#plot heavy but only for esposito's backstory
castle-dominion · 11 months
5x11 under the influence PLOT HEAVY more like plot Javi. But it is not really plot heavy more like backstory heavy. Like the ike thornton episode.
Wow they just went around her for josie lang making her sound old hoodie kid? labelmaker playlist
captions say Zito & he is leaning on the cement all comfy You should lose two turns ryan pretty, esposito also nice shirt Shut the up (also how young of a girl scout, kinda sus) 11-midnight? How did she work the party until 1? (btw that tarp is way to square to have unwrapped a body)
lol KILLER party
check by the pool XD
starting the morning with... booze? It can be good for a hangover but... Ah she left early that's how she died before she was scheduled Good response from Regina: Great. Now I feel bad for complaining.
Becks is pretty enough with that turtleneck Oof. I mean music saves ur life like that!
What is dripping from her hair? KFC has more MSG than most chinese places
KR: If Tyrese is such big time, why is the entrance to his studio in an alley? JE: Because. Celebrities don’t want paparazzi taking their picture all the time. (he looks over to see KR: run a hand through his hair and he stops short) Yo. Did you just do the hair thing? KR: What hair thing? JE: Every time you’re about to meet a celebrity or a pretty girl you run your hand through your hair. KR: (he ignores that) TMZ said that Tyrese was at that party with Josie Lang. He’s producing her new album. JE: Yeah well, she’s no Regina. KR: I understand the image of her as a girl scout is seared into your memory, but Josie is a real vocalist. JE: Whose fan base consists of 12 year old girls … and you.
KR: Hey, since Josie was at the party I should probably take her statement, right? You got this, right bro? Thanks. XD
Been shot like seven times!?!?
"kev" & also jenny uwu
that was JUST for this year's awards!? What has he done before that!?
Unless you my momma
Nice rings on this man tho fancy shirt poofy hair lol The bitch had an assistant bitch? Reichle probably had fun "different girl" like that one tiktok audio "leah, amy, you know why we call her brianna right?" XD good it helps my street cred My man brought a lighting guy for his mugshot?
Wow that is a lot of money!
Kinda rude but she paid u anyway & was "helping her cousin" so that's good Variety in the "this one that one" stuff
mayb ethey haven't FOUND anything missing yet people are GOOD at ignoring hired help PRINTS
Ooh hooeey becks is pretty af today!! didn't holly grow up in a bunch of different places? foster care?
RC: "Monster." Now that sounds like the kind of ganged up thug that would shoot you dead and leave you in a dumpster someplace. Probably half man, half mountain, full of prison tats. Or is he quietly dangerous? Like Javier Bardem in any movie where he’s got weird hair. JE, while walking beside him: *kind of smiling/frowning at the same time* *it's a kid*
Oof mama commit suicide? the drug od was bad enough. how does this poor boy already have priors a kim long? Careful becks he is still nicknamed monster As an FNMI person this episode just... oof
KB: Hi Joey, I’m Detective Kate Beckett. Joey Malone: A major hottie is what you are. you're 14 lmao JM is just not talking at all double negative Ah he was chill denying it before this but then when murder came up he was shocked. I believe he did not do it. *camera focusses on esposito*
& then another flash to esposito Nice how he plays viddy games sito's right, you have a pimp/agent/manager JE: The brains behind this operation, that’s who. A kid like Joey goes from smash and grab to stealing a half a mil in jewelry? I don’t think so. Someone put him up to this. KR: No, it makes sense. Some savvy criminals use minors to do their dirty work. RC: Of course. A Fagin to Joey’s Oliver Twist. KR: And if Holly’s involved, that makes her the Artful Dodger. Or the Artful DJ. RC: Ooh, nicely played. also ryan is pretty you GET this kid. Yeah man. I love getting a little backstory. I just wish one of these characters was native, & I mean technically esposito is native, but I mean like, I want an iroquois person maybe. or a cree person. Heck a Metis person would be mind blowing.
JM; Hey, where’s the super hot detective? JE; Oh, you’re lookin’ at him. XD
Yeah genuinely. That's what they are like. Frickin cops. (& esposito's face kind of falls, possibly bc he was planning on saying that, possibly bc he feels for the kid & joey has been thru this before & cops made empty promises too) I p much never make promises.
So you admit there is a "he" Yeah lol this kid
Beckett & esposito are the ones talking to her hhh Yeah family is usually the best place to go for foster care temporarily while the parents get their crap in order. Heck this is why icwa exists. Tho I heard the other day that they were overturning that or smth Real prize.
KB: What about his uncle? Where is he now? Ms. Cooper (social worker): We’re trying to track him down. He may be in AC. He’s a card player. JE: Guy sounds like a real prize. CSW: You want the best option for these kids, and sometimes all you have is the least bad option. Which brings me to the issue of what to do with Joey. Are you charging him with theft? KB: We were hoping not it. CSW: (nods) So. I’ll put him in temporary foster care. JE: Whoa, whoa, whoa. He’s not safe out there in the world right now. The guy that we’re after killed a woman. He could do the same thing to Joey. CSW: Then you can put him in protective custody in juvenile hall. JE: I - I can’t just throw him in juvie. I’m trying to gain his trust here. KB: Ms. Cooper, this boy is the key to us solving a murder. CSW: Well, I’m sorry, but those are the choices. JE: hesitates. He catches sight of JOEY outside the room. JE: What if I take him? KB: *turns to look at esposito, surprised. Who is this man?* JE: That way he’s not locked up and I can keep him safe. (to KB) And I can continue to work on him. KB: * turns back to cooper* It’s an idea. KB: What about that? CSW: (sighs, shakes her head) I – I suppose I could delay his paperwork. But this would be for one night. And it means that Joey Malone is your responsibility. JE: That’s cool. I got this. The kid doesn’t have a father. He probably just needs someone to connect with. lmao sure bud like that's going to work out. I mean you may be right but u've also had years to figure out what it means, this kid might not even know.
