#political rant because im angry as fck
Buckle up- Evan is getting political:
Have you heard of LgbwithouttheT? No? It's a movement that has gained popularity recently. Essentially it is based on the premise that the lgbtqia+ community being "ruined" or "invaded" by the trans community- because, of course, trans people don't exist? right? no because the 162 anti-trans bills introduced in 2022 (according to a Washington Post article published October 14th 2022) are all a joke?
Did you know there is a Wikipedia page titled Transgender genocide ? Or another List of people killed for being transgender ? Well, I'm afraid now you have no excuse to turn a blind eye. Maybe we're not front page news stories all of the time, but we're still in stage seven of genocide. And did you know there was ten stages of genocide? I didn't. Not until I had to search it up, unwillingly showing myself just how far some governments have gone to persecute something they simply do not understand and are not willing to understand.
Do you know how many anti trans billed have been introduced since the beginning of 2023? Three hundred and eighty five. In three months. Seven have been passed. That is compared to last years one hundred and sixty two introduced and nineteen passes. Before that, 2021, one hundred and twenty one introduced, fourteen passed. This is a massive incline from 2018 where eighteen were introduced across the twelve month period, and a single one passed. (All information from this article by Ella Caron for Bloomburg)
“These bills represent an effort to purge transgender people from the law and from public life,” said Gillian Branstetter, a communications strategist at the ACLU. “Even if only ten percent of those bills become law, it represents a massive rollback of freedoms every person deserves."
(Quote taken directly from Bloomburg article, linked above.)
These bills range from a ban of using correct bathrooms, healthcare and generally the removal transgender rights is being instigated. Notably, any form of drag performance or "Adult Cabaret Performances" as is specifically restricted, has been banned in Tennessee, one of their two anti-trans bills passed so far this year. Passed in three months.
The majority of these bills are being passes in America, The United States to be specific, but that far from means that anywhere else is "safe" or "out of danger". In 2014 at least one trans person was reported dead (Killed) every 27 hours in Brazil (Transgender Genocide article, Wikipedia). Just a few weeks ago Brianna Ghey, a sixteen year old trans girl, was murdered in England by two people, male 15 and female 15, in an area she knew and felt comfortable in. Before this, the police did nothing to help the constant bullying she endured at school. To make matters infinitely worse, even after death newspapers and reporters have deadnamed and misgendered her. The government wouldn't even grant her a posthumous GRC so she can be remembered in death as she was.
Did you know that Wikipedia's List of people killed for being transgender, isn't nearly complete?
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