#pleasantview x strangetown
missingsimdata · 2 years
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This is after when Herb died.
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evignonita · 6 months
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hello the queers two fandom i made this
sorry for the inactivity hhe7ejeo
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strangextown · 8 months
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Lilith and Angela Pleasant!
my cringetober demon/angel contribution. (And my inktober angel and demon contribution lmao)
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chrisnewbie · 1 year
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twoleafsimmer · 2 years
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daily sketch #2
I just randomly draw the first premade characters that hit my brain and here we are lol
Also that was supposed to be Dina (the one that Brandi was holding) but she ended up looking like Nina or something 😭 shdhdhd, I'm still gonna tag it as Dina tho
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I'm back on Tumblr and I guess I'm primarily a Sims 2 blog now. So if anyone posting Sims 2 content wants an extra follow gimme a wee like or something. Dag dag ✌️✌️
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heromonty · 2 years
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Was it just coincidence that the Caliente sisters arrived on the eve of Bella's disappearance? And is their interest in Mortimer physical... or fiscal?
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anotherplumbob · 2 months
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Uberhood 2024 Update By AnotherPlumbob (CC free)
The Uberhood is an ongoing PROJECT where I’m creating a Cc-free savefile, with all the worlds and lore from The Sims 2 ported to The Sims 4. 
NOTE: In this update I've revamped PLEASANTVIEW only - if you were interested in the other worlds or premades, please note they remain exactly as they were in the previous versions.
It currently includes
1.- Remade Worlds
Pleasantview (Newcrest+Willow Creek)
Strangetown (Strangerville+Oasis Springs)
Veronaville (Windenburg)
Bluewater Promenade (Magnolia Promenade)
Three Lakes (Granite Falls)
Bluewater Bay [only partially built] (Brindleton Bay)
All the career lots (detective, hospital and science lab).
BEWARE: the rest of the worlds are either empty, half built or a mess in general.
2.- Families
The save includes all the premade families as well as the iconic townies that lived in those worlds in The Sims 2 times. They all have jobs, relationships, sentiments, lifestyles, reputations, etc. For Pleasantview sims only I've also included more lore in the form of milestones, added traits, midlife crisis, etc.
3. Required packs and How to Install (PLEASE READ)
If you don’t have all packs, sims may be half naked, and/or bald and stuff may be missing. Install at your own risk. 
In order to install:
Download the the SAVE file.
Put the save in your SAVES folder.  Documents > Electronic Arts > Sims 4 > Saves. I changed the name of the file so that it will hopefully not overwrite any of your saves (including the previous v1). If your system prompts you to overwrite a save, do not click yes. Just change the name of the save (keep it 8 numbers but change the numbers) and try again.
Optional: Put the .package file (StrangetownTexts.package) in your mods folder. This file is used to change the Strangerville mystery a bit, and turn it into the Strangetown mystery (with custom texts, references to the Bella mystery, etc.). Please install it if you want to have some clues on what happened to Bella!! 
4. Play Order
There’s really no set play order but note that:
1.- Brandi Broke is pregnant and will give birth in 3 days regardless of who you play and regardless of whether aging is on or off, so play with her first if you want to be there for the birth.
2.- Same thing applies to Pascal Curious, who’s also pregnant at the start of the save.
5. Disclaimer and TOU
I’m just one person and there may be some bugs here or there, or naked sims or whatever. Feel free to report any bugs you find but I will only fix them if I consider them super relevant or game breaking, otherwise the save is provided as is and you install it at your own risk.
Also please don't waste your breath asking me to do X world, or add lore to Veronaville or Strangetown or whatever, because I will only do it if and when I'm inspired to do it - and the requests quite honestly stress me out.
THE TERMS OF USE ARE: Be nice and don’s steal others creations! 
Download: Sim File Share - Filehosting for Simmers
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melsie-sims2 · 30 days
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Playing Sims 2 Pleasantview x Strangetown
I started playing a Pleasantview x Strangetown doublehood to get my fix of Sims 2 without having to commit to a lot of storytelling.
It's been a lot of fun to just play the game and not worry about Tumblr, since editing screenshots + queuing really does take up a lot of time. I can play through 5 households in one night if I want to!
