque no aprisiona el pie permitiéndo la libertad en lo movimientos sin perder la seguridad al momento de usarlos.
El zapato de trabajo es2 garantiza ser aislantes al frío ya que está preparado para usarlo en trabajos en los cuales se puede estar expuesto al frío.
Mantenimiento del zapato de trabajo es2
El zapato de trabajo es2 debe mantener dos criterios de mantenimiento:
 Deben ser bien conservados  lo que hace referencia a la suciedad, desgaste o deterioro para evitar esto se deben realizar controles cada cierto tiempo y así cumplir con las normas de higiene, mantenimiento y almacenamiento adecuado del accesorio.
Siempre que el calzado conseve sus condiciones intactas cumplira con su rol de proteccion, pero cuando se vea afectado por deformaciones, rotura, grietas o alteraciones y deformaciones estos van a imposibilitar el uso del accesorio caducando este como material de seguridad en el área de trabajo.
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Megafono Marino EXTRA RINA 24V http://bit.ly/2GRuFfr
El Megáfono Marino EXTRA RINA 24V concede un rendimiento totalmente amplio, aporta la función de interfono y garantiza que es muy funcional en diferentes tipos de embarcación.
Otorga una excelente calidad al momento de comunicarse con el personal de la embarcación y de las embarcaciones que se encuentren en frecuencia sea cual sea la circunstancia en la que se encuentren.
El Megáfono Marino EXTRA RINA 24V está ensamblado de manera sólida y es muy resistente al agua salada lo que genera un gran beneficio al ser usado en embarcaciones donde se encuentra rodeado de mar.
El altavoz posee adicionalmente un micrófono ambos de la más alta calidad, además de su panel frontal en el cual se muestran las funciones que se pueden utilizar para que su funcionamiento sea óptimo y es totalmente fácil de utilizar.
Características del  Megáfono Marino EXTRA RINA 24V
El Megáfono Marino EXTRA RINA 24V se le puede otorgar la función de interfono con el cual al ser conectado con otros altavoces que posean la misma función trabajará de manera correcta.
El Megáfono Marino EXTRA RINA 24V es de alto rendimiento ya que funciona con 24V.
El Megáfono Marino EXTRA RINA 24V presenta un diseño que se puede instalar en embarcaciones de diferentes tipos y tamaños lo que hace lo muy popular en el mundo marino.
El Megáfono Marino EXTRA RINA 24V provee de la más alta calidad el sonido en las conversaciones que se desee tener desde la embarcación con otro nauta que tenga la misma frecuencia.
El Megáfono Marino EXTRA RINA 24V es construido con un diseño completamente sólido y aporta la seguridad de que será resistente al agua convirtiéndolo en un componente muy necesario en la embarcación.
El Megáfono Marino EXTRA RINA 24V viene con un sistema incorporado el cual contiene un altavoz y un micrófono completamente de calidad elaborado con materiales muy duraderos.
El Megáfono Marino EXTRA RINA 24V posee un panel frontal el que fue diseñado para que se puedan leer sus funciones de manera sencilla para que el uso de este no sea complicado y de esa manera se puedan utilizar de manera satisfactoria las señales internacionales sin falla o error.
El Megáfono Marino EXTRA RINA 24V posee la función de notificar a las embarcaciones cercanas la presencia de su embarcación sin importar el estado de visión que se mantenga al momento.
Está fabricado en color blanco lo que le da mayor vistosidad y presencia en cualquier embarcación.
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Megafono Marino EXTRA RINA 12V http://bit.ly/2XZE5LV
El Megáfono Marino EXTRA RINA 12V es un aparato que debe tener todo marino, debido a que aporta el rendimiento necesario en la embarcación, además de que su función de interfono indica que es el completamente necesario en la embarcación.
Lo más importante es que puede ser instalado en diferentes clases de barcos ofreciendo una excelente comunicación con los marineros vecinos sin importar el área en la que se encuentre.  El Megáfono Marino EXTRA RINA 12V es armado de una manera única para tener la seguridad de que es un aparato resistente al uso.
Adicionalmente, es resistente al agua lo que aporta la seguridad de que puede ser usado en la embarcación sin problemas. Este megáfono contiene un micrófono y un altavoz, ambos procesan su trabajo de manera óptima y proveen de un sonido ideal para que las conversaciones sean escuchadas sin problema.
