#poor patrick thinking he’s having fun silly guy time with his best friend
mistresshellfire86 · 2 years
Chapter 4 - Run To The Hills
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The D&D game went well that night. Everyone was enjoying themselves and having fun. You even ended up saving all their butts at the end when Vecna almost got the best of the team. This definitely gave you brownie points with Hellfire. Dustin was so emotional over the game you thought the poor guy was going to pass out a couple times. As the gang started to depart still singing songs of their glory tonight, you stayed and helped Eddie clean up the table. You meticulously move his figurines into their cases, careful not to scratch any of the paint. Out the corner of your eye you watch him carefully gather his books and papers together. Focused on keeping everything organized and pristine. You want to break the silence but can’t think of anything worth saying. You ache to hear his voice again. And that’s when you realize and fully admit to yourself, you have a crush.
“Y/N” Eddie starts. Gods be praised. His voice is music to your ears.
“Yeah Eddie?” You glance his way slowly setting down a couple figurines.  
“Um....just wanted to say....thanks....for staying and help clean up.” He gathers his papers and taps them on the table a couple times so they’re even before glancing to you.
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“Don’t mention it.” You reply. When his eyes reach you, your mind goes numb. Your breathing slows and all you can think about is kissing him. What is wrong with me, you think to yourself. You only just met this guy. He could be the next Ted Bundy for all you know. You need to get some sleep and think clearly tomorrow. Too much excitement in one day has got your brain scrambled.  
You set the box of figurines in front of Eddie. You want so bad to reach out and touch his hand. Come on Y/N. You have got to get it together.  
“Here’s your figurines all boxed and ready. I have to be heading home before my parents call Chief Powell for a search party. Thanks for a great campaign tonight.” You say and start to grab for your bag.
“Y/N wait. Do you need um a ride or anything?” He asked almost nervously.  
“No silly. I drove here remember. Thanks though. See you tomorrow, Munson.” You wave goodbye and hurry out the door to your car before you can have any more unholy thoughts around him.
The next morning you wake up with a little pep. You’re actually excited to go to school today. You had a pretty good first day making new friends and even participated in a D&D game. Your mind goes back to last night. You and Eddie huddled under the glass in the soundproof room at school while holding hands as you’re gripped with anticipation of getting caught.  
You stop and laugh at yourself for obsessing over one little moment. Jesus H. Christ Y/N you say to yourself. You grab a grey tank and shorts and tie a grey & black flannel shirt around your waist. You don’t use a lot of makeup but you do put on some mascara and eyeliner. Today you want to look extra nice. 
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Of course, you’re running late as it is and now you can’t find those damn car keys. You frantically scoured the living room before going through your laundry and searching the pockets. You feel something in one of the pockets and pull it out. Eddie’s lucky pick. You grin from ear to ear and look for somewhere to keep it. You set it on your music box on the dresser for safe keeping. In the mirror you notice your keys under the bed.
“There you are” You cry to yourself and hurry out the door to pick up Max.  
When you arrive at school Max thanks you for the ride and then hurries off inside the school. Guess she isn’t up for being a tour guide again today. You see Dustin and Mike walking up to the school and you start to head towards them. Before you can even leave the parking lot, Jason and Patrick are standing in your view.  
“Hey Y/N. Ready for the pep rally later?” Jason asks cheerfully. His eyes look past you and focus on something coming towards them. You turn around and Chrissy his walking up to Jason, ready for their morning embrace.  
“Um yeah sure.” You reply watching the two of them collide and engulf each other. Must be nice to have someone like that. Patrick watches the two of them also and you wonder if he is thinking the same thing.  
“Come on. Walk with us.” Chrissy leaves Jason's hold and grabs your hand urging you towards the front doors. You see Mike and Dustin watching you as you enter the school with the jocks and cheerleaders.
“Well, that’s the last we will see of Y/N. It was a good run though.” Dustin woefully admits.
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Day 2 of school was not what you had in mind. But neither was your first day. Chrissy and the gang always got together between classes and they were sure to find you and have you join them. You were really happy to be making friends left and right here but all you really wanted was to join the Hellfire squad and riminess about last night's campaign while you try to catch glances at Eddie.  
“Y/N meet us in the cafeteria after next period. You know where we sit. I’ll save you a seat.” Chrissy tells you with her warm smile. She was so sweet how can I say no.  
“Um I was thinking about maybe sitting with the table I sat at yesterday. They were really nice and....”  
“No way.” Jason interrupts. “That’s the freak table. They’re a bunch of Satan worshipers and listen to the devil's music.”
Oh boy. If Jason only knew you had been in the Hellfire club last night or listened to as he called it “the devil's music”, they would banish you from their click instantly. You glance at Lucas who meets your gaze and gives you a “Don’t say anything” look.  The warning bell rings and everyone starts grabbing their belongings to head to the next class.  
