#please: China’s smaller cities go wild for starchitecture
viralhottopics · 7 years
Put us on the map, please: China’s smaller cities go wild for starchitecture
From mountain-shaped apartment blocks to the centre of braised chicken reinventing itself as Solar Valley, Chinas second (and third) tier cities are hiring big-name architects to get them noticed
From egg-shaped concert halls to skyscrapers reminiscent of big pairs of pants, Chinas top cities are famously full of curious monuments to architectural ambition. But as land prices in the main metropolises have shot into the stratosphere, developers have been scrambling to buy up plots in the countrys second and third-tier cities, spawning a new generation of delirious plans in the provinces. President Xi Jinping may have issued a directive last year outlawing oversized, xenocentric, weird buildings, but many of these schemes were already well under way; his diktat has proved to be no obstacle to mayoral hubris yet.
From Harbin City of Music to Dezhou Solar Valley, provincial capitals are branding themselves as themed enclaves of culture and industry to attract inward investment, and commissioning scores of bold buildings to match. Even where there is no demand, city bureaucrats are relentlessly selling off land for development, hawking plots as the primary form of income accounting for 80% of municipal revenues in some cases. In the last two months alone, 50 Chinese cities received a total of 453bn yuan (54bn) from land auctions , a 73% increase on last year, and its the provincial capitals that are leading the way.
At the same time, Xis national culture drive has seen countless museums, concert halls and opera houses spring up across the country, often used as sweeteners for land deals, conceived as the jewels at the centre of glistening mixed-used visions (that sometimes never arrive). Culture, said Xi, is the prerequisite of the great renaissance of the Chinese people, but it has also proved to be a powerful lubricant for ever more real estate speculation even if the production of content to fill these great halls cant quite keep up with the insatiable building boom. From mountain-shaped apartment blocks to cavernous libraries, heres a glimpse of whats emerging in the regions.
Fake Hills, Beihai
A render of how the Fake Hills would look. Illustration: MAD architects
Forming an 800 metre-long cliff-face along the coast of the southern port city of Beihai, the Fake Hills housing block is the work of Ma Yansong, Chinas homegrown conjuror of sinuous, globular forms whose practice is appropriately named MAD. Having studied at Yale and worked with Zaha Hadid in London, where he nourished his penchant for blobs, Ma has spent the last decade dreaming up improbable mountain-shaped megastructures across the country.
Less scenic mountain and more lumpen collision of colossal cruise-liners The first phase of construction on Fake Hills has been completed. Photograph: MAD
As it rises and falls, the undulating roofline of Fake Hills forms terraces for badminton and tennis courts, as well as a garden and swimming pool. Sadly the overall effect is less scenic mountain range than a lumpen collision of colossal cruise-liners.
Greenland Tower, Chengdu
Greenland Tower, Chengdu. The building harks back to the crystalline dreams of early 20th-century German architect Bruno Taut. Illustration: Adrian Smith and Gordon Gill Architecture
A crystalline spire rising 468 metres above the 18 million-strong metropolis of Chengdu, the Greenland Tower will be the tallest building in southwestern China, standing as a sharply chiselled monument to the countrys (and by some counts the worlds) largest property developer, Greenland Holdings. It is designed by Chicago-based Adrian Smith and Gordon Gill, architects of Dubais Burj Khalifa, who say the faceted shaft is a reference to the unique ice mountain topography of the region. It harks back to the crystalline dreams of early 20th-century German architect Bruno Taut, who imagined a dazzling glass city crown to celebrate socialism and agriculture; whether Sichuans farmers will be welcomed into the penthouse sky garden remains to be seen.