Características del  Megáfono Marino EXTRA RINA 12V
El Megáfono Marino EXTRA RINA 12V se puede conectar con diferentes altavoces y funcionará de manera correcta y esto es gracias a su interfono.
Posee un funcionamiento es óptimo siempre que se trabaje con el voltaje correcto que es de 12V.
Puede usar en muchos modelos diferentes ya que es muy versátil y liviano.
El Megáfono Marino EXTRA RINA 12V es completamente funcional en la reproducción de sonidos ya que da la frecuencia óptima para no tener problemas de escuchar de forma errada.
Está diseñado de manera que sea completamente resistente al ambiente marino y que no se vea afectado por los movimientos del barco
Está conformado por un altavoz y un micrófono de la más alta calidad con el cual se podrá escuchar de la mejor manera al hablar por el con otros barcos.
El Megáfono Marino EXTRA RINA 24V incluye un panel frontal en el cual sus funciones están colocadas de manera clara y precisa, para que de esta manera las señales puedan ser enviadas de manera correcta.
Tiene incluido un panel frontal y en él se encuentran las funciones que se pueden visualizar de la mejor manera para que su lectura sea mucho más fácil, logrando así el uso de las señales internacionales de la mejor forma.
El Megáfono Marino EXTRA RINA 24V presenta una función completamente útil la cual es informar a las embarcaciones cercanas de su presencia en el mar y de enviar mensajes de cualquier tipo sobre todo si existen incidentes que necesite ayuda.
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Chaqueta de Verano Gris XM Yachting Talla XL http://bit.ly/2GU5NE0
La Chaqueta de verano gris XM Yachting Talla XL posee dos bolsillos delanteros, y bolsillos interiores, esta chaqueta es muy fresca ya que posee en el interior forro de malla haciéndola más transpirable. También cuenta con crucería y puños elásticos y dobladillo.
Este modelo de chaqueta está diseñada especialmente para hombres que quieran estar muy cómodos y vestir bien al momento de navegar ya que es repelente al agua y transpirable.
Características de Chaqueta de verano gris barco xl
Repelente al agua y con cortavientos.
Forro de malla en su interior y puños ajustables.
Empuñadura de goma en cintura.
Es de color gris
Talla XL
Beneficios de Chaqueta de verano gris barco xl
Es una chaqueta muy cómoda por lo que puede usarse durante largos períodos de tiempo sin problema e igualmente se pueden realizar las diferentes labores del barco con
la chaqueta puesta. Cumple con altos estándares de transpirabilidad para mantener seco al navegante por más tiempo permitiéndole estar cómodo, sin que se sofoque.
La Chaqueta de verano gris barco xl soporta grandes columnas de agua, permaneciendo impermeable.
Posee costuras termoselladas aportandoles así una mayor vida útil.
Con forro para calentar las manos, ya que a pesar de estar pensada para ser utilizada en época de verano hay que tener en cuenta que cuando se está en el mar hay mucha brisa fresca por lo que se debe buscar una prenda que de protección en cualquier ocasión.
Tiene sus cremalleras en material impermeables para que mantener al navegante lo más seco posible.
Es básica para minimizar los daños por impacto, abrasión o quemaduras en una caída o accidente.
La chaqueta es ligera, flexible y favorecer el ingreso de aire, ofreciendo máxima seguridad ante el sol.
Mantenimiento de Chaqueta de verano gris barco xl
La Chaqueta de verano gris barco xl es una prenda
de excelente calidad, pero para que luzca siempre como nueva se deben tomar en
cuenta los siguientes consejos:
Es mejor lavar los puños, cuello y partes expuestas a una mayor suciedad con un paño húmedo y por separado. Para quitar los olores ventilar al aire libre y bajo sombra.
La Chaqueta de verano gris barco xl es una prenda windproof por lo que tarda más en secarse puesto que se trata de una prenda cortaviento. La mejor forma de secarla es poniéndola en un lugar donde circule mucho aire.
Se debe cerrar la cremallera para evitar que se enganchen.
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Adhesivo Náutico Prohibido Sujetador a bordo 150mm http://bit.ly/2XTmBAB
El Adhesivo Náutico Prohibido Sujetador a bordo 150mm es un complemento de señalización empleado por los patrones de los barcos, para proporcionar avisos en forma de broma o chiste a los tripulantes de la embarcación, todo esto con el fin de romper un poco el hielo a bordo.
