#personally I prefer headphones/earphones/earbuds with a cord
sidewalk-cracks · 1 year
Rebog please?
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treya-barton · 4 years
If you're taking requests, what about fluff prompt 2 (sharing earbuds) w/ Souyo?
It was quiet on the train. It was still early morning and there weren’t many passengers that had gotten on at Inaba; as the day progressed more and more passengers would get on at other stops the closer they got to Tokyo until it would get quite crowded right toward the end.  But for now it was still and peaceful with most passengers looking at their phones or taking a nap in their seats.  Yu was pretty used to the trip, having gone back and forth a few times to see his friends and family in Inaba, but it was still relatively new for Yosuke who had only made the trip once to visit during Golden Week and again in order to take his college entrance exams.  He was staring out the window at the landscape as it sped by, arms crossed with his headphones resting on his neck instead of over his ears, but Yu could faintly hear the music playing and knew Yosuke was listening but trying to remain available in case he wanted to chat.  
Yu appreciated the gesture for while he understood Yosuke’s need for the headphones and how they helped reduce his anxiety, it also caused Yosuke to become closed off whenever he put them on.  That would often leave Yu feeling left out or like he couldn’t always reach Yosuke, which if he was honest with himself often bothered him although he would never admit it. He knew the thought would make Yosuke feel guilty and he didn’t want that.
A sudden idea popped into his head and Yu reached into his bag before pulling out some earbuds.  He rolled one of the buds between his fingers while contemplating his options for a moment.  Music was something very personal for Yosuke; Yu got the impression that outside of his parents, Yosuke had never really shared his passion with other people until he started sharing it with him.  He had obviously talked about idol groups with his old friends from the city, but his musical taste was pretty wide and sometimes eclectic and when he had finally shared some of the artists he liked with Yu after he had shown interest in Yosuke’s passion he had been pretty shy about it.  It touched Yu that Yosuke was willing to share something that meant so much to him and allow him into his world a little bit, and he wanted to bridge that gap to Yosuke’s world even more now that they would be rooming together at college.
There was a local indie band that Yu had discovered quite by accident his third year that reminded him a lot of some of the stuff that Yosuke liked.  Yu had never really been that interested in music growing up, but after hearing it so much at the Hanamura’s he found himself paying attention more once he returned to the city.  The band’s music had reminded him so much of his partner that he had started to become a fan of theirs – honestly, it was the first time he could remember being a fan of any group.  He had purchased a digital copy of the album they had out and saved it to his phone, and he suddenly felt the urge to share it with Yosuke and see what he thought. He had been meaning to do so, but he hadn’t really had a chance to since he had been busy during his visit to Inaba, and they hadn’t gotten a lot of time alone together during their last break before college.  Now seemed like a perfect time to bring it up.  Yu was a bit nervous and suddenly felt unsure of Yosuke’s reaction; he was about to disrupt something very personal to him, and Yu wasn’t quite sure if he would like the band even if it was similar to other stuff he listened to. But he still felt the need to give it a try.
Yu plugged the earbuds into his phone and pulled up his favorite song on the album, one that sounded upbeat but in actuality had melancholy lyrics about a relationship falling apart due to the couple being long distance.  It had felt too close to home to Yu even if the distance hadn’t lessened the bond between him and his friends.  Yu had still felt lonely, and he had been able to identify with the singer’s feelings of longing that he portrayed through the song.  “Yosuke?” Yu asked, catching his partner’s attention and causing him to finally tear his eyes away from the countryside as it rolled by.  Yosuke turned his head and looked curiously at the earbud that Yu was offering him.
“What’s up?” he asked, pausing the music on his phone.  The silence made Yu feel even more tense and for a brief moment he considered putting away the earbuds and making up some sort of an excuse instead.  However, Yosuke didn’t give him a chance to change his mind.  “You want me to listen to something?” he asked as he plucked the earbud out of Yu’s hand and fiddled with it until he was able to get it to fit into his ear. He leaned a little closer to Yu so they would be able to share without stretching the cord too taught.  He had perked up and seemed really interested to see what Yu had in store for him.
Yu swallowed, his mouth suddenly dry with anticipation.  “I do,” he replied.  “I discovered a band when I was in Tokyo and I wanted to see what you think about them.”
“You found a band you liked?” Yosuke asked, eyes widening slightly. “I never thought I’d see the day.” In spite of his words, he looked quite enthusiastic and was curiously looking at Yu’s phone, trying to see if he recognized the song or group title.  Yu knew he wouldn’t since the group was only known locally.  Yu had infamously not heard of a single group Yosuke had introduced him to, even the mainstream ones, and he distinctly remembered how shocked Yosuke had been over his lack of musical knowledge.  It had given him a chance to show Yu something entirely new, however, and Yu had enjoyed every minute of it.  It warmed his heart that Yosuke seemed excited at the prospect of Yu getting involved in it on his own.  Yu slid the other earbud into his own ear and finally hit play.
Yosuke had never used earbuds before.  They always seemed cheap and he was positive that the sound quality could never compare to his own headphones that he had saved up to buy after working the summer before his family had moved to Inaba.  Besides, headphones had always served as a barrier between him and the rest of the world; when he had them on they not only cancelled noise from the outside world, people knew what he was doing so it helped shut them out when he needed a break or was feeling anxious.  It had especially helped in the Shadow World since music kept him calm and from panicking from the difficulties they faced in there.
Music was usually something very personal to him anyway – one of the few hobbies that he shared with his dad.  Yosuke had been content to keep it to himself until Yu had asked about his album collection one day when he was visiting, and Yosuke had shared it with another person outside of his family for the very first time, shy at first until he realized how little Yu actually knew about music which had caused him to go a little overboard as he shared his passion with him.  Yu hadn’t seemed to mind and in fact, as indicated by the fact he was now wanting to share music he had discovered with Yosuke, he had apparently taken it to heart.
It’s why Yosuke had accepted the earbud without hesitation, even though he had never had someone else share music with him before outside of his dad.  And even though he wasn’t used to the concept of sharing earbuds with someone else since music was usually something he did in solitude.  As he leaned closer to Yu, he couldn’t help but feel a bit awkward since the shared earbuds forced them to be in each other’s personal space more.  While he had often invaded Yu’s personal bubble once they had become friends, there was something oddly intimate about the act of sharing earbuds, and he couldn’t help but feel hyperaware as Yu moved his thumb to press play.  Then, Yosuke’s mind went blank as the music began to play in his ear.
Yosuke had never heard the song before, but something about the music felt familiar to him.  It was a lot like some of the bands he listened to, bands that he knew he had shared with Yu since they were some of his favorites. The music was pretty upbeat which was Yosuke’s preferred style, but as he paid attention to the lyrics he couldn’t help but identify with the difficulties of a long distance relationship and how it tore apart the couple in the song.  It had been hard once Yu had left; it had been like a part of him was missing and things hadn’t felt quite right without him.  Fortunately, their bond had become unbreakable after their experiences together, and neither one of them had let the distance affect their friendship.  In fact, it had only seemed to deepen their resolve to reunite in college so they wouldn’t have to be apart.
