#platonic hiorin
blue-lock-rocky · 1 year
I’m starting to get the appeal of platonic hiorin
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chodzacaparodia · 18 days
Writers tag game
Prompt: share some writing
Thank you so much for tagging me @miyamiwu ♡. Yeah, tagging didn't work (it happens to me sometimes too), but I just saw your post hahah!
This will be the beginning of my first Blue Lock fic, which I've been working on for probably a month now and I still haven't finished it. Of course, I assumed it would be short, but I got carried away again and I have almost 10k words now… However, I'm starting to get closer to the end and I really hope to publish the whole thing this month.
Here we gooo (it will be Hiorin btw)
He used to believe that his soulmate was his brother. Because who else could it be? He had never felt such a bond with anyone. He had always admired him and no one else mattered to Rin like Sae. Most of his memories were of his brother. Their father was merely the background, and their mother was mostly associated with the stories about soulmates she told him at bedtime in his early childhood. She was enchanted by them because she was among the few people blessed with a soulmate, who was Rin and Sae's father. Therefore, Rin became an expert in all known stories about destined people: imaginary ones, but also real ones. He especially liked those stories where siblings were soulmates, which was especially common among twins. The platonic bond between friends also wasn't that bad. However, Rin was not interested in the idea of romantic love, so he usually asked his mother to tell those stories where siblings separated in childhood found each other thanks to the bond of their souls. His requests often caused his mother, a great romantic, to give him a slightly disappointed look. But he didn't care.  These stories gave him hope that he had his soulmate in his brother. True, his feelings for Sae were different from those described in his mother's stories, but he was still sure that if anyone was to be his soulmate, it would be Sae.
(If this was ao3 and not tumblr, I would apologize for any mistakes because English is not my first language lmaooo)
No pressure tagging: @witch-from-a-block-of-flats, @sohereisthisasshole, @vidianlucivious, @blue-thief and anyone who wants to do this <3
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emmie-writes-stuff · 18 days
Hey y’all, so I’m opening fanfiction requests here
Full disclosure: I can decide to not write a request if I don’t want to write it, but I need ideas and I’d love to hear from y’all and write some stuff for folks
So here’s how it’ll work
Just send me a message in my questions box or DMs with these details:
-What characters you’d like
-Ships and/or platonic relationships
-Summary of idea
-your Ao3 name if you’d like it gifted, your tumblr name, or if you’d like to be anonymous
Ships I will write for are mainly the ones I enjoy
-I can attempt Kainess (though I’ve never written them before)
You can suggest other ships, but know that I’m pretty monoship and these are my favourites, so the request is more likely to be written if it’s one on the list
I will write sfw and nsfw
I’ll write platonic fics, I love them
I will not write:
-extremely kinky stuff
-huge age gaps
But yeah, if you have a fic request, send it over and I’ll see if it inspires me or not, and I’ll let you know
I may ask more questions, so try to include as much detail as you can in the original request
I look forwards to hearing from y’all :3
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thyandrawrites · 10 months
For ship bingo, could you please do bachisagi, ryusae, and rin x hiori?
Sure 👀
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They are SO married it's literally unreal. They're even more obvious than nagireo and nagireo have a whole spinoff manga to be unapologetically gay and in love in. I'm so amused at how the author keeps waxing poetics about how they are made to be each other's perfect "partner" with increasingly not platonic framing. It's great. Bachisagi shippers are the only ones who keep eating here and I love that for us.
On a more serious note, I am really fond of this ship! I've mentioned before that I see parallels between them and the rin&sae and nagireo dynamics, and at some point I will get off my ass and compile a post on it because there is really so much to say. But even beyond meta, I like them as a ship because there's so much good old tension between them. At the very beginning I wanted to ship it but it bothered me how Bachira was constantly checking for Isagi's approval before doing anything, and then the author came in a clutch with that backstory and was like "did you know bachira has been soul-crushingly lonely all his life until Isagi came around and was put on a bit of a pedestal as a result?" and then BAM they get split up and it's angsty and horrible and it makes them confront their codependency but, wait for it !! they grow from it!! We love to see that. Look, I love good ol' pining and even codependency when done in a certain way, but I can't deny that bachisagi using their time apart to better themselves and be stronger for when they'll compete with / fight alongside each other is a great narrative choice. If you allow me to draw a parallel with nagireo, it's what Nagi thought he was doing when he joined Isagi in the 3v3, except Nagi's communication skills are godawful and his intentions backfired. But Bachira and Isagi get it right, and are so much stronger for it. We love to see that. I love pairings that draw strength from each other while still remaining self-sufficient individuals so it's no surprise I ship this. It's not super high on my ship list because at times it's too healthy and pink confetti and fluff for my personal taste, but I love them a lot anyway. It's crazy to me that they just met a few months ago and still clicked this hard (another parallel to ngreo lmao), but that's just more fodder for the "soulmates" angle.
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I say this ship is the worst in the most affectionate way possible :'D I still can't believe some of their lines are canon dhshjsjsjd I'll be real, I can't take these two seriously at all, but that's mostly my reaction to Shidou in general. They're both deranged in very similar ways, so it's no wonder they clicked. Shidou is one of those characters I would love to read about, but I'm terrified of touching fanon and possibly see what I consider his most interesting faucets of characterization sandpapered away for the sake of making romance plots work. He... Is not a fave of mine but he's interesting to be sure, and so is Sae. They're both extremely bad at expressing their emotions in a way that doesn't put others off and come across as selfish, and I think developing their bond romantically could be an interesting challenge. But since Shidou is... Well, Shidou, I think a lot of their ff will be full of nsfw and dirty flirting, which is not my thing. So that too has put me off from really getting into the ship.
That said, one of my favourite authors has written for them, so I can see myself being converted to this pairing in the future. They managed to make me a Rin enjoyer when Rin just made me roll my eyes so I absolutely trust their magic skills lmao
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I didn't know this ship was a thing until literally yesterday, when I found this post about them. I don't ship them quite yet, but this is another case where I can see myself caving in if the right author sells it well to me.
I too noticed the scene the post mentions, where Rin accepts Hiori's help and doesn't lash out at his concern like usual, and I found it cute. Rin's walls are sky high so it surprised me too. Plus Hiori could definitely use a friend to vent to who wouldn't judge, and I don't think any of the other boys would quite get his family situation, not how Rin might. So basically the premises for a cool dynamic are already there, and I've shipped characters who never met before based on my guess of their potential chemistry before, so. I can totally get behind this. Rn I see them as friends, but I haven't gone out to hunt for fics about them yet
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