#personally I think that V1 is actually pretty damn intelligent
frozenemus · 3 months
I’m actually quite curious to see where y’all stand on this. There’s already been evidence of Ultrakill machines expressing signs of sentience (I.e mindflayers with their aesthetics, V2 with its hatred towards its predecessor), so I was interested to see what everyone else’s thoughts are in regards to V1 itself.
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joie-university-rp · 5 years
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It is with great pleasure we invite you admission to Joie University! Welcome to the Thunderclap family!
Congratulations, MEG! Please be sure to check the New Members’ Checklistand send in your character’s account within 24 hours from now. We cannot wait to see all that you will bring to this roleplay! We love you already!
Name/Alias; preferred pronouns: Meg, She/her
Age, Timezone: 27, EST
Activity, short explanation: On at least an hour a day
Ships: Brittana, Santina, Quinntana, Pezberry, Dantana, Santana/Chemistry, Santana/Ladies, Santana/Beards
Anti-Ships: Santana/No Chemistry, Santana/Male!Endgame
Triggers: N/A
Preferred photo for Character’s ID (please give a link): https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5816992f03596e7961cde70d/1551310304456-WUMEDVP6UMM352FJAT3V/ke17ZwdGBToddI8pDm48kCf3-plT4th5YDY7kKLGSZN7gQa3H78H3Y0txjaiv_0fDoOvxcdMmMKkDsyUqMSsMWxHk725yiiHCCLfrh8O1z4YTzHvnKhyp6Da-NYroOW3ZGjoBKy3azqku80C789l0h8vX1l9k24HMAg-S2AFienIXE1YmmWqgE2PN2vVFAwNPldIHIfeNh3oAGoMooVv2g/3+%281%29.jpg
Anything else: I will be replacing Mike with Santana - and I will repurpose his blog for her as well.
Full Name (First, Middle, Last): Santana Isabel Lopez
FC: Emeraude Toubia
Age/Year at University (Freshman [1st Year], Sophomore, Junior, Senior, or Graduate Student): 21, Junior
Birth date: November 11th, 1997
Hometown (please be sure to check the hometowns listed for characters your muse is related to!): Miami, Florida
Gender/Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: CLOSETED Lesbian
Major(s): Medical Sciences
Minor(s) [optional]: Cardiology
Housing request (remember, only the president of a Greek Organization is required to live at a Greek House to be in it!): Mu Sigma double suite (or presidential suite since Spencer isn’t living there if that’s possible)
Extracurriculars: Cheerios (Captain), Lacrosse (Captain)
Greek Life Affiliation: Mu Sigma, Vice President
Tw: verbal abuse, homophobia, homophobic slurs, internalized homophobia
As the third born child to Enrique Lopez and Maribel Ruiz Lopez, the first-born daughter, expectations had been placed upon her. As a woman, especially a woman of color, the world wasn’t going to be kind to her and she would have to work tirelessly for what she wanted. At least, that’s what she was told by her mother’s mother, Alma. While her parents, her father a world-renowned Cardiothoracic surgeon and her mother a District Attorney, were busy working, she was often in the care of her grandmother. The woman lived in the poorer part of town, refusing to take any of the money that her son wanted to give her so she could live in a better neighborhood, and she was brutally honest, to the point where she could be insulting, even to her own family. But despite the insults that her abuela threw at her, Santana admired the woman and tried to do anything in her power to get approval from her grandmother. Maybe that was why Santana had adopted the woman’s line of thinking, deciding to be brutally honest with people no matter who she hurt and to stand for what she believed in, hoping that her grandmother would be pleased. Of course, as to be expected, not many people enjoyed the honesty, especially when it came to the girl telling her relatives that their baby was ugly or telling her classmates that they were stupid, but Santana didn’t care. It was what she believed in, and it was who she was.
Only, it wasn’t. Underneath the façade of the brutally honest girl that grew up to become the HBIC of her high school, was actually a kind and caring girl, one that just wanted to fit in. While she may have put on a facade that she didn’t care about what people thought about her, the truth was the exact opposite, and she cared too much. But she knew that if she let people know that she cared, they wouldn’t respect her as much as they did, so she continued on with her act, and did everything in her power to make sure people saw her as the girl that didn’t care. There was one person, however, that saw through her facade, a girl that joined the cheerleading team during their junior year. She was kind, quirky, and rebellious and someone Santana never really thought she’d befriend until the girl suggested that they go to a frat party at the University of Miami, one that promised of good times. But the next morning, instead of Santana waking up in bed with a college boy, she woke up in the same bed as her teammate. Not wanting anyone to find out about what happened, especially her grandmother, Santana swept the hookup under the rug and ended up in bed with the Captain of the basketball team just two days after, wanting to move past what happened and keep her reputation intact.