Este accesorio adherente posee una medida de 150mm, lo que es una dimensión suficiente para este tipo de adhesivo mostrando gran visibilidad del mismo en cualquier lugar donde se instale, sus colores radiantes aportan la luminosidad que necesita este tipo de accesorio.
Características de Adhesivo Náutico Prohibido Sujetador a bordo 150mm
Posee una medida de 150 mm de diámetro.
Sus colores son brillantes.
Es resistente al ambiente marino y a los rayos UV.
Posee pega para ser adherido a cualquier superficie.
Refleja de manera efectiva la información necesaria.
Está fabricada en PVC lo que le aporta mayor durabilidad y brillo a la pieza.
Sus colores brillantes le otorgan mayor visibilidad.
Beneficios de Adhesivo Náutico Prohibido Sujetador a bordo 150mm
Sus medidas hacen que el Adhesivo Náutico Prohibido Sujetador a bordo 150mm sea sumamente visible en cualquier lugar de la embarcación donde se coloque.
Gracias a lo brillante de sus colores este adhesivo aporta mayor visibilidad a la embarcación.
Está fabricado con materiales de excelente calidad lo que hace al Adhesivo Náutico Prohibido Sujetador a bordo 150mm resistente al ambiente marino y a los yaos UV.
Al ser poseer pegamento puede ser adherido a cualquier superficie de la embarcación.
Posee un mensaje gracioso para los tripulantes y cualquier persona que esté en la embarcación.
Uso de Adhesivo Náutico Prohibido Sujetador a bordo 150mm
El Adhesivo Náutico Prohibido Sujetador a bordo 150mm es utilizado como accesorio de señalización y como decoración en la embarcación, ya que este mensaje está pensado para que el dueño del barco se pueda comunicar de manera graciosa con otras personas.
Los adhesivos náuticos en general están creados para comunicar cierta información de manera efectiva a los tripulantes del barco o a otros navegantes, por lo que es de suma importancia tanto el tamaño como el color del adhesivo.
En el Adhesivo Náutico Prohibido Sujetador a bordo 150mm se puede observar que aunque la información que suministra no es de gran importancia, sino información con un toque de chiste, posee un tamaño y colores muy llamativos y brillantes para que sean visualizados por cualquier persona.
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Light Candle Boots XM Yachting nº 39 http://bit.ly/2L6JMWH
XM Light Candle Boots XM Yachting nº 39 are shoes that help the ankles are safe and this thanks to the material in which they are made, which is optimal for working in cold weather and also has enough anatomy to prevent shock, that It turns into perfect shoes to work on boats.
The Light Sailing Boots XM Yachting No. 39 are made to be lightweight and breathable, thus being a very functional shoes for use at sea, because they do not take away flexibility and dynamism, helping to avoid the cold, its design with instep rubber and its structured heel is excellent for marine tasks.
Importance of the XM Yachting Light Candle Boots No. 39
The XM Yachting No. 39 Light Sailing Boats are important because their use is fundamental in boats more than all in temporary periods in which the cold is abundant.
They have great importance because they have anti-slip sole and that guarantees that there will be no accidents in the boat due to falls of this type, in addition to the sole will not be marked on the floor of the boats since it was produced to be optimal in these cases.
The XM Yachting Light Sailing Boots No. 39 are covered and reinforced so that they allow to be safe in the cold which is fundamental because in the marine work they are exposed to climate changes and must be prepared for these cases.
Characteristics of Light Candle Boots XM Yachting No. 39
Its manufacturing material is in neoprene which guarantees that it is a perfect shoe to be used in any type of boat
The ankles are completely safe with the use of these XM Yachting No. 39 Candles.
Provides a lightweight design that allows movement on deck in a simple and dynamic way since they are very flexible.
This design is designed so that they can be placed and removed easily and with which you will not lose much time.
Its important points of structure are in the heel, instep and rubber toe that makes it to be composed in a pair of excellent shoes for boats.
The last of this shoe is designed to be larger than any shoe so that it is more comfortable in that way.