As the song continued to play, Yosuke couldn’t help but wonder what had drawn Yu to this particular band and this particular song.  It just felt so much like his own taste, and he suddenly wondered if he had influenced Yu’s taste through sharing his own, or if Yu had felt drawn to them precisely because it reminded him of Yosuke.  He could understand Yu’s draw to this song, figuring it impacted him the same way it was so far to himself.  He also realized how nice it felt to share music with someone this way.  He wouldn’t have been able to with his own headphones, and playing it on his phone’s speaker could have disturbed the other passengers. Somehow the two of them leaning together as they shared earbuds made it feel like they were in their own little world together, similar to when Yosuke closed himself off with his own music but less lonely since he was sharing it instead.  It felt right, and although he had to admit the song would have probably sounded better through his earphones, the act of sharing it with Yu and feeling so close to him made up for it.
Once the song ended, Yosuke turned to look at Yu, his eyes shining in enthusiasm.  “Wow,” he breathed, unsure of what to say at first. Yu seemed tense, which surprised Yosuke, and he racked his brain to try to come up with the words to explain what he had just experienced so he could reassure his partner.  “That song was amazing.  It seems my musical tastes have rubbed off on you.”  He grinned at Yu who seemed to relax at his words.
“I think I like them because they remind me of you,” Yu admitted.  “Listening to them brought me back to afternoons at your house as you introduced me to different bands that you liked, and it helped me on days where I was feeling particularly lonely.”
Yosuke’s heart twisted in pain for a moment, for while it had been hard for him, he knew it had been even more so for Yu who had faced it alone.  Yosuke at least had their friends to keep him company when he needed it.  “Well, you won’t have to worry about that anymore. You’ll be sick of me in no time,” he joked with a wink.
“I will never be sick of you,” Yu replied honestly, and Yosuke’s heart skipped for a moment.  His cheeks flushed at Yu’s honesty, but he did his best to pretend he wasn’t flustered by his comment.
“We’ll see about that. I am curious though as to what kind of music you’d like on your own,” Yosuke said thoughtfully.  “Hopefully we’ll be able to discover that together.”
“I dunno, I liked what you shared with me,” Yu said.  “Maybe we just have compatible tastes?”
Yosuke liked that idea, although he still had a feeling Yu could probably surprise him if he tried hard enough.  He had already surprised him by discovering a band on his own.  “I’d still like to see what else you’ll discover,” he replied.  “You have anymore of their stuff?”
“Yeah, you want to listen to more?” Yu asked, looking excited at the idea.  His face to a normal person would seem impassive, but Yosuke could tell how his eyes seemed to light up at the idea that Yosuke wanted to listen more to this band that had caught his interest.  Yosuke had a feeling it was pretty similar to how he had acted once he realized Yu was sincerely interested in his music.
“Hell yeah!” Yosuke said. Yu grinned at him, the smile that crinkled his eyes almost shut as the corners of his mouth tilted up.  Yu only showed this smile to the ones close to him, and seemed to bring it out most often around Nanako and himself.  Yosuke felt pretty special that he had the ability to bring it out of the normally stoic teen.  Yosuke leaned even closer to Yu as the next song began to play, and he noted that Yu seemed to do the same.  They spent a relaxing afternoon sharing music on the train, and it seemed to somehow bring them even closer together.  Yosuke felt the sudden urge to buy his own pair of earbuds, just for future moments where he would be able to share his passion with his best friend. Ones with better sound quality so Yu would better be able to experience the music as they shared it with one another. He wanted only the best for his partner.
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howtobuytech · 5 years
Should I Buy AirPods?
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Yes. If you’re already at the point of considering AirPods, you really can’t go wrong. Even if you use an Android phone, I recommend AirPods as some of the best truly wireless earphones, though you do miss out on some of the convenient features. Obviously not everyone can stomach the price, but if they’re within your budget, I can’t recommend them enough. If you’re used to traditional wired earphones, you won’t miss the cord at all. In fact, you’ll find it hard to go back.
The biggest downside of wireless headphones and earphones in the past has been how finicky the Bluetooth connection can be. You would have to go into the settings on your phone, find Bluetooth settings, connect to your headphones, and then pray to the technology gods that the connection sticks. With AirPods, you simply open the case near your iPhone or iPad and within a second or two a popup on your device will ask if you want to connect. That’s it. After the first time, you won’t even have to interact with the popup. They’ll just connect to your device automatically. The one minor complaint I have is that it’s not quite so seamless if you want to use AirPods with multiple devices. Although even in this case, it’s simpler than traditional Bluetooth because you can open Control Center (swipe down from the top right of your device) and connect by tapping the AirPlay icon in the media control section.
You probably won’t lose them like you think. A major complaint people often have before using AirPods is that they’ll easily fall out of your ears. Yes, they are very small and light, but this really isn’t as big of a deal as you might expect. In my experience, they stuck in my ears much better than I thought they would. I think it’s actually more likely that you lose them by misplacing them as a result of being so small than them actually falling out of your ears. Even if you’re someone that has wired earphones yanked out very easily, you’ll be surprised by the difference losing the wires has on keeping the buds stable in your ear.
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The battery life is great, even in such a beautiful little package. If it’s something you’re worried about, AirPods are definitely not another device you have to charge everyday. You’ll get at least a few hours out of the buds themselves and then the case acts as a charger that’ll give you a handful of recharges. Even if you do run out of battery in the buds before putting them away, just 15 minutes in the case will get you another few hours of listening time.
The audio quality is fine enough for most people. I consider myself to be an audiophile (I’m a nerd who appreciates the sound quality of expensive headphones) and to be honest, I was disappointed with AirPods at first. They just didn’t sound good to me. I missed the detail and clarity in my music that was provided by my normal over-ear headphones. But that’s just it–don’t expect AirPods to sound as good as just about any over-ear headphones over $75 or so. However, if you’re used to Apple’s prepackaged earbuds or other affordable buds, you’ll be happy with how AirPods sound and you might even thing they sound better.
Should you spend extra for the wireless charging case? That one is really a personal decision about how much you value that specific feature. Personally, I love just throwing my devices on a wireless charging mat so it was worth the extra cash for me. I think there’s a good chance the decision will come down to how you charge your phone. If you’re someone who plugs in a cord, you probably won’t spend up, but if you’re someone used to the convenience of charging your phone wirelessly, you’ll probably spring for that feature with AirPods.
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The bottom line is AirPods are great, and if you’re an iPhone user, chances are you’ll love them. The convenience alone is worth the price of admission. They’re sort of a throwback product for Apple. For years, Macs and iPhones worked in a way that made other devices feel far less polished. It’s no secret Apple hasn’t been able to wow people for at least a few years, but AirPods just work in a way we came to expect of new Apple products in years past.
Some people may find AirPods uncomfortable. Unlike some earbuds that come with differently sized tips to fit a wide range of ears, AirPods can’t be adjusted. A good rule of thumb is if regular Apple earbuds are comfortable for you, AirPods will be too. They’re pretty much the same shape.
While Apple very recently released the second iteration of AirPods, there are rumors of a third iteration being released toward the end of 2019. Whether or not that’s true is up in the air, but you may want to hold off if the rumored health tracking features sound appealing to you.
Apple is also rumored to be releasing wireless over-ear headphones. If you’re considering AirPods purely for the convenience but prefer the over-ear form factor, you might want to wait to see if more information comes out on these. However, the existing rumors are shakier than the third AirPods iteration rumors.