But that didn’t mean that Santana hadn’t remembered what happened; even after entering a relationship with the basketball player, there was a nagging thought in the back of Santana’s head, one that told her that she liked the sex with the cheerleader far better than the sex with her boyfriend. Every time she tried to quell the thought, by sleeping with her boyfriend or doing other sexual favors for him or by trying to focus on her cheering and school work, it would always pop up, whether after a night with her boyfriend wherein she didn’t come or in her dreams. She hated it and she wanted to get away from Miami and try to put as much distance between her and the cheerleader she had sex with as possible. Thankfully, a couple of months before graduation, Santana learned that she received a full scholarship to the Joie University for cheerleading, so she took the opportunity to get away from Florida, and from her thoughts, and accepted the invitation.
Of course, just because she was no longer in Florida, it didn’t mean that the feelings weren’t still there. Whenever she passed by a pretty girl with a brilliant smile or long legs, she found herself staring just a bit too long before she caught herself, and she knew that she couldn’t stand that. Pouring her frustrations into her school work, and her spot on the cheerleading team as well her spot on the lacrosse team, Santana made sure that people saw her as a force to be reckoned with. She was a girl with beauty, brains and brawn - and she wound up making herself the captain of both the cheerleading and lacrosse teams as a sophomore. And rushing to her mother’s alma mater, Mu Sigma, only added her powerful presence.
The more involved she got, the more that people looked to her - and in order to keep them from questioning why she hadn’t settled down with anyone yet, she began to hop from man to man, changing partners on a weekly basis, and she began to date around. People called her slut, they called her a whore, but at the end of the day, those were far better than being called a “lesbo” or a “dyke”. After all, her parents didn’t care what she did as long as her schoolwork wasn’t affected, but being a lesbian? That was not something that no amount of good grades and athletic prowess could pass on - especially since her mother and her abuela disowned a cousin for marrying a woman despite her being a renowned orthopedic surgeon.
Everything that Santana does is to preserve her family’s pride in her. From being the indisputable top bitch of the school - one who isn’t afraid to state her opinion, even if it’s an unpopular one - to being one of the top-ranking pre-med students that’s already beginning to fill out applications to medical schools, Santana is proving that she is everything that her parents can hope she could be. Once she had secured her position as her father’s successor as a great Cardiothoracic surgeon, she could then focus on her personal life.
But damn, was that hard to do when she had to work so closely with someone that was so openly out and proud.
STUDENT CENSUS SURVEY: (Please answer the following questions IN CHARACTER. Responses can be as long or short as you see fit!)
What made you want to attend Joie University? Easy. The school is one of the best school’s in the country, and this bitch deserves the best. It’s why I’ll be going to Stanford to get my medical degree, because there’s no way in hell that I’m going to go to some mediocre, half-ass school.
What are at least 3 positive or neutral and at least 3 negative traits that you believe you possess? Negative traits? Bitch please, I’m perfect. I’m intelligent, I’m honest, and I’m ambitious. That’s right, putas… I’ve got beauty, brains and brawn. (She’s insecure, stubborn, and guarded).
Which of your traits do you value most? My intelligence. There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing some misogynistic prick realize that I’m more than just a pretty face and a hot bod.
How can that trait benefit the University (or its student body) as a whole? That’s easy. With my intelligence, I’ll be able to achieve my goals of becoming a world-renowned Cardiothoracic surgeon and when people ask me where I got my start, I’ll tell them that it was Joie that made me the surgeon I am today - and then people will flock to the school and the admissions board will have to turn people away left and right.
What do you hope to gain from your experience at JU? I hope to kick ass in my undergrad years before I go on to med school… and I also hope to prove to all the conservative assholes that attend this school that a girl can do everything a guy can and then some.
What is a quote or song lyric that describes you? “Feminism isn’t about making women stronger. Women are already strong. It’s about changing the way the world perceives that strength.” - G.D. Anderson
0 notes
phoenixyfriend · 7 years
Voltron Paladins on: Who’s the hottest Young Avenger?
