#please don’t expect my satirical ted lasso post to give you complete and contextualized information
nateconnolly · 1 year
Ted Lasso: All right, guys, listen up. The things in the world originate only because of their relation to other things. That means they have no essence or existence of their own. Their true nature is that they are “śūnya" or "empty”.
Coach Beard: Emptiness isn’t their true nature, either.
Ted Lasso: Say what now?
Coach Beard: Emptiness isn’t truer than the false natures of the things that are empty. 
Ted Lasso: Now how the hell does that work? 
Coach Beard: Emptiness did not arise independently, either. Its existence is also dependent upon its relation to other things. If there was nothing to be empty, then there would be no emptiness. 
Dani Rojas [excitedly, like a little kid with a new toy]: if all things are empty, then emptiness itself must be empty, too! 
Ted Lasso: now that right there is what we call “insight beyond insight” back in Kansas 
Higgins: Er, wouldn’t that make nirvana empty as well? And if it’s empty, doesn’t that mean there’s no reason to try to achieve it? 
Jan Maas [unfiltered Dutchman]: Thoughts like those are why you’re still stuck in samsara. 
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