Sun-Moon mansion, Dezhou
A rival to Silicon Valley the Sun-Moon mansion of Solar Valley, Dezhou. Photograph: Alamy
Once known as a centre of braised chicken production, the city of Dezhou in the north-eastern province of Shandong now brands itself as Solar Valley, a renewable energy centre intended to rival Californias Silicon Valley. At its heart is the Sun-Moon mansion, a vast fan-shaped office building powered by an arc of solar panels on its roof. It is the brainchild of Huang Ming, aka Chinas sun king, an oil industry engineer turned solar energy tycoon who heads the Himin Solar Energy Group, the worlds biggest producer of solar water heaters as well as purveyor of sun-warmed toilet seats and solar-powered Tibetan prayer wheels.
Harbin Opera House
Harbin Opera House, with the St Petersburg of the east in the background. Photograph: View Pictures/Rex/Shutterstock
Nicknamed the St Petersburg of the east, the far northern city of Harbin has long had a thriving cultural scene as a gateway to Russia and beyond. In the 1920s, fashions from Paris and Moscow arrived here before they reached Shanghai, and it was home to the countrys first symphony orchestra, made up of mostly Russian musicians.
Inside Harbin Opera House. Photograph: View Pictures/Rex/Shutterstock
Declared city of music in 2010, Harbin has recently pumped millions into a gleaming new concert hall by Arata Isozaki, a gargantuan neo-classical conservatory and an 80,000 sq metre whipped meringue of an opera house by MAD. Shaped like a pair of snowy dunes, up which visitors can climb on snaking paths, the building contains a sinuous timber-lined auditorium designed as an eroded block of wood.
Tianjin Binhai library
Tianjin Binhai library. Illustration: MVRDV
Due to open this summer in the sprawling port city of Tianjin, this space-age library by Dutch architects MVRDV is imagined as a gaping cave of books, carved out from within an oblong glass block. The shelves form a terraced landscape of seating, wrapping around a giant mirrored sphere auditorium that nestles in the middle of the space like a pearl in an oyster.
Inside the space-age Tianjin Binhai library. Illustration: MVRDV
Along with a new theatre, congress centre and a science and technology museum by Bernard Tschumi, the building forms part of a new cultural quarter for the city, itself being swallowed into the planned Beijing-Tianjin mega-region population 130 million, thats more than Japan.
Huaguoyuan Towers, Guiyang
Arups twin towers are almost complete. Illustration: LWK & Partners
Nowhere in China is the disparity between economic reality and architectural ambition more stark than in Guiyang, capital of rural Guizhou, the poorest province in the country, which has the fifth most skyscraper plans of any Chinese city. The twin 335-metre towers of the Huaguoyuan development, by Arup, are now almost complete, standing as the centrepiece of a new mixed-use office, retail and entertainment complex, while SOM is busy conjuring the even higher Cultural Plaza Tower, a 521-metre glass spear that will soar above a new riverfront world of shopping malls and theatres. It has the glitz and gloss of any other Chinese citys new central business district, but as Knight Franks David Ji points out: It will be hard for a city like Guiyang to find quality tenants to fill the space.
Yubei agricultural park, Chongqing
Will Alsops Yubei agricultural park. Illustration: Will Alsop
Architectural funster Will Alsop may finally have found his calling in the supercharged furnace of Chinas second-tier cities booming leisure economy, crafting a number of fantastical dreamworlds from his new satellite studio in Chongqing where he is busy building a new cultural quarter around his own office, with a restaurant, bar and distillery. He is also plotting an enormous agricultural leisure park in Yubei, 20 miles north of the city, designed to cater to the new middle classes nascent appreciation of the countryside, a place hitherto associated with peasants and poverty. The rolling landscape will be dotted with cocoon-like treehouses, a flower-shaped hotel and a big lake covered by an LED-screen canopy, so visitors can enjoy projected blue skies despite the smog.