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Coastal Jacket Navy Blue Size XS http://bit.ly/2ZICStM
The Coastal Jacket Navy Blue Size XS is made with a waterproof model, which guarantees that you will have better protection when using it as well as providing a unique comfort and this is a jacket highly sought after in the environment of sea lovers.
The Coastal Jacket Blue Navy Size XS provides a fully extended breathability indicating that despite the type of environment that is provided provides warmth and comfort thanks to its anatomical design that provides freedom of movement.
Coastal Jacket Navy Blue Size XS
The Coastal Jacket Navy Blue Size XS is composed of a flap that is integrated by a high quality, its pockets have a double lining to keep warm hands when it is cold, plus an anatomical and innovative neck that gives greater freedom of movement.
Coastal Cleaning Jacket Navy Blue Size XS
A non-biological product must be used to clean it.
Simple liquid detergent should be used.
The use of fabric softeners can damage the fabric, therefore its use should be avoided.
When washing in the washing machine, similar fabrics must be used.
It should not be stored when it is wet.
When using the iron, do not pass directly on embroidery, reflectors or badges because they tend to be damaged or burned.
Before washing the jacket, make sure that the fasteners are secured as with the velcro.
Coastal Features Jacket Navy Blue Size XS
The Coastal Jacket Navy Blue Size XS presents a waterproof fabric, due to the 3 layers with which it is adapted by strict standards with which they ensure maximum protection in situations of rain or other marine problems.
It has sealed and reinforced seams that is one of the reasons why they make sure that the jacket is waterproof and no type of leakage is found.
It is made with a flap that guarantees maximum protection because it prevents the entry of water into the jacket.
The Coastal Jacket Navy Blue Size XS has reflective tapes to be more visible at times when there is not much vision and that way to be detected correctly and avoid accidents.
It has double cuffs as well as external cuffs with which it has extra protection due to the guarantee that it will not get wet.
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Cone of wind 300 http://bit.ly/2UJhm4z
The Cone of wind 300 is a piece that was created to indicate exactly in which direction the wind is directed, so that this device has no faults and also shows the amount of wind in this respect with the horizontal of the ground, this being the best device to indicate directions of winds found in the market.
The Cone of wind 300 is made with fabrics of white and red color, this is so that it is notorious and does not overlook, to be able to see it in the distance and it is not complicated to see in which direction the wind is going and in what force, In this way, we can work correctly with the boat and know how to place the sails.
Wind cone function 300
The Cone of wind 300 is a device that shows the direction in which the wind will go or the force in which it is directed, therefore it must be made with a fabric that is completely resistant which can withstand the brusque treatment that the piece will have on the be installed
The Cone of wind 300 has an operation that can be intuited completely easy because the cone is inflated to have the wind current and goes to the narrow part so that the traveler can evaluate and know if it is enough or if the address is the necessary
Characteristics of the Cone of wind 300
The Cone of wind 300 is also called windsock and this is due to its shape which if we detail it is equal to that of a common sleeve.
It has a shape similar to that of the cone and at its base you can notice that it has small holes.
The Cone of wind 300 is made with stripe which are mostly the colors between red and white.
It has two nozzles the widest one is placed with some small ropes attached to the mast vertically so that it throws the desired reading with the wind running through the lower part of it.
You have the freedom to move and rotate freely with a 360 ° angle and thus display the desired readings correctly.
The Cone of wind 300 can be applied a lighting both internally and externally so that it can be seen at night time with greater ease.
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Dismountable wind cone http://bit.ly/2ZFYXth
The Dismountable wind cone is an instrument of the boat that provides a visual direction and strength in which the wind goes, also indicates the amount of wind in this respect with the horizon in this way is shown to be the best artifact of the marine world and for this reason it can not be missing in any boat.
The Detachable Wind Cone is made of white and red fabric, thus providing an optimal view of the cone in the distance so that the driver can take the necessary actions and can act quickly and accurately.
Importance of Wind Cone 300 Removable
The Detachable Wind Cone is a piece that goes on the mast of the boat, which indicates what force is directed and in which direction the wind is going and therefore it is made with a fabric that is completely strong to withstand the use that it It gives the wind, since it moves in all the necessary directions.
The Removable Wind Cone is functional because the air enters through the small nozzle and directs the large inflating to it, in this way the air travels through the cone and know in a matter of seconds the direction and strength of the wind. a fundamental and necessary piece in the boat.