Ok I have three clips here, but I flilmed the second two at once
INT – ESPOSITO’S APARTMENT JE walks in and stops to pick up the mail. JM follows him. Also neither of them remove their shoes. ew. JM: I’d rather have a pajama party with the lady cop. ((XD)) JE: Yeah well, it looks like I drew the short straw. ((still a little bit of bad cop in there, love it.)) JE, lookin at this teen: Literally. ((XD)) JE: hits the lights JM: looks around JM: Man, no wonder you’re single! JE: JM: No woman would spend time here unless it was against her will. ((u’r 14. But I mean 14yos date, heck I had classmates who had sex)) JM: starts hitting a sparring bag which is just in the middle of espt’s apartment, like yeah no girls wouldn’t like that JE: Yeah? What about you, Martha Stewart? What’s you place supposed to be? Shabby chic? Emphasis on shabby? JM: It’s a dive. But it’s not my fault. My uncle would rather blow all of his money at the tables. JE: Must be why he’s too busy to call us back. JM: Don’t wait by the phone. He only cares about claiming me as a dependent. makes himself comfortable on espt’s couch, putting his feet up on the coffee table. JE: My parents split up when I was 5. ((lol ok trying to connect)) JE: pushes Joey’s legs Man, get your feet off my table! (they share a glare.) Dad moved to Florida with his new wife. Most I ever got after that was a phone call and a post card. JM: Post card? JE: (nods) Yeah. JM: How old are you, anyway? ((bruh.. I send postcards still,, like if I’m traveling)) JE: Ancient. he looks dead & deadpan JE: But I’m young enough to remember what it was like. (he is quiet for a second) JM: smiles & looks off to the side ((btw I’m glad that the 14yo has acne, that’s what being 14 is like)) JE: Must miss your folks. ((bro don’t try to dig too much)) JM: … JM: After my dad died, my mom kept going. You know, she tried to pretend that we were still a normal family. She did her best to take care of me until … she couldn’t do it anymore. JE: Now you take care of yourself. ((Good line. Also sounds like experience there)) JM: Yeah. (his attitude changes) Look, man. I know you didn’t have to do this. Take me in, I mean. So uh, thanks. JE, nodding: I’ll go grab you a blanket; pillow. JM: Hey, at least you didn’t skimp out on the audio visual budget. ((Heck yeah. We love video games in this house. Well & board games. & all play, adults need play too, dogs never really outgrow their need for play, why should humans?) JE: You know that’s right. Oh, and I’ve got Assassin’s Creed 3. ((& a bunch of other stuff I assume?)) So go ahead and knock yourself out. ((Nice art btw)) JE: Oh, and uh … put it on dual player mode so I can come back and school you. He’s in the closet pulling linens for Joey JM: $20 bucks says you won’t make it past level 1. ((OMG I NOTICED HIS VOICE CHANGED DURING THAT PHRASE– HE WAS LITERALLY IN THE PROCESS OF IT AS HE SAID THAT,, POSSIBLY TO IMPLY HE WAS STILL IN THE ROOM)) JE: (scoffs) You’re crazy. Leaves the light on JE: comes back into the living room with a smile but stops short. It’s empty. Joey’s gone, but the window is open. Esposito sighs heavily. He is so annoyed
Oh gosh darn! When I copypaste smth from my ctrl-h google doc (where I change the names from ESPOSITO with a bunch of blank lines between the phrases like the transcript to what u see on tumblr) to tumblr, the * maked it italicized! Crud!
INT – TWELFTH PRECINCT BULLPEN JE walks in with JM handcuffed to his wrist. KR: … gives the setup an odd look. JE: Sit down. Joey does, and Esposito transfers the cuff from his wrist to the desk. KR, spinning his chair to face them: O~kay. Care to explain? JE: What? The handcuffs? KR: No, no. The stylish shoes that you’re wearing. Yess, the handcuffs. JE: Well, junior here tried to pull a Houdini on me last night. JM: Who the hell is Houdini? ((espt was not born in the late 1800s idiot)) JE: (harshly) Shut up. KR: Out the window? JE: Yeah. *sits* KR: Down the fire escape?? JE: Yeah. And then on to a moving garbage truck. Then on a skateboard for five blocks that took him all the way to the L-train. ((Whose? Also where was this kid going?)) JM: *picks up a signed baseball from espt’s desk* ((Kid has some neat gloves)) KR: (smiles) How’d you keep up? JM: He didn’t. JE, turning to face him so he can talk to him: Shut up. (sees the baseball) What the – (he grabs the baseball) Give me that. (he puts the ball back) Commandeered this dude’s bicycle. ((YOU KEPT UP TO A MOVING GARBAGE TRUCK AND SKATEBOARD ON A BIKE?)) KR: *Nods & smiles so big & bright, checks his nails while listening to the story* JE: Then he lost me in the subway. (Joey laughs) But then I caught him. At the next stop. Kid’s wily. But I’m wilier. KR: * just is enjoying the story with a smile* Wow. Just like The French Connection. JE: ..?
Kid just sitting there biting his nails You will go canvass? With esposito? alone? with a uniformed officer?
KB: Unless he gave you a name. JE: Uh … no. Not exactly. wdym not exactly?? Whata does that Look Between Them mean?
JE: Looks like he got his first taste with a B and E when he was 11 years old. Oof KB: He graduated to burglary when he was 12 when he broke into a mom and pop corner store along with an unidentified adult male. Ooof (also how mom+pops are off limits)
Shane Winters HER FILE TOO? also beckett's pretty shiny shirt <3
JE: This dude’s dabbled in everything. Or maybe castle, she did not clean herself up & get herself out, he stopped using her when she turned 18
Ryan's back! (btw every member here is pretty rn. Castle only as pretty as normal tho. ryan also only as pretty as normal but dshkjdh. becks all shiny & espt nice shirt too.) & castle knows the car RC: Yeah, and a roomy trunk for all your body moving needs. Esposito *just walks away* (no explanation anything he just thought for a split sec & then Left)
Poor LT lol he's on babysitting duty ALSO EW SHOES ON THE COUCH *awkwardly tapping his thumbs. It must be a patience test for interrogations when you become detective, he tells himself* JE: Where’s Shane Winters? JM: Where’s my soda? LT is just happy to be out of here he doesn't care that he's on soda duty
Love how espt picks him up like that. Sometimes you need a rough hand. JM: I'm not a rat ... Valid? But bro? Ok what is in it for you? You get a cut of the earnings? you get his protection in terms of him bailing you out...?
JE: Meh, I just want to wring this little bastard’s neck right now. So valid bestie JE: Freakin’ kids, man. (to castle) I don’t know how you do it, bro. RC: Oohhh. No, no. I lucked out with Alexis. At a certain point you realize you’re just dealing with someone who hasn’t been around as long as we have. ((THAT IS SO TRUE)) They have to find their way. JE: The problem is, he’s already found his way. He just doesn’t see where it’s going to put him. ((or maybe he thinks he's Built Different))
Garcia, new name!
"roll" *plays with keys* On your own babe? nice toss. also do they each have their own car or,,?
Boobies. Beer. Western vibes. Cant in the camera. Interesting movement too. Wow big buff guy. *looks him down* ... A bag of ice? It depends on whether it is good for the plot or not if they can beat ppl up or if they get beat up. Everything ends with a kick to the balls. My man must be wearing steel toed boots or knee guards or smth. Or just good aim. man's not having kids any time soon that shaking breath ohhh & "excuse me" lmao
How does he know his name hangin out lol Yeah too loyal. But I respect Monster. Put them on yourself? Esposito is using power & dominance to control the situation. Love it Holy crap the way he PUSHES on the handcuffs is so good! I remember playing with plastic handcuffs like that as a kid
"soft spot for kids" did not come out right hun Weird lighting. This room needs to be brighter; one way glass needs one room to be brighter than the other golden and diamond encrusted NO-- NO NO NOOOOOO (but will fdny find an accelerant?) but whasnt' that car expensive or smth? A minute alone...? Esposito, Javi my man hold on what are you thinking? & ryan agrees to leave? CLOSING THE CURTAINS...
tablet? Joey genuinely looks sad JE: Now I’d beat your skinny little ass for being stupid if it’d change anything Oh computer r u lying? da wanting to try him as an adult? u haven't even charged him... SW: Look, man. The kid did the crime, he’s gotta do the time. SW a couple minutes ago: I have a soft spot for kids (which is why I bailed out the teenager) Did joey malone really think that shane would protect him? carried heat as in gun? Yeah no Monster of COURSE he'd kill her
Yeah he can buy an alibi at least u know it came from his TYPE of car WHERE is her gun? I still say bling...