Zendai Himalayas centre, Nanjing
A limestone mountain range : Zendai Himalayas Centre, Nanjing. Illustration: www.i-mad.com
Erupting across six city blocks like a limestone mountain range, the Zendai Himalayas Centre will be Mas most literal interpretation yet of his philosophy of fusing architecture and nature. Taking inspiration from the traditional style of shanshui landscape brush painting (literally meaning mountain-water), the 560,000 sq metre complex is designed to look as if it has been eroded by millennia of wind and water, not thrown up overnight by an army of migrant labourers. Once again, Ma appears to be forgetting that elegant feathery brushstrokes dont often translate well into lumps of glass and steel. It is one of many such green-fingered schemes in Nanjing, including Stefano Boeris vertical forest towers and the Sifang art park, where Steven Holl, SANAA, David Adjaye and others have built pavilions in a rolling landscape as another decoy for a luxury real estate project.
Huawei campus, Dongguan
A render of Huawei campus, Dongguan, which is based on 12 European towns
Telecoms giant Huawei has courted lawsuits for copying from rivals in the past, but its love of imitating clearly extends to architecture too. The companys new campus, under construction on a 300-acre site in Dongguan, is based on 12 European towns. There are the dreaming spires of Oxford, the quaint redbrick houses of Bruges, the palazzos of Verona and the chateaux of Burgundy, all connected by a meandering Swiss railway. It might look like a theme park, but the employees will have little time for leisure: Huaweis founder likens his staff to a pack of hungry wolves and offers them a dedicated employee agreement to voluntarily forgo paid holiday and overtime.
Guardian Cities is dedicating a week to the huge but often unreported cities on the front line of Chinas unprecedented urbanisation. Explore our coverage here and follow us on Facebook. Share stories via WeChat (GuardianCities) and by using #OtherChina on Twitter and Instagram
Read more: http://ift.tt/2mTltLX
from Put us on the map, please: China’s smaller cities go wild for starchitecture
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topsolarpanels · 6 years
Put us on the map, please: China’s smaller cities go wild for starchitecture
From mountain-shaped apartment blocks to the centre of braised chicken reinventing itself as Solar Valley, Chinas second( and third) tier cities are hiring big-name architects to get them noticed
From egg-shaped concert hall to skyscrapers reminiscent of big pairs of pants, Chinas top cities are famously full of curious monuments to architectural ambition. But as land costs in the main metropolises have shot into the stratosphere, developers have been scrambling to buy up plots in the countrys second and third-tier cities, spawning a new generation of delirious plans in the provinces. President Xi Jinping may have issued a directive last year prohibiting oversized, xenocentric, weird houses, but many of these schemes were already well under way; his diktat has proved to be no obstacle to mayoral hubris yet.
From Harbin City of Music to Dezhou Solar Valley, provincial capitals are branding themselves as themed enclaves of culture and industry to attract inward investment, and commissioning ratings of bold buildings to match. Even where there is no demand, city bureaucrats are relentlessly selling off land for developing, hawking plots as the primary form of income accounting for 80% of municipal revenues in some cases. In the last two months alone, 50 Chinese cities received a total of 453 bn yuan( 54 bn) from land auctions, a 73% increase on last year, and its the provincial capitals that are resulting the way.
At the same time, Xis national culture drive has find countless museums, concert halls and opera houses spring up across the country, often used as sweeteners for land bargains, conceived as the pearls at the centre of glistening mixed-used visions( that sometimes never arrive ). Culture, said Xi, is a precondition of the great renaissance of the Chinese people, but it has also proved to be a powerful lubricant for ever more real estate supposition even if the production of content to fill these great vestibules cant quite keep up with the insatiable build boom. From mountain-shaped apartment blocks to cavernous libraries, heres a glimpse of whats emerging in the regions.
Fake Hills, Beihai
A render of how the Fake Hills would look. Illustration: MAD architects
Forming an 800 metre-long cliff-face along the coast of the southern port city of Beihai, the Fake Hills housing block is the work of Ma Yansong, Chinas homegrown conjuror of sinuous, globular sorts whose practise is appropriately named MAD. Having examined at Yale and worked with Zaha Hadid in London, where he nourished his penchant for blobs, Ma has spent the last decade dreaming up improbable mountain-shaped megastructures across the country.