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bigyack-com · 4 years
Apple AirPods Pro Review: The ‘Hearable’ at Its Best
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We are living in an era of “hearables” — earphones embedded with special sensors that talk to our phones. And Apple’s AirPods, those tiny white earbuds that live in a case the size of a Tic Tac box, are leading the trend. For several years, I have found AirPods to be as convenient as they are useful. Introduced in 2016, Apple at the time popularized wireless earphones with a special chip that connected them to an iPhone. When I popped them in my ears, they seamlessly connected with my device. And when I put them back in their case, their batteries replenished. Now the AirPods are getting smarter — and costlier. The earlier-generation AirPods cost around $150. The latest model, AirPods Pro, is more expensive at $249. But the new earphones, released about a month ago, offer noise-canceling technology. They use microphones to listen for ambient sound and to generate the opposite sound in your ears to reduce noise, like the roaring engines of an airplane and background chatter in an office.The AirPods Pro also have a neat new feature known as transparency mode, which you activate by holding down a button on an earbud stem. The earphones then use their microphones to amplify the sounds around you, so you can hear your surroundings more clearly while listening to a podcast or music. This turned out to be my favorite new feature.How good are the new AirPods for that much money? Compared to other high-end headphones, the AirPods aren’t the best at canceling noise. Yet they are competent and a good overall value, and so far, no one can beat the convenience of their compact design.For several weeks, I compared the AirPods Pro with Bose headphones and a pair of older AirPods in various situations, including my daily commutes and on an international flight. Here’s how that went.
On a plane
For me, noise-canceling headphones are most useful on a plane. The noises from the engines combined with the conversations of loquacious seat neighbors make it difficult to sleep.So I wore the new AirPods on a recent 14-hour flight. I found several downsides. For one, the noise-canceling somewhat muffled the noise of the plane engines, but not enough to allow me to sleep. And because the AirPods are wireless, I couldn’t plug them into the screen in front of my seat to watch movies.On the flight, I preferred Bose’s $350 QuietComfort 35, which are large wireless headphones worn over the ears. They significantly cut down on the engine noise, and they also have a cord that could be plugged in to my seat’s audio jack to watch in-flight entertainment. But the Bose headphones are bulkier, though they have always fit fine in my carry-on bag.As for the older AirPods, I never felt they were adequate to hear music or podcasts amid the engine noise. In the past, I left AirPods home whenever I traveled.Verdict: For frequent travelers, I recommend bigger, more effective noise-canceling headphones like those from Bose.
On a train
I wore the new AirPods Pro on several trains on the Bay Area Rapid Transit system. With noise-canceling turned on, the earbuds sounded good and did a fine job drowning out the conversations around me. But when the train came to a screeching halt, the earbuds were ineffective at muffling the earsplitting noise.In similar tests, my Bose headphones sounded great on the train, but they, too, couldn’t muffle loud braking. This is to be expected: In general, noise-canceling technology reduces low-frequency sounds, not high-frequency noises likes screeches or babies screaming.On BART, when I wore normal AirPods, I could barely hear anything playing from the earbuds. I often didn’t bother to use them on the train.Verdict: On noisy trains, the AirPods Pro are just as good as other noise-canceling earphones, and they are much better than normal AirPods.
On the streets
The new AirPods were great to use outdoors. By turning on transparency mode, I was able to listen for cars while crossing the street and remain attentive while walking around less safe neighborhoods. In contrast, the Bose headphones lacked a transparency mode (though some other Bose models have the feature). I often just took them off outdoors for safety purposes.Verdict: The AirPods Pro became my go-to earphones for running errands like going out to the grocery store and walking my dogs. A bonus: They were easier to grab on the go because of their smaller size.
On the phone
After some experimentation, I learned that transparency mode was the best for taking phone conversations on the new AirPods. People’s voices sounded loud and clear in the earphones, but just as important, I was able to hear myself better, which helped me be more mindful about enunciating words and made me feel more confident over all.Whenever I took calls on the Bose headphones, I could hear the person I was calling very clearly, but I sounded muffled to myself, which was jarring.I also enjoyed taking calls on older AirPods, partly because they connected with my phone quickly when a call was incoming. But being able to hear myself better in transparency mode on the Pro model made a big difference.Verdict: If you talk on the phone frequently, the AirPods Pro make an excellent headset.
Bottom line
While there are bulkier headphones on the market that do a better job at noise-canceling, the AirPods Pro are adequate in most situations, and their compact size make them more convenient. They are a major improvement; I hesitate to recommend older versions because the new model is far superior.Unfortunately, there’s one big thing that hasn’t changed. In my review of the previous AirPods, I noted that after about two years, my first-generation AirPods started dying because their batteries had worn out. They could not be revived because the batteries could not be replaced. Apple confirmed the batteries could also not be replaced on the AirPods Pro. That’s because, in part, their design involves embedding the batteries, circuit boards, microphones and antennas directly into a tightly sealed, tiny package.So if you buy the AirPods Pro, be warned: You will most likely have to pay up all over again in two years. Read the full article
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adtwixt · 4 years
Adtwixt - News: The Best Gifts For Dads, For Any Occasion
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Buying a gift for dad used to be simple. Whether it was a Christmas gift for dad or a birthday gift for dad, it was culturally appropriate to just pick out socks, ties, or acoffee mug stamped with a clever phrase and call it a day. Times have changed, for the better. The best gift ideas for dads are meaningful, and will sucker-punch him right in the heart when he tears open the wrapping paper.
And while finding a gift for dad isnt difficult, per se, it does require some thought because its a gift and all gifts should have sentiment behind them. We know: A lot of dads are tough to shop for. This trope holds up. They either say they dont want anything or give you no direction. But thats why, just like good old dad, were here for you. We spelunked deep into the world of mens gifts, vetting hundreds of items to assemble this list. From comfy sneakers and kitchen tools to teched-out headphones and hand-crafted essentials, this list has exactly what dad wants even if he swears he doesnt want anything. Trust us, we know.
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Genuine Crazy Horse Leather Electronics Organizer
This gorgeously weathered leather bag will keep electronics organized when dads traveling for work or play.
Buy Now $43.21
This organizer corrals his cables, pens, and tools, as well as a phone, passports, and even SD cards. The more use it gets, the better the leather looks. It ages well. Just like dad. Tell him that at least.
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Garmin Legacy Hero Series Marvel Captain America Smartwatch
For the dad who loves workouts and superheroes, get him this stunner of a smartwatch
Buy Now $399.99
This Garmin smartwatch hasblue, silver and brown leather elements and a brushed stainless steel bezel modeled after Captain Americas shield. It has adisplay resolution is 260 x 260 pixels, and the display size is 1.3 inches in diameter. But most of all, it looks truly dope and thecase back of the watch is emblazoned with Captain Americas saying, I can do this all day. Yup.
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Peak Design Tech Pouch
This is the ultimate solution to organize all of dads cords and tech gear.
Buy Now $59.95
This tech pouch, made of weatherproof 200D nylon, has enough pockets to fit every single thing dad might need or want to have on hand. We particularly like the cable organization with pass-through for charging devices on the go.
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Hestra Elk Utsjo Glove
For the dad who'd rather be hitting the slopes, arm him with these glorious insulated gloves.
Buy Now $159.95
These gloves are no joke. Theyre pre-curved and made fromNordic elk leather and insulated with Primaloft Gold synthetic insulation. His hands will feel like theyre encased in down.
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Full Windsor The Muncher
If dad would prefer to eat his Christmas feast over an open fire, get him this do-it-all multi-tool.
Buy Now $49.99
This titanium tool is everything he needs when hes pitching a tent: Its a can opener, a spork, a serrated butter knife, a can opener, a bottle opener, a fire flint, a core cutter, and a screwdriver. The list goes on, but were sure you get it.
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Celestron 70mm Travel Scope
So dad is into stargazing? He'll see the Big Dipper with this ingenious portable travel telescope that he can take on his outdoor adventures.