Ryan's hair lol it REALLY looks like mine Poor chinese line cook lol just doin his job & these detectives are holding open his door & getting in his way near the dumpster Is that blood or is it just gross?
Ah! Temporarily missing! that's why it was on the phone! *cuts himself off* oh god... heeheeHEE this is GOOD
well he's obv /accessory/ to murder espt so angry I can't tell if I'm remembering the ending or if I'm figuring it out but could it be the other musician? the one josie called old?
I love this man with the hat he seems cool Regina: Have you ever tried changing into skin-tight leather pants? It’s time consuming. ((true)) *Judging by their expressions, both CASTLE and BECKETT are intimately acquainted with skin-tight leather pants.* I like how beckett is wearing less makeup this episode than she does in s6 in my family watch Did she have a license to carry?
I love the OTS view going into the bar *lets him in while covering himself* SW: You keep showing up here like this, the boys are going to think you’re sweet on me. XD JE: Not anymore they won’t. he says while smiling.. *gulp* *puts down the gun* I can't remember what I thought the first time watching this. Is he disarming himself so they can have an honourable fistfight? Does he want to prove he's armed? are they going to count down & reach for it? & then I see the second gun. I thought maybe duel then. Also nice gun, rly small. When he says the gun is "yours" I am more sure it is a duel. (btw I think that one on the close side is the personal gun, not the police gun, & the one on the far side is the one he pulled from his boot a couple episodes ago. Like. ten.) His face when he says this. He says it in past tense as if he is in an interview, as if he's quoting himself from the future. That fear on his face. "I HAD to defend myself!" as he shakes his head with wide eyes... So he threatens to kill the guy & cover it up bc he is a detective & he can legit say "I arrested his crime boy so he wanted to kill me" & have it be true except esposito that is your gun... Unless he specifically acquired an unlicensed gun so that he could pretend it was shane's unlicensed gun (but also esposito my man how will you KNOW he recruits another kid? I might like a sequel except I don't want esposito to kill someone even if I agree with his values) Again with esposito using dominance in this play. Slid the gun over to him. I mean, Winters can afford a bodyguard, he may be a crime pimp, but he directs kids & adolescents, not people he considers his equal. No wonder he is so easy to threaten like this.
HPD criminal history information MISDEMEANOR arrest/charge information arrest date: XXXXXX ((so august or is that a random number of Xs?)) XX, 20XX 07:27 PM ((so he must have been under 18 in the year 2000, 17 in y2k at the oldest)) - Name: ESPOSITO/JAVIER ((I can't see if there is a middle name)) - Date of Birth: XXXXX X, 19XX ((april or march 1-9)) - Sex: Male - Race: XXXXXX ((Latino)) - Age at the time of the crime/arrest: XX ((10-17 but often they try 17yos as adults)) - Address: 941 E. 11TH ST/NEW YORK, NY 1009 - Fax Number: 5521250 - Place of Arrest: HPDPD, 021 - ((cropped)) Crime: November 6, 1989 ((unless this is the date of the crime so he would be under 18 in '89 at the oldest, so born in what 1972 at the oldest? & 1990 at the youngest if his age was in the double digits by y2k))
the good old days XD XD
Cycle 1 Arrest date XXXX XX 20XX 07:27 PM ((this one has 4 Xs so june & july except I think this implies that the Xs are not relative to the letters in the blackout, at least that is implied since these are both at 7.27pm, they are both the arrest date)) Court Information Court: Criminal Court New York Case Number: 322((cut off)) Initial Report Of Docket Number: XXXX XX, 20XX
November 19, 1989 ((nearly two weeks after the other date)) ASSAULT PL 160.10 Sub 01 // Class C Juvenile // HCIC 1299 RESISTING ARREST PL 160.05 // Class D Juvenile // HCIC 1299 ((transf?))erred To Superior Court November 19, 1989 UNLAWFUL POSSESSION ((of what?)) PL 160.10 Sub 01 // Class C Juvenile // HCIC 1299 ASSAULT PL 160.05 // Class D Juvenile // HCIC 1299
I love how as Joey reads them out loud esposito cringes. We see him cringe just a bit (wrinkle his nose & squint) at resisting arrest but [cringe like: that inhaling hiss between your teeth out of the side of your mouth] at unlawful possession & he shakes his head
Joey straight up: You were a mess ((coming from u tho? ur priors are a mile long according to the show so u can't say much))
JE: Yeah. But it’s all I knew. My dad was gone, my mom was working two jobs. In my neighborhood, you had to do what you had to do to survive. Not everybody made it. ((Yeah man... this story hits & my life wasn't even that bad)) JM: Is this where you tell me to man up and get my act together like you did? ((no pls no)) JE: No. It doesn’t work like that. ((Yes!! Thank you! Yes!)) JE: You need help. ((cringe but true)) For me it was one of my teachers. ((stereotype. But also,,, so true. My baking teacher, the staff in my special needs class, the FNMI guidance counselor, my culinary teachers)) Saw a future in me that I didn’t even see in myself. But it was up to me to make a choice. To pick which road to go down. I talked to your school counselor – ((first of all ew school counselors I know I lucked out but I don't trust em, second consent much? talk to joey first, except he'd say no so idk bro)) JM: What? ((See?)) JE: She’s going to call me if you keep ditching. ((esposito dad moments, I wish we got to see him with Timmy or Tommy or whatever ike's kid's name was)) JM: C’mon, man. JE: And I’m going to call you once a week. Check in. ((Do you do that for Baby Thornton too? y'all should become friends lol, he's only a year or two younger than you. Baby thornton was what? 10? it has been 2 or 3 years since s2? joey is 14? Yeah 13 & 14 is the same age)) JM: *smiles, then nods* JM: All right. I’ll go. ((go where? to school?)) If you agree to get new furniture. ((making a deal, he really is an adolescent, not a child, & esposito treating him like an adolescent, someone worth talking to, is awesome & important, even if he also knows that adolescence is not complete adulthood & he called the counselor w/o talking to joey first)) JE: *scoffs* JM: You can’t get laid on the regular with that junk you have. ((this man made fun of ryan for alley shopping)) I’m just looking out for you. ((who is looking out for whom now?)) JM: *pats him hard on the shoulder* JE: *does the thing he always does when someone touches him: he looks at where they touched & then back up at them* JE, handing Joey his business card: Here. If you need anything, day or night, call me at that number. ((do you not have your phone on silent overnight...? Maybe "at THAT number" is his other cell phone, one that he doesn't turn off at night idk bro)) JM: Okay. (he unbuckles) You’re all right. For a cop. ((lmao what a mood) JE: I know. Now get out of my car. ((see? sometimes you need that roughness. Btw I think this was the first time I noticed the car in my family watch, but I had seen it before on my binge watch. I didn't know if it was esposito's personal car or what)) JM nods to JE, JE nods back, but also in a gesture like "get going now I already told u" & JM leaves. JE smiles & watches to make sure JM gets inside ok.
I like how they closed loose ends with the winters guy & joey.
