#pls i just wanna loose weight for prom why are we doing this
creeping-willow · 3 months
not to be vulnerable on main but I hate that weightloss apps don't tell you they cost money untill after you finished the stupid survey 😭like ty but i am a broke student i can not afford to pay you to tell me im fat
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Guys...holy hell.
I just realized, in the dream world Carbuncle tells Noct he can get back by going to his "safespace" And in episode Prompto Prom goes there twice. After he passes out from hypothermia and when he confronts his younger self. But, but here's the thing, how Prompto get's out and get's his determination. His heading up the stairs into the Citadel rather sitting at the bottom staircase like he did earlier. So his exit is the Citadel, and why would that be his safeplace, what kinda attachment does he have to a building? And then it hit me, it's not the building, it's because Noctis is there, that Ignis and Gladio is there. It was ovbious and we all know it and subconciously knew. But we never actually thought about it. How his safeplace is litterally Noct and co. They're all he got in this world and it's godamn beutiful. Or his safeplace is just litterally just Noct and Promptis has been canon all this time. I can't be the only one who feels that the amount of how much Prompto loves and depends and dedicates his life towrwards Noct goes far and beyond and best friend or family type of relationship. I feel like they legit could stay like platonicly togther forever to the end of time. I mean doesn't have too, but it feels like super right that they can just be together forever without any labels. Like they're not friends nor lovers....just something more. Also if a dude spent years losing weight just cause he wanted to look perfect in order to talk to u then his a catch. If i was Noct i would be head over godamn heels man, i wasn't gay before but i guess i am now! Man i both hate it and love it when they write relationships like this, cause its basicly up to your own interpretation. Its enough for them to be best friends but also something more. Because nothing tells u it cant be a thing. But nothing either tells u it is a thing. Ive always imagined Proms feelings for Noct somewhat romantic, because theres so much extra shit that is kinda weird and overwhelming for just "friends". And we dont think about it but Prom low self confidence and selfworth makes him a very extreme person. Someone could say his freckles are ugly, he would probably wear makeup to cover them up cause bybdoing so he doesnt cause this person discomfort or digust. His eager to please, to improve himself on his "faults" if u remember all it took for prom to loose weight was one comment from Noct how he was heavy. Also the fast decision on him trying to burn his barcode of his arm, his hella impulsive. The fact that he have such strong feelings to the point if he doesnt have Nocts approval he no longer wants to live is also very extreme. No matter what relationship they have Noctis is the one he loves most in the entire godamn world. And even if they started as friends, someone that means that much too you often becomes something more amd you dont even think about it. And judging by all of this it's very possible he did love Noct, but there was no reason for him too show it. First take this, Noct is the prince, Prom wouldn't do anything to put a spotlight on him or make him uncomfortable or cause him any trouble. Then the wedding with Luna, the mission to save Luna and save the world. His personal feelings wouldn't belong anywhere there. Cause he deemed his feelings not important because his world revolves around noct. No matter what happened, even if prom told him it was doomed from the start. It had no future, noct had no future as he was destined to die by the gods. It honestly makes sense why prom sounds so depressed, unsure and kinda snarky torwards noct later in the game. Cause this is his last change but its still not the time, and it never will be so its gonna be a secret he takes with him to the grave but his feelings for noct, he cherished those and it was enough for him. It could also be because he knows Noct is gonna die soon but what do i know. Im just here to speculate and overanalyze relationships between a prince and a poor boy. Also the fact that Prompto stays single those 10 years and litterally only hangs out with Cindy even though she probably told him no. But from how Talcott says it it seems like Cindy was kinda oblivious and Prom just hang around and never told her. Kinda like his pinning but shes too busy working she doesnt notice him, for 10 godamn years. What i always feel was weird in this game was how forced Proms interactions with girls was. Like no joke he has lowkey crushes on every girl he met. Cindy, aranea even iris jesus christ. If u go by his character its really contradicting that he would react like that to them. But its also just stays in his head because he doesnt actually wanna bother them irl. Like that photo tour where noct is the wingman and noct tells him to just ask vindy for a pic amd he tells him that would be creepy. It weird, but its a prompto thing to be satisfied imagining what could have been rather them act on something. Which what i feel with noct and why he would never even put that tought in the open for noct. Like with Cindy and all the girls it seems more like his impressed by what theyre capable off. Like cindy being a genius engineer and running the garage herself. Aranea being a godamn badass fighter, its like his so impressed what they can do and developes small crushes. But thats what they are, small insignificent crushes that would never lead anywhere. In a way they remind me of Clouds, zacks, aeriths and tifas relationship. In which cloud started with a crush on tifa, started to develop feelings for aerith but they never lead anywhere cause she wasnt there anymore. But then theres also the fact that cloud cant let go of aerith or zack, but i feel like aerith is more about guilt rather then love. And No matter what, zack always priorities in clouds mind. Cause back then zack was all he had, he had given up on going back to tifa or even see or talk to her. He failed his goal but zack got him hopefull again. Zack was his only ally and friend. Then shit happened and zack decides for him that theyre gonna stay totgether and be mercenaries forever. Zack takes care of him like no one else has ever done and that caring and love goes way deeper then crushes. Like no matter what happens its the same with prom. Noct will always be the number one love in his life. Oh god this is way to long, i did it again. I just wanted to talk about carbuncle man. And please, if u read this long pls come talk to me about what you think.
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