#playing into that weird unsettling feeling u felt as a child watching public broadcast
errantryraptor · 3 years
analog horror (and adjacent) series ratings
local58: has oldest sibling syndrome. it was the “first” so it seems to be the standard by which all other analog horror series are judged but honestly it’s not my favorite. You Are On The Fastest Available Route is legitimately one of the best horror shorts i’ve seen in a while though. great atmosphere, points for originality, though imo the episodes are hit or miss. haven’t got much to say about the story, it’s cool but not really that compelling
rating: moderately spooky but nothing to lose sleep over. 5/8
gemini home entertainment: lowkey the best one out there. it’s the most believable-- i would buy that the videos were actually created on tape, or at least transferred to tape and then re-digitized. (a lot of analog horror wannabes use the same VHS Effect Overlay and digital glitch effects, which are more aesthetically pleasing but don’t feel authentic. the pacing is wonderful as well-- each video gives you just enough information so that you can start to piece together the story without having it handed to you.
rating: didn’t want to turn the lights off after watching this one. however many legs the hungry eye has/10
monument mythos / ALEXKANSAS: i wouldn’t necessarily class these as “horror”, more like “alternate timeline history/scifi”. really neat concept, though text/narration heavy. could benefit more from “show, don’t tell”, even if the videos are formatted as if they’re amateur youtube documentaries. you can read it as a critique of the global effects of capitalism and american civil religion. sadly the comments section does not seem to get the point. the pacing suffers near the end of season 2, though, i feel like it connects the dots too quickly
rating: not scary, i could watch it full screen without a problem. lost my shit at the suez canal episode, crab/10
the walten files: okay. okay. listen. i came into this series pretty skeptically because at this point the horror market is saturated with FNAF clones and wannabe-spinoffs. however. i honestly think this stands on its own as a good horror series. i also can’t explain why i love the visuals as much as i do, but there’s something about the clumsy “just-discovered-the-airbrush-tool” artstyle and the stilted, awkward way the script is written that makes it so charming-- which in turn makes it really effective as a work of horror.
rating: lots of jumpscares, but sadly i am not immune to jumpscares and even without them the atmosphere is enough to make it pretty scary. please can we stop making fnaf clones/10
the mandela catalogue: this one is Okay. i feel like it has potential to be good, but it also has potential to be very bad. there aren’t a lot of episodes yet, so i really don’t have a lot to say about it. the editing is pretty good though, even though i can’t take the scary faces seriously because my brain just goes “WHEN THE IMPOSTER IS SUS”
rating: scary, but the scares are kinda cheap at times. i’m definitely keeping an eye on the series. sus/10
eventide media center: was so unmemorable that i literally forgot it existed immediately after watching, and only remembered it when scrolling through my youtube watch history looking for other series on this list, so make of that what you will. the effects are good, it’s definitely unsettling, but i feel like it just needs more of an identity y’know.
rating: what if they were growing brains in a greenhouse would that be fucked up or what. anyway i’m rod serling/10
anyway these r just my opinions, i’m very picky with my horror. the moral is that you should all go watch gemini home entertainment immediately. and if i missed any, feel free to recommend them to me, i’m running low on my backlog of horror to watch this october :V
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