#please resist... desist... cut it the fuck out... other synonyms
no okay i gotta rant. the changes Tumblr is making / is going to make Fucking Suck! they do! they clutter the site, fuck up perfectly fine button placements and such, and just mess with stuff that wasnt broken to begin with but certainly is now!
and the shit with like... collapsible reblog chains... all because they want to cater to people joining Tumblr from other sites. like??? excuse me?? they're coming to Our House. you dont completely remodel your home just because a new roommate is moving in. newcomers adapt. the site shouldn't unless it's to improve. absolutely fucking ridiculous.
i really dont wanna lose this site, its the only one i can handle using and i actively Enjoy using it because its unique. @staff please for the love of everything Leave It Be. let newcomers adjust and learn how to use our site as is. if yall kill tumblr for such a bs reason...
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