clutchmelon · 1 year
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The college graduate to streamer pipeline is real
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chaos-monkeyy · 6 months
Annnd fluff fic the eighth and final! It's also the sexy one 😏
Soft but smutty Ash Tyler x Chris Pike: Being There
Rated Explicit, ~2.4k words Prompts: Warm hands + A warm drink in cold hands
Summary: Ash has a nightmare again… but he doesn’t have to deal with it alone.
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lakesbian · 9 months
one day im going to be on here requesting tumblr user lakesbian followers to spend 10 minutes helping me with my ridiculously niche web browser game so just be ready for that
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mlmcaptainpike · 2 years
one of my most most favorite “pike and tyler bitching” interactions is that time where chris asks if ash has ever flown a shuttle - a fucking nonsensical inquiry to fire at someone who WORKS IN SPACE - and ash actually manages to physically make this 😐 expression. it’s fucking hilarious
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ofrandomthought · 2 years
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it's the way these two ugly ass brothers are competing for the title of the #1 Ugliest Most Unlikable Loser in this manga
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neapeaikea · 2 years
I wrote some more Piler. I've been wanting to for quite some time, and SNW got me into the right headspace for it. This is kinda short, based on the image I had of Ash waiting for Chris at the cabin from ep 1 in SNW. I love the idea of them being vulnerable but comforting with each other. And there is porn.
I kept the conversation intentionally vague 'cos otherwise I had to care about a whole load of canon I just could not deal with for such a short story. So they're talking about whatever decision you want them to talk about!
I tagged it for SNW too, since I stole the cabin from there. But IDK what show this should really be tagged for, if any at this point. Oh well. I do so hope Ash turns up in SNW, or the Section 31 show that's supposed to be coming. Come on, give us more tortured Tyler!
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shinehollow · 2 years
I have been misled on the difficulty of Melenia’s phases
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multitec001 · 9 days
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Damn. Huh! The chain REALLY is, only as strong as its weakest link! Wowzers!!
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txbanjarahills · 3 months
Finding Relief: Piles Surgery at TX Hospitals, Hyderabad
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Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, can be a painful and uncomfortable condition affecting millions of people worldwide. Fortunately, with advancements in medical technology, effective treatments are available to alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life. In Hyderabad, a bustling city known for its advanced healthcare facilities, individuals have access to top-tier hospitals and skilled medical professionals specializing in piles surgery. In this guide, we'll explore the various treatment options and highlight some of the leading hospitals in Hyderabad for piles surgery.
Understanding Piles: Before delving into treatment options, it's essential to understand what piles are and how they can impact one's health. Piles are swollen and inflamed blood vessels in the rectum and anus that can cause discomfort, pain, and bleeding. Factors such as straining during bowel movements, chronic constipation or diarrhea, obesity, and pregnancy can contribute to the development of piles.
Treatment Options:
Non-Surgical Treatments:
Lifestyle Modifications: Adopting a high-fiber diet, staying hydrated, and maintaining regular bowel habits can help alleviate symptoms.
Medications: Over-the-counter creams, ointments, and suppositories may provide relief from pain and itching.
Sclerotherapy: This involves injecting a chemical solution into the blood vessels around the hemorrhoid, causing them to shrink.
Surgical Treatments:
Rubber Band Ligation: In this procedure, a small rubber band is placed around the base of the hemorrhoid, cutting off its blood supply and causing it to shrink and fall off.
Hemorrhoidectomy: This surgical removal of hemorrhoids is often recommended for severe cases or when other treatments have failed.
Stapled Hemorrhoidopexy (PPH): This procedure involves using a circular stapling device to remove excess tissue and reposition the remaining hemorrhoidal tissue to its normal position.
Top Hospitals for Piles Surgery in Hyderabad:
TX Hospitals: With a reputation for excellence in healthcare, TX Hospitals in Hyderabad offer state-of-the-art facilities and experienced surgeons specializing in piles surgery.
Yashoda Hospitals: Renowned for its multidisciplinary approach to healthcare, Yashoda Hospitals provide comprehensive treatment for piles with advanced surgical techniques.
Continental Hospitals: Known for its commitment to patient care and clinical excellence, Continental Hospitals offer specialized services for the diagnosis and treatment of piles.
KIMS Hospitals: With a focus on delivering high-quality healthcare services, KIMS Hospitals have a team of skilled surgeons proficient in performing advanced procedures for piles treatment.
Piles surgery is a viable option for individuals suffering from persistent symptoms that significantly affect their quality of life. In Hyderabad, renowned hospitals equipped with modern infrastructure and experienced medical professionals offer a range of treatment options for piles, ensuring effective management and relief for patients. By consulting with a qualified healthcare provider, individuals can explore the most suitable treatment approach tailored to their needs, leading to improved health and well-being.
(Note: The information provided in this blog post is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Individuals experiencing symptoms of piles should consult with a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.)
TX Hospitals is one of the best hospitals in Kachiguda, Uppal, and Banjara hills with the largest healthcare facility and the best team of doctors and specialist surgeons to help patients recover fast from health ailments.
For further information or inquiries, please reach out to us at 9089489089
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l1vinglegacy · 4 months
Best Vegetable Cutter Machine
Presenting the ultimate kitchen necessity for simple meal preparation: the Living Legacy Vegetable Cutter Machine. With the help of this cutting-edge device, you can quickly and easily chop, dice, and slice a wide range of veggies in the kitchen. Its precision blades and sturdy design allow you to consistently get flawless cuts. Get down to the point and use the Living Luxury Vegetable Cutter Machine to improve your cooking. Place your order now at: https://l1vinglegacy.com/products/vegetable-cutter-slicer-vegetable-piller
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lpsis · 9 months
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chaos-monkeyy · 6 months
Fluff fic #3! This one's got a little Hurt/Comfort spilled in because I caught Feels about Ash Tyler (as did Pike, if you ask me)
Ash Tyler / Chris Pike: The Memory of Joy on AO3
Rated Teen+, ~400 words Prompts: First snow fall + Nose buried in hair
Summary: It starts snowing while Ash is staying at Pike’s place in Montana for a short holiday together, and it… gets him thinking, about things he had thought he'd put behind him.
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lakesbian · 10 months
who wants to help me crowdfund a list of mildly interesting conversation starters. please submit random icebreaker questions to lakesbian dot tumblr dot com slash ask. its for nationstates purposes. remember the faster i finish the list of conversation starters to use as the question of the day on the rmb the faster i can resume reading pact
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mlmcaptainpike · 2 years
Hello! I don't know if you remember me, I'm the girl with the post-accident Pike AU. I have a friend (@onetruesirius) who also ships Piler, and I made art of them in the AU for them. And he gave me permission to share! So I thought I'd send you, a fellow piler shipper.
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Just a couple of guys chilling and chatting (...and beeping)
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And this one is Pike off the chair, passed out asleep from maximum cozyness during a movie night.
I still haven't finished Disco s2, but regardless of ship antics, I really like Tyler, and I'm including him in my AU as part of Pike's crew. He's the Progress (pike's ship)'s security chief.
SCREAM. okay I am so crazy beyond obsessed with this and thank you for sending it to me again. the art is so cute 😭😭 and I think it’s so fun you put him on the progress!!
you HAVE to tell me more about this as you’re coming up with ideas for your au :D
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pamplemoussekiss · 1 year
Guy who keeps ranting about game and complaining about aspects of it actually buys the game he was talking about.
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