Less scenic mountain and more lumpen collision of colossal cruise-liners The first phase of construction on Fake Hills has been completed. Photograph: MAD
As it rises and falls, the undulating roofline of Fake Hills kinds terraces for badminton and tennis tribunals, as well as a garden and swimming pool. Sadly the overall impact is less scenic mountain range than a lumpen collision of colossal cruise-liners.
Greenland Tower, Chengdu
Greenland Tower, Chengdu. The build harks back to the crystalline dreamings of early 20 th-century German designer Bruno Taut. Illustration: Adrian Smith and Gordon Gill Architecture
A crystalline spire rising 468 metres above the 18 million-strong metropolis of Chengdu, the Greenland Tower will be the tallest building in southwestern China, standing as a sharply chiselled monument to the countrys( and by some counts the worlds) largest real estate developers, Greenland Holding. It is designed by Chicago-based Adrian Smith and Gordon Gill, designers of Dubais Burj Khalifa, who say the faceted shaft is a reference to the unique ice mountain topography of the region. It harks back to the crystalline dreams of early 20 th-century German architect Bruno Taut, who imagined a dazzling glass city crown to celebrate socialism and agriculture; whether Sichuans farmers will be welcomed into the penthouse sky garden remains to be seen.
Sun-Moon mansion, Dezhou
A contender to Silicon Valley the Sun-Moon mansion of Solar Valley, Dezhou. Photo: Alamy
Once known as a centre of braised chicken production, the city of Dezhou in the north-eastern province of Shandong now brands itself as Solar Valley, a renewable energy centre intended to rival Californias Silicon Valley. At its heart is the Sun-Moon mansion, a vast fan-shaped office build powered by an arc of solar panel on its roof. It is the brainchild of Huang Ming, aka Chinas sun king, an oil industry technologist turned solar energy tycoon who heads the Himin Solar Energy Group, the worlds biggest producer of solar water heaters as well as purveyor of sun-warmed toilet seats and solar-powered Tibetan prayer wheels.
Harbin Opera House
Harbin Opera House, with the St Petersburg of the east in the background. Photograph: View Pictures/ Rex/ Shutterstock
Nicknamed the St Petersburg of the east, the far northern city of Harbin has long had a thriving cultural scene as a gateway to Russia and beyond. In the 1920 s, manners from Paris and Moscow arrived here before they reached Shanghai, and it was home to the countrys first symphony orchestra, made up of mostly Russian musicians.
Inside Harbin Opera House. Photo: Opinion Pictures/ Rex/ Shutterstock
Declared city of music in 2010, Harbin has recently pumped millions into a glitter new concert hall by Arata Isozaki, a gargantuan neo-classical conservatory and an 80,000 sq metre whipped meringue of an opera house by MAD. Shaped like a pair of snowy dunes, up which guests can climb on snaking routes, the building contains a sinuous timber-lined auditorium designed as an eroded block of wood.
Tianjin Binhai library
Tianjin Binhai library. Illustration: MVRDV
Due to open this summer in the sprawling port city of Tianjin, this space-age library by Dutch architects MVRDV is imagined as a gaping cave of volumes, carved out from within an oblong glass block. The shelves form a terraced scenery of seating, wrapping around a giant mirrored sphere auditorium that nestles in the middle of the space like a pearl in an oyster.
Inside the space-age Tianjin Binhai library. Illustration: MVRDV
Along with a new theater, congress centre and a science and technology museum by Bernard Tschumi, the building forms part of a new cultural one-quarter for the city, itself being swallowed into the schemed Beijing-Tianjin mega-region population 130 million, thats more than Japan .
Huaguoyuan Towers, Guiyang
Arups twin towers are almost complete. Illustration: LWK& Partners
Nowhere in China is the disparity between economic reality and architectural ambition more stark than in Guiyang, capital of rural Guizhou, the poorest province in the country, which has the fifth most skyscraper schemes of any Chinese city. The twin 335 -metre towers of the Huaguoyuan development, by Arup, are now almost complete, standing as the centrepiece of a new mixed-use office, retail and amusement complex, while SOM is busy conjuring the even higher Cultural Plaza Tower, a 521 -metre glass spear that will soar above a new riverfront world of shopping malls and theatres. It has the glitz and gloss of any other Chinese citys new central business district, but as Knight Franks David Ji points out: It will be hard for a city like Guiyang to find quality renters to fill the space.
