#please let the chaos be done now loooool jfc
lightspren · 1 year
now that i’m marginally more sane, since december 15th I have:
had one car eat $800+ in tires and repairs
drove five and a half hours to see family for the holiday
came home and immediately tested positive for covid and had to quarantine for almost two weeks
had to drive back up to see the same family because of a death in the family, except this time we drove up late on Wed and back late on Thursday, and then I worked the next day (it was rough)
finally had a week of calm, thought the bullshit period was past
my dad went to the hospital on Wed with what they thought was a heart attack, it wasn’t but still very bad, he had to have a procedure to shock his heart back to rhythm but was finally able to go home yesterday. spent most of the last two days at the hospital trying to make sure my mom stayed glued together
now to go back to work today even though i am Very Exhausted and hope I don’t snap at anyone l m a o
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