“See you at lunch!” Chrissy waves to me and heads out. This poor girl. Either she is completely clueless about what kind of guy Jason really is, or she’s just as twisted as him. No wonder Eddie wasn’t a fan and warned you beforehand. Your head snaps as you realize your next class. English with Eddie Munson. You hurry down the hall and whip into the classroom hoping to see his face in the back. To your dismay his seat was empty and as you quietly prayed in your head that he might show up in the middle of class with an excuse, he never did.
You were honestly dreading lunch at this point. I might just go sit in the bathroom and wait it out. If I go sit with the Hellfire clan then I will definitely be bullied by the jocks all year and probably cause some West Side Story type tension. But if I go sit with the jocks then Hellfire is going to think I turned on them and I'll never play D&D again. You decide the only solution is to have lunch on the football bleachers until you can come up with a better plan.
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When the bell rings you head straight for the gym and out the side door leading to the football field. There’s not a ray of sun due to the grey clouds swirling above you but at least it’s semi warm out. You make your way to the field and notice a small white rabbit hopping around the bleachers. It must be a baby. The poor thing is probably lost. You sit your backpack down slowly and ease your way towards the baby rabbit. If you could just coax it towards the woods then maybe it might find its mother, you think. You gently coo to the rabbit to go home while slowly walking behind it as it went hop by hop to the woods in search of home. You follow behind it for a while until you see it take a very fast hop and disappear under a hole. You smile at your successful rehabitation of the small animal. A few feet in the distance you notice a clearing with a pick nick table. You walk up to inspect and realize this is the perfect place to have your lunches without anyone knowing. You brush some leaves off the bench and turn around to go back and get your bag when you’re startled by someone approaching you. I’m about to get busted by a teacher or murdered by Michael Meyers you think. You squint your eyes and realize it’s another student. Jason’s friend Patrick to be exact.  
“What are you doing out here Y/N?” Patrick asks as he approaches you, moving twigs and branches from his path until he enters the clearing.  
“I just saw a little bunny and followed it until I found this table. What are you doing out here, Patrick? Stalking me?” You playfully giggled.
“Well yeah.” He responded.  
The way he said it made you a little uneasy.  
“I mean, you are ditching us at lunch, right?” Patrick snapped. His voice seemed harsh and tense. You nervously try to think of the right thing to say to end this awkwardness.  
“I mean, you are ditching us so you can hang out with Eddie “The Freak” Munson, right?” He pulled his arm from behind his back and revealed a notebook in his hand. Wait. That’s not just any notebook, you realize. That’s your journal.
“I noticed you leave out the side door and so I followed you. And then you left your bookbag on the bench...tsk tsk tsk. You can’t leave your personal belongings unguarded or someone might read them.”
This infuriated you beyond measure. But here you were alone, in the woods, with a boy you don’t even really know, and not sure of what to say or do. Something takes over though and you walk up to Patrick and grab the journal from his hands.
“That’s personal and private and none of your business, thanks.” You scold, trying to keep your cool. You go to push past him and head back to the school when Patrick grabs your arm, hard.
“Ow” You exclaim.
“Let's get one thing clear freak, you might fool Chrissy but you don’t fool me and Jason. We could tell you were odd from the beginning but Chrissy’s heart is too big for her own good.” Patrick’s voice is serious and unfriendly. You try to pull your arm from his grasp but he has a tight grip you can’t shake.
“Let go” You demand and reach over to pry his fingers but his other hand catches your arm and he pushes his weight on you pushing you against a tree, trying to hold you in place. He’s very tall and very strong. You struggle to force his weight off you but it’s futile. You beg him to get off of you and start to scream. He quickly pins both of your arms with one hand and covers your mouth with the other. Tears stream down your cheeks as you try with every ounce of strength you have left to push him off you as he leans in to kiss you, when suddenly he goes flying.
You gasp for air and hurry to stand up not knowing how you got him off you. Then you see it, another boy has Patrick on the ground and pummeling his face. It takes you a second to realize your knight in shining armor is about to commit first degree murder for you. You run over, tears still filling your eyes and impairing your vision, and try to break up the fight. You pull the boy off Patrick, who is laying on his back covered in blood and bruises. You look over at your new found hero and realize, it’s Eddie. He takes one look at you and cusps your head in his hands and wipes away the tears and dirt.
“Eddie? What are you doing here?” You ask confused.
“I was about to skip class when I heard some noises coming from the woods. I knew something was up when I saw your backpack.” He explained. “Did he hurt you?” His eyes locked on you and you could feel his hands shaking from the adrenaline.
“No, I’m fine. Thanks to you” Your voice cracks and you begin flooding tears down your face.
“Hey hey sweetheart. Don’t you worry, I've got you. Want me to call the police and arrest this perv?” Eddie glared in Patrick’s direction who was slowly starting to sit up. You could feel Eddie tense as he looked at Patrick, wanting to finish what he started. You could see the darkness in his eyes.
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“No but we should get him some help. Maybe an ambulance.” You start, and Eddie’s eyes snap back to yours.
“This ASSHOLE just forced himself on you and you want to call HIM an ambulance? Maybe he did cause you some brain damage.” He joked trying to hide the anger in his voice. He gently wiped the tears from your cheeks. His fingers were warm but rough from the calluses on his fingertips.