If you'd like more sporadic updates with barely any storytelling, you might like my new dreamwidth blog. If you're also a Sims 2 player with a dreamwidth, follow me or leave a comment on one of my posts and I'll follow you back! I'd love to be part of that community.
Please note, I don't plan to update on a schedule. I might post 20 updates in one day and then none for a month. It's just going to be an archive of my gameplay so that I can keep track of everything that happened in previous rotations, but if you find enjoyment in that sort of thing you're more than welcome to poke around.
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malababatoja · 5 months
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When I saw amazing Strangeview idea by @budgieflitter (If You didnt see it yet, GO!) I thought I HAD TO MAKE IT. So we are! Me and my friend @peanuttysims started the project immediately 🥴 (You can recognize Him from mod that completely changes how chemistry works in-game LINK: https://modthesims.info/d/673997/more-realistic-aspiration-attraction-no-aspiration-attraction.html) Peanut create houses - the idea is that they're fusion of both families from Pleasantview and Strangetown. Eg. Specter x Goth, Beaker x Caliente. He have such a talent!!! Im converting sims from Pleasantview to Strangeview, creating memories, upgrading DNA... All that boring SimPe stuff Ya know xD Tell us what You think and if You wanna see the progress from time to time!!! xoxo
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Killin' ancestors
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theromanticscrooge · 4 months
A Short Discussion About Classic Sims, The Nostalgic Living Dolls
Around 2004, the first iteration of The Sims was at the end of its life cycle as the biggest PC game on the market at the time and a juggernaut genre-starter (compared to the many different life sims and in-development options there are now).
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'Dollhouse' was a very apt nickname for the early development days of the original Sims. The locked top-down perspective, the deliberate isometric environments with only so many perspectives a player can view their pixelated 'dolls' from, the blocky aesthetic of the 'dolls' themselves, as well as the limited interactions with the world and objects around them. These objects and environments were lovingly rendered and hold up decently well in the way a specific, careful stylization can.
Create a virtual pixel person and follow their journey through life to an (untimely) demise. The first Sims were immortal outside of tragic pool ladder accidents and getting bitten by unhappy guinea pigs among other various gruesome or hilariously cartoonish deaths.
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Though, with the original Sims, the game was more about game-ifying the tight rope walk of work-life balance, if not an exercise as a vicarious 'American Dream.' The more expensive and higher-quality an item or the Sims' overall surroundings, the 'happier' they are according to how green their various needs bars are. While Sims slowly gained access to more quality of life additions beyond cushy objects, such as vacations, date venues, and furry friends, general life was such a grind that players cheated (through cheat codes, mods, or even in-game short cuts like getting their palm read) if they wanted to thoroughly explore and enjoy these new gameplay options vs just the needs balancing act. Even making and maintaining friendships was a grind. Outside NPC Sims are just as finicky as the playable ones. They just don't have as obviously visible needs indicators unless the situation is so desperate there's a flashing red thought bubble above their head.
While these Sims were engaging, whatever stories players assigned to them were woven together between the playful flavor text of in-game items or pop-up displays and the player's theater of the mind. Arguably, the more dynamic storytelling tools and mechanics so many players fell in love with started with Sims 2.
These next-generation Sims had a means of telling their god what they wanted through the slot-machine adjacent UI. For example, a fortune Sim happily reminds the player of their frivolous, extravagant shopping list with constant requests for luxury cars and the ever-more-expensive 'x' whether their current disposable income covered it or not. And don't forget the regular fourth wall breaks when a Sim looked up at that same god and complained, very vocally, about having to wash the dishes.
Also, Sims 2 has some of the most recognizable and iconic characters in the franchise. Pleasantview is especially notorious. The neighborhood Casanova Don Lothario is engaged to Cassandra Goth, the daughter of the richest man in town, Mortimer Goth. He's having an affair with Dina Caliente, a gold-digger, who is Mortimer Goth's young love interest and former sister-in-law. Not to mention, Don's also seeing Dina's twin sister Nina and neither one knows about him being involved with the other. That's just scratching the surface of the soap-operatic nonsense of Pleasantview's overall story.