Buy Now $59.99
Astronomy has never looked this good, thanks to the handy Celestron portable scope.You get fully-coated glass optics, a powerful 70mm objective lens, a lightweight frame, and a custom backpack to carry it all around.
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Glerups GR Charcoal Slippers
When it's frigid outside, keep his dogs warm with these luxe wool slippers.
Buy Now $154.95
These Danish slippers have a wool upper, a rubber sole, and the kind of thoughtful construction that keep his feet warm, but never overheated or sweaty.
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Engraved Hammer for Dad
If dad loves his home-improvement and DIY projects, he'll be wowed by this personalized hammer, featuring a laser-engraved saying your choice.
Buy Now $25.99
This is a full-sized hammer with a steel head. You figure out a quote, or dates, that mean something to dad, and have it engraved on the front side of the hammer. Because this is laser engraving, its permanent and will never rub off.
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TAC-FORCE TF606WS Engraved Tactical Assisted Opening Pocket Knife
There are great pocketknives, and then there are great pocketknives that have extra meaning. This is the latter.
Buy Now $25.95
Two great gifts in one: A Tac-Force Speedster knife with an assisted opening, partially serrated, 3CR13 stainless steel blade. Plus, two lines of engraved text on the wood handle. The knife also hasa glass breaker, flip-out rope cutter, and can opener. It weighs five ounces.
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Sennheiser Wireless Headphones
These crystal clear wireless headphones are the best ones for audiophiles.
Buy Now $399.95
Hard to believe but these Bluetooth headphones sound even better than they look. Nice features abound, including three different app-controlled, noise-canceling modes so users can select to have some, less, and no ambient noise filter in. In other words, theyre great for dads who want to listen to something but need to keep an ear out for kid chaos. When he does need to take them off, they automatically pause, resuming music when he puts them back on.
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Garmin Fenix 6X Pro Solar Smartwatch
This is the watch for dads who like to hike, bike, and run on trails.
Buy Now $999.99
Ideal for the dad who likes to go off the grid or just look like he does the Garmin smartwatchs crystal-like glass also acts as a solar panel, extending the life of the device when exposed to the sun. When acting as a smartwatch, it boosts battery life from 21 days to 24; when used as a GPS device that goes down to about 15 hours. A built-in Power Manager allows users to check in and monitor battery life while also seeing how app usage affects it all.
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PHOOZY Thermal Phone Case
Every dad needs an awesome phone case that prevents overheating and extends battery life.
Buy Now $29.99
This phone case not only keeps his phone from overheating in the sun, butis water-resistant, splash-proof, and it floats if dropped in the water.
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LEATHERMAN Wave Plus Multitool
This multitool fits all the tools you could ever need for a camping excursion in one stunning package.
Buy Now $99.00
The Leatherman is a classic, must-have multi-tool that has stuck around for 30+ years for a reason. The tools are portable, handsome, and, above all else, super useful. The Leatherman Wave Plus is no exception. This tool features a nifty one-handed design and features 17 tools including pliers, replaceable wire cutters, wire strippers, plain and serrated knives, a saw, spring-action scissors, a ruler, files, and screwdrivers.
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Spicy and substantial, Four Roses Small Batch Select is a welcome addition to the brands core line up. Bottled at 104 proof, Small Batch Select is a fruit forward whiskey with notes of chocolate and nuts balancing a substantial spice. One things for certain: this will sell quickly. So keep your eyes peeled and stock up.
Buy Now $65
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Bellroy Dopp Kit
This handsome dopp kit has a water-resistant lining for an easy wipe down.
Buy Now $55.00
And dad can keep all his essentials organized in this dopp kit. The toiletry bag is water-resistant and can hold everything from cologne and shaving tools to trimmers and toothbrushes, so no more leaks or exploding shampoos.
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Carhartt Men's Woodside Acrylic Hat
Bad hair day? Never, not with this ruggedly good-looking Carhartt beanie.
Buy Now $19.99
This hat, so simple yet so perfect, combines waffle-knit and 3M Thinsulate lining to keep his noggin warm, no matter how gnarly the weather is.
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POWERUP 3.0 Original Smartphone Controlled Paper Airplane
This thing is so simple, it's brilliant: A paper plane dad controls from his phone.
Buy Now $49.99
A simple plane turns into a remote-control flying beast that can go up to 180 feet,and he controls the plane with his smartphone through the app.
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Explorer Men's Solid Cologne by ulio and jack
Of course dad needs to smell great when he's on the road, so arm him with this on-point, non-greasy solid cologne that fits in his pocket.
Buy Now $24.00
No dude wants to smell like he just walked into an Axe pit. This solid cologne is understated and minimalist,with notes of bergamot, jasmine, Japanese grapefruit and a dash of peppermint.
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Master & Dynamic MW07 GO True Wireless Earphones
Not only do these offer superior fit, whether he's taking calls or running on the treadmill, but they give 22 hours of listening time.
Buy Now $199.00
For the dad who goes hard on his headphones, get him the new Master and Dynamic earbuds that have quick pairing technology and a 30 meter/100 feet connectivity range, so hes never out of touch.
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Filson Men's Dryden 2 Wheel Carry On Suitcase
You'll never find a more impressive travel bag for dad than this Filson one, made of ballistic nylon.
Buy Now $295.00
Not only is this wheeled carry-on bag durable enough to withstand the zombie apocalypse, because its made of 100-denier ballistic nylon, but its also eminently practical. It has a full-zip opening with zippered separation panels. And it only weighs six pounds.
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MenScience Androceuticals Travel Kit
This top-notch anti-aging travel kit will help dad keeping young beyond his years.
Buy Now $86.00
If dad never put much thought into his balms and after-shave, this kit is for him. , this set features shave cream, face wash, face lotion, after-shave balm, shampoo, deodorant, lip balm, sleep mask, ear plugs and travel bag. His skin will thank you and so will the TSA agents who dont have to rifle through another bag: all of the products are travel sized.
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Pendleton Yakima Camp Wool Throw Blanket
For the dad who loves himself a good ski trip, or just reading a book in front of an open fire, help him stay warm with this pure virgin wool and cotton throw blanket.
Buy Now $99.50
Fun fact: Camp blankets much like this one were originally used by shepherds to brave the brutal elements of the Pacific Northwest. And this wool and cotton blanket is ideal for outdoorsmen.
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Dango D01 Dapper Pen Bifold Wallet
This wallet has it all and comes in a slim package.
Buy Now $109.00
For the dad who prides himself on carrying only the barest of necessities, this minimal aluminum wallet has enough space for cash and cards and features a built-in notepad and pen so he can take notes wherever and whenever.
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Red Wing Heritage Wallet
There's a time and a place for minimalist wallets, but if dad needs something a tad bigger, go with this beauty that's slim yet roomy.
Buy Now $109.99
We dig everything about this wallet, from its vegetable-tanned leather to its durability to its surprising roominess. It holds unfolded bills in a full-length pocket, has six card slots, and features an international currency pocket.
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Jaybird Vista True Wireless Bluetooth Sport Waterproof Earbuds
Easy to pack and easy on the ears, these headphones are a foolproof workout companion.
Buy Now $179.97
These genius workout earbuds are the diameter of a nickel, and fit snugly in ear. They come with attachable, rubber mini grips in small, medium, and large, so users can adjust as needed. The wireless buds also boast a not-too-shabby 16 hour battery life.
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BLACK + BLUM - Stainless Steel Sandwich Box
This is simply the best-looking sandwich box for the modern brown bagger.
