#prevento for cattle
Treatment of Heatstroke in Cattle
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The symptoms of heat stroke are very similar in all animals, but some are more vulnerable than others: those who are clinically ill, those who are on the verge of becoming ill, and especially those who are nearing the time of their calving.
How does heatstroke occur?
The condition results in an extreme rise in body temperature. Temperatures above 106°F–107°F would be considered unreasonable in an animal that appeared to be in perfect health just a few hours earlier. Therefore, it would be prudent—indeed, necessary—to check the temperature of an animal that is down or otherwise depressed on a very hot and humid summer day. A heat stroke typically occurs between 106°F and 108°F. To determine where the animal with the worst symptoms falls on the temperature scale, check her temperature. Normal cows will experience elevated temperatures in the range of 103°F or higher on the worst days when they are congregating in the barnyard or coming in from the pasture.
The difference between heat stroke and heat stress is that a heat-stressed cow or horse will pant open-mouthed and breathe quickly and shallowly, but they will still be able to stand. On the other hand, a heat-stroke cow will typically lie down and not stand. Similar to a cow with milk fever, a heat-stroke cow will have shallow, rapid breathing and typically appear depressed or even coma-like. The eyes will have dilated pupils. When you touch the animal, it will feel hot. She could be sweating or not. She will feel like she is internally burning up if you perform a rectal exam on her. Animals suffering from heatstroke rarely consume water, whereas animals experiencing heat stress will. The main difference between a heat-stressed cow and a heat-stroke cow is that the heat-stroke cow will have lost control of its normal functions (can't stand, won't drink, isn't responding, or is in a coma).
Treatment of heatstroke in cattle
PREVENTO for CATTLE is the best homeopathic veterinary medicine. PREVENTO for CATTLE is for large animals showing panting due to sun stroke, heat stroke, excessive cold, or after recovering from foot and mouth disease.
This unique formulation is brought up by the leading Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine producing company Goel Vet Pharma Pvt Ltd. The company is certified under WHO GMP practices which highlight its hygienic manufacturing facilities. All the available formulations had undergone many clinical and field trials thus gaining trust among many veterinarians and pet parents.
A HEAT-STRESSED COW (or horse) will show signs of open-mouth panting with quick, shallow breathing but can still stand, while a heat-stroke cow will usually be down and not rise. A HEAT-STROKE COW will have shallow, rapid respirations and usually appears depressed or even comatose—much like a milk fever cow.
Prevention of Heat Stroke
While there’s not much you can do about the weather, there are things you can do to prevent an­imals from getting heat stroke. More and more people are misting their cows to cool them, either in the cow yard or at the feed rack. And while I don’t think allowing cows in streams is generally a good idea, on the most oppressive hottest days it seems reasonable to let them enjoy some wading time in the water. Allowing cows into the woods is another option. But making them wait at the gate until milking time to come in from a baking pasture is simply being foolish.
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Save your cattle from the sun and heat
Homeopathic remedies work on the principle of “similia similibus curanter” which means “like cures like”, so is PREVENTO. Hence, such formulations that cause symptoms like a diseased animal in a healthy one are used to prepare this wonder drug formula. It is a formulation that is developed by a renowned Indian veterinarian after consulting many homeopaths and conducting advanced field trials over the years. It has gained the trust of thousands of veterinarians and livestock farmers with its remarkable results without any side effects or contraindications.
PREVENTO for CATTLE is for large animals showing panting due to sunstroke, heatstroke, excessive cold, or after recovering from foot and mouth disease.
This unique formulation is brought up by the leading Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine producing company Goel Vet Pharma Pvt Ltd. The company is certified under WHO GMP practices which highlight its hygienic manufacturing facilities. All the available formulations had undergone many clinical and field trials thus gaining trust among many veterinarians and pet parents.
PREVENTO for CATTLE is for large animals issued for the treatment of sunstroke in cattle, heatstroke, excessive cold, or after recovering from foot and mouth disease.
DOSAGE: 5-10 ml and 3 times a day or as directed by the veterinary doctor.
PRESENTATION: 200 ml bottle
Quality, efficacy, and safety are the utmost priorities of PREVENTO formulation. Cost-effective health care with no contraindications or side effects are the added benefits of using a homeopathic remedy. Facts about the homeopathic medicines used in this formulation:
Natrum Mur 30:
Respiratory debility due to excessive heat or cold, dry mucus membranes with constrictive sensation throughout the body, fever all the day, nausea, vomiting, increased thirst, profuse sweating, inflammation of the frontal sinuses, and other related symptoms can be treated with this drug.
Gloninum 200:
Hyperaemia of the brain due to exposure to excessive heat or cold, headache, sunstroke, irritability, surging of blood to head and heart, violent convulsions, dyspnoea are some of the symptoms that can be recovered with this homeopathic remedy.
Natrum Carb 200:
This remedy can be used to treat increased anxiety, restlessness, vertigo from prolonged exposure to the sun, headache due to hot weather by stimulating cellular activity and increasing oxidation and metabolism at the cellular level. Debility caused by summer heat, the chronic effect of sunstroke, exhaustion, anemia, dry skin, weak ankles, etc., can be addressed with this drug.
Aconitum Napellus 30:
It can be used as a first and foremost remedy to treat inflammations, inflammatory fevers, sudden illness, aches, colds cough, sore throat, flu, chills, and fever. Complaints related to exposure to dry, cold weather, or hot weather, especially gastro-intestinal disturbances, increased perspiration, etc., can be addressed. A state of fear, anxiety, anguish of mind, and body, physical and mental restlessness, acute, sudden, and violent invasion with fever, sudden weakness, and loss of strength can be improved with this drug.