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Many Simmers have touched on the prompts that pop up when a player first enters the house of a pre-made Sim in one of the three playable neighborhoods from the Sims 2 base game: Pleasantview, Strangetown, or Veronaville. The prompts suggest the player invite the maid to hang out after her shift to kick off an extramarital affair or to use a gnarly-looking vacuum to suck up skill points from the nearby unwitting test subject. The prompts work in concert with whatever story this pre-made Sim or household has. It's a start to a sandbox choose-your-own adventure story as well as a unique means to introduce the player to what mechanics and chaos the game allows. Don Lothario's nonsense is a decent starting place for showcasing how many different romantic relationships a Sim could have as well as the consequences for cheating if they get caught.
There's so much attention to detail. Players glean further story details from poking around through a Sim's relationships panel, their memories, their family tree, the artfully crafted screenshots in their family's virtual scrapbook. In the classic "Bella was abducted by aliens" plotline, there's so much room for connecting the dots between the screenshot of Don and Bella on Don's condo rooftop, Don's memory of getting rejected for a make-out, the Caliente sisters having an extraterrestrial grandparent. There's enough of a story thread and parts to put together, it stirs the imagination. There's so many possibilities for what led to the game's present-day and so many different directions it could go from that present-day.
In a nutshell, the Sims 2 has the right mix of attention to detail and ambiguous, but engaging story threads that the characters and stories still captivate players 20 years later.
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missingsimdata · 2 years
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vidcuntcurious · 11 months
hii i just made this sideblog to post about my pleasantview + strangetown gameplay that i started quite recently😇 ill be posting some family portraits i did and Providing the backstory
my main is @jessejessejesse !! pleasantview/strangetown family tree: x
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boolpropper · 1 year
Ideas I have brewing:
PREMADE UBERHOOD BUT MAKE IT MEDIEVAL YAASSSS and mortimer/bella are king and queen
Don Lothario redemption arc? I have ALWAYS hated him but it's my game so like im either gonna make him a pawn of bella in this supernatural war brewing w/ her and mortimer, OR he is gonna shape up
ALTERNATE DON OPTION: thruple with Nina and Goopy LMAO
ALTERNATE alternate Don option: Don gets someone pregnant before he dies somehow and that’s something she grapples with (she as in the baby I’m assuming it’s a daughter) — bc he would be just as shit a father alive?
Kaylynn Langerak turns to shady means of supporting herself (criminal career) even though she's such a sweetie pie, goes to therapy, meets Brandi Broke and they bond and become besties (BONUS: they open up to each other about their unexpected pregnancies, Brandi's as a teen with Dustin and Kaylynn's with Don, and how they explored their different choices)
Like i mentioned earlier....supernatural turf war (I can't say more heheheheheeeee it's in the queue. you'll see)
create a second pleasantview college (community college or a small liberal arts school? idk i want it to be smaller and more specialized than SSU)
Gender bent hood?
Someone opens a wedding supply store and bakes cakes/sews dresses? that would be SO CUTE
continue my silly little TS4 uni remakes
Buzz grunt x Loki, Circe x vidcund?
Strangetown mafia challenge based on that hotel someone uploaded as an apartment building? dont remember the creator at the moment but it's in my bookmarks
headcanon: Crystal Vu is transfemme
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dystopianam · 2 years
*Not all round 1-2 have screenshots of every family or don't have any at all because at that time I was absent for personal reasons and didn't post anything on Tumblr. I was playing privately. 
Veronaville 🎭 - R1, R2.
Pleasantview 🌳 - R1. R2.
Downtown 🏙- *R1. R2.
Strangetown 🌵- R1, R2
**I played the same neighborhood for two consecutive rounds because at the beginning I didn't want to create an uberhood but I only wanted to play with Veronaville. I only changed my mind in the second round of Veronaville so to recover I played PV, DT and ST twice in a row. From the third round each rotation will be normal, no double rounds per neighborhood. I only have screenshots of the latest Strangetown families for round 1.
EXTRA: The general tag I use for this uberhood is this. AND THESE ARE MY UBERHOOD PROGRESS & FUTURE PROJECTS FOR IT: x
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twoleafsimmer · 2 years
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Daily sketch/doodle #3
Honestly I'm kinda sleepy when I draw this so I'm sorry if it look sloppy 😭 lmfao
Also Ripp looks NOTHING like Ripp because I kinda rushed him 😂
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