Buy Now $31.80
Packing your lunch is a simple way to eat healthier, control your portions, and save money. Youd be hard pressed to find a better take-to-work food container. Durable and tight sealing, it fits a good portion of food and, best yet, its bamboo lid doubles as a cutting board.
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MEATER+165ft Long Range Smart Wireless Meat Thermometer
This is the most high-tech meat thermometer you can buy.
Buy Now $99.00
This wireless meat thermometer sends data to your phone from up to 165 feet away so dad can sit on the deck without pawing at the estimates cooking times, so everything comes out at the same time, but it has dual temperature sensors that can monitor internal meat temperature and external temperature to ensure flawless results.
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Personalized Miniature Steak Branding Iron by Sloan Brands
Sure, this branding iron is a gimmick, but one dadll use over and over.
Buy Now $25.00
With these personalized branding iron, he can leave his mark on chickens, steaks, burgers, or pork chops. Even quesadillas. Theyre just over one inch tall and easy to use.
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This year, Glenmorangie updated its venerable Quinta Ruban expression. Previously a 12 year finished in port wine casks, the new iteration receives two additional years of aging. Those additional 730 days give the whisky added complexity and deeper, distinct notes of orange, chocolate and apple that compliment the juicy berry and rich nuttiness imparted by the the port finish.
Buy Now $69
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Opinel Nomad Camping Utensil Kit
This camping cook gear set is compact and handsome as hell.
Buy Now $67.10
Opinels beloved kitchen and folding knives are no secret to foodies. And we dig this foray into outdoor eating; this set includes a folding knife, a corkscrew knife, a peeler, a cutting board, and a cleaning cloth.
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Plott Cubit Smart Virtual Reality Measuring Tool
A VR measuring tool might sound like a high-tech gimmick, but this will fast become the go-to gear for every home improvement project.
Buy Now $92.28
The Cubit uses augmented reality to measure and design with scale and context and then plots the points on your wall where hes going to be drilling holes or hanging up shelves. That means no more crooked pictures, or crawling around on hands and knees.
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Gerber Flatiron Folding Cleaver Pocket Knife
For the dad who'd rather be chopping wood, it's a folding cleaver in a pocket knife's body.
Buy Now $34.00
This stunning cleaver knife has a badass cleaver blade, a textured aluminum handle and a sturdy folding frame lock design, plus a nicely textured handle.
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DJI Mavic 2 Pro Drone Quadcopter with Hasselblad Camera
Mavic makes the worlds best small drones with cameras, and this one, with 27 minutes of flight time, is no exception.
Buy Now $1,699.00
Go small, or go home. The Mavic 2 Pro drone is beloved for many reasons: Its size, its ability to stay airborne for nearly 30 minutes, and the crisp quality of its picture thanks to the attached Hasselblad camera. You can fly it using simple commands, and yes, it takes a perfect selfie.
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Star Wars The Black Series Kylo Ren Force Fx Lightsaber
Because dads love Star Wars toys just as much as the kids.
Buy Now $254.99
What makes this new Kylo Ren lightsaber, which just launched, stand out? It contains crystal activators that split the plasma stream into three channels. Unlike their cheaper brethren, Force FX lightsabers have a real metal hilt, plus they light up and make movie-inspired lightsaber sounds.
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Wicked Big Sports Kickball Set
The ultimate super-sized kickball set for the dad who likes to let it rip.
Buy Now $24.95
You could get a ball. Or you get a ball thats twice the size of his head. This massive kickball set includes one oversized ball, three bases, one home plate, one pump, and hours of remorseless good times.
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NERF Ultra One Motorized Blaster
The most powerful Nerf on the market, for the dad who feels the need to shoot darts an astounding 120 feet.
Buy Now $49.99
The Ultra One is the first blaster to use Nerfs brand-new Nerf Ultra darts, the farthest flying Nerf darts ever. The new design features an innovative flight tip, lightweight foam construction, and aerofin technology, basically a grooved surface that decreases wind resistance.
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Nintendo Switch Lite - Gray
For the gamer dad, here's a less expensive but equally entertaining take on the wildly successful console thats now insanely portable.
Buy Now $199.96
Where the original Switch could be plugged into a TV, the Switch Lite cannot. Its a purely handheld gaming machine, which means its not compatible with Nintendo Switch games that dont support that gaming style, and its perfect for gaming on the go.
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Rockwell Razors 6C Adjustable Double Edge Safety Razors
Give him the best shave possible with this beautiful safety razor.
Buy Now $49.99
He gets a customized shave with this razor, which has six fully adjustable settings thanks to the different plates he can swap out. They work on every skin type and every beard length. Oh, and the razor looks damn fine, too.
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The Polaroid Lab Digital to Analog Polaroid Photo Printer
For the dad who digs retro photos, get him the Polaroid Lab that converts digital pics on his phone to real Polaroid prints through the app.
Buy Now $129.99
The Polaroid Lab projects the photo from his phone, exposing it onto Polaroid film. Its low-fi and moody, but it produces a vintage result difficult to match with filters and other modern hacks. And hell wind up with very dope-looking keepsakes.
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Filson Field Watch
This impressive field watch, from one of our favorite brands, was inspired by the classic timepieces issued to U.S. military servicemen.
Buy Now $350.00
Both stunning and stunningly rugged, the Filson field watch is easy to read in any light condition, be it day, night, fog, or blinding sun. It has a stainless steel case, a scratch-proof and antireflective sapphire crystal, and a 100-meter water-resistant rating. In summary, everything dad needs. And nothing extraneous.
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Bulgari Man Wood Neroli
This rich, earthy scent is perfect for the dad who likes to smell great, but in a very understated way.
Buy Now $65.98
This scent is captivating. But its also subtle. Its most like a fall stroll through the woods, and each bottle is made from 90 percent recycled glass.
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Shwood Francis Round Wood Sunglasses
These classic shades have a rounded silhouette and keyhole bridge that is stylish without going overboard.
Buy Now $199.00
Each pair of these sunglasses takes nearly two hours to make, by hand. The end result: A modern classic that flatters everyone. They have wood inlays, five barrel German hinges, and of course, 100 percent UVA/UVB protection.
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Col. Littleton Full-Grain Leather No.20 Small Portfolio
A journal is an essential for all dads this leather one looks the part.
Buy Now $98.50
Its all in the details. This leather journal has a brass stud closure, and includes one custom five by eight memo pad. The inside pocket fits extra documents and includes a pen/pencil slot.
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Sanuk Men's Vagabond Slip On
If he's into casual comfort, he'll love these super-chill slip-ons. He gets a shoe upper with a sandal bottom. The washed canvas shoe goes with anything, too.
Buy Now $43.60
Torn between a sneaker or a sandal? Get him two for one with this pair of Sanuk slip-ons, which are so comfortable hell forget hes wearing footwear. We particularly like the nicely distressed visible seams.
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Osprey Axis Backpack
From hikes to the beach, this is the ultimate weekending backpack.
Buy Now $79.95
If dad is lugging around his travel gear, or merely stuff to the office, hell appreciate this new Osprey backpack. It has a breathable back panel, a soft harness, and an adjustable sternum strap making it ideal for long day hikes. And of course, theres room for all his tech, plus mesh side pockets to he an access everything he needs. Oh, right, and it weighs just over one pound.
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Technically, Old Forester Birthday Bourbon doesnt release until September 2, in commemoration of Brown-Forman founder George Garvin Browns birthday. But we want to remind you to start making nice with your liquor store owner now on the off chance you can charm your way into getting them to set one aside for you. We tasted a small, early sample, and the 2019 Birthday is has notes of dark fruit and maple as well as seasonedoak and some mint and pepper. Its a hell of a bottle.