Ok but I need an episode in the future that shows that these two have indeed kept in contact! Esposito has been half raising two kids now, Ike's kid & Joey, why can't we SEE THEM?
Also uh in my math earlier I said I'd watch 6 episodes per day, well the thing is I didn't watch 6 yesterday I only got five. The first one was the season premier & I watched it earlier.
0 notes
eddycurrents · 6 years
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For the week of 1 October 2018
You can read a full review of the excellent first issue of Rainbow Brite here.
Quick Bits:
A Walk Through Hell #5 concludes the first arc, showing us what happened to the other agent in the warehouse, and giving a bit of closure to what happened in Carnahan investigation. This is some of the darkest, creepiest stuff I’ve seen from Garth Ennis and he’s got plenty of good horror out there. Perfectly brought to life by Goran Sudžuka and Ive Svorcina.
| Published by AfterShock
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Asgardians of the Galaxy #2 is more entertaining cosmic fare, reminding me a bit of some of the bizarre cosmic quests Marvel used to publish back in the 80s and 90s. Particularly some old Silver Surfer and Warlock & The Infinity Watch. It’s hard to qualify that feeling, but it’s welcome in the story. The artwork from Matteo Lolli and Federico Blee continues to be top notch.
| Published by Marvel
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Batman/The Maxx: Arkham Dreams #1 is weird, but what else would you expect from The Maxx? Beautiful art here from Sam Kieth, with a softer, almost watercolour like colour style from Ronda Pattison.
| Published by IDW & DC Comics
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Battlestar Galactica (Classic) #0 is a free preview of the next volume of the series from John Jackson Miller, Daniel HDR, Natalia Marques, and Taylor Esposito. I’ve like quite a bit of Miller’s Star Wars work, and despite not particularly caring for the original BSG, this isn’t bad. The artwork from HDR and Marques is very nice, both in terms of the likenesses and in the level of detail that the pair are putting into the ships and starfields.
| Published by Dynamite
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Blackbird #1 is off to a good start, giving us a mix of magic and kind of a more grounded coming of age story. The artwork is a huge draw, with Jen Bartel, Paul Reinwand, and Nayoung Wilson delivering something that feels a bit like Kris Anka’s work in Runaways and Jamie McKelvie and Matthew Wilson’s in The Wicked + The Divine. Somewhere between reality and imagination.
| Published by Image
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Champions #25 kicks off a trip to Weirdworld for the team as they search for where Man-Thing carried off Sam and Nadia, allowing Jim Zub to play around in his fantasy wheelhouse, and giving Sean Izaakse and Max Dunbar to show off some really nice art and designs. The shift into fantasy is really well done, adapting the Champions into the setting through the method of transit there, rather than the more typical straight forward delivery. It gives an interesting counterpoint to the earlier Deadpool #4 and this week’s Weapon H #8 in their own use of Weirdworld.
| Published by Marvel
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Dead Rabbit #1 is probably the best crime series debut I’ve read since Hot Lunch Special #1, and this is really damn good. Gerry Duggan and John McCrea create a very compelling lead in Martin Dobbs, the former Dead Rabbit, a retired masked thief now working at a Walmart analogue. McCrea, with colours from Mike Spicer, employs a more restrained form of his usual exaggerated style here and it is gorgeous, fitting the dark reality and gravity of the story.
| Published by Image
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Death of the Inhumans #4 has a huge revelation that somehow makes everything worse. Yes, worse than killing Lockjaw. Donny Cates, Ariel Olivetti, Jordie Bellaire, and Clayton Cowles continue the blows coming, even as the Inhuman royal family and Beta Ray Bill attempt to get a modicum of retribution against Vox and the Kree.
| Published by Marvel
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Death Orb #1 is off to an interesting start, laying heavy into the post-apocalyptic feel of things like Mad Max and Akira, with a sword of Damocles hanging high above the remaining people’s heads. It’s a familiar world that Ryan Ferrier and Alejandro Aragon have created here, but it’s compelling, making me wonder what more is there for the characters.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Deathstroke #36 kicks off the “Arkham” arc. This is the first issue of this volume of Deathstroke I’ve read, but it flows really well for a new reader, even if you only have a passing knowledge of the various villains in Arkham Asylum. It reads very much in Priest’s style, with scenes broken down by title cards, sections working almost as discrete vignettes at times, and a nice amount of humour thrown in for god measure. Great art from Ed Benes, Fernando Pasarin, Richard Friend, Jason Paz, Wade von Grawbadger, and Jeromy Cox. Although the requisite backstory is provided in text, I’m definitely tempted to go back and read the rest of the series to see what I’ve missed.
| Published by DC Comics
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Euthanauts #3 is another transcendental experience from Tini Howard, Nick Robles, Eva De La Cruz, and Neil Uyetake. The artwork from Robles and De La Cruz is incredible, with amazing layouts, panel transitions, and character designs that just pull you into the story that the entire creative team is telling.
| Published by IDW / Black Crown
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Giant Days #43 continues the very weird Christmas-themed issues surrounding the Winter Village. Weird in that it’s strange to be reading about Christmas in October, but it’s still chock full of the humour and adroit depiction of university life that the series usually is.
| Published by Boom Entertainment / BOOM! Box
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House Amok #2 is a solid follow-up to what has been one of the best first issues this year. Christopher Sebela, Shawn McManus, Lee Loughridge, and Aditya Bidikar have something here that is incredibly different and very compelling for everything else published right now. This issue relays the family’s descent into madness and it’s a fascinating look at how everything can go wrong. Like a cult in microcosm. 
| Published by IDW / Black Crown
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Iron Fist #1 is the third of Marvel’s new double-sized digital original ongoing series to be released. Like Jessica Jones and Luke Cage before it, this is very good. Somewhat surprisingly, this one’s a horror story. Clay McLeod Chapman, Guillermo Sanna, Lee Loughridge, and Travis Lanham tap into some Chinese folklore for the antagonist and set up an interesting quandary that borrows elements from Idle Hands and Ash vs. The Army of Darkness.
| Published by Marvel
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Jook Joint #1 is a very dark book, tapping into themes of sexual assault, domestic abuse, and horrific, but likely justified, retribution. Understandably, some will find this first issue difficult, not just for the violence, but for the subject matter, but I think presentations of this kind of horror, bringing a mirror up to our darker natures, is necessary and important to tell. Tee Franklin, Alitha E. Martinez, Shari Chankhamma, and Taylor Esposito have something interesting here.
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The Last Siege #5 is a bit of turning point for the series, and quite possibly the best issue to date in a series of best issues. The tone and presentation changes as our stranger gets a name, and a backstory, and it’s very well told. Landry Q. Walker, Justin Greenwood, Brad Simpson, and Patrick Brosseau really step up this issue and I’d highly recommend it even if you’ve not been reading since the beginning. 
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The Lollipop Kids #1 is one of the most beautiful books on the stands this week, with absolutely beautiful artwork from Diego Yapur and DC Alonso. The colour work and depth to the characters is just stunning.
| Published by AfterShock
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The Lone Ranger #1 begins an interesting story here of land rights and the introduction of gentrification and eminent domain in Texas. Exactly the kind of thing that you’d expect from Mark Russell. There’s still a great deal of action, though, ably delivered from Bob Q, who’s proving here that he’s just as adept at the old American West as he is at WWII England.
| Published by Dynamite
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Paradiso #8 brings the “Dark Dwellers” arc to a close, even though it sets up much more for the next arc with a particularly harrowing cliffhanger. I love how Ram V and Devmalya Pramanik are telling this story, with ample routes for failure, deception, and characters taking wrong turns. This world isn’t happy, is incredibly flawed, and it shines through in the nuanced storytelling.
