#plus a wolf is more of a predator for a lamb and a deer
justcommander · 5 months
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I think everyone had already done this and I'm late but hey!
Animal version of Faith characters. I wanted to have some fun with this.
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jaskiersvalley · 4 years
Much love to you and your writing dearest!! I was scrolling the internet the other fine day and came across an animal called the Maned Wolf, researching it, it looks like a fox but it’s not a fox NOR a wolf, but why I bring it up, is because I see Jaskier as one. If you look at pictures, the maned wolf is quiet long, very long legs, and because of the fox appearance I would think it’s rather playful, any who, I love your work and I hope you’re having a good day sweet pea!!
Two things Nonnie, firstly, I’m sat here grinning because I don’t think anyone has called me ‘sweet pea’ before and that is just delightful. Secondly, Jaskier as a Maned Wolf is so spot on! You have the mind of a genius. Alas, an idea has run away from me and I wish to apologise for the silliness in advance.
Everyone had an animal form. Children first shifted around the age of five and often enjoyed extended periods discovering their animal form. There was such a variety of forms, everything was a possibility from soft lamb to fierce tiger. A few unlucky were butterflies or guppies. Birds were also quite wide spread, it wasn’t unusual to see a flock of mismatched birds learning to fly together. People often travelled in their animal form, it was often quicker and easier than as a human. There was no taboo around forms and people shifted between human and animal as it suited.
Despite this, witchers didn’t shift. Rumours split opinion as to why that was. Some people believed that the mutations made their animal forms monstrous. A dog morphed into Cerberus, a gorilla into a drowner. It was quite common to believe only the fiercest of animal forms got taken as witchers, mutated so they could fight their own kind, monster against monster. However, other people thought witchers didn’t shift because they couldn’t. They believed the mutations whisked away the animal form but pulled the mentality of the animal form into the human body.
Neither theories were quite right, as Jaskier learned. He had followed Geralt up The Killer on four legs, finding it easier and warmer to navigate the path as a maned wolf. His long legs certainly helped with that. It was a shame Geralt didn’t shift, he’d promised he would when they got to Kaer Morhen but no sooner. Jaskier could be patient, he curled up against Geralt during the nights, basking in the warm touch.
Kaer Morhen was strangely full. From the stories Jaskier had managed to draw from Geralt, it used to be just the four wolves wintering together if they all made it. However, they were greeted by an additional witcher and a human too. Plus Jaskier himself. Which meant Kaer Morhen was as full as it had been since the sacking.
They were all settled in and heading down for dinner. Frustratingly, Geralt hadn’t shifted yet, something about a time and place. Jaskier was too busy watching him to pay attention to where he was going and he almost fell face first as he tripped over a large rabbit. It was huge and so very angry, cute little brows pulls down and back leg thumping to express deep displeasure.
“Sorry Vesemir,” Geralt called as he righted Jaskier.
“Wait!” Immediately, Jaskier was peering down at the giant rabbit. “That’s Vesemir?”
In the blink of an eye Vesemir was standing in front of them and rubbing his hip where Jaskier’s foot had caught him.
“That a problem, bard?”
It was unexpected, a Belgian Giant as a witcher’s animal form. Jaskier couldn’t quite get over it but he shook his head. Not that things got any better. They walked into the dining hall and there was the most adorable creature sat on the table.
“What is that?”
“Aiden,” Lambert said as he strolled in. “Oi, brat! What did we say about butts on the table?”
The quokka gave a smiling glare and Jaskier was mesmerised. A rabbit witcher was surely a fluke. But with another innocent looking animal, maybe there was something going on. Turning to ask Geralt about it, Jaskier gasped. Geralt wasn’t behind him. Well, he was but not as a human. Instead, a roe deer stared up at him with large, dark eyes. His hooves clopped on the stone ground as he walked towards the kitchen, head held high.
“No animals in the kitchen!” Eskel’s voice called. Before Geralt could turn around, an alpaca bounded over. It was Cahir who had to chase them from the kitchen with a wooden spoon wielded like a weapon. Geralt had a cucumber in his mouth and he dutifully shared his spoils with Lambert in the corner. Even Aiden clambered closer and snatched some of Lambert’s portion. Jaskier had so many questions.