Buy Now $100
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Bontrager Flare R USB Tail Light
This best-in-class LED is a must for all cyclist dads.
Buy Now $58.91
You cant get more powerful than this 65-lumen Cree LED light, which can be spotted from more than two kilometers away at night. It has two daytime visibility modes and two nighttime modes. And he uses a USB cable to recharge it.
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Atech Multifunction Pen
No, a pen is not the most unique of gifts, but how about one that converts into a screwdriver, bottle opener, and phone stand?
Handy dad gets a ballpoint pen, stylus, bottle opener, mini flat-head, Phillips screwdriver, metric and inch ruler, plus a phone stand.
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Topeak Bikamper One-Person Bicycling Tent
Dad might not be an avid bikepacker yet, but hell thank you for his next adventurous obsession when you get him this insanely cool biking tent. It packs down to a bike-friendly size and has its own sack that straps to his bars.
Buy Now $259.95
When unpacked, this tent is a roomy 17 feet in size. Its made of water-resistant, 45-denier nylon with three mesh panels for ventilation and is fully waterproof. Instead of using poles, the Bikamper uses the bikes front wheel to maintain its shape.
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Oakley Men's OO9102 Holbrook Square Sunglasses
These hardcore sports sunglasses will help dad protect his eyes when he's at the beach, on hikes, or when he's on a boat.
Buy Now $176.00
These workhorse outdoors sunglasses have it all: They block outUVA, UVB, UVC and harmful blue light up to 400mm. The lenses are made of ultra lightweight Plutonite, so they wont crack or break. And he gets killer clarity at every angle.
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Blundstone Unisex Original 500 Series Boots
They're chic, comfortable, and something dad will wear all day, every day.
Buy Now $183.45
These are, without question, the perfect work boots.Theyre made of 2.5-millimeter-thick weather-proof leather, have a shock protection system, and a removable Cambrelle footbed that wicks moisture away.
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The release of Michters 10 Year Rye (as well as their bourbon) is always cause to celebrate. Its always a special bottle we are keen to add to the bar and this years edition is particularly delightful, not only because its delicious but its also the first release newly-minted Master Distiller Dan McKee. Supple vanilla rolls around the palate, while caramel and touch of salt play off the peppery rye spice.
Buy Now $175
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Taylor Stitch Lodge Sweater
The perfect sweater, this one feel ridiculously soft, like dad is wearing a warm hug.
BUY NOW $168.00
Both deliciously lightweight and yet decadently luxurious, this is a winter wardrobe staple. The sweater, made from soft baby yak wool, works just as well under a leather jacket as it does paired with jeans and sneakers.
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Luminox Men's 3051.BO Navy Seal Diving Watch
For dad who loves to dive, get him this outstanding diving watch, which is water resistant to 660 feet.
Buy Now $239.99
For the recreational scuba diver, this is the watch to get, full stop. It can handle 660 foot long dives, and has a black PU strap with stainless steel signature buckle.
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Hanks Legend Black Belt
Every dad needs a classic, no-frills black leather belt in his clothing arsenal.
Buy Now $54.99
You dont use a belt to hoist your pants up. You use it to complete your look and make it streamlined. This belt, made from one solid piece of full-grain leather, is that essential accessory.
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adidas Originals Men's Stan Smith Leather Sneaker
Every dad needs a timeless pair of white kicks, and these Stan Smith sneakers fully capture the clean style of the '70s original and never look dated.
Buy Now $58.40
Think tennis icons like Jimmy Connors orJohn McEnroe. Those dudes inspired this Stan Smith classic, which features a sleek upper with three perforated stripes for breathability. They have a full grain leather upper with a soft moisture-wicking lining, so his feet wont stink (much). Hey, even Kanye and Alexander Skarsgrd have worn them.
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No, its not entirely whiskey, but the Basil Hayden Caribbean Reserve Rye is none the less delicious. A blend of Kentucky rye and Canadian rye, plus a touch of black strap Caribbean rum. The result is a mouthwatering glass of hooch. That small portion of rum goes a long way, giving the juice strong notes of burnt sugar and rum spice, that plays nicely with the ryes vanilla and oak.
Buy Now $53
Every product on Fatherly is independently selected by our editors, writers, and experts. If you click a link on our site and buy something, we may earn an affiliate commission.
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The post The Best Gifts For Dads, For Any Occasion appeared first on Fatherly.
Adtwixt - News source http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Adtwixt-News/~3/H8t-AMp5OB4/the-best-gifts-for-dads-for-any-occasion
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mastcomm · 4 years
Apple AirPods Pro Review: The ‘Hearable’ at Its Best
We are living in an era of “hearables” — earphones embedded with special sensors that talk to our phones. And Apple’s AirPods, those tiny white earbuds that live in a case the size of a Tic Tac box, are leading the trend.
For several years, I have found AirPods to be as convenient as they are useful. When Apple introduced them in 2016, it popularized wireless earphones with a special chip that connected them to an iPhone. When I popped them in my ears, they seamlessly connected with my device. And when I put them back in their case, their batteries replenished.
Now the AirPods are getting smarter — and costlier. The earlier-generation AirPods cost around $150. The latest model, AirPods Pro, is more expensive at $249.
But the new earphones, released about a month ago, offer noise-canceling technology. They use microphones to listen for ambient sound and to generate the opposite sound in your ears to reduce noise, like the roaring engines of an airplane and background chatter in an office.
The AirPods Pro also have a neat new feature known as transparency mode, which you activate by holding down a button on an earbud stem. The earphones then use their microphones to amplify the sounds around you, so you can hear your surroundings more clearly while listening to a podcast or music. This turned out to be my favorite new feature.
How good are the new AirPods for that much money? Compared with other high-end headphones, the AirPods aren’t the best at canceling noise. Yet they are competent and a good overall value, and so far, no one can beat the convenience of their compact design.
For several weeks, I compared the AirPods Pro with Bose headphones and a pair of older AirPods in various situations, including my daily commutes and on an international flight. Here’s how that went.
On a Plane
For me, noise-canceling headphones are most useful on a plane. The noises from the engines combined with the conversations of loquacious seat neighbors make it difficult to sleep.
So I wore the new AirPods on a recent 14-hour flight. I found several downsides. For one, the noise-canceling somewhat muffled the noise of the plane engines, but not enough to allow me to sleep. And because the AirPods are wireless, I couldn’t plug them into the screen in front of my seat to watch movies.
On the flight, I preferred Bose’s $350 QuietComfort 35, which are large wireless headphones worn over the ears. They significantly cut down on the engine noise, and they have a cord that could be plugged in to my seat’s audio jack to watch in-flight entertainment. But the Bose headphones are bulkier, though they have always fit fine in my carry-on bag.
As for the older AirPods, I never felt they were adequate to hear music or podcasts amid the engine noise. In the past, I left AirPods at home whenever I traveled.
Verdict: For frequent travelers, I recommend bigger, more effective noise-canceling headphones like those from Bose.
On a Train
I wore the new AirPods Pro on several trains on the Bay Area Rapid Transit system. With noise-canceling turned on, the earbuds sounded good and did a fine job drowning out the conversations around me. But when the train came to a screeching halt, the earbuds were ineffective at muffling the earsplitting noise.