Patrick slowly stands up in a daze from the ass kicking.
“You’re dead freak.” Patrick yells at Eddie trying to compose himself. Eddie turns from you and takes one step towards Patrick before he starts running back towards the school.
You rub your wrist, still sore and raw from Patrick’s grip. You see your journal on the ground as Eddie bends over to pick it up, inspecting it’s condition and wiping the dirt and leaves off it.
“I believe this is yours, m’lady.” He hands the notebook back almost bowing playfully.
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andremarcusburky · 6 years
Summer camp kids - Nolan Patrick
A/N: So I went with Nolan for this one but I had a lot of votes for several others so I'm gonna try to come up with a new fit idea and I'll write about them at that point alright?
Plot: basically you a Nolan met as kids on summer camp and were really cute and now you meet in the future and you don't recognize each other really but you’ll see what happens
part 2 [3] [4]
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The nine year old never wanted to go to summer camp, she really just wanted to spend the summer at home with her friends and family. However, with her single mother having to work and her grandma in the hospital with a broken hip, that would not be the case. So she was sent off for eight weeks of ‘non-stop fun’ as they said.
The camp had looked nice. The cabins they slept in were fairly new at the time and there was a nice lake nearby for the children to swim in. They were going to have campfires and outdoors-activities every day.
Unfortunately, the girl had an unfortunate accident the very first day. She accidentally pushed one of the other girls into the lake as she tripped on the docks, and she was unlucky enough to have pushed the bully. As one of the leaders were present, the bully had not said or done anything to the girl after her mistake. But as they walked back to the cabins, the girl found herself being pushed into a puddle of mud, her white shirt instantly brown and yucky. Everyone had laughed and the girl started crying. That night, when everyone was attending the first bonfire, the girl hid by a tree on a hill, crying to herself.
“Are you okay?” a voice had appeared from nowhere. The girl had been joined by a boy, he was about her age. As the girl cried, the boy comforted her, telling her that she shouldn't care about the other kids. He told her they’d all make a fool out of themselves at some point during the summer and everyone will laugh at them too. No one were to remember what happened the first day. The girl had felt better after that, and the girl and boy started talking. It had turned out that they were the perfect match. What one of them lacked, the other one made up for. Ones strength was the others weakness. When one of them hated a certain candy, the other one loved it. They were able to share just about anything during that summer. When the boy was struggling with nightmares, the girl had snuck into his cabin to make sure he wouldn't have to sleep alone. The bully had played a few more tricks over the week, but the boy was always there to comfort the girl whenever it was needed. They were quite the pair, maybe even a match made in heaven.
The young boy dreamed of becoming a professional hockey player, and they girl wanted to be an artist. Her painting skills were very unusual for a nine year old actually. Sometimes the two of them would sit by the lake, the girl drawing different things and the boy would either fish or throw rocks into the lake. One time, the boy caught the girl drawing him. She had blushed and felt very embarrassed, but the boy had loved the drawing. He even requested to keep it, which she allowed. He made her sign it, saying that it was one day going to be worth a lot of money. So she wrote “Y/N” on it with the best handwriting she could muster. She had given him his first kiss after that, which also happened to be her first. He had blushed, which was one of her favorite things about him. Because when he did, there was a patch in the middle of his cheek which stayed his natural skin color. And it was often shaped like a heart.
As the eight weeks were starting to come to an end, the pair knew that they weren’t going to be able to see each other a lot. But they still promised each other that they were never going to forget one another, that they’d meet again someday. Both of them believed fiercely in destiny, and they knew they were meant for each other. So the boy snuck into one of the girls cabins and stole a plastic ring from the bully, which he offered to the girl, asking her to marry him one day in the future. It was both revenge for the bullying, but also a promise that he would one day find her. The girl had said yes, and she hid the ring until she came home so the bully wouldn't find it. They had both cried during their last day, not wanting to leave each others sides.
“I will find you, I promised you that.” he had told her
“I know, and we’ll be together. One day” she had said back.
They hadn't said goodbye after that. They simply said “see you in the future” before hopping on their buses and going home to their families. Y/N and Nolan had an amazing summer, which they both still remember to this day, but it didn't take many years before they both accepted defeat. It was an adorable childhood story, but they were sure they were never going to meet each other again.
Y/N looked up at the tall building which she was spending the next few years walking to and from. She went inside to register to the art school she had been so excited about, but now she felt like she might throw up. Her mother had her doubts about pursuing a career as an artist, she even made a powerpoint of the most famous artist of all time. But it did not contain their excellent work, instead she pointed out who was an alcoholic, tho was melancholic, who commited suicide and who was poor only to be famous once dead. Her mother was a work of art herself, all of Y/Ns friends called them the Gilmore girls, claiming that the two of you were just like the girl and her mom in the series.
Y/N had eventually convinced her mother, saying that she would regret it for the rest of her life if she didn't at least try. So here she was, registering to the University of the arts in Philadelphia. Being from Toronto, this was all very exciting. An entirely new city in a different country was a big deal for Y/N. Her first step to independence as she was actually meant to take care of herself for the upcoming years. That meant feed herself, wash her own clothes and act like an adult. It was exciting, but also terrifying.