I’m posting this as a one-shot to tumblr because it can feasibly stand alone as a fic, but it’s actually an omake of sorts for the Voltron fic Just a Little Death. The only things you need to know are:
1. The paladins figured out a way to get into contact with home, and have gotten some things. Lance’s family sent him a kindle loaded with a bunch of things he likes, including comics. 2. Some of the characterization may seem a bit unusual, because this scene takes place after after eighteen chapters in JaLD.
Other than that... well, warnings and such under the cut. This is almost three thousand words of nonsense.
If you happen to be a fan of Cheung's V1 artwork or aren't comfortable with the idea of someone poking fun at Tommy Shepherd, maaaybe skip this. I’m not as careful as usual about keeping my biases under wraps here.
Anyways! There's a bit of a ramble in there about Noh-Varr, so I need to lay out some warnings.
WARNINGS: Mentions of mind control, torture, medical experimentation, and mass murder (all to or by a minor, because Noh's life is a shitshow for a while).
“Bullshit,” Lance said, slamming a hand down on the table. “That is just… such bullshit.”
“My tastes and your tastes are not the same,” Hunk said. “You asked who I thought the hottest character was, and my answer is Teddy.”
“How?” Lance whined. “How can you pick anyone other than Noh-Varr? Like, I can maybe see Kate or America, but anyone else? Sorry, buddy. The space roach wins.”
“You know,” Pidge said from the doorway. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, but I kind of want to know just based on the fact that I heard something that was almost my name.”
“There’s a comic that Lance likes from like… the turn of the century,” Hunk said.
“2012 was not the turn of the century,” Lance argued.
“Called Young Avengers,” Hunk continued, like Lance hadn’t just interrupted.
“Written by Kieron Gillen, illustrated by Jamie McKelvie,” Lance said. “A dynamic duo of comics if there ever was one.”
Hunk shot him a look.
“…fine, for that era. Stan Lee and Jack Kirby are the true heroes, as always, may their souls rest in peace despite the misogyny of many of their works,” Lance allowed. “Anyway, I got Hunk to read the comics a while back, and I was expecting him to make the obvious choice when asked who the hottest Young Avenger was.”
“I still say it’s Teddy.”
“And I still say you’re wrong. Noh-Varr is straight up pin-up boy material.”
“This is exactly the kind of bullshit that I’m glad I missed out on back at the Garrison,” Pidge said.
Keith poked his head into the room. “I heard yelling. Is there a fight happening?”
“Why don’t we get Pidge and Keith to weigh in?” Hunk suggested.
“Fine,” Lance sniffed. “I’m sure they’ll make the right choice. Let me just get the right pictures up.”
He fiddled with the tablet his siblings had sent along.
“Your brother and sister sent you digital comics from half a century ago?” Keith asked.
“I think Tío Ricardo just added everything he thought I might miss, and since this is my favorite series…” Lance shrugged. “Okay, so I’ve got a group shot and a couple of solos.”
“Which group shot?”
“Kate’s getting a call from Freud.”
“…right, the harpoon! Okay, so the solos: anyone from V1?”
“Nah. Cassie’s too young for it to be comfortable during her time with the team, especially with how unnecessarily sexual some of the art of her gets in V1. Like, she’s fourteen? Stop ripping her clothes off and highlighting her boobs? Same goes for Nate and Jonas on the age thing, and Eli is an age thing too, but also just… I love him, but Cheung’s art style. It doesn’t do anyone favors, but it’s especially harsh on Eli.”
“Why do you hate Cheung’s art style so much?”
“Have you looked at V1 or Children’s Crusade?”
“The writing wasn’t bad!”
“The writing was mostly fine and absolutely what made me love Eli. But you have to admit that Cheung’s art style is really same-face syndrome and that it’s just plain messy and… why. Why. McKelvie’s got a bunch of same-face too, but at least it’s clean and I can tell who’s who in the close-ups and he isn’t sexualizing fourteen-year-olds.” Lance buried his face in his hands. Hunk patted him on the back.
“Moving on… Kid Loki shape or Agent Loki shape?”
“He’s kid shape in the group shot, but just after the age-up in the solo.”
“Tried to find something out of uniform, but no dice except the party, and his big scene wasn’t even in McKelvie’s style, so… yeah, uniform.”
“Do I have to?”
“He’s such a fuckboy, though!”
“Still part of the team.”