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Redlands #7 returns after more than half a year and it was well worth the wait. The opening to this next arc continues the plot threads that have been established and points to something new with the arrival of the sisters’ father. Jordie Bellaire, Vanesa Del Rey, and Clayton Cowles drop us right back into the deep end of this layered and compelling horror.
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Sparrowhawk #1 is great. It’s a new fantasy in the vein of Alice in Wonderland, but with faeries and a much darker tone, from Delilah S. Dawson, Matias Basla, and Jim Campbell. I love the artwork from Matias Basla, who has a style not dissimilar to Eduardo Risso and Matías Bergara, and it works so incredibly well for dark fantasy.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Spook House 2 #1 is a welcome return, delivering up a new limited series chock full of off-beat, irreverent, and humorous mostly all ages horror stories, just in time for Halloween. This first issue offers four; a tale each from Steve Mannion and Eric Powell, each handling full creative duties themselves, then a go-kart satire of Stephen King’s Christine, by Powell, Jake Smith, and Warren Montgomery, and a take on Swamp Thing dedicated to the memory of Bernie Wrightson and Len Wein, from Powell, Kyle Hotz, and Montgomery. This last one is probably the best of the book and nicely captures the tone and feel of a muck-encrusted monster, with great art from Hotz and Montgomery. 
| Published by Albatross Funnybooks
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The Superior Octopus #1 is the last stop on the ride before Spider-Geddon proper begins and also serves as a bit of a preview of the forthcoming resurrected Superior Spider-Man series from this same team of Christos Gage and Mike Hawthorne (with Wade von Grawbadger, Jordie Bellaire, and Clayton Cowles - though I don’t know if they’ll also be on that book). It’s good. The art from Hawthorne, von Grawbadger, and Bellaire is great as expected and Gage has the voice of Octavius down pat.
| Published by Marvel
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These Savage Shores #1 is the third brilliant debut from Vault in these past two weeks, and is quite possibly the best first issue of a series this year. This comic is brilliant, in form, style, structure, and execution. Ram V, Sumit Kumar, Vittorio Astone, and Aditya Bidikar don’t just knock this one out of the park, it’s a hit gone from the stratosphere.  Most of this team collaborated before on Ruin of Thieves to tell a wonderful story there, with Astone the newcomer on colours, and the result is an excellent creative team to give seamless storytelling.
This is horror, mixed with adventure, playing with the vampire, Indian folktales, colonial expansionism into India, and more coming together into one brilliant package. The fact that it’s mostly told through an epistolary format is the perfect homage to Dracula, but it also gives us an incredible moment later that helps turn those conventions on their ear. And the art is absolutely gorgeous. Kumar and Astone are just incredible. The art is lush, even as it embraces a formalist structure in variations on nine panel grids, mixing what you’d possibly consider the order of the European world with the natural feel of India’s jungles.
Like Fearscape and Friendo, you do not want to sleep on this series. Highly, highly recommended.
| Published by Vault
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Typhoid Fever: Spider-Man #1 is another limited series of specials similar to the recent Wakanda Forever, spotlighting in this case Typhoid Mary, who seems to undergo a bit of a powers change and a new personality development. It’s the second series being written by Clay McLeod Chapman this week, again giving an interesting different perspective to the storytelling, this time incorporating breaks into delusional fantasies of soap operas. Nice art from Stefano Landini and Rachelle Rosenberg.
| Published by Marvel
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Umbrella Academy: Hotel Oblivion #1 is a very welcome return after almost a decade. It hits the same notes of weird and action that I’d expect from Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá (with colours from Nick Filardi and letters from Nate Piekos). It is, however, probably about as new reader friendly as reading The Return of the King first. I mean, I’ve read the previous series, loved them, and I’m looking to go back and re-read them because I’m sure I’ve missed things. This issue does nothing to help readers to get reacquainted or caught up on what’s come before.
| Published by Dark Horse
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What If...? Spider-Man #1 is among the first of 2018′s volley of What If...? stories. There doesn’t seem to be any particular theme this year, though, just embracing the standard variety of alternate reality formula. Possibly because it’s been three years since the last batch. This one takes on What if Flash Thompson Became Spider-Man? It’s not a half bad story from Gerry Conway, very much taking on the traditional type of morality tale, with some nice art from Diego Olortegui, Walden Wong, and Chris O’Halloran.
| Published by Marvel
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Other Highlights: Archie #699, Barbarella #10, Black AF: Widows & Orphans #3, Black Crown Quarterly #4, Cloak & Dagger #5, Cosmic Ghost Rider #4, Dark Souls: Age of Fire #4, Deep Roots #4, Doctor Strange #6, DuckTales #13, Eclipse #11, Errand Boys #1, James Bond: Origin #2, Jim Henson’s Beneath the Dark Crystal #3, The Magic Order #4, Noble #12, Paper Girls #25, Spawn #290, Star Wars #55, Star Wars Adventures: Tales from Vader’s Castle #1, Taarna #3, Thief of Thieves #41, TMNT: Macroseries - Donatello #1, Tomb Raider: Inferno #4, Tony Stark: Iron Man #4, War Bears #2
Recommended Collections: Analog - Volume 1: Death by Algorithm, Complete Angel Catbird, Avengers - Volume 1: Final Host, Avengers/Doctor Strange: Rise of the Darkhold, Conspiracy of Ravens, The Dead Hand - Volume 1: Cold War Relics, Doctor Strange - Volume 2: City of Sin, Eternal Empire - Volume 2, The Gravediggers Union - Volume 2, Harrow County - Volume 8: Done Come Back, Hellstorm Omnibus, Manifest Destiny - Volume 6, Me the People, Rough Riders - Volume 3: Ride or Die, The Wicked + The Divine - Volume 7: Mothering Invention, Wrath
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d. emerson eddy thinks you should probably look out for more new and exciting--okay, maybe just new--things in the near and/or distant future. Like cars. Please, don’t play in traffic.
0 notes
castle-dominion · 9 months
7x2 montreal
ugh MORE plot heavy stuff? Oops I forgot to tag the last post with plot heavy.
the montreal episode or the toy store episode liveblog
Ooh gonna be a dead body obv
Yay he DID bring back derrick storm!
his face is so "ugh"
RC: I CAME here to talk about your books!
*calls her by her first name*
that is a LOT of money!
The masculine boring little handshake of welcoming back castle but still nice welcome.
RC: No, to find a needle in a haystack do we not first need a haystack?
KB: Yeah, but not a haystack full of nutjobs.
why would u wrap it in plastic wrap?
Love the hot cold esparish, lanie & javi are together again for now jksdfhkjsdfksl
RC: *jokingly complaining* Disappear for two months.
Samantha Williger: I had that sick feeling when he didn’t come home. I – you hope.
RC: ...
He made toys for a living, he was a decent man, but how much profit was he making? a ton or enough to live comfortably.