Registration went by smoothly and before she knew it, she was unpacking her things in her dorm. The nerves were still there, so she picked up a pen and paper and started doodling silly things, something that usually helped.
The next day started with a trip to the closest starbucks. Being a coffee addict, this was her number one priority. While waiting for her order, her mother called. She talked to her mom while receiving her coffee, and was too swept up in telling the mother about the school while not spilling her drink to look where she was walking. She just managed to stop herself from walking straight into a boy who also hadn't been looking in front of him.
“Woah! Sorry, didn't see you there.” he said, looking down at the girl who he almost knocked over.
“No worries, I wasn't paying attention either” she replied, smiling at the boy. She had to admit, he was cute. But there was something else as well, he was familiar. She couldn't really put her finger on what it was, but it felt like she’d seen him somewhere. She brushed it off though, thinking he probably just looked like someone she knew.
He excused himself once more and smiled at the girl before moving past her to order his coffee. She was cute, really cute. And somewhat familiar. He realized he should have asked for her name, maybe her number. As he turned around though, she’d left the coffee shop and she was now gone.
The first month of school went by quickly. Y/N made friends and went through good and bad days due to some of her teachers being very critical, while others seemed to love her work. She tried to take it lightly though, remembering her mothers powerpoint of artists whose art wasn't considered good until they were dead. Though she hoped she’d live to see some success.
She’d woken up pretty late, having the morning off. She was texting a friend of hers as she came to the coffeeshop, not looking where she was headed as she walked straight into some dude. Looking up she couldn't help but laugh as she looked into the eyes of the familiar-looking guy from about a month ago.
Nolan looked at the person he’d walked into and a smile grew on his face as he saw the pretty girl.
“I like running into you like this” he joked. She smiled, so he was pretty happy.
“Me too, I'm sorry for my clumsiness though” she said, putting her phone in her back pocket. Nolan didn't really know what to say or do, his only intention was to not let her slip away this time.
“can i... buy you a coffee?” he asked and scratched the back of his neck.
“okay.. Nolan” she said after taking a look at the writing on his coffee mug. He asked for her name as they went to the line. “It’s Y/N” she said, this time taking a good look at the boy. He was pretty tall and well built, his hair was kinda long and he had the most heartwarming smile she’d ever seen.
“Is that a Canadian accent?” he asked. “Yeah I’m from Toronto” she told him. It turned out that Nolan too was from Canada, and they immediately started talking about their home country and all the things that the US was lacking. Y/N got her coffee and they exited the coffeeshop together, still talking. It was easy, the conversation just floated naturally. Y/N told Nolan about her art school and the mean professor who’d basically told her she had no chance of becoming a ‘real artist’ and Nolan told her he’s a hockey player. He didn't really get into specifics, he didn't say he played in the nhl, but it didn't really seem important at the time.
Before parting ways, they exchanged numbers after Nolan said he needed a Canadian friend in the city, as if he didn't have enough on the team. He then walked off towards his home with a bright smile on his face. He thought for hours, trying to write a simple text message. “Wanna grab lunch someday?” is what he ended up with, and the two made plans for a few days later.
“I’ll have the cajun chicken pasta, please” The waitress grabbed their menus and left, leaving Nolan and Y/N to fend for themselves. He was nervous, really nervous actually. It wasn't clear to either one if this was a date or not, but they both had their hopes. It was silent for a couple seconds before Nolan asked her about the mean professor, her head quickly dropping as a groan escaped her lips. She started ranting about the class she’d had that day and how her sun simply wasn't good enough.
“Im sorry but isn't a sun just a yellow circle? How could anyone mess that up? Wait did you draw lines coming out of the sun, like kids do?” Y/N laughed at the boy’s humor as she felt a little bit lighter in her chest. When lunch was over Nolan had quickly grabbed the bill, making Y/N protest.
“Im the one who asked you on a date, so I pay” he insisted. A smirk grew on Y/Ns lips. “So this is a date, then?”
Nolan blushed, shyly looking up at the girl. “Well if you don't want it to be it doesn't have to be, but thats what I intended at least” he said, his low voice sending shivers down Y/Ns spine. “No, I want it to be a date. But next one’s on me”
“Oh, so there’s gonna be a second date then?” his comeback made her blush as well. After lunch the two went to a nearby park to take a walk. They sat at a bench located under a tree as they talked.
“Can I see something you’ve done? Like art wise, that is” Nolan asked. Y/N was a bit shy about her work, but always tried to expand her boundaries. “Yeah, I guess” she said as she took her notebook from her bag.
“This is mostly just doodles but its something so..” she trailed off as the boy took the book from her hands. He looked through it and pointed to his favorites. He especially loved the old, angry man who took up an entire page. “Oh yeah, thats my professor” Y/N said, making Nolan laugh out loud.