“They traveled dozens, if not hundreds, of universes to save him.”
“…I mean, I did add his picture to the set. I just, you know, don’t want him to win.”
Hunk snorted. “Okay, thene. I’m guessing you probably added those shirtless Noh shots from the first issue.”
“Noh-Varr’s hot, okay?” Lance brought the back of his hand up to his forehead. “Like, absolutely smoking hot. Like Uptown Funk ‘Hot damn’ hot. Like, ‘the things I would do to that man…’ hot.”
“Lance, are you okay?”
Hunk bit his lip, suppressing a grin, and then seemed to realize something. “Wait, are we including villains?”
“I mean… I guess? Why? You’re not going for Oubliette, right?”
“What? No, of course, not. But dude… Leah.”
“This is true.” Lance nodded. “I mean, she’s terrifying, but at least that version of her isn’t entirely real even in-universe?”
“Or Loki would be dead.”
“So dead,” Lance said emphatically. “Also, if we’re talking hot YA villains, then…”
“Sylvie Lushton.”
“How is your taste in comic book villains so bad?”
“I’m not saying she’s a good person! But, you know, she’s hot!” Lance protested.
“Also kind of evil and not exactly the brightest bulb in the box.”
“Still hot, Hunk.”
“Hi, I have a question,” Pidge interrupted. “Which of these guys is the smartest?”
Lance put a hand over Hunk’s face before he could answer. “We’re talking aesthetics only. No choosing based on intelligence. You can revamp your choice later if we change criteria, but right now we’re only going on aesthetic hotness.”
“Boo you, whore,” Pidge said, then stuck out her tongue at him. She looked down at the page again, and then pointed. “Okay, in that case… her.”
“America Chavez?” Lance eyed Pidge for a moment, and then nodded. “Acceptable.”
“You’re ridiculous,” she told him. “But yeah. She looks ready to kick ass and I guess the expression on her face is appealing? She looks like she’s not taking anyone’s shit, and also I like her hair.”
“This is a pretty good summary of her basic surface personality,” Lance acknowledged. “She’s deeper than that, but it takes some reading between the lines, or rereading after the reveal at the end, to realize, especially if you don’t read the point one issue.”
“I’m torn,” Keith announced. “Can I get names for these guys, at least?”
“Real or code?”
Lance pointed to each character in turn. “Noh-Varr, Kate Bishop, Loki, Billy Kaplan, Tommy Shepherd, Teddy Altman, David Alleyne, America Chavez.”
“Tommy and Billy are identical twins, but Tommy’s hair and eyes changed color when his mutant powers manifested,” Hunk added.
“The Tommy guy is in a different style from the others,” Keith noted.
“They had guest artists for the issues he featured in most,” Lance explained. “Couldn’t really find a clear picture of him in McKelvie’s style.”
Keith nodded, looking down at the pictures. After a moment, he pointed at David and Tommy.
“No,” Lance gasped dramatically. “You traitor.”
“Oh boy,” Hunk muttered.
“Listen,” Keith said, obviously holding back a laugh. “I have my reasons.”
“How could you choose Tommy over Noh-Varr?”
“Well, the Noh-Varr guy looks like he’s about to try to convince me to try his weed brownies or free range quinoa,” Keith said.
“That’s not a thing,” Hunk said. “That’s… that’s not even logically possible. Quinoa’s not an animal product. It can’t be free-range.”
“Exactly,” Keith said, as though that explained everything, which it kind of did. “Meanwhile, this Tommy guy looks like he’s about to ask me to help him hotwire a car for the hell of it.”
Lance’s mouth opened and closed a few times, and then he whirled around and draped himself over Hunk. He wailed, “Betrayed! By the one closest to me!”
“What does that make me, then?” Hunk asked. “If Keith is the closest?”
“You’re not just close to me, Hunk, you’re part of me,” Lance said, as though it should have been obvious.
“Ah, right, of course.” Hunk nodded and patted Lance’s back.
“Anyway,” Lance said, and then went back to wailing. “Oh, the horror! The humanity! Keith has betrayed me!”
“I really hope this is just Lance being dramatic about something relatively inconsequential again instead of something serious,” Shiro said from the door. “Please tell me this isn’t something I need to actually worry about.”
“Keith thinks that Lance’s favorite character isn’t as hot as Lance’s least favorite,” Pidge said.