Characteristics of the Cone of wind 300
The Dismountable Wind Cone is also called windsock and this is due to the way it is designed.
It is designed in the shape of a cone and at the end of it it provides holes through which the air enters.
It has two colors in the fabric with which it is mainly produced in red and white for a better visualization.
The Dismountable Wind Cone has two holes on each side with different measurements one wider than the other and is attached to the mast with a rope on the widest side and the shortest is where the wind enters showing the readings.
The Detachable Wind Cone presents a freedom of movement in a 360 ° angle with which it adequately indicates the readings in a record time.
The Cone of Wind 300 has the function that can be provided lighting outside or inside it to be visible in night work.
  And If you want to create a Boat accessories Online business ,then must visit the Dropshipping Program offered by Nova Argonautica.
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Nautical clinometer Plastimo http://bit.ly/2ZBCQ7j
The Nautical clinometer Plastimo is a very significant measurement instrument in different characteristics and occasions.
It is a plastic instrument that is used to calculate specific angles from the vertical position.
It is used in different boats to navigate safely, it is essential on the high seas, both on fishing days, and on trips of calm and relaxation at sea.
This is an excellent instrument to determine the inclination of the keel of a ship and, in effect and the discrepancy of draft between the bow and the stern. Keep in mind that the keel of a ship is the most significant epicenter of any boat, since it makes up the skeleton of it.
Features of Plastimo Nautical Clinometer
Specific for assembly with adhesive.
It is made of PVC
Its measurements are 80 x 40 mm
It is very resistant so it can last a long time, even when exposed to the sun and salt water.
It does not deteriorate and its strengthened plastic does not split with dryness, very productive as it extends its useful life, which makes the investment worthwhile.
Importance of Plastimo Nautical Clinometer
The Plastimo Nautical Clinometer is an instrument used to measure the list or inclination of the vessel with respect to the sea. The list of the ship or inclination can be measured either to the port or to the starboard, and it can be due to a bad stowage, due to the shift of the cargo or due to the balance of the ship due to the state of the sea.
The importance of having a Plastimo Nautical Clinometer always on the boat is that it can be easily prevented in case the sea is not in good condition to navigate and is dangerous, being able to alter the course of the vessel before generating damage.
Use of Plastimo Nautical Clinometer
On the high seas, the Plastimo Nautical Clinometer is used to measure the inclination of the keel of a vessel and, consequently, the difference in draft between the bow and stern. The keel of a ship is the most important epicenter of any vessel, since it constitutes the skeleton of the same.
This measurement allows to know the degree of depth that the boat has reached. In this way you will always know to what depth you are and the possibilities of anchoring the boat or navigating in certain places, where the waters are not so deep.
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Jacket Summer Gray XM Yachting Size XL http://bit.ly/2L6HK98
The Jacket Summer Gray XM Yachting Size XL is a perfect windbreaker to navigate during the summer because when the breeze rises it will provide excellent protection against the cold.
It is made with a waterproof fabric of the highest quality and has an inner lining to be protected from both water and wind when you are sailing giving a comfortable feeling of comfort.
Features of Jacket Summer Gray XM Yachting Size XL
Light jacket for yacht
Has a windbreaker
Made of water-repellent polyamide fabric
It has a double layer of hydrophilic lining lined with fabric mesh for greater lightness.
Front zipper closure,
Neck lifted.
It has an inner pocket and 2 external pockets
Has zippers protected by a waterproof riveted flap.
Dark gray color.
Size XL
Benefits of Summer Jacket Gray XM Yachting Size XL
It is a light but protective jacket ideal for any trip on a yacht
It is a windproof jacket to keep the upper body dry which is important.
The Jacket Summer Gray XM Yachting Size XL is made of waterproof polyamide fabric that helps to be dry on the outside and dry on the inside, to avoid sweat when doing certain jobs.
It has a double layer of hydrophilic lining lined with fabric mesh for greater lightness, which is very important during the summer to improve mobility during the trip.
Front closure with waterproof zipper so that when the jacket is closed do not get water anywhere and can stay dry longer.
Neck lifted for added protection during travel against water.
The Summer Jacket Gray XM Yachting Size XL has an inner pocket and 2 external pockets to protect hands from the cold.