Yubei agricultural park, Chongqing
Will Alsops Yubei agricultural park. Illustration: Will Alsop
Architectural funster Will Alsop may ultimately have found his calling in the supercharged furnace of Chinas second-tier cities booming leisure economy, crafting a number of fantastical dreamworlds from his new satellite studio in Chongqing where he is busy constructing a new culture quarter around his own office, with a eatery, bar and distillery. He is also plotting an enormous agricultural leisure park in Yubei, 20 miles north of the city, designed to cater to the new middle classes nascent appreciation of the countryside, a place hitherto links with peasants and poverty. The rolling landscape will be dotted with cocoon-like treehouses, a flower-shaped hotel and a big lagoon covered by an LED-screen canopy, so visitors can enjoy projected blue skies despite the smog.
Zendai Himalayas centre, Nanjing
A limestone mountain range: Zendai Himalayas Centre, Nanjing. Illustration: www.i-mad.com
Erupting across six city blocks like a limestone mountain range, the Zendai Himalayas Centre is likely to be Mas most literal interpretation yet of his doctrine of fusing architecture and nature. Taking inspiration from the traditional style of shanshui scenery brush paint( literally meaning mountain-water ), the 560,000 sq metre complex is designed to look as if it has been eroded by millennia of gust and water , not thrown up overnight by an army of migrant labourers. Once again, Ma appears to be forgetting that elegant feathery brushstrokes dont often translate well into clods of glass and steel. It is one of many such green-fingered strategies in Nanjing, including Stefano Boeris vertical wood towers and the Sifang art park, where Steven Holl, SANAA, David Adjaye and others have constructed pavilions in a rolled landscape as another decoy for a luxury real estate project.
Huawei campus, Dongguan
A render of Huawei campus, Dongguan, which is based on 12 European towns
Telecoms giant Huawei has courted suits for copying from challengers in the past, but its love of imitating clearly extends to architecture too. The companys new campus, under construction on a 300 -acre site in Dongguan, is based on 12 European townships. There are the dreaming steeples of Oxford, the quaint redbrick houses of Bruges, the palazzos of Verona and the chateaux of Burgundy, all connected by a meander Swiss railway. It might look like a theme park, but the employees will have little time for leisure: Huaweis founder likens his staff to a pack of hungry wolves and offers them a dedicated employee arrangement to voluntarily forgo paid holiday and overtime.
Guardian Cities is dedicating a week to the huge but often unreported cities on the front line of Chinas unprecedented urbanisation. Explore our coverage here and follow us on Facebook. Share stories via WeChat( GuardianCities) and by employing #OtherChina on Twitter and Instagram
Read more: www.theguardian.com
The post Put us on the map, please: China’s smaller cities go wild for starchitecture appeared first on Top Rated Solar Panels.
from Top Rated Solar Panels http://ift.tt/2kkn0uy via IFTTT
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archidotnews · 7 years
Put us on the map, please: China’s smaller cities go wild for starchitecture … https://t.co/K7pRwIhukW https://t.co/1PbAu1Bj0C
Put us on the map, please: China’s smaller cities go wild for starchitecture … https://t.co/K7pRwIhukW http://pic.twitter.com/1PbAu1Bj0C
— Archi.News (@ArchiDotNews) March 21, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/ArchiDotNews March 21, 2017 at 01:24PM
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fluxxstudionotes · 7 years
From Harbin “City of Music” to Dezhou “Solar Valley”, provincial capitals are branding themselves as themed enclaves of culture and industry to attract inward investment, and commissioning scores of bold buildings to match.