Beckett is wearing light stuff, Esposito is wearing a dress shirt & crap, nice grey, I love it, looks good on him, & ryan is wearing a nice suit. too nice. why must he always look so perfect? let your tie go sometimes man.
Soldier: Sun tzu said that!
VG: Mr. Castle!
Me: she sounds mad but is probably going to welcome him back with a huge hug
VG: >:(
RC: Did you hear that? Ringing off the hook?
He grabs GATES’ face and kisses her. In her shock he grabs the stack of papers.
Me: !?!?!?!?!
Pretty place tho, look at those raggedy anne stuff
Such an awesome kid man.
The hardest evidence to find is that is not there.
Leaving early? affair?
love how castle is just playing in the back. Ryan & castle are the same person
Esposito mad at ryan for mentioning castle.
(could clip)
Castle in s1 used to be so smart, figured out important stuff abt beckett's backstory... now he's just insane.
Ew poor alexis.
They’re interrupted by ESPOSITO’S phone ringing. Except instead of a normal ringtone, it’s LANIE’S voice repeating “hey sexy” over and over. BECKETT gives him an amused look & he laughs in embarrassment as he answers the phone.
girl you call him for WORK!!! (unless HE did it in which case: dumbass)
I love the way ryan leans over to look yk what? I might clip
(ryan SO looks like he's going to tease esposito as they're walking away.)
was that paisosa (passion) or preciosa (precious)?
also I always love lanie's glittery phone case. (she DEF called HIM specifically to embarrass him)
The door buzzes.
MR: Ah ha! That will be my date.
RC: Ooh, you have a date?
MR: Uh huh. Robert. We met at the grief counseling group when you were presumed … (she gestures to him)
RC: You – you picked up a man at grief counseling?
MR: Yes. Now I will thank you to go into the other room.
RC: Why?
MR: Because at the moment, our relationship is based on mutual loss and if he finds out that you have returned and are alive it would just – it will ruin everything.
RC: Mother, you realize I was on television this morning.
MR: Luckily Robert is a cultured man, he does not watch television. They only newspaper he reads is The Wall Street Journal, which thankfully, did not carry news of your return. So, go. Go. Go, go.
She shoos him away as the door buzzes again. He goes, reluctantly.
Sus phone call on his personal cell not the landline or precinct phone
does or doesn't seem like his style? couldn't hear & was typing during the captions so I didn't see.
Looks a bit like fenkins...
Love "walk with me"
That makes sense for the dinghy
clipping this scene here love love love (will comment too I hope bc I ain't commenting now)
Poor doggo
Castle *tries knob*
She gon be dead
Oh blood. Ofc she dead.
Looks odd tho
Me: trans
Alexis already smart geolocating stuff <3 no wonder she hires herself at rick's office.
Alexis walking in mad
yay interracial couples
Yay they get $250k just for being on honeymoon & watching TV.
Nice little treasure chest...
Yeah don't go alone.
"I'll go with you!" Love these two
RC: It’s Canada. How risky could it be?
NF, SK, & me: *canadian born*
RC: And need I remind you, I’m a grown man. I don’t need to ask your permission. That being said, please, please, please can I (c-can i go)?
Rick being insane.
The keys were never used tho? why would wally/joe stay here? Oh wait it's makeup place.
retired k9 dog?
Esposito sounded so happy to spend some quality time with the dog.
*all french accented*
GEORGE do you remember dgeorge & gjeorge from murdoch? ye
he looks are castle all sus like.
Which way does it go?
you could have said "No" & saved face, asked him to try doing both keys for you.
was castle....???? doing that to prank his daughter?
(or not spiders lol)
Love alexis' nails
she's so tall & sexy & beside her ryan is just there
Beckett driving ryan out there love it, I want more ryckett moments & more castito/espostle moments esp this season bc esposito is constantly distrustful of castle this season.
*flips the picture over a bunch*
"that thing" *boss looks at him angrily* KR: "uh, what thing ':)"
Back at the precinct but where is esposito still off to?
KR: Aside from our country outsourcing all its manufacturing needs to Asia, everything seems to be in order.
Oh THERE he is! & he has the doggo!!!
*everyone watching him*
Ryckett watching with big smiles
(why his pants so shiny?)
*ryan asks the dog to follow him to look at street cam footage*
the three most important people in my life, the three women I love most.
Nice jacket btw
Doggo <3 (I'm not even a dog person)
Where is he at?
Always <3
The way he sayd "kate what did I do" is just SOOOOOO GOOD
don't look for it don't find it don't don't he doesn't want you to find out. When did he record it tho? when?
I wish this detective was one of the regular background artists but idk if I recognize him. pls pls pls let me see my background lovelies.
Doggo runnin'! (a nun in a previous life XD)
Drugs? Drugs. What's this drug detective doing on homicide?
LT *petting the dog*
RC: I think I have a crazy theory for you.
Cut to JE: Well that’s the craziest theory I’ve ever heard.
I like how the picture is NOT very good, it is digitally enhanced & looks like my photos in pixlr when idk what I'm doing
Lol love the music & animation
Ellis has other work to do y'all!
Scrabbling, that's what scrabbling is. Dog run running dog fast fast! Ryan!
Esposito *knifes open the box*
Dog *is quiet*
JE *cuts open the doll easily!??? I work with fabric. nah. Well maybe, depending on how good his knife is*
*& that's a pretty nice knife, definitely the kind esposito would have*
Nooo dog! *flintstones running sound*
JE's voice is so deep sometimes
Castle don't GO there!
*searches B*
Beckett (no first name), bed bath & beyond, bedford falls (all caps), ingred behrens, liberty bell, bella, See? we don't know half these people yet they are in Castle's phone! He knows more ppl than are shown onscreen! (he doesn't have her desk phone in her contact?)
Oh no not the wife!
who is "they"?
she said cordinated not cowordinated...
"I brought you detectives up here, I figured you would no longer need me..."
Ryan *flips around the paper again*
*throws him across the piano keys* priceless.
Tory <3
Montreal AGAIN? Do you at least have your daughter w u?
oh NOT the end of the ep!
Take his word Castle. Take his word. Go home, live your life, know that it was ok.
RC: I know you’re involved. I know wh.. you know what happened to me. Who are you?
Don't ask "or what" with a gun pointed at you
Who is "we"?
I've heard of hollander's woods in fanfic.
Martha is right. Don't open the box. You have the closure of knowing SOMETHING happened & you CHOSE to forget.
but then like an alcoholic, beckett opened back up to her mom's murder.
KB: Oh, Castle. (she pulls away so she can see him) This is completely different. Whatever happened to you, you already knew the truth and you decided you didn’t want to remember it anymore. And as much as we wanted to know the answers, if you decided that then there had to have been a reason.
She's so right.
I was THINKING a month. that sounds about right. Are they going to plan it again tho?
Yay spontaneous marriage!
Or not
SHEA BREAKING UP W HIM oh no thank goodness
You can see castle isn't planning on forgetting this tho
WOohoo I love having some time before school starts for real! tho I should print off my practicum agreement thing. but there's CAASTLLE TO WATCH
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castle-dominion · 11 months
castle 5x18 the wild rover
plot heavy episode, at least backstory heavy for ryan. I was SO excited during my family watch when I realized this was the episode. I'd seen gifs & read fics & I was stoked. I'll only be able to watch part of it today since I need to leave for work.