“Tommy Shepherd is a fuckboy, okay?” Lance whined.
“You mean like you?” Shiro asked, keeping his voice mild.
Dead silence reigned for a moment.
“…Should I not have said that?” Shiro asked, sounding a little more nervous. “I may have overstepped a line. Ah. I’m sor—”
“Ooooooooooooooooh!” Pidge yelled, Hunk joining in after a moment.
Lance let his eyes roll up and pretended to faint, right into Hunk’s loving arms.
“Lance Álvarez has been found dead in Miami,” Pidge announced, deadpan.
“Oh god, is he okay?” Hunk asked, not even looking down at Lance in his arms.
“Yeah, but he’s dead.”
“You guys suck,” Lance moaned, getting back up. He turned back to Keith. “Wait, what about David?”
“He looks like he could stare down a bomb without even twitching. Like he’s just that dead inside because he’s seen so much shit.” Keith tapped the picture. “Basically, he seems like the guy that’s sitting off to the side mostly quiet but offering sarcastic comments whenever someone does something stupid.”
“You’re not that far off,” Shiro said. “David’s experiences in everything are fairly expansive, due to the mental osmosis that his original powerset consisted of.”
“Wait, Shiro, you’ve read YA?” Lance demanded.
“…yes? I preferred Runaways, but—”
“Which Young Avenger is the hottest?” Lance demanded, scrambling away from Hunk and towards Shiro. He stopped just a foot or two away, visibly restraining himself from grabbing Shiro’s hands and pulling them up to his chin.
Shiro looked at him for a long moment, wide-eyed and surprised. “Um… I haven’t thought about it in a while?”
“Stick to V2 since all the V1-only characters are too young,” Lance suggested. “Aesthetic hotness only.”
Shiro looked down at the tablet that was still on the table and bit his lip. “I’m… going to have to with Marvel Boy and Hawkeye?”
“Yes!” Lance yelled, pumping his fist in the air. “Fuck yeah! Noh-Varr’s the hottest!”
“Ah,” Shiro said. “Who did the rest of you choose?”
“Teddy,” Hunk said. “Pidge chose America. Keith decided that he was torn between Tommy and David.”
“Nobody chose Billy, then?” Shiro asked. “Or Loki?”
“Billy’s more sweet than hot, I think,” Lance said. “Even aesthetically. Same thing goes for Teddy, I’d say, but Hunk’s got his own weird tastes.”
“And Loki just doesn’t suit anyone’s tastes?”
“He spends two-thirds of the comic as a twelve-year-old, and the last third looking like he’s about to try to sell you snake oil as a hair tonic,” Lance mused. “So. That might be it. Loki’s more appealing in AoA, honestly. I feel like Lee Garbett’s style is better suited to that Loki than Jamie McKelvie’s.”
“Hm. I’d have expected Pidge to like David the most, but I guess if she doesn’t know anything about him, and just had to go by image, America makes sense.” Shiro swiped through the tablet. “That is… definitely a lot of shirtless Noh-Varr shots.”
“I’m not sure what you expected from me,” Lance said.
“What’s so special about David?” Pidge asked. “Why does Shiro think I should like David the most?”
Lance exchanged a look with Hunk and Shiro, then turned back to Pidge. “Do you want to download some of my comics so you and Keith can read some? My uncle downloaded pretty much my entire online comics library onto here.”
“I don’t know… I’m more of a DC kind of girl.”
“I’ve got some DC and Image on here, too.”
“The Image comics are more Gillen and McKelvie, unsurprisingly,” Hunk said.
“Phonogram and WicDiv are fucking works of art, Hunk!”
“I never finished WicDiv…” Shiro mused. “I got spoilers, but…”
Lance pressed his tablet into Shiro’s chest, wide-eyed. “My poor man: I have them. Read.”
Allura and Coran walked in on five paladins near-silently reading comics half an hour later.
“Allura!” Lance yelled, scrambling to his feet and switching windows on his tablet to the earlier set of pictures. “Quick question: which of these characters would you say is the most physically attractive?”
Allura blinked at him, and then down at the tablet. “Why are there so many pictures of this one shirtless?”
“Because he’s my favorite,” Lance said, utterly unashamed.
“…I can see why, but that one hanging bang of white hair reminds me too much of Lotor,” Allura admitted. “Both of the girls are very attractive, though, and I like the hairstyle and the fabric that this one is wearing.”
She tapped the screen, right over Billy.