Vesemir stood by his shoulder, watching. “The first attempts were a miserable failure. The witchers were too violent, too aggressive. They were selected based on their animal forms, tigers, sharks, bears. But it was too much, they were uncontrollable. Something softer was needed. The meekness of gentle animals, lambs, sloths, chinchillas, they could weather the mutations without losing their humanity.”
Which left a question about Eskel. However, Vesemir shook his head and promised they would show more in the next couple of days.
It seemed that witchers loved spending time in their animal forms. As the most dangerous one there, Jaskier felt responsible for the witchers in their animal forms. Not that Eskel or Cahir ever shifted. They kept very much human and seemed content. When the weather allowed, they went on excursions. Lambert and Geralt happily bounced through the undergrowth, playing some intricate game of tag and leap. Vesemir and Aiden were more content snuffling around, close to Jaskier. While it seemed that Jaskier was the predator guarding his herbivores, the reality was very much the opposite.
On a sunny afternoon they made it up to the lakes. Jaskier watched as Cahir and Eskel happily waded in, clothes discarded on the shore. One blink and Eskel suddenly disappeared. There wasn’t a ripple on the surface to suggest he had dived down. Puzzled, Jaskier stood on the edge of the lake and stared at the water. He almost missed the oranda goldfish swimming up to him. Such a decorative fish was do out of place in the wild and Jaskier blinked. He shifted back to human form out of surprise.
Next to him, Lambert sat on the ground and reached into the water to poke the fish. If fish could scowl, Jaskier was certain he had just seen it, the goldfish looked pissed off and pushed away from under the questing finger. A splash drew Jaskier’s attention and his jaw dropped. Where Cahir had been was a giant freshwater stingray. He was magnificent, spanning several meters in size. But absolutely useless in terms of an animal form.
“Our little water babies.” Lambert almost sounded proud. “I had an aquarium for Eskel but then we found Cahir and, well, he can’t exactly fit in a large jar.”
Suddenly, Jaskier was so very grateful for his form. He could protect himself if needed but didn’t look threatening. Hell, he was even quite pretty, if he was honest with himself. Nobody started anything funny when faced with a snarling maned wolf. Add in the bonus of it being practical, he didn’t shift and suddenly find himself drowning in air, Jaskier found a new peace with his form. And, he knew he would guard the witchers’ secret with his life. Cute, fluffy and inoffensive. There was more of a chance someone would choke on Eskel as a fish than him doing and damage. It wasn’t like he could slap his opponent hard with a flick of his tail. Then again, Jaskier didn’t make a habit of fighting in his animal form. Geralt almost always stepped in when needed, fully human and imposing. Though, some part of Jaskier wanted to know what the reaction would be if a soft, harmless looking deer butted into a fight. He made sure he’d never find out though, too protective of his innocent witchers to betray them like that.
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a-prekliatyvlk · 4 years
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                Pack Festivities: Imbolic, Ostara, Beltane                                                            —————————-
So I wanted to write a little bit about the pack celebrating holidays. Since they follow more Pagan traditional holidays they do a lot of celebrating through out the year. Honestly the pack just loves an excuse to throw parties. They LOVE inviting other supernaturals to such parties.
Imbolic is one of the first holidays they celebrate. This one isn’t as big as other ones (Beltane) but it’s just the sabbat making the midpoint between Yule and Oastara. This isn’t a small gathering, they make food, lamb mostly and deer, decorate the house with white flowers, evergreen and leave out berries such as black berries for people to eat. Everything is flavored with Baisl, bay, lavender and rosemary to honor the sabbat.
The attire consists of Brown, Green, Pink, Red, White and Yellow.  Most of the pack opts for White since of course that is their pack color. They send out invitation’s, (with a wax seal and all!) to the people who are coming. If they know of people who don’t have a steady address they just remind them of the date (around February 4th) when the party is.
At the end of the dinner they all gather in a clearing by the pack house. It’s surrounded by Birch and Evergreen trees and they light off a big bon fire. (this is of course done by Iyrna) And they sit and talk amongst themselves. Some times they dance if someone decides to break out music. Other times they just snuggle on the seating in front of the fire, enjoying the feeling of the fire and the hint’s of spring starting to come. Sometimes the fire goes well into the night and they end up falling asleep. In the morning, Artem makes breakfast and everyone goes about their way. Its more to reconnect to each other than anything else, pay homage to winter starting to fade.