Arsenicum Album 30:
Exhaustion even after slight exertion, debility, restlessness aggravating during the night is the most important symptoms that can be treated with this drug. Severe pain in the throat with an unquenchable thirst, constricted air passage, suffocative catarrhal inflammation in the throat, cough worsening after midnight or while lying on the back, wheezing respiration, cough dry as from Sulphur fumes are the symptoms that can be treated with this drug.
Note: All the above-mentioned symptomatic description of the homeopathic drugs is taken from approved literature of homeopathy with an underlying base from Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of India.
Contraindication: No known contraindications
Make sure that medicine touches the tongue of the animal for faster relief and quick action. Increasing the dose should be avoided; rather decreasing the time intervals between successive drug administrations is advisable. Dissolve the pills in drinking water or directly rub the crushed pills on the tongue of the animal. Different methods of administration:
Method 1: Mix some jaggery and 5 ml medicine in the drinking water and let the animal drink the mixture directly.
Method 2: Spread 5 ml medicine on a piece of roti or bread and offer it to the animal to eat, so that medicine is consumed along with food.
Method 3: Fill an empty 5 ml syringe (needless) with the medicine and distilled water and directly spray on the tongue of the animal or into the nostrils gently. Confirm that the medicine is licked by the animal.
Note: Do not drench the medicine, let the animal lick the medicine with the tongue while eating or drinking.
The Goel Vet Pharma is the best to protect your cattle from heat and stroke.
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Summers can go well for your cattle
Homeopathic remedies work on the principle of “similia similibus curanter” which means “like cures like”, so is PREVENTO. Hence, such formulations that cause symptoms like a diseased animal in a healthy one are used to prepare this wonder drug formula to be able to treat urinary tract infections for varied reasons. It is a formulation that is developed by a renowned Indian veterinarian after consulting many homeopaths and conducting advanced field trials over the years. It has gained the trust of thousands of veterinarians and livestock farmers with its remarkable results without any side effects or contraindications.
PREVENTO for CATTLE is for large animals showing panting due to sunstroke, heatstroke, excessive cold, or after recovering from foot and mouth disease.
This unique formulation is brought up by the leading Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine producing company Goel Vet Pharma Pvt Ltd. The company is certified under WHO GMP practices which highlight its hygienic manufacturing facilities. All the available formulations had undergone many clinical and field trials thus gaining trust among many veterinarians and pet parents.
Top of Form
PREVENTO for CATTLE is for large animals showing panting due to sunstroke, heatstroke, excessive cold, or after recovering from foot and mouth disease, it is the treatment of heatstroke in cattle.
DOSAGE: 5-10 mL 3 times a day or as directed by the veterinary doctor.
PRESENTATION: 200 ml bottle
Quality, efficacy, and safety are the utmost priorities of URIGO formulation. Cost-effective health care with no contraindications or side effects are the added benefits of using a homeopathic remedy. Facts about the homeopathic medicines used in this formulation:
Natrum Mur 30:
Respiratory debility due to excessive heat or cold, dry mucus membranes with constrictive sensation throughout the body, fever all the day, nausea, vomiting, increased thirst, profuse sweating, inflammation of the frontal sinuses, and other related symptoms can be treated with this drug.
Gloninum 200:
Hyperaemia of the brain due to exposure to excessive heat or cold, headache, sunstroke, irritability, surging of blood to head and heart, violent convulsions, dyspnoea are some of the symptoms that can be recovered with this homeopathic remedy.
Natrum Carb 200:
This remedy can be used to treat increased anxiety, restlessness, vertigo from prolonged exposure to the sun, headache due to hot weather by stimulating cellular activity and increasing oxidation and metabolism at the cellular level. Debility caused by summer heat, the chronic effect of sunstroke, exhaustion, anemia, dry skin, weak ankles, etc., can be addressed with this drug.
Aconitum Napellus 30:
It can be used as a first and foremost remedy to treat inflammations, inflammatory fevers, sudden illness, aches, colds cough, sore throat, flu, chills, and fever. Complaints related to exposure to dry, cold weather, or hot weather, especially gastro-intestinal disturbances, increased perspiration, etc., can be addressed. A state of fear, anxiety, anguish of mind, and body, physical and mental restlessness, acute, sudden, and violent invasion with fever, sudden weakness, and loss of strength can be improved with this drug.
Arsenicum Album 30:
Exhaustion even after slight exertion, debility, restlessness aggravating during the night are the most important symptoms that can be treated with this drug. Severe pain in the throat with an unquenchable thirst, constricted air passage, suffocative catarrhal inflammation in the throat, cough worsening after midnight or while lying on the back, wheezing respiration, cough dry as from Sulphur fumes are the symptoms that can be treated with this drug.
Note: All the above-mentioned symptomatic description of the homeopathic drugs is taken from approved literature of homeopathy with an underlying base from Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of India.
Contraindication: No known contraindications.
Make sure that medicine touches the tongue of the animal for faster relief and quick action. Increasing the dose should be avoided; rather decreasing the time intervals between successive drug administrations is advisable. Dissolve the pills in drinking water or directly rub the crushed pills on the tongue of the animal. Different methods of administration:
Method 1: Mix some jaggery and 5 ml medicine in the drinking water and let the animal drink the mixture directly.
Method 2: Spread 5 ml medicine on a piece of roti or bread and offer it to the animal to eat, so that medicine is consumed along with food.
Method 3: Fill an empty 5 mL syringe (needless) with the medicine and distilled water and directly spray on the tongue of the animal or into the nostrils gently. Confirm that the medicine is licked by the animal.
Note: Do not drench the medicine, let the animal lick the medicine with the tongue while eating or drinking.
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