As he turned to the next page though, a big smirk etched onto his face. Y/N was great at drawing, so when she tried to make out someones features, she succeeded. There was no question that the boy who’d taken up the entire next page was Nolan himself. She had completely forgotten about the drawing she’d made after their first meeting. Y/N quickly tried to grab her notebook, but Nolan had a firm grip on it as he tried his best to keep it.
“No, no! I like it, I really do” he exclaimed as he saw a blush covering her face. “I mean it, I do like it” he seemed sincere as he looked into her eyes, trying to get the point across that she was fine. Y/N eventually let go and tried to explain that she sometimes just drew whatever she’d seen during the day and he just nodded along, pretending to understand.
“Can I keep it?” he asked, surprising her. He smiled fondly at her before looking down on the page again. “Sure” she said before ripping the page out.
“But you have to sign it though” he protested. “This is gonna make me a million bucks one day”.
Y/N laughed but put her name in one of the bottom corners. Nolan squinted his eyes and looked deep in thought as he saw her signature, sure that he’d seen it somewhere else. But he pushed it to the back of his mind before giving her back the notebook.
let me know if you want a part two 
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The SpongeBob musical
Before I started to even listen to this I had the worst expectations, and those low expectations weren't even met. The SpongeBob musical isn't nearly beyond words, but the words that do stick out to me whenever I think of it is uncreative, confused, and boring. I heard one of the songs for the first time a few months ago and hated it from the get-go. This was a bad idea and I knew it. I saw it was nominated for Tony and was very disappointed. And the second song I heard from it was at the Tony's. I was less than thrilled. I decided I can't have a proper negative opinion about something before I've listened to it. So without seeing the stage show, I'm giving my review on the SpongeBob musical. I do acknowledge that some people really like this, and if you do, please enlighten me on the aspects that make you such a big fan, because I think there's only one song I "like" in the whole musical. Nonetheless, I went through this catastrophe and reviewed song by song, what I kinda liked and what I didn't. So without further Ado, my review of the SpongeBob musical. (I feel like that one sentence made more sense of the show. )
Here's a quick synopsis. So SpongeBob is having a nice day in Bikini Bottom, going to work etc. He meets all his friends along the way and themes the discovery of volcano is going to happen and that everyone is going to die if they don't fix it. So they stop the volcano and everything is happy. The end. Fun story right? (I thought it was stupid, frankly? So volcanos erupt underwater, I know that, but wouldn't the water immediately cool the lava down? That's how islands are made? The sea creatures shouldn't have a fear of lava, more of getting boiled alive. They could just... Swim away, but that's... Kinda addressed in the musical? Anyway. Onto it. )
I really did forget the announcer was French. Kudos to them for finding a fake French accent.
"Bikini Bottom day"
So the singers in this musical aren't bad. I genuinely like all of the actors' voices. I think they're all very talented, but the stupid cartoon voices they put on made my head hurt. The rhymes are uncreative a messy. Lyrics Always balance the thin, thin line of being creative or random. SpongeBob the musical bounces back and forth between either, and the good creative parts are few and far between. The uncreative Rhymes are accompanied with an uncreative score. This song did make me laugh once or twice though. Good for that. I got some enjoyment. I do wish they could have spiced things up more in this first number. Like SpongeBob having the Bikini Bottom day little theme. What would have made it a little better for me is if the characters all had themes? Like Patrick has some Bongos in a cute little rhythm, maybe Squidward has some classical music nods, they did Sandy good with the banjo, which I liked. I wish they did more of that through the whole thing? I think it would make it better. We see excellent examples of those types of things in some amazing musicals like Les Miserables, Wicked, Into the Woods, Company, and more!! Anyway. It's excited poorly. Plankton and Squidward's voice is super, though. Like WOW. I do hate how Mr. Crabs has... Such a light voice. I wish they got a deeper one, honestly. It really sets the tone of a money grabbing crab man FOR SURE! I really cannot get over Squidward’s voice WOW. He’s too good for this musical. I give it this- it can be kinda fun. I see it too.  Plankton’s voice is good too, but. He works pretty good as a bad guy. Can I have Spongebob’s little monologue on a plaque? This is way, way too silly. And apparently, the sun shines down, because they say it ten times, but I digress. 
“ No Control “
Honestly, I kinda like this one. Like, it's nice. I like how menacing it is. Like, the protagonists' parts, and that’s the parts I don’t really like. PLANKTON IS SO GOOD THOUGH!  The little rounds at the end are something I dig too. I do think that its a good set up for the main plot too. I also like the no control emphasis it has. I didn’t know that this musical was smart enough to do that. I just really like this song, though. That’s going to be a first and last. 