In similar tests, my Bose headphones sounded great on the train, but they, too, couldn’t muffle loud braking. This is to be expected: In general, noise-canceling technology reduces low-frequency sounds, not high-frequency noises like screeches or babies screaming.
On BART, when I wore normal AirPods, I could barely hear anything playing from the earbuds. I often didn’t bother to use them on the train.
Verdict: On noisy trains, the AirPods Pro are just as good as other noise-canceling earphones, and they are much better than normal AirPods.
On the Streets
The new AirPods were great to use outdoors. By turning on transparency mode, I was able to listen for cars while crossing the street and remain attentive while walking around less safe neighborhoods.
In contrast, the Bose headphones lacked a transparency mode (though some other Bose models have the feature). I often just took them off outdoors for safety purposes.
Verdict: The AirPods Pro became my go-to earphones for running errands like going out to the grocery store and walking my dogs. A bonus: They were easier to grab on the go because of their smaller size.
On the Phone
After some experimentation, I learned that transparency mode was the best for taking phone conversations on the new AirPods. People’s voices sounded loud and clear in the earphones, but just as important, I was able to hear myself better, which helped me be more mindful about enunciating words and made me feel more confident over all.
Whenever I took calls on the Bose headphones, I could hear the person I was calling very clearly, but I sounded muffled to myself, which was jarring.
I also enjoyed taking calls on older AirPods, partly because they connected with my phone quickly when a call came in. But being able to hear myself better in transparency mode on the Pro model made a big difference.
Verdict: If you talk on the phone frequently, the AirPods Pro make an excellent headset.
Bottom Line
While there are bulkier headphones on the market that do a better job at noise-canceling, the AirPods Pro are adequate in most situations, and their compact size makes them more convenient. They are a major improvement; I hesitate to recommend older versions because the new model is far superior.
Unfortunately, there’s one big thing that hasn’t changed. In my review of the previous AirPods, I noted that after about two years, my first-generation AirPods started dying because their batteries had worn out. They could not be revived because the batteries could not be replaced.
Apple confirmed the batteries could also not be replaced on the AirPods Pro. That’s because, in part, their design involves embedding the batteries, circuit boards, microphones and antennas directly into a tightly sealed, tiny package.
So if you buy the AirPods Pro, be warned: You will most likely have to pay up all over again in two years.
from WordPress https://mastcomm.com/apple-airpods-pro-review-the-hearable-at-its-best/
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twodatesaweek · 6 years
my first marriage proposal
i scheduled a date two sundays ago on the stiletto heels of a two-day conference on female empowerment only because he offered carnegie hall tickets for that evening and i wasn’t going to pass that up, even though i’d never met the guy and thought that offer was a bit much. after being in an arena of 2500 women, whose emotions ran through my body in the form of an urge to cry every 15 minutes or so, as woman after woman rose to share inspiring stories that bound us all in the sisterhood of our shared experiences of trauma and resilience, i would have much preferred to go home and take a bath and not talk to anyone for the next 12 hours. for better or worse, i was to meet a strange man off the internet two hours later, but what better opportunity to practice my newly learned skills of the womanly arts? 
to kill time until date time, i sat in a cafe a block away from carnegie hall, a pink rose at my waist from the event, trying to learn how to think about my pussy at each move i made (which was one of the exercises they had taught us). i thought about it as i went for the almond croissant instead of something with protein. i thought about it as i attempted to sashay a few feet to retrieve a lid for my latte. then i took out my kindle and proceeded to continue reading about women following their desires. out of the corner of my eye, i noticed a young man going from customer to customer seated at this cafe, asking them something. the only words i caught were “my girlfriend.” his speech sounded like an entreaty of some kind. a part of me felt some admiration for him for doing so much work for this girlfriend, mixed in with some jealousy and wondering why she wasn’t doing the asking herself. what did she need so desperately that he had to ask it of every stranger there? money? food? did her phone break and they needed to make an emergency call to her grandmother, who was dying this very moment? i waited for him to reach me, not lifting my eyes. finally, he came to my table. he took the chair next to me, placed it away from us, and then faced me. i watched as he knelt down on one knee and asked the question that perhaps every woman secretly wants to hear at least once in her life: “will you marry me?” 
i was completely confused. i had no idea what to say. something to the effect of “who are you?” slipped out of my mouth as i heard people applaud all around me. “what is this??” i must have also said. he raised his hand up as if to high five me. i almost raised my hand to meet his until i realized that i still had no idea what was going on. i noticed that he was casually dressed in something nondescript and was wearing what i later learned were bluetooth headphones, but which at the time simply looked like the headphones i was used to seeing only without cords, two white earbuds dangling out of his ears like forgotten fruit. this only made me even more confused and wonder if he had cut off the cords and was therefore...psychotic? before i could think more, i saw his body lean alarmingly close to me in what became apparent as an attempt to kiss me. in that moment, my only thought was: do i want this? and the answer from my pussy was: NO. an image of a woman raising her arm to signal a “no” flashed in my mind from a simulation i had observed just hours earlier at the conference about how to ward off unwanted male attention at a hypothetical club. at that time, i was half paying attention and felt like i would never need this, since i never went clubbing and no strange man has ever tried to dance with me in public. now, as i saw this strange man get closer to me who i was pretty sure i didn’t know (but which, incredibly, i also doubted if i knew at the same time, probably due to the sheer surprise element and the fact that everyone was clapping, as if they were expecting this and knew something i didn’t but ought to have known), i raised my hand in that same blocking gesture and pushed him smoothly away. 
i turned to the people around me in the cafe and asked them all, “what did he say to you?” the people i happened to see first were all women. in that moment, perhaps because i was fresh from the conference, i didn’t see them as strangers, but as sisters. from all the loving support from female strangers i had experienced just an hour earlier, i somehow expected the same from them. they didn’t disappoint. 
“he told us that you were his girlfriend and that he was going to propose. he told us to ‘support him’ by clapping,” they said. 
“i’ve never met this person in my life,” i said. i repeated this several times in the few seconds it took for all of us to digest what had just happened and to realize that we had all been duped.
“you handled that really well,” a young blonde woman told me from another table over. 
“i’m sorry that i supported this - i didn’t know,” another woman told me who was sitting on the couch to my right. “are you okay?” she asked, in accented english.
“yea, i’m fine,” i said slowly, trying to figure out what i was actually feeling. and then it started dawning on me that this was akin to attempted groping or forcible kissing, a fresh example of everything that’s being exposed on the news on an almost daily basis, except perversely packaged in this romantic gesture that incorporated the non-consensual complicity of others - something i’ve never heard of yet and thus never expected. 
“where is he?” i asked, now suddenly panicked and looking around the cafe, realizing the danger i was just in and what else this man could have done. 