Provide effective protection, for short daily trips or walks in the sea
Importance of Summer Jacket Gray XM Yachting Size XL
The Jacket of Summer Gray XM Yachting Size XL is of the best thing for all that that like to enjoy the sea since, with its watertight fabrics and its inner linings, it gives much shelter from both the wind and the water, giving a comfortable sensation when the conditions climatic conditions are not the best.
In addition, this garment will not ballast the ability to move, it is specially designed for use in the nautical field, the high protection and insulation of the fabrics used make it a warm, but never excessively thick, so that never It will become a nuisance.
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Summer jacket gray boat xl http://bit.ly/2ZAaFFz
The boat Summer jacket gray boat xl what you will find in XM Yachting Clothing has two front pockets and interior pockets, this jacket is very cool because it has inside the mesh lining making it more breathable. It also has ribbed cuffs and elastic cuffs and hem.
This model jacket is designed especially for men who want to be very comfortable and dress well at the time of sailing as it is water repellent and breathable.
Characteristics of summer jacket gray boat xl
Repellent to water and windbreaks.
Mesh lining inside and adjustable cuffs.
Rubber grip on the waist.
It is gray
Size XL
Benefits of summer jacket gray boat xl
It is a very comfortable jacket so it can be used for long periods of time without problem and also the different tasks of the boat can be carried out with
the jacket on. It complies with high standards of breathability to keep the sailor dry for a longer time allowing him to be comfortable, without getting smothered.
The gray summer jacket xl boat supports large columns of water, remaining waterproof.
It has thermo-sealed seams providing a longer useful life.
With lining to warm your hands, because despite being designed to be used in the summer season, you have to take into account that when you are in the sea there is a lot of cool breeze, so you should look for a garment that protects you any occasion
It has its zippers in waterproof material to keep the navigator as dry as possible.
It is basic to minimize damage from impact, abrasion or burns in a fall or accident.
The jacket is light, flexible and encourages the entry of air, offering maximum safety against the sun.
Summer jacket maintenance gray boat xl
The summer jacket gray boat xl is a garment of excellent quality, but to always look as good as new you should take Count the following tips:
It is better to wash the cuffs, neck and parts exposed to greater dirt with a damp cloth and separately. To remove odors ventilate outdoors and under shade.
The gray summer jacket xl boat is a windproof garment so it takes longer to dry since it is a windproof garment. The best way to dry it is by putting it in a place where a lot of air circulates.
The zipper must be closed to prevent snagging.
  And If you want to create a Boat accessories Online business ,then must visit the Dropshipping Program offered by Nova Argonautica.
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Orange Watersuit XXL Fluorescent http://bit.ly/2XM5nFl
The Orange Watersuit Jacket XXL Fluorescent is a garment that has the purpose of giving protection against water in any situation.
It is made with PVC of the highest quality, which makes it water-repellent, gives it softness, is breathable and does not slow down movement.
This jacket is orange, fluorescent, long, resistant to wear and very durable, so it is recommended to be used on any boat. Additionally, its cap is adjustable to avoid water and provide greater comfort during use.
Features of Orange Watersuit XXL Fluorescent
Made of heavy PVC.
It is waterproof.
Suitable for work at sea.
It is fluorescent orange.
Its thickness is 1.2 mm.
Size L.
Double soft lining
Benefits of Orange Water Jacket XXL Fluorescent
The XXL Fluorescent Orange Water Jacket is made of heavy PVC of the highest quality, making it a very useful garment when sailing and there is bad weather.
This jacket is made with an excellent quality fabric that is very soft, breathable, resistant to moisture, wear and is very durable.
It is waterproof which helps the sailor to be dry for much longer.
It is recommended to be used in work at sea since it resists water very well and does not impede mobility when wet.
It has a bright fluorescent orange color which gives better visibility at all times.
It has a hat that is adjustable to help keep the person who uses it dry.
Its double lining is made with a very soft, breathable fabric for added comfort.
Maintenance of Orange Water Jacket XXL Fluorescent
The Orange XXL Fluorescent Water Jacket, despite being waterproof, can also get wet, although less than a common press, so it is important to follow the
following instructions to extend its useful life:
It is not recommended to squeeze it with your hands, even gently because it can be damaged.