It sounds like a song that a camp leader would make that all this four-year-olds want to shoot themselves over. The talent is good, though. Got good singers. I do think it’s not very creative. This song can’t get more repetitive. That is also a common theme for this musical. Repeating things so you get bored enough to listen to the poorly crafted different parts. It makes you think the differences are important and interesting when it’s just the opposite. I feel like this musical is treating me like I don’t know anything. I know this was most likely aimed at children, but kids have brains and can listen to a good musical. This song is just stupid. Again, an occurring thing 
“When the Going Gets Tough “
Plankton rapping makes me laugh. The first time I listened to this was at 3am and I was laughing like an idiot when this came on. It was insane. I didn’t see it coming. That’s another thing. This musical doesn’t know what I want to be. It has so many different things. It’s trying to be diverse and has an interesting score, but I feel like it should have a coherent theme. Like I said about “Bikini Bottom Day”. There should be themes to tie things together. It’s weird how they try and give up at the same time. I’d love to be a fly on the wall in the writing room to see what was going on all these peoples’ who wrote this minds, But I do like this song.  I REALLY LIKE IT. But the “It’s time to get lost” part is bad. they should have thought about that a little more. These things rapping unironically is good though wow. 
“ [Just a] Simple Sponge “
I like the guitar riff. I can tell in the first five seconds I know this song is so stupid. Chorus you’re about to hear a trillion times. The score is OK? It sounds nothing like the rest of the musical. (Ahem. have a solid theme ahem). This is really stupid and not good. Jesus Christ. It’s the least motivational motivation song I’ve ever heard. RAP AGAIN THAT WAS GOOD AND WOULD FIT TALKING AROUND HIS FRIENDS AND TIE INNN THE MUUUUSICCCCAAAALLLLLLL!
“ Daddy Knows Best “
This was the first song I heard before I actually sat down and listened to the soundtrack. I hate the song, but the tune is way too catchy. I was looking through the youtube comments while I was listening to this and the second one was “ the shit dad trope meets the capitalist agenda “ and I thought it summed up the song. also boring. It’s uncreative lyric wise and score-wise.  I want it to get  0.5 seconds faster every time it says money. 
“ Hero is My Middle Name “
It’s pretty upbeat, but it needs to be more hopeful score-wise. Sandy is amazing though. Her voice and her jokes. Talent is amazing in here, REALLY! I do love the voices! The chorus is annoyingly repetitive. I want more energy to this. It’s too slow paced, but it’s an okay song. 
“Super Sea Star Savior” 
This sounds like a gospel chorus, which I think they’re trying to go for? I guess Patrick is Jesus? The beat is... okay? It feels very generic. I expected more from this musical this “diverse”.  This is another pointless song that doesn’t really advance the plot. The talking voice of Patrick is different than the singing one, that really bothers me. Don’t like it. 
“Tomorrow Is” 
I’m kinda ready for the musical to be over after that song, maybe one more song and then it being over.  Too bad that it seems we’ve not really even gotten into act two yet. This sounds like an end of act one song. If this weren’t about SpongeBob, it might be a bit better and worse. I don’t like how ambiguously “I only have tomorrow to succeed “ thing the first verse is. Squidward is singing in the second verse and I more than love his voice. I haven't seen any of the actual stage play, and do not intend to, but I like to think Squidward is having a little epic about himself trying to be a famous clarinet player, but it not working out. PLANKTON IS BACK I LOVE. It’s too happy. It's supposed to be more depressing, come on. I thought the music was going to change for a second, but it’s just that same tune over and over and over. I like this nice, little, last part, though. 
“Poor Pirates” 
Okay, I love this song. it’s good and amazing and has no flaw. I’m assuming that this is the beginning of act two! it’s halfway done!! I do like how self where this thing is.  It’s a good catchy and I wish the rest of the musical had this theme. It’s funny and clever and a good thing to listen to and kinda stupid, like SpongeBob. it’s good and I want the musical to be like this. 
“Bikini Bottom Boogie” 
I hate this song. the little electric guitar is fine and kinda cool to listen too, but really. Didn’t the Plain White T’s write this? Where’s David Hasselhoff? That was the good part about the first SpongeBob movie. I don’t want to talk about the rest of them. it’s stupid and repetitive in the wrong ways and doesn't match the rest of the musical. Diverse, not randomness. COME ON PEOPLE. 
“Chop to the Top” 
Sandy is my baby. I lover her. I remember this chorus was annoying, and it is. I like that usually when Sandy sings there’s a banjo. It’s good, that’s one of the only things I like about this song. I don’t like how literal it is with how scared SpongeBob was climbing up the mountain. This thing has no subtly. 
“[I Guess I] Miss You”
Is the little SpongeBob Patrick makeup. This song is annoying. I hate the pacing and the words and everything. this song really reminds me of the Bully Sized Hole song in Phineas and Ferb song. It’s stupid and can’t end too soon. 
“I’m Not a Loser” 
This was one of the first songs that I heard from the Tony’s and I don’t like it at all.  I’m just going to skip this one because I don’t want to mess up the amazingness of Gavin Lee’s voice. 
“Best Day Ever” 
Okay, I think this is the song from the first movie, but Tom Kenny isn’t singing so it isn’t going to be half as good. I’ve been pretty bored since the beginning of this. Maybe that’s why I like poor pirates so much? at least it’s not boring.  Also, this song fooled me at the start. I was thinking it was a new, cool song because it doesn’t sound too bad, but then it goes into the actual song. Sure, it puts a more sad tone to it, like a more optimistic thing to it-or reason for optimism. I appreciate that. It’s still a boring song, but still. 
