#picture of Valacchia at the end
tenebristhequeen · 1 year
/ There may be some errors since English is not my first language, please let me know if I made mistakes, it helps me improve! /
Born and raised in the dense vegetation of the Scarlet Forest, so called for the scarlet color of the tree trunks, Valacchia has never had contact with the human world, on the contrary, she had always been told by her parents that it was a horrible, dangerous and lethal, especially for centaurs, in the past enslaved to be used as "workers" in the fields.
Her mother, Caliba, was a centaur who blindly followed the traditions, putting them even before family itself, in fact, she almost seemed to dislike her own daughter, both because she has always had a very rebellious personality, and because she was born strangely larger than the other female centaurs, making her appear more "masculine" and therefore "strong".
His father, Belihan, was not so different, because the village had been following, until that moment, the rules of the Ancient Scarlet, a sort of religion essentially based on control, imparted by the old pack leader, who called himself Douglas, The Crimson Hoof.
While Valacchia was still very young, Crimson Hoof suddenly disappeared, the same day a new centaur arrived, called Mirage, who claimed to have defeated Douglas in combat.
In the absence of Douglas' corpse, many were skeptical, but BECAUSE of the absence of Douglas himself, Mirage became the new pack leader.
Because of his very tolerant, kind, yet thoughtful and fair leadership, the sanctimonious village gave him the name of Mirage, The Weak Blood.
Many tried to take Mirage's place, discovering to their detriment that he was not weak at all, despite his kindness.
Valacchia grew up with him, seeing much more of a father in Mirage than in Beliahn, as he fed her curiosity and taught her to appreciate herself exactly as she was, as well as to assert her own opinions, boundaries, etc.
It was Mirage who gave her *two* heart-shaped marks made with magic, as a way to always remember their bond, like a tattoo.
Unfortunately, on what should have been a beautiful spring day, a challenger arrived, his name was Azoth, and he claimed to be the son of the defeated Douglas.
Apparently Douglas had indeed been defeated in battle, but his life was spared by Mirage's good heart.
The battle was brutal and bloody, with the village clearly taking the side of the challenger.
Valacchia wanted to help, to do something! But she was too afraid, and she saw her mentor and "father" perish under the hooves of an Azoth who knew no mercy.
As tradition wants, the new pack leader is allowed to choose a bride to start the new generation.
While Mirage didn't want to choose anyone, knowing that this would have been an imposition and not a genuine love, Azoth pointed his finger at Valacchia, seeing her as a good genetic match to create future warriors... no love, not even mere physical attraction.
No one gave her support, on the contrary, she was physically dragged by her father to the new home where she was supposed to stay with her "husband".
Desperate, she summoned all of her strength to free herself from her father's grip, kicking directly at Azoth's face, slashing his eye.
In the frenzy of the moment, Valacchia ran like the wind, deep into the Scarlet Forest, towards its borders, and to the one place where, presumably, she would be most difficult to search for, even though she knew well that Azoth would never give up claiming his new bride, as it is seen as "weak" behavior to give up a "rebellious" bride and choose a more "well behaved" one.
Valacchia ran as fast as she could, until it was almost impossible for her to stand on her hooves, she didn't eat or drink for days, too scared of being dragged back.
She fell unconscious on a distant plain, where she was found by humans.
Eda, a human woman, married to Alan the Smith, also a human.
The two managed, with some difficulty, to load Valacchia onto their cart, taking her to their farm on the edge of the city of Odwir but not to enslave her, but to save her.
It took a while for the poor centaur to fully recover and trust these humans, but she soon realized that they were nothing like what had been described to her, and ended up bonding very much with them, especially with the couple's daughter, Krita, becoming almost like a big sister.
Almost ten years passed and Valacchia grew up happy and strong, also learning how to be a blacksmith, while never forgetting Mirage and his teachings.
When the day came when a nobleman, named Avelia, arrived to try to take Odwir by force, Valacchia found himself once again seeing how a tyrant tried to take over, only this time, the entire Odwir was in the situation of impotence in which Wallachia was years before.
Poor Krita was targeted by the tyrant, who tried to take her away with the threat of having her parents arrested.
Valacchia's anger grew out of all proportion, feeling a desire for justice that could not be contained! This time, she wasn't going to stand by while those she loved were hurt!
She forcefully charged towards the group of guards, causing Avelia to flee to his "palace" (A mansion from which he had evicted the owners, throwing them out), after kidnapping Krita.
She took as many tools as possible: hammers, sickles, hoes and whatnot, everything was fine.
She incited the people to rebellion, led them into battle and faced Avelia bravely, also managing to win the battle and recover Krita, also thanks to her size and strength.
With Avelia on the ground, bleeding and now defeated, Valacchia Followed Mirage's example, leaving him alive to lick his wounds.
Avelia, cowardly, waited for Valacchia to turn with Krita in her arms, before grabbing a crossbow from the corpse of one of his soldiers, and shoot Valacchia.
She was lucky, her bolt passed through without seriously injuring her, but it hit Krita in the process right through her chest, while she was held in the arms of her now older sister.
Krita smiled weakly, clinging to Valacchia.
< Sister...I'm so tired...I'll rest a while..Ok? Then I'll bride your hair...just like when we were little..I love you >
She managed, not having the courage to say goodbye even though she knew she was dying.
Valacchia SCREAMED with all her strength, and, there, her nature definitively took a different turn from Mirage's...She turned, angry, galloping on Avelia's body, trampled it with her powerful hooves, again and again while tears blurred her vision.
That gruesome sight was enough to frighten the few remaining soldiers.
When Valacchia recovered, a shapeless pulp of blood, bones and shreds of clothing was all that was left of the tyrant.
She brought Krita's lifeless body home, cried with her family, and had a third heart branded where she already had two, so both Krita and Mirage will always be with her, even if only in the heart.
After that day, Valacchia made the decision to leave Odwir to travel and help the weak, defending them from tyrants.
Using any means necessary.
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Valacchia is 10 feet tall (from her hooves to her head)
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