#ppl are literally dying and offijg themselves due to medical neglect on youre all on tumblr dot com fighting about bun pronouns
decolonize-the-left · 3 years
I think it's weird that everyone discusses whether or not kink at Pride should be allowed.
Like you realize Pride was a riot and once upon a time was about rights, yeah? And demanding them? It definitely wasn't child-safe before, I don't think we should start demanding that it be now. Just because it can be child safe, doesn't mean it should be. Just because it can be fun, doesn't mean it should be.
And to get to my point, we have marriage equality but it feels like mainstream LGBT just stopped caring about everything else after that. Like why is our focus on how sexual Pride should be? Wear leather if you fucking want, whatever. I feel like the point of Pride has been forgotten by both sides of this argument.
"if you're against leather you just have internalized-"
shut the fuck up. Nobody is gonna insure our rights or end medical discrimination based on whether or not some twink wore a ball gag to pride, I promise. How about y'all try to remember that white gays in leather aren't our biggest fucking problem, yeah? And that we have bigger fish to fry.
Like why not bring up the fact that's trans panic is still a thing? About discriminatory adoption practices?
PRIDE is protest. Why are we sitting around arguing with each other. We can't stop for 5 minutes? Why is so much LGBT focus being out on something that should be considered a blatant distraction from what matters?
We could be so much more productive and we could be making more strides in equality if that's what we focused on instead of all this ridiculous discourse we've decided to argue about instead. Bi v pan, queer, leather, neopronouns validity, etc- all of this discourse being made and justified with 'well people arent gonna take us seriously if-' YOU don't even take our rights seriously, shut the FUCK UP. I haven't seen a SINGLE discourse post or blog give a single shit about our collective rights unless it was to win an argument about something asinine. So how about we cut that shit out, yeah?
Because I can assure you discourse isn't helping anyone take us seriously, either. Fighting online with other gays isn't the holy war some of y'all are trying to frame it as and I'm fucking sick of seeing it on my dash.
Fear of facing discriminatory behavior within the health care system, along with other factors, may keep members of the LGBTQIA+ community from receiving cancer diagnoses.
LGBT employees of color were more likely to report being denied jobs and verbal harassment.
Many LGBT employees reported engaging in “covering” behaviors to avoid harassment or discrimination at work.
11% of LGBT employees of color reported being fired or not hired in the last year
57% of LGBT employees reported the unfair treatment was motivated by religious beliefs
38% of LGBT employees reported experiencing harassment at work
36% of LGBT employees of color experienced verbal harassment
26% of white LGBT employees faced the same
50% of LGBT employees are not out to their current supervisor
26% are not out to any co-workers
Our analysis indicates that employment discrimination against LGBT people continues to be persistent and widespread. Over 40% of LGBT workers (45.5%) reported experiencing unfair treatment at work, including being fired, not hired, or harassed because of their sexual orientation or gender identity at some point in their lives. This discrimination and harassment is ongoing: nearly one-third (31.1%) of LGBT respondents reported that they experienced discrimination or harassment within the past five years
But you wanna argue about leather?
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