“Finale: Bikini Bottom Day Reprise” 
I hated the first one and don’t need a second one. Won’t this ever end? Thanks for the recap of everything we just witnessed. It’s not like we just watched it.  I sat for over an hour and I know what’s happening. I’m not five... But I guess that's who you’re pandering to. 
Okay. I didn’t like it all and it was a waste of time. I have two catchy songs that didn’t go to the point of annoying. It’s clearly just another way to make more money for Nickelodeon. I don’t like it and it was a waste of time. I don’t see how anyone would pay to see this. No one should spend money on that, but that’s just me? IT’S CRAP. 
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kevoreally · 6 years
#BuffyAt20 - S03E04 “Beauty and the Beasts”
This is specifically is an episode I do not like, which I think is understandable. But it was trying to do something brave, and I respect that. Season 3, Episode 4, “Beauty and the Beasts.”
> Gonna be upfront: I don’t love this episode for a couple of different reasons. But at least it's not “Inca Mummy Girl.”
> Also worth noting: Hulu lists this episode as "The Beauty and the Beasts." Which. NO. Also: Beauty And The Beast was one of my favorite Disney Renaissance films. Okay. Now go.
> All of the “Call of the Wild” stuff felt very pertinent to my life at the time, because we were covering it in English then.
> Xander’s pants are way too red to be believed.
> “Aren’t we reading the Cliff’s Notes for this in English?” Psh, Xander, if you were a real slacker, you wouldn’t be reading anything at all. 😎
> That leather-bound edition of “Call” is intense. Clearly not school-issued.
> Xander’s arms look great in this scene. 😍
> “Half? Which half?” Does Xander think they went pantsless first?
> Xander immediately lying down after Willow leaves is supremely unfunny. Can’t you create conflict without making these demon-fighters behave irresponsibly?
> “Smooch spot.” Edgy lingo. Love it.
> Eliza’s still working through that Southie accent.
> Oh wow, I really love Buffy and Faith being WAY more friendly this episode.
> “All men are beasts, Buffy.” Classic.
> “I was hoping not to get that cynical until I was at least 40.” That’s only a year-plus away! WHAT! 😯
> Faith isn’t wrong, though. I mean, they’re not all JUST in it for the chase. But yeah. Men are messed up, yo.
> Gosh, it was such a pleasure to watch this show evolve live. This was such a different era of television production. Not to knock the one we’re in now, it’s great in a different way. But pre-streaming feels like a wild trip now.
> Ooh, there’s a really great shot of the awning opposite the courtyard fountain that we don’t normally see. It’s clearest in “Graduation Day” when the cavalry arrives. I do love this set.
> Unf, I had the biggest crush on John Patrick White as a kid. AJ’s Time Travelers. Tassel Guy from Can’t Hardly Wait. (He’s a lawyer now!)
> “He’s just bein’ Oz.” “Pretty much full-time.” Hero. 🤩
> “Are we up to flowers?” Hasn’t it been, like, one week? Barely longer, if at all? What is with these kids?
> “Jeff? He was - I knew him.” Seriously, Oz is so underrated, I can’t stop gushing about him. Couldn’t Willow still have been a lesbian even if we kept Oz?
> Xander is like a TGIF Sitcom Character on this horror dramedy sometimes. Like, he has no place here.
> “I rested my eyes now and then.” You LITERALLY CLIMBED ON THE TABLE and used Willow’s book AS A PILLOW, you LITTLE LIAR.
> “When I…” “WOKE UP??” I used to think Giles was a little too harsh here. Not 20 years later.
> I don’t see how they could’ve ever thought it was Oz, though. He went out, had a snack, and came back to his cage? Unlikely.
> It’s Mr. Moseby!! I’ve always loved this actor. Especially as Chandler’s boss on Friends. (And now he won’t stop saying the word “friends,” haha.)
> This guy would’ve been a great recurring character for Buffy to interact with. Way better than a murder victim.
> “Everybody has demons, right?” “Gotta say, I’m with you on that.” Oh, okay. 🤭
> Like, I get the metaphor they were always going for with Angel, him “changing” and all that, but he literally did lose his actual soul.
> “Oz ate someone last night.” Welcome to Cordelia Shouldn’t Speak Theater. Never been more grateful for Lydia Martin.
> This shot of the Scooby Gang sitting on the Library steps was used in a lot of promo stuff.
> “What, you’re having a Slayer watch me? Oh, good, we’re not overreacting.” Dude, I know you’re upset, but they literally just said she’s the only person available.
> “Get away from me.” Oz, you’re being such a dramatic little pupper.
> I love the implication that Angel has been running naked and feral around the woods for as long as Buffy has been dating Scott.
> Is Willow examining a maued corpse when she’s probably not yet 18 funny or horrifying? Maybe both. They are all portrayed as horrified. So there’s that.
> “Let me just get a few stray hairs from the body, they could be from the attacker.” And - what will you do with them, Willow?
