soul--forge · 1 year
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What are Plithotypes?
A plithotype is an intersectional term describing an experience based in plurality and identities that shape the architecture/landscape of the inner world. Or vice versa: the layout of the inner world affecting identity.
Example: a plural group whose inner world is a solar system may result in various members of the system /or the entire system having identity congruence to solar systems, planets, and/or galaxies. (such as galaxykin, planet-hearted, solar system shifter etc)
If they wanted to, they could use Galaxy, Planet, or Solar System as an alternative to calling themselves a System (we've seen some folks already doing this).
More examples of Plithotypes:
Forest, Meadow, Bouquet
Constellation, Asteroid Belt, Meteor Shower
Puzzle, Maze, Labyrinth
Web, Tunnel, Hive
Nest, Burrow, Trench, Ditch
Ocean, Sea, Lake, River, Stream
Song, Symphony, Concerto, Composition
Computer, Server, Network, Terabyte.
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