Put us on the map, please: China's smaller cities go wild for starchitecture | Cities | The Guardian
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solipsism · 7 years
The rolling landscape will be dotted with cocoon-like treehouses, a flower-shaped hotel and a big lake covered by an LED-screen canopy, so visitors can enjoy projected blue skies despite the smog.
Put us on the map, please: China's smaller cities go wild for starchitecture
0 notes
featurenews · 7 years
Put us on the map, please: China's smaller cities go wild for starchitecture
From mountain-shaped apartment blocks to the centre of braised chicken reinventing itself as ‘Solar Valley’, China’s second (and third) tier cities are hiring big-name architects to help put them on the map From egg-shaped concert halls to skyscrapers reminiscent of big pairs of pants, China’s top cities are famously full of curious monuments to architectural ambition. But as land prices in the main metropolises have shot into the stratosphere, developers have been scrambling to buy up plots in the country’s second and third-tier cities, spawning a new generation of delirious plans in the provinces. President Xi Jinping may have issued a directive last year outlawing “oversized, xenocentric, weird” buildings, but many of these schemes were already well under way; his diktat has proved to be no obstacle to mayoral hubris yet. From Harbin “City of Music” to Dezhou “Solar Valley”, provincial capitals are branding themselves as themed enclaves of culture and industry to attract inward investment, and commissioning scores of bold buildings to match. Even where there is no demand, city bureaucrats are relentlessly selling off land for development, hawking plots as the primary form of income – accounting for 80% of municipal revenues in some cases. In the last two months alone, 50 Chinese cities received a total of 453bn yuan (£54bn) from land auctions , a 73% increase on last year, and it’s the provincial capitals that are leading the way. Continue reading... https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2017/mar/18/real-estate-revolution-unstoppable-building-boom-china?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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estatebadger · 7 years
Put us on the map, please: China's smaller cities go wild for starchitecture #Guardian #PropertyNews https://t.co/x6Sl8BuC3G
— Estate Agent News (@EstateBadger) March 18, 2017
0 notes
topsolarpanels · 7 years
Set us on the map, please: China’s smaller cities go wild for starchitecture
From mountain-shaped apartment blocks to the centre of braised chicken reinventing itself as Solar Valley, Chinas second( and third) tier cities are hiring big-name designers to get them noticed
From egg-shaped concert halls to skyscrapers reminiscent of big pairs of gasps, Chinas top cities are famously full of curious monuments to architectural ambition. But as land costs in the main metropolises have shot into the stratosphere, developers have been scrambling to buy up plots in the countrys second and third-tier cities, spawning a new generation of delirious schemes in the provinces. President Xi Jinping may have issued a directive last year proscribing oversized, xenocentric, weird houses, but many of these schemes were already well under way; his diktat has proved to be no obstacle to mayoral hubris yet.
From Harbin City of Music to Dezhou Solar Valley, provincial capitals are branding themselves as themed enclaves of culture and industry to attract inward investment, and commissioning ratings of bold builds to match. Even where there is no demand, city bureaucrats are relentlessly selling off land for growth, hawking plots as the primary kind of income accounting for 80% of municipal revenues in some cases. In the last two months alone, 50 Chinese cities received a total of 453 bn yuan( 54 bn) from land auctions, a 73% increase on last year, and its the provincial capitals that are leading the way.
At the same time, Xis national culture drive has seen countless museums, concert halls and opera houses spring up across the country, often used as sweeteners for land deals, conceived as the jewels at the centre of glistening mixed-used visions( that sometimes never arrive ). Culture, said Xi, is the prerequisite of the great renaissance of the Chinese people, but it has also proved to be a powerful lubricant for ever more real estate supposition even if the production of content to fill these great vestibules cant quite keep abreast with the insatiable house boom. From mountain-shaped apartment blocks to cavernous libraries, heres a glimpse of whats emerging in the regions.
