#petty vash moment - i think he deserves the chance to be petty... and he's kind of a petty person to me in some circumstances mfgksmgk
ruporas · 9 months
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being a little petty (ID in alt)
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serenephenix · 1 year
As much as I enjoyed today's episode, there is one thing that I want to put out there that has been bothering me since episode 8 that I will get more into under the cut.
For anyone else wanting to have good time tonight: Have fun, reblog all the gifs, and artwork, and funny commentary! Knock yourselves out you funky little peeps!
Love and peace!
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As petty as it might sound, the one thing that has been bothering me about the characterization of the few background characters, that have even managed to appear in Tristamp as of late, is how on the nose their cruelty is displayed.
From the people standing in front of Vash's door in episode 8 to the armed men at the Plant facility today - it almost feels like I'm listening to the one-liners or tirades of late 1980s villains of the week and it is getting exhausting really quickly.
While I see Tristamp as its own thing, I still like to compare it to the manga, since that is its source material. And when it comes to the callous attitude of the people living in No Man's Land in regards to each other and the Plants, then I have to say that Nightow had a more realistic grasp on these people than the writers of Tristamp.
Trigun deals a lot with living in adversity and how that affects our ability to sympathise.
NM Land is one of the harshest environments humans and Plants alike could have found themselves in, and the reason for people being so apathetic and downright cruel by the time the story begins is that they are fighting over what little resources they have after 150 years.
The main resource being the Plants themselves. And what really irks me, is how much the people in Tristamp have been painted as bonafide idiots by acting as though Plants are a commodity to toss away. It's something that really contradicts the first episode of Tristamp and the manga as a whole.
I think that episode 1 and 2 of Tristamp did an excellent job at establishing just how coveted and important Plants are. It is something that is even more fleshed out in Trimax.
While the people in Trimax are not nearly as broken up about the loss of a Plant as they should be, the loss of a Plant was not something that was easily brushed aside either. The people were well-aware that they were dependent on Plants for their survival and that losing a Plant meant certain death for entire communities. Which is why you have the Plants' flashbacks on how much effort went into maintaining them and their infrastructure even while they were being exploited. And it is fascinating how Nightow managed to have two very contradictory concepts co-exist in his narrative. How he managed to incorporate how careless humans were with the plants by expending their energy on lavish, but ultimately unnecessary things, and how much they recognized still that without the Plants they had absolutely no chance of survival and that losing them eventually was (in their eyes) an unfortunate side-effect of living on this rock. In a sense, everybody knew they were doomed to die the moment the last Plant gave out. They all thought they were eventually going to die here. (With the exception of Vash's home, where they were trying to contact Earth. But no one knew about that.)
And the only people to ever act recklessly towards Plants and almost having them destroyed, were people like Neon or even Gasback in "Badland Rumbles".
And so, having these background characters in Tristamp act like the loss of the Plants isn't a major setback or even a minor inconvenience is just.... very grating. The writers should have put some more effort in there, not gonna sugarcoat it.
It's just... there is no nuance on the whole question whether humans even deserve to live together with Plants. It kind of makes Zazie's ultimatum this episode fall flat because, if I only took the characters that we have seen so far in Tristamp, then honestly it would be easy to say that humans have overstayed their welcome and need to go, because they aren't cruel out of cruel circumstances but because they are just horrible bastards who say devastating things within earshot of little kids who they use as convenient, living batteries, or because they have no braincells left to understand that they are killing the only resource that is keeping them alive on this floating rock.
Just.... uuuuuggghhhhh... sorry. Done with the rant now. Bye.
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