Me, a baker: Nice! The crime scene: Me: Not nice!
HOW did he say the name? Jordan can be a man... KB: Castle, I know nothing. Nothing is a dear friend of mine and this is not nothing.
He is SO defensive lol sleep interrogations XD KB: Who says I haven’t already?
Lots & lots of fabric EW CASTLE CRIME SCENE NOT EVEN DEAD MAN'S CUPCAKE BUT BLOOD SPATTER even tho there was likely none there
11.30 or 23.30? Good for him knowing his cars Haha dough. I thought esposito made that pun intentionally Quick maths? (why did I pluralize it?)
Only twice a week? Oh yeah lol this guy has access to all sorts of products & chemicals & machines as a baker.
Hey we get to see ryan's apartment! Jenny (O'Malley) Ryan: Which means you should probably … Me: *confused* Me: *FIGURES IT OUT AFTER I REMEMBER WHAT SORT OF DOCTOR THEY ARE GOING TO* It wouldn't be your fault hun, even if it is your problem. These two are so so cute. Ok I'm clipping that.
RC: I'm going to ignore that Maybe he was planning a new location
Ooh irish mob, remember finn rourke & detective slaughter & the previous episodes where anything was mentioned Ok so the way we count syllables is weird. Irish gaelic (gaelge) has two letters because it gives buffer room between consonants. S is often sh usually when followed by an e or an i or smth, & mh or bh are just like th or ch, it changes the way it is pronounced, usually to a v, sometimes to a w depending on where u are. It is pheonetic! Just a different language! This is the part of the episode I realized what we were watching!
She only knows his as jimmy the baker. She looks so anxious here.
Ryan is back good for him. RC: How did the thing go … with the uh, you know. Do the thing with the thing and give the thing to the doctor. I could clip that lmao ESPOSITO SHUT UP Clip this now His eyes He is not even really kissing her *slaps him twice* THIS WAS .. FUN Edit: someone has it already
lots of clips now heheheh
*asks esposito bc obv he would know*
Love the b plot "this is normal" Man looks mad Only sees bobby s now instead of earlier when he looked at the murder board FRIENDS BACK IN THE DAY? WHAT KIND OF CREW?
UNDERCOVER!?!?!?!?!?!?!? RC: I love complicated!
Why wouldn't you want to leave tho? for her? or for more? Clipping that too "cop"
"just the wife" bro? gay.
Of course he's heard of kevin ryan, even tho it has been 7 years, this is his case! They're impressed & esposito is mad that he didn't tell him
Why would you write down all your illegal stuff like that? I've met ppl who /want/ to make spreadsheets but don't, & ppl who write their stuff but in code Ryan acting like he still knows her, acting like he's still in the mob like "she wouldn't snitch"-- in fact it was weird how she kissed him like girl it has been seven years of COURSE he has moved on You left & she fell on hard times!? Oh no now he feels guilty/ Another jimmy who is a rat? She can... You only found her bc of phone records YOU walked away ryan He is protecting her Wow that's messed up a bit Like with the Ben kid, doesn't want to send someone in unprotected
SOD: Look at you, telling the truth. >:(
You? You are not on the crew bro Yeah BACK THEN not NOW Ryan ryan my dude careful, you don't know if your oconnell cover is still good
Clipping this quote: How long has law enforcement been after that bible? Fifteen? Twenty years? Huh? These guys are drug dealing parasites. When are you going to get another shot to wipe them all out? Look, you want the bible. We want Bobby S for murder. Siobhan wants to keep breathing. Everybody wins. I can do this.
not this one tho SOD: What are you doing? Are you out of your mind? KR: I was Fenton. I can be him again. SOD: Don’t get yourself killed on my account. KR: All right, yeah, you hate me. I get that and I deserve it. But do you want to be put in Witness Relocation or not? Yes or no? SOD: nods. Agent Walker: Detective? Were you serious about that offer? KR turns to him. He thinks for a second & then nods.
Yeah 7 years is a long time bro, he's right course there's a new heirarchy thats how things work they change over time like seven years Martha acting lessons Sad, his wife won't kiss him goodbye Castle & esposito & beckett too watching him in there getting an ID card Nooo they are cutting his hair Wow ugly hair but hey nice outfit, even if it doesn't look like smth he usually wears But I legit cut my own hair a few days after this episode & we actually have similar hair again XD The "I am fenton o'connell" lines throughout that was hhhh I am clipping this right now right now lsdjfskdfj but I have to get ready for work in 15 minutes edit:
I clipped it but I didn't have to
Love how esposito is the taxi driver lol also question: what if he was walking down the street one day & saw someone from the old crew? What then? I mean it's new york nobody looks at anybody but still Of COURSE you don't like it
JE: (sighs) I don’t like this, bro. You don’t have a wire. No locator. ((but u have a cell phone that they can track right?)) KR: If I did, Bobby S would find it. This is the way it’s gotta be, man. ((I haven’t mentioned yet but I like how they call him bobby s, maybe there is a bobby r or a bobby m somewhere)) JE: What’s the name of Agent Walker’s informants who’ll vouch for you? KR: The Mason brothers. Matt and Tony. JE: Where did you do your last stretch? ((interrogating him lol, but r u allowed to know this?)) KR: Elmira, for man 1. Can even tell you my cell number. I know what I’m doing, okay? JE: isn’t convinced. JE: What about Siobhan? KR: Our plan is solid. (he nods like he’s convincing himself, too) I got this. KR: hands him so cash to keep his cover. KR: See you on the other side, partner. JE: Mm-hmm.
Called Kelly's but Siobhan owns it lol also, nice place, must actually run nicely, owning a bar or restaurant takes a lot of work
Tbh it looks like nobody recognizes him. Like he expects to be recognized (after seven years) & ppl are like "what are you standing there for?" not "do I know you?" Oh & NOW people are recognizing him
Siobhan meeting again but pretending it is the first time in years lol. Clipping the punch As long as she keeps her hands off of me
Pushes him back a bit & trying to touch her Maggie got married since u knew her (so siobhan maybe "fenton" got married since you knew him, why would you assume that you can still kiss him after all this time?) How much of that was acting? bc they've already met each other again so they can't just "be" themselves they need to meet each other & then they can be who they are. also funny how she is literally an fbi informant & she was mad that he was a cop
Finally back & able to finish this after like a week ugh & it's already 11.30 bc I couldn't wake up
JE: I’m telling you, man. He’s not the Ryan I know. And I’m not just talking about the haircut and the clothes. It’s like he’s a different dude. ((That's the point)) RC: That’s what he’s supposed to be. He’s in character. He’s Fenton. That’s good. JE: Yeah, but what if he’s not good enough? After seven years he’s gotta be rusty. And these Staten Island boys are no joke. ((That is a good argument...)) Don't want to clip this, but I COULD
Define Yonkers what if it was NOT bobby s tho?
