#plz plz gimme some of yalls hcs
dykexenomorph · 4 years
nobody asked but uhhh here r some random hcs that I have for the outer worlds companions
- nyoka rlly likes to write in her spare time. originally it started out as her journalling her thoughts just to keep them in track, but now she just enjoys getting to write about anything and everything, it helps her get her mind off of stuff when she needs it.
- if music was allowed in halcyon then ellie would absolutely listen to country music, don't fight me on this I'm right
- on the same note (pun intended), felix would rlly enjoy folk punk I think. (YEAH I'm self projecting, what about it!!!)
- felix used to draw comics about his favorite aether wave shows when he was younger, junlei still has one of them hanging up in the lil room she works in
- I'm sorta on the fence w this one, but I feel like parvati would rlly enjoy painting 4 some reason
- felix is trans. I've already made a post saying this, but it deserves to be said again :]
- parvati and nyoka are the ones constantly bringing cows onto the ship. parvati does it bc she rlly likes animals and nyoka does it bc she thinks it's funny
- these are less of headcanons and more of guesses but I imagine vicar max as being in his mid 40s, nyoka as being somewhere in her early 30s (I have canon reasons 4 this one!!), felix as being in his EARLY EARLY 20s, and ellie as being 19 which I know makes NO sense canon-wise but I cannot help how I see her lol
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