After using the Orange Water Jacket XXL Fluorescent should be left to dry in the shade, it is not recommended to dry in the sun or in a dryer because it may deteriorate.
Never use strong detergent to wash it as it may deteriorate the color.
It should only be stored when it is completely dry otherwise it could be damaged or filled with fungi.
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Orange Watersuit XL Fluorescent http://bit.ly/2GMhg8A
The Orange Watersuit XL Fluorescent is a protective clothing made with high quality materials, which repel water, its fabric is very flexible, it is breathable, it does not hinder movement during the work, it is resistant to deterioration and very durable, so It is suggested to be employed in any boat.
The Orange Fluorescent XL Jacket is orange, fluorescent, water resistant, long and provides great visibility for safety. Your cap is adjustable to evade water and contribute to greater well-being during your employment.
Features of Orange Watersuit XL Fluorescent
Waxed in heavy PVC.
Waterproof jacket
Suitable for work,
Orange color.
It is fluorescent.
Thickness about 1.2 mm.
Size L.
Double soft lining
Benefits of Fluorescent XL Orange Waters Jacket
The Fluorescent XL Orange Water Jacket is produced in thick PVC of the highest quality which makes it a very valuable garment when you are sailing.
The jacket is made with high quality materials, making the fabric very soft, breathable, water resistant, resistant to deterioration and lasting.
It is a waterproof garment that protects the navigator by keeping him dry while on the high seas in the rain.
It is appropriate for the task at sea since it tolerates seawater very well and does not contain the mobility of the person who is using it.
It has a radiant orange color and is additionally fluorescent, which produces greater visibility at the moment of being under a humid climate.
It has an adjustable cap which helps to keep the individual who uses it much drier, providing more comfort.
Double lining made with a very soft, breathable fabric which makes it more comfortable on the skin when used.
Maintenance of Orange Waterscoat XL Fluorescent
The orange water jacket XL Fluorescent is waterproof, but still manages to impregnate water during use, so it is important to follow the following precepts to prolong its durability:
Do not squeeze with your hands.
After handling the Fluorescent XL Orange Water Jacket, it should be drained in the shade. In any case, it should not be left to dry in the sun because it can be damaged.
Never use a powerful detergent to wash it.
It should only be stored when it is completely dry otherwise it could deteriorate or impregnate with fungi.
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Orange Watersuit L Fluorescent http://bit.ly/2XU6bbt
The Orange Watersuit Jacket L Fluorescent is a protective garment made with high quality materials, it is water repellent, its fabric is very soft, it is breathable, it does not interrupt the movement during the work, resistant to wear and very durable, so It is recommended to be used in any boat.
The jacket is orange, fluorescent, waterproof, long and offers high visibility for safety. Its cap is adjustable to avoid water and provide greater comfort during use.
Characteristics of Orange Watersuit Fluorescent L
Waxed in heavy PVC.
Suitable for work,
Orange color.
It is fluorescent.
Thickness about 1.2 mm.
Size L.
Double soft lining
Benefits of Fluorescent Orange Water Jacket L
The Fluorescent Orange Water Jacket L is made of heavy PVC of the highest quality which makes it a very useful garment when you are sailing.
The jacket is made of high quality PVC making it a very soft fabric breathable water resistant, resistant to wear and durable.
It is a waterproof jacket which helps to keep the nauta dry while sailing over time.
It is suitable for work at sea since it resists salt water very well and does not stop the mobility of the person who is using it.
It has a bright orange color and is additionally fluorescent, which provides greater visibility when it is under a rainy weather.
It has an adjustable cap which helps keep the person who uses it much more dry, with more comfort.
Double lining made of a very soft, breathable fabric which makes it feel more comfortable on the skin when used.
Maintenance of Orange Watersuit Fluorescent L
The Orange Watersuit L Fluorescent is a waterproof garment, but even so it can be impregnated with moisture during its use, so it is important to follow the following instructions to extend its durability:
Squeezing with your hands is not recommended.
After using the Orange Water Jacket L Fluorescent should be dried naturally in the shade should never be put to dry in the sun because it can deteriorate.
Never use strong detergent to wash it.
It should only be stored when it is completely dry otherwise it could be damaged or filled with fungi.
  And If you want to create a Boat accessories Online business ,then must visit the Dropshipping Program offered by Nova Argonautica.
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