So valid bestie (not clipping it but yeah I NEVER take my phone in when I go to confession. But why was it on when he handed it to liam?) "What'll the missus think?" you know what? I WILL clip this. he's such a Different Person
Bobby is SO pissed at fenton He knows... btw what is up with the accent? I can't tell but it's def there Who's Ben Gideon? Ah & there is where the mason brothers come into play
Wild Rover from the song he was always a rat lmao btw my man has some weird glass sculptures that are shaped like guns & it is,,, something alright Prodigal son? Irish catholics my beloved this is going to be clipped right here Liam SO wants to lol HOLY CRAP trust, brotherhood, fuck-ed-up-ed-ness, this is great. He looks so "hhhh" once he hugs him & liam is just there & omg sdjfah
That wink he gives to siobhan, I could clip that if I wasn't low on time
Clippin this tho If I wasn't watching this with my family I would have literally pulled out my bible from my jeanjacket pocket to find this verse but I knew what it was going to be. But seriously who has them memorized? I only have, like, three verses memorized IF that. this is the day that the lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it psalm 118:4 & the lord said "let there be light" & light was made genesis 1:3 Only the wicked run when there is no-one chasing them; the righteous are as bold as a lion proverbs 28:1 except I didn't know the corresponding verse for that last one. & ofc everyone knows the corinthians one about love, 1:13, & that one from John (I had to look it up bc I didn;t know the quote nor the verse but thankfully it is famous enough that I got it) 3:16
Check it out, as you should.
What's between these two? Oh wait yeah it is the problem with Jordan. RC:Ah. Perhaps Bobby S had an accomplice. A cold-blooded, murderous sheep. 14 grand? wowie. Yeah THAT was too much fiber, it was DEF planted.
How do you communicate?
Also it has been a night already at least, where is fenton staying? where was he staying before he waltzed into the bar? transcript is incorrect, it is "you know" not "yo" but w/e. Also ryan my man why take off your hood now? Man could use a hat, probs one of those hats that all my irish canadian shetland canadian french canadian ukranian canadian metis fiddle friends wear, it would fit in fine
Esposito hkhjdfkghfjh reminder to myself: talk about the clip when u post it bc there is too much to talk about jshskdjfhskjdhfsjkfhs
He loves her, honestly. But don't kiss her He got her a toy at a ring toss uwu "unlike you" but don't kiss her oh thank goodness
lmao he says waceway not raceway ALL OF THE METRO CARDS!?
I like how they are all old-style phones EXCEPT for his who's fast eddie? Also Liam just standing there (man looks good tho, I like his shirt) & btw when DID ryan learn to play such good pool? (I feel bad for the audio director battling with the visual director over the pool balls) These two REALLY ARE friends who's keane? Also why is liam allowed his phone? & keane just said there WAS a rat, he might have said "u got a rat but you were wrong abt who it was" bobby's eyes what went ALL the way around, was that on purpose? bc that's heck of math there hit the head? Is that another version of hit the hay?
walking right in, I thought For Sure someone would be there NO WHAT IF IT IS THE WRONG SAFE OH NO THE MONEY IS WRONG HE'S GOING TO NOTICE oh thank goodness he didn't look over to see if the bible was there, but he KNOWS smth is up
*o'connell leaves from that same room* who calls someone sport except for dads? Take a ride? Jesus carrying his own cross Ok THAT was sus af, but I mean, if I was a drug supplier then I would also be scared, even if I was not an undercover pig.
(I thought that was the time he did the thing, you know, got the thing off of liam & made the connection, but in the next scene esposito is calling him, calling ryan's phone ofc but still)
Why did Jenny come here? Did they call her here? Love, my dude. Ah yes, not one single reason, many of them Ah HERE is esposito on the phone
I realized this the other day & didn't have access to tumblr & I wasn't even watching but Ryan/fenton Asks Liam Out Loud
fenton/ryan is so short compared to liam also I was SO excited seeing this scene bc I had seen it before in gifs & stuff
Ok so she got nabbed by the cops two days ago so fenton has only been back for two days? they totally could have made this a two part episode. Anyway my point was two days ago & suddenly fenton oconnell shows up mysteriously again & is talking with siobhan, of COURSE they know he's in on it
Oh to PROVE he knew nothing heck man this is a heck of a story (also if he pulled it out of his waistband u know he had no bullet in the chamber & safety on, so you SHOULD check the gun.)
My man would shoot bobby s? a man fenton considered to be a friend even if ryan was trying to take him down? Is that... legal?
Siobhan saying that is not helping his case (& he cocks the gun but he really should not, JUST IN CASE it was already cocked & had a bullet in the chamber, you could have just clogged the gun.) & the music is so good
So... so shoot him yeah lol ofc it was empty
Why r u just giving away your full name lol b'y idk if u can place em under arrest when it is liam, keane, bobby s, & some other ppl too & then also reverse pick pockets? voice so deep when he yells, love it, & calls him javi, I've seen a clip of this so I know it exists & I don't need to clip it myself but I'm tempted to. Maybe later if I don't have to give back these CDs as soon as I thought. Edit: found a clip
that moment of fear,,,, hoo
esposito's gun lol He just knows she's on the other side? Castle just there lmao
ngl I half expected ryan to kiss bobby s. Judas betrayed jesus with a kiss. (& for the last time, judas did not want jesus to die, he just wanted to get jesus away from this town bc there were problems brewing, judas was the finance guy of the disciples, he got mad about mary maggie using perfume on jesus's feet instead of selling it & giving the money to the poor, judas was not the evil double crosser ppl make him out to be) ryan looks almost sad sending bobby away & seeing siobhan. edit:
Also is it freaking dawn? Lucky ryan, changing back into a suit, not only that but a matching three piece suit. He is going overboard in that direction to feel more like himself instead of going no vest just tie or no tie just vest, or jeans no dress pants, or dress pants with a random jacket, this man wanted it to be on the far end of his style spectrum.
Castle & the football reminds me of that time castle Did Not catch the baseball & it crashed into smth & nobody acknowledged it
No like it-- what was it? What (from the diner) are you specifically apologizing for? The tone? not listening? What specifically was the apology in reference to?
Lady macbeth lol & that's why liam was so loyal even after this
No what is jordan ABOUT? Bro I thought james bonde & your dad's book inspired you to be a writer. Markiplier moments. Holding her <3 He remembers his name bc you told him bro
SOD: I was hoping you’d come. KR: I wanted to say goodbye this time. SOD: Goodbye makes me feel like I’ll never see you again. KR: You won’t. ((OOF)) *her face falls, but she knows it has to happen* KR: Tomorrow you’ll be in a new city. Have a new name. You’ll get to start over again. SOD: Why did you do this? Risk your life for me? KR: You know why. SOD, nodding sadly: This Kevin Ryan guy? I wish I would have met him sooner. KR: laughs She leans in to kiss his cheek. He knows he has to leave, and he doesn’t look back when he does. She sighs heavily before she gets back to packing
Also his coat with the collar like that? nice
Finally back home! lmao the music sdjfhsjdfskldfklsdjf clipping this now this is great & fun She's pregnant I'm so happy for them! I am afraid of the passage of time but I am so happy for them! hsdjakhsdkjhfjdh & they are so adorable
What a great great episode! It totally could have been a two-part-er imo, but the alexis kidnapping one took precedent & tbh that's valid. I just really enjoyed this one. As did most of the fandom.
0 notes