Fake Hills, Beihai
A render of how the Fake Hills would look. Illustration: MAD architects
Forming an 800 metre-long cliff-face along the coast of the southern port city of Beihai, the Fake Hills housing block is the work of Ma Yansong, Chinas homegrown conjuror of sinuous, globular sorts whose practice is appropriately named MAD. Having examined at Yale and worked with Zaha Hadid in London, where he nourished his penchant for blob, Ma has expended the past decades dreaming up improbable mountain-shaped megastructures across the country.
Less scenic mountain and more lumpen crash of colossal cruise-liners The first phase of construction on Fake Hills has been completed. Photo: MAD
As it rises and falls, the undulating roofline of Fake Hills kinds terraces for badminton and tennis courts, as well as a garden and swimming pool. Sadly the overall consequence is less scenic mountain range than a lumpen collision of colossal cruise-liners.
Greenland Tower, Chengdu
Greenland Tower, Chengdu. The house harks back to the crystalline dreamings of early 20 th-century German designer Bruno Taut. Illustration: Adrian Smith and Gordon Gill Architecture
A crystalline spire rising 468 metres above the 18 million-strong metropolis of Chengdu, the Greenland Tower will be the tallest building in southwestern China, standing as a sharply chiselled monument to the countrys( and by some countings the worlds) largest property developer, Greenland Holdings. It is designed by Chicago-based Adrian Smith and Gordon Gill, designers of Dubais Burj Khalifa, who say the faceted shaft is a reference to the unique ice mountain topography of the region. It harks back to the crystalline dreams of early 20 th-century German designer Bruno Taut, who imagined a dazzling glass city crown to celebrate socialism and agriculture; whether Sichuans farmers will be welcomed into the penthouse sky garden remains to be seen.
Sun-Moon mansion, Dezhou
A challenger to Silicon Valley the Sun-Moon mansion of Solar Valley, Dezhou. Photo: Alamy
Once known as a centre of braised chicken production, the city of Dezhou in the north-eastern province of Shandong now brands itself as Solar Valley, a renewable energy centre are aiming to rival Californias Silicon Valley. At its heart is the Sun-Moon mansion, a vast fan-shaped office build powered by an arc of solar panels on its roof. It is the brainchild of Huang Ming, aka Chinas sun king, an oil industry technologist turned solar energy tycoon who heads the Himin Solar Energy Group, the worlds biggest producer of solar water heaters as well as purveyor of sun-warmed toilet seats and solar-powered Tibetan prayer wheels.
Harbin Opera House
Harbin Opera House, with the St Petersburg of the east in the background. Photo: Opinion Pictures/ Rex/ Shutterstock
Nicknamed the St Petersburg of the east, the far northern city of Harbin have all along had a thriving culture scene as a gateway to Russia and beyond. In the 1920 s, manners from Paris and Moscow arrived here before they reached Shanghai, and it was home to the countrys first symphony orchestra, made up of largely Russian musicians.
Inside Harbin Opera House. Photo: View Pictures/ Rex/ Shutterstock
Declared city of music in 2010, Harbin has recently pumped millions into a gleaming new concert hall by Arata Isozaki, a gargantuan neo-classical conservatory and an 80,000 sq metre whipped meringue of an opera house by MAD. Shaped like a pair of snowy dunes, up which guests can climb on snaking tracks, the building contains a sinuous timber-lined auditorium designed as an eroded block of wood.
Tianjin Binhai library
Tianjin Binhai library. Illustration: MVRDV
Due to open this summer in the sprawling port city of Tianjin, this space-age library by Dutch designers MVRDV is imagined as a gaping cave of books, carved out from within an oblong glass block. The shelves form a terraced landscape of seat, wrapping around a giant mirrored sphere auditorium that nestles in the middle of the space like a pearl in an oyster.
Inside the space-age Tianjin Binhai library. Illustration: MVRDV
Along with a new theater, congress centre and a science and technology museum by Bernard Tschumi, the building forms part of a new cultural one-quarter for the city, itself being swallowed into the planned Beijing-Tianjin mega-region population 130 million, thats more than Japan .