Lance squinted down at the photo, and then back up at Allura. “At least you didn’t betray me like Keith.”
“Are you serious?” Keith asked. “Are you going to bring that up forever?”
“You picked Tommy,” Lance repeated. “You picked Tommy in an argument of attractiveness when Noh-Varr was an option.”
“You do realize that half the reason he did that was to fuck with you, right?” Pidge said.
“Well, yeah, but pretending to be pissed off about something inconsequential is fun,” Lance said. “I don’t even dislike Tommy, but like… it’s fun to talk trash about one of the most popular characters. I shit talk with love, I promise.”
“Also, if we were going by personality as well…” Shiro trailed off. “Actually, assuming that a decent pattern of communication was in place and Noh-Varr wasn’t self-sabotaging with his own PTSD, he probably wouldn’t be that bad of a romantic partner. At least you’d always have music.”
“And a meat shield, apparently,” Pidge piped up. A glance told Lance that she was partway through the Marvel Boy miniseries, which meant she’d probably run into something about his indestructability by this point.
“Wouldn’t have to worry about being widowed, since he’s nearly impossible to kill,” Hunk added.
“And he can eat all the leftovers, including the parts that aren’t actually food,” Keith said.
“Life wouldn’t be boring either, given the extensive number of people that would gladly try to kill him for the Phoenix debacle or what he did to Manhattan,” Shiro added.
“He served his time for both of those incidents, did his reparation work, and got tortured a lot as punishment! I really don’t think you can hold all of that against him, given his circumstances!” Lance protested.
“I mean… the Phoenix was a result of misinformation, true, but Manhattan?” Shiro wiggled a hand in the air. “I’m only giving it a pass because I’d say all the torture, mind control, and so on, both before and after, is punishment enough for just about anything.”
“I’m not,” Hunk said. “But he actually tried to do charity work in his own weird superhero way afterwards, so… that’s not bad?”
“This isn’t a real person, correct?” Allura asked. “Just a fictional character?”
“Yes,” the paladins answered in unison.
“Trust me, I wouldn’t be trying to explain away the Fuck You Fires if he were a real person,” Lance said. “However, he is in fact fictional, and his circumstances were weird as shit—”
“Being part of a hive mind and feeling your entire family die and then watching them get dissected while you’re tortured by your captors will do some interesting things to a fifteen-year-old’s mind,” Shiro acknowledged.
“And then the Cube,” Lance added. “We do not forget the fuckery that happened at the Cube.”
“Comics are convoluted,” Keith said, staring down at the tablet in his own lap. “Very convoluted. Why are they so convoluted?”
“Because you have about twenty different writers at any given time writing the same characters in new situations, frequently causing crossovers between individual groups of characters, switching out at least three or four writers per year for someone new, passing on the characters to new writers who must then find something original to do with them, resulting in increasingly ridiculous plots as the writers struggle to find something new and interesting to do so that the audience doesn’t lose interest,” Lance rattled off.
“Often commenting on contemporary events,” Shiro added, “and matters of social justice.”
“Never forget that Captain America was the creation of two Jewish men in response to widespread support of Hitler in the early days of World War II,” Lance added.
The Alteans stared at him and Shiro in blank confusion.
“Hey, Allura, want to see something funny?” Hunk asked.
“I’m getting a bad feeling about this,” Keith said. “But also I kind of want to see what you’re planning.”
“Same,” Pidge said.
Allura looked at Hunk for a long moment. “I have no idea what’s going on, but alright.”
Hunk grinned and turned to Lance. “Hey Lance, is Magneto the Maximoff twins’ dad or not?”
(It took fifteen minutes for the team to get Lance to stop ranting.)
“Okay, Shiro was right. David’s my favorite now. Programming a miniature Cerebro in five minutes?” Pidge pretended to fan herself. “If I wasn’t ace… I mean, I still want to marry his brain anyway. Platonically. Just… damn. I have a favorite Marvel character now. I’m supposed to be a DC girl, but this has me hooked. Damn you, Lance. Damn you.”
“…just read the comic, short shit.”
A/N:There were a couple of characters I couldn't find decent V2 reference pics for; Tommy in particular doesn't show up in McKelvie's style much, since his two biggest appearances in V2 are both in issues that have guest artists.
I feel like Lance would have really strong opinions about bigoted retcons and the importance of remembering the minority influence on comics as a medium.
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