Ostara is a family holiday from were the pack is concerned. They use this holiday, the spring equinox celebration of equal day and night along with rebirth and fertility of spring to reconnect with their family. While this party also has a invitation, it’s mostly to family. They don’t really invite anyone who hasn’t been to the house more than a couple times. They take this time to plant a garden as a family, everyone planting different kinds of flowers. Often times people bring baskets full of food and or flowers to the home, sometimes people also bring catches, lambs rabbits and hares for Artem to cook with. This party is an ALL DAY thing. It doesn’t go into night like other parties but this one is meant for family.
The attire for this consists of Pastels, Gold, Light Green and yellow, Pale pink and robins egg blue. Often times the males will wear pale pink colors and gold. The women yellow, green and blue. EVERYONES hair is decorated in flowers. I am talking beards, braided hair. Even people who have short hair will have a flower crown on their head. Katia braids the womens hair in something like this with flowers. The idea is that there is enough hair flowing to allow the flowers to drift out at the end of the night if needed. Artem braids the mens hair (those who have hair long enough to do so) in something like this. Often times he shaves the sides of their heads as well. Their braids are always tight and the flowers a lot of times stay through out the night much to some peoples dismay.
The night ends after the sunsets. Often times if there is someone who needs to be inducted into the pack it happens then so to strengthen the familia bonds that the pack his. Honestly this party is one of the most chill that the pack has. Its meant to be enjoying the weather along with family. The twins take this hella seriously and mates are not permitted to be gross during this time. And are not allowed to sneak away. They spend the day together being a family.
Beltane is the party of the year for the wolves. This one is the celebration of fertility and love. Most of the time if a wolf in the pack is going to find a mate. It is going to be during this party. This party is planned for month’s between Katia, Artem and the pack. The invitations are sent out WEEKS in advanced. Often times the Ostara invitation and Beltane will come together. ANYONE who is supernatural is allowed to attend no matter if they know the pack or not. This makes security a bit higher during the party seeing as they might have people who disrupt the party but Katia and Artem do tell people that they will not tolerate any shit (plus with Loni showing up no one dares fuck with the happiness of the party)
Attire for this party consists of Green, Bright spring colors such as blues, purples, yellows and reds. The men of course braid their hair much like this, but often times wear antlers with flowers wrapped around the front. This is to symbolize rutting and the finding of a mate. The women often wear a braid such as this, (almost like a wedding braid) and have flowers covering the braid. All outfits are meant to show skin, skimpy and revealing is sorta the name of the game during this party after all you are finding a mate or reconnecting with your mate.
Dinner is normally served first, cattle and rabbit are the only meat and they serve alot of things with honey coating or dipped in honey. They generally drink a honey mead with dinner. So that after they can dance. Everyone gets a partner, no one is allowed to take the partner you are dancing with away until the end of the dance. Its provocative and used to make sure you are going to be a good match at the end of the night. Its a predator and prey type of dance, meant to get the juices flower between each mate. Once the dance is over another group goes, changing mates, sometimes people can dance with up too three or four people until they find the right match.
The dance generally ends when night falls, the pairs stand in front of the forest line and the males are blind folded (if it’s a same sex relationship, one volunteers to be blind folded. Nine times out of ten its the wolf) They are given a piece of cloth with their partners smell on it, a game of hide and seek. The hiders go into the woods and wait, after 5 minutes the seekers come and find them. What happens when they are found is up to the couple. Some spend the night in the woods (sex) and sometimes the other’s go back to the main house to spend the night together. This is the one night of the year where Artem and Katia allows it okay to have sex in the woods. The woods is big enough that most couples never happen upon each other or someone else. Most of the time the wolf has a one track mind of getting that person.
Generally in the morning Artem will have made food for everyone and the couples come back, if the night is good they might have the mate bite and then there is a wedding to be planned. Other times people just go their separate ways and never talk. It depends on the couple. Often times it lands a mate seeing as that’s the point of the party. Its a hellish night to clean up from but Artem and Katia likes seeing the happy couples from he party.
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