Huaguoyuan Towers, Guiyang
Arups twin towers are almost complete. Illustration: LWK& Partners
Nowhere in China is the disparity between economic reality and architectural aspiration more stark than in Guiyang, capital of rural Guizhou, the most severe province in the country, which has the fifth most skyscraper schemes of any Chinese city. The twin 335 -metre towers of the Huaguoyuan developing, by Arup, are now almost complete, standing as the centrepiece of a new mixed-use office, retail and entertainment complex, while SOM is busy conjuring the even higher Cultural Plaza Tower, a 521 -metre glass spear that will soar above a new riverfront world of shopping mall and theatres. It has the glitz and gloss of any other Chinese citys new central business district, but as Knight Franks David Ji points out: It will be hard for a city like Guiyang to find quality renters to fill the space.
Yubei agricultural park, Chongqing
Will Alsops Yubei agricultural park. Illustration: Will Alsop
Architectural funster Will Alsop may finally have found his calling in the supercharged furnace of Chinas second-tier cities booming leisure economy, crafting a number of fantastical dreamworlds from his new satellite studio in Chongqing where he is busy building a new culture quarter around his own office, with a restaurant, bar and distillery. He is also plotting an enormous agricultural leisure park in Yubei, 20 miles north of the city, designed to cater to the new middle classes nascent appreciation of the countryside, a place hitherto links with peasants and poverty. The rolling landscape is likely to be dotted with cocoon-like treehouses, a flower-shaped hotel and a big pond covered by an LED-screen canopy, so visitors can enjoy projected blue skies despite the smog.
Zendai Himalayas centre, Nanjing
A limestone mountain range: Zendai Himalayas Centre, Nanjing. Illustration: www.i-mad.com
Erupting across six city blocks like a limestone mountain range, the Zendai Himalayas Centre will be Mas most literal interpretation yet of his philosophy of fusing architecture and nature. Taking inspiration from the traditional style of shanshui scenery brush paint( literally entailing mountain-water ), the 560,000 sq metre complex is designed to look as if it has been eroded by millennia of gust and water , not thrown up overnight by an army of migrant labourers. Once again, Ma appears to be forgetting that elegant feathery brushstrokes dont often translate well into clods of glass and steel. It is one of many such green-fingered schemes in Nanjing, including Stefano Boeris vertical forest towers and the Sifang art park, where Steven Holl, SANAA, David Adjaye and others have built pavilions in a rolled scenery as another decoy for a luxury real estate project.
Huawei campus, Dongguan
A render of Huawei campus, Dongguan, which is based on 12 European towns
Telecoms giant Huawei has courted suits for copying from challengers in the past, but its love of mimicking clearly extends to architecture too. The companys new campus, under building on a 300 -acre site in Dongguan, is based on 12 European townships. There are the dreaming spires of Oxford, the quaint redbrick houses of Bruges, the palazzos of Verona and the chateaux of Burgundy, all connected by a meander Swiss railway. It might look like a theme park, but the employees will have little time for leisure: Huaweis founder likens his staff to a pack of hungry wolves and offers them a dedicated employee agreement to voluntarily forgo paid holiday and overtime.
Guardian Cities is dedicating a week to the huge but often unreported cities on the front line of Chinas unprecedented urbanisation. Explore our coverage here and follow us on Facebook. Share stories via WeChat( GuardianCities) and by using #OtherChina on Twitter and Instagram
Read more: www.theguardian.com
The post Set us on the map, please: China’s smaller cities go wild for starchitecture appeared first on Top Rated Solar Panels.
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archidotnews · 7 years
Put us on the map, please: China's smaller cities go wild for starchitecture … https://t.co/K7pRwIhukW https://t.co/6AAUZItYuN
Put us on the map, please: China's smaller cities go wild for starchitecture … https://t.co/K7pRwIhukW http://pic.twitter.com/6AAUZItYuN
— Archi.News (@ArchiDotNews) March 18, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/ArchiDotNews March 18, 2017 at 08:04AM
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