> Haaa, I love Buffy tossing Drusilla’s dolls aside.
> The giant ash outline of Angel on the floor is deeply silly.
> I mean, it’s kind of irresponsible that Faith was listening to music so loud that Buffy snuck up on her. But. I also get wanting to drown out the wolf? And she did react very quickly, so, she was fine.
> Buffy romanticized the idea of staying up all night for me.
> Buffy ALSO FELL ASLEEP on watch, but no one is screaming at her, just saying. Sidenote: why isn’t Giles pulling more shifts as the adult? (Reasonably also the only one with a job.)
> Pretending she dreamt Angel came back was a pretty clever way to talk about it, what with her prophetic dreams and all.
> “There’s no record of anyone returning from a demon dimension” - that feels like a lie, we just saw Buffy do it for one thing.
> "In my experience, there are two types of monster. The first can be redeemed or, more importantly, wants to be redeemed." "And the second type?" "The second is void of humanity. Cannot respond to reason... or love."
> Willow, if you were actively awake, why wouldn’t you come help keep watch? These kids, I swear…
> There’s a recurring musical motif in this episode that will later be used in “Amends,” FYI, and I am loving it.
> Omigod, I know this is bad to say because of the episode’s plot, but Scott’s friends are kind of terrible. Debbie is rude and Pete makes an ugly gay joke. Forget these kids.
> “Actually, I think he makes his own drums.” Heh.
> Scott is a weirdly sweet and attentive boyfriend. Buffy actually does sort of push him away. (I know, who am I to talk? 🤣🤭)
> “Check out Scotty, liking the manic-depressive chick.” Were we EVER supposed to root for Pete??
> WHOA, Angel lashing out at Buffy actually did jump-scare me, lol.
> “So you’ll be late but happy.” I really doubt whatever you’re delaying this girl for would be satisfying, Pete, even if it wasn’t hardcore abuse.
> So, Pete kept his Jekyll-and-Hyde serum in a janitor’s closet? What?
> This scene where Buffy goes to Platt is really beautifully acted but, like. What did Buffy think this man could do for her? And then he’s dead. Sigh.
> “You know how you get.” These kids sort of talk like they’re in the 50s.
> Ugh, this scene is so uncomfortable, because you could lift out the supernatural stuff and it could still play 100% the same on a regular drama. Like, too real.
> We weren’t ever supposed to feel like Pete was a good guy and that this was something being done to him, right? Like, he’s 0% victim.  
> Fun fact that I just learned: thanks to Daylight Savings, the only time of year when sunset can really be at 5:30pm is end of January / beginning of February.
> “They used to mess around.” “They were screwing?” “...I don’t think so.” Faith was too real for these kids.
> As the Scoobs dole out assignments, I find myself wondering, where are Xander and Cordelia? And I go on to wonder, if it’s maybe best that they aren’t around. Sigh.
> Buffy is way too aggressive on an abuse victim. It’s pretty fair for Willow to say they “broke her.” Kind of insensitive language tho, lol.
> This episode had a special message attached to it, right? It must have.
> I love how completely unconcerned Oz is for his safety when it comes to Pete. He knows his wolf can easily take this dude, even when he transforms.
> “Did you kiss that whore? Did she like it?” Goodness gracious.
> “Time’s up, rules change” is a little dramatic but whatever. Seth Green sells it.
> “Oh, right, bloody priceless.” Classic Giles.
> Buffy just wailing on this aggro abusive boyfriend is hella cathartic atm.
> I think Willow and Faith have better potential as friends than Willow and Cordelia, seriously.
> Okay, I try to support Buffy’s fashion decisions, but sometimes - like when she’s jumping from a roof - the heels are a little bit not great.
> I do not love that Angel is the one to get Pete. Like, on a couple of levels? I get that it couldn’t have been Buffy. But Pete had to die if Debbie did. Ugh. Just an awkward episode.
> This vampire-to-human transition shot of Angel got used in a lot of stuff.
> Hmm. I’m going to be doing some deep examining of how I feel about the Buffy/Angel relationship this year, I think.
> Someone thought it only took two eight iced cafe mochas to make Pete a murderer? That’s some strange understanding of caffeine.
> This is a lot of expo-logue (exposition dialogue) to cap off the episode.
> “Great, now I’m going to be stuck with serious thoughts all day.” Cordelia is literally Amber from Clueless. That’s such a weird archetype to include in this show, and make such a major character. And then pivot into what she becomes on Angel! Oy.
> Dude, poor Scott Hope. I’m pretty hard on him most of the time, but his friends’ deaths would’ve hella messed him up, no wonder he dumped his super-secretive girlfriend. (But he spread rumors about her so Faith doing that about him is fair game.)
> There’s a lot less “Call of the Wild” in this episode than I remember there being 20 years ago, lol.
> Okay, parts of that weren’t as bad as I usually remember. It’s definitely very real, which makes a lot of sense from the co-creator of #Unreal. Marti Noxon does not shy away from hard topics. Respect.
One more left!
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