#please why do I like writing synopses more than I like writing actual fics ahjdsnnfnnd
skyland2703 · 1 year
(If you're still taking these 👉)
Fanfic Title Prompt: "I don't want you to worry about what I've just seen, about where I've just been." Billy/Skull
Keep em comin👀
Title: I don't want you to worry about what I've just seen, about where I've just been
Rating: M
Pairings: M/M
Characters: Billy Cranston, Eugene Skullovitch, Adam Park, Jason Scott, Kimberly Hart
Pairings: Eugene Skullovitch/Billy Cranston
Additional Tags: Post Once&Always, Trauma, major character death, grieving, dealing with loss, drug abuse, illegal things, more additional tags to be added.
Summary: Nobody hurt Billy and got away with it. Skull made sure of that. But there was one field where he couldn’t help him out: ranger things.
More than twenty years of being together, and being in love had earned him the trust for Billy to confide in him, and tell him he was a power ranger. But he hadn’t found a way for Eugene to help him out in the field, no matter how much Eugene would pester him about it.
Skull felt sometimes, Billy was scared about losing him.
Because after Trini, they’d taken Tommy. And Billy seemed unable to cope with that. He’d taken to binge drinking in the past few days, and crying. Lots and lots of crying.
Skull knew he needed to do something.
Maybe counterfeit coins weren’t the right way to go, but it was all made worth it, absolutely worth it, when he came home to find Billy sitting on the floor, against the couch, in front of the TV which played news about the latest ranger sighting, with a broad smile on his face.
“I think it’s one of these new young ones” he said, excitedly, pointing to the orange figure on the TV screen, who had been caught in the footage of a CCTV camera at the bank, fighting and brutally destroying the very monster that had killed Tommy, and thrown its remains in the trash. The footage was blurry, it wasn’t easy to make out anything about the character, but Billy seemed to be enjoying.
Skull placed an arm around his shoulder, and settled down next to him to watch the beat down covered by the news on the first ever, “mysterious orange ranger” and chuckled, “you seem happy?”
“That’s the bugger that killed Tommy.” Billy said.
And Skull nodded. Sure, it wasn’t the right way to deal with things, counterfeit powers were a lot more dangerous than the sellers on black market advertised them to be, but he knew what he was doing. And it was all worth it, just to see that smile on Billy’s face.
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