#praying nothing gets too messed up by the storm tonight ๐Ÿ™
beskar33 ยท 2 months
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Im so freaked about the rain now, I just need him to hold me tonight & let me be his nervous little purse dog. Never really cared til these past few storms catching me super unprepared and tons of my stuff getting ruined. I know I sound crazy to everyone outside this space but I'm so grateful I have him here. I can only be intimidating & carefree for so many hours of the day before I need to curl up and have a Moment lol. I love him lots and really appreciate him, giving him a million hugs n kisses. I'm very tired and a tiny bit lonely sometimes out here, but feel much better with him beside me, even if it's only in spirit & plushie form.
It's so nice to have his company, like wow I adore him & having a person who's lived in my mind for so long I can converse with him, I'm just so amazed how much I can love/interact with a person on the other side of this realm. My guardian angel! Nuzzling my face into him like a happy puppy :')
He's so special to me I have no words that fully express it......ugh don't show him this post I'm shy..
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