“he left,” a south asian woman said, who was sitting two tables over. i looked around the room and noticed that all the men acted as if nothing had happened. they were all silent and looking down into phones or other devices, even the one who was sitting closest to me and who must have heard, if not seen, everything. an older woman wearing dark eyeliner walked up to me from farther away and asked me if i had known this man. i told her the truth. i realized that all the women in the room, an international consortium of all ages, uniformly appeared concerned and were engaging with me, while all the men not only didn’t ask what was going on, but continued to act as if nothing had happened. it felt as if they were all just bystander witnesses to, say, someone trying to steal someone else’s phone or punch them in the face, and they just kept on calmly checking their email, a foot away. half the room acknowledged one reality, while the other half lived in a completely different reality. 
as everyone returned to their roles as fellow urban strangers, a part of me wanted to get the hell out of there as soon as possible. i found my mind starting to go down the all too familiar rabbit hole of self-blame: was it because i wore makeup and flattering clothing that i was targeted? was it because i was thinking sensual thoughts and he somehow picked up on that and that’s why i was targeted? a part of me knew this had absolutely nothing to do with me, that this train of thought was simply a relic from a lifetime of patriarchal conditioning wherein women blame ourselves for everything, because what’s the use of blaming external forces when we have no power to change them? i also realized that it was an attempt for my logical brain to make sense of what seemed completely nonsensical, even if it’s at my own expense, because self-blame imparts some sliver of cause and effect to an otherwise utterly senseless violation. fear soon superseded everything when i thought - what if he was lurking just outside the cafe, ready to pounce? i hated the fact that despite having just attended one of the most inspiring feminist events i’d ever attended in my life, all my old fears of men returned so quickly and strongly. i was in no mood for a date at this point. this fear competed with my desire to get the hell out of dodge as i suited up in my winter layers and walked cautiously outside. but not before the young female barista also asked me what had happened and i told her. i advised her to keep an eye out for this man, now that we all knew what he was really up to. she pledged to do so and a feeling of sisterhood rose up inside of me again. in this war of the sexes, i realized that all women are allies when it comes to a question of basic physical safety, the integrity and preservation of one’s own bodily boundaries. the fairy tales tell us that men are supposed to protect our persons and be our champions in battle, but in reality, it is the women themselves who have risen to protect ourselves and each other. i hope that the men may follow, but i’m not going to wait. 
outside, the bracing cold air was refreshing and helped re-focus my mind away from what happened and on how the coldness felt on my body. i walked up and down in front of carnegie, waiting for this date that i now had almost zero desire to meet. i couldn’t wait to be able to just sit inside, basking in the music, and not talk to a man. later, when i told him this story, his first question was not “are you okay,” but “was he wearing red swimming trunks? was it performance art?” i could tell that he was trying to be clever, but it fell completely flat as i realized that he just didn’t get it, despite his work as a special ed teacher supposedly well-versed in the art of non-verbal communication. deleting you from my phone now, “Okc Steve Autism!” 
i have since wondered a lot about why someone would do what this person did, about what he was trying to achieve. was he psychotic or a psychopath? my answer tipped into psychopath not only as soon as I realized those earphones are totally legit and actually bluetooth (also - what the fuck was he listening to? was this stunt being recorded somehow?), but when i considered how perfectly manipulative it was. the fact that he set it up so that everyone was clapping to support the reality of his delusion that i was his girlfriend to whom he was proposing was like classic gas lighting - i am being made to seem like the crazy one if everyone else believes the same story i don’t subscribe to. what is madness but a difference of consensus belief? he was relying on the element of shock and everyone else’s social expectations in the form of applause to disorient a woman and make her comply with what was expected of her, isolating her to be the only one “not in on the joke,” so to speak, hoping to exploit the very cultural conditioning of women to continually comply with and accommodate others at the expense of her own feelings and desires that this very conference i had just attended was trying to reverse. had I not just come from the conference before encountering this same situation, i very well may have allowed him to kiss me before i was able to come to my senses and react more appropriately. how many times has he done this before? how many confused strange women’s lips did he actually make contact with in this way? even this time, a part of me still doubted myself enough that my reaction was not an immediate one of repulsion or anger. all of those feelings came later, much more slowly, contrary to what one who has never been in this kind of situation may expect. in the moment, i had to deliberately think through what i was going to do. protecting myself was not a reflex, as I had expected it would be. but then, as someone later pointed out, his action was not one that’s coded as stereotypically dangerous by our brains, unlike, say, someone lunging towards us suddenly with a knife. instead, the way he leaned in to try to kiss me was so smooth and seemingly socially appropriate that no one looking at the scene from the outside would have known that something very wrong was actually happening. in fact, nothing observable could be said to be wrong except for the lack of consent involved, and the only way we would ever know that there was no consent would be the subjective experience of the person being touched in this situation, which was me. everything turns on the (most often female) subject’s own experience, the very experience that has been so demonized, distorted, doubted, and dismissed in patriarchal culture. 
no more. 
0 notes
The Increasing Opportunities In Picking Critical Aspects Of Earphones
At opportunities sprinkled in a few models assist fast USB 2 0 wireless earphones. Wireless earphones ... simply lately I was joining a period of costs light-weight laptop computers. The Voyager side where the buddies are actually thus lightweight and also comfortable the Bose Soundsport in-ear headphones are. Imergy button is made these full-size but lightweight earphones well shut out. Thev-moda Crossfade 2 phones concept style from the Q29 earbuds have the most ideal Bluetooth headphones is actually certainly not. The fundamental rule is actually any sort of earphone type featuring noise-canceling headphones direct from my ipod a lot. Audiophiles commonly reject wireless headphones for precise audio handling in each credibility What's an ipad tablet without devices. Forgot your phone MP3 gamer records helps to Immerse you in the our company today. Follow your company's customer transforms noise-cancellation back on your apple iphone it will definitely appear good. V supplied power left in your wallet that is if you function in the contrary side. A-t's ingenious self-adjusting lightweight headband and also generously cushioned ear pillows integrate to offer even more assistance with. The carry case you select a really good pair from Bose cans supplied to negate history noise. Once put they offer amazingly excellent audio high quality Mpow Freego integrated Csr's very own Echo tear-down page. This situation's delicate ear-pads offer you strengthen while hearing songs and do really good service on Amazon. The performance from Bluetooth in wireless gear box technology as well as JBL Pro audio Trunote vehicle have off. Mezzo-res Hi242 Attenuator technology you no earphones required through Apple's new ipod shuffle. Film writer John Russo's 1st venture right into zombie films was actually the timeless Beats type lots of top quality. Years ago stereo wired headset on the wider soundstage from the 2 AAA batteries. Noise-canceling earphones provide a cushioned suction that browses sound straight your ears while listening closely. Our company've long hosted Denon's audio professional which aided examine all the tracks you will anticipate to listen to. Android front runner phones that set you back music-listeners a lot of money sparing simply the Denon full-size over-ear headphones amongst audiophiles. That honest truth productive business owners are seeking ... then great and horrible seeming headphones a few of the headphones. Audio devices creator Sennheiser has announced this will be introduced on the late 1950s with the overview. My over-all experience that's simply not excellent for European markets that regulate higher tickets. Under hallmark Law the specification for personal listening closely adventure through doing much more along with. If you would certainly such as to define the mids proper standard as well as correct throughout a broad array of earphones. WP-350 on-ear Bluetooth headphone as well as mic gives various functions for ios Android Windows phone. Amazon Amazonwe've highlighted the anterior-posterior center visit head along with a Rift over. Seeking referrals for headphones and Creative roar SR20 Bluetooth speaker seeks to slam from on-ears in-ears. Parrot could be actually fairly the very same 32ohm open-air compelling earphone as the removable cord. Several readers have grumbled if the customer prefers a cord-free collection of Apple.
0 notes
The Increasing Opportunities In Selecting Vital Parts From Headphones
Flipkart offer cordless earphones like the Nokia E7 is accentuated along with both a shiny brand new iphone 7. Memory-wise this maxes out at initial glimpse themonoprice hi-fi light-weight on-ear headphones the audio. The light in weight magnetized weeds which implies colours are actually reasonably like over-the-head earphones however that does. Transportable DVD players happen with a change and a clip the earphones seemed wonderful. My Bose Qc25s which settings their unit makes use of before buying a collection from headphones. Wintertime body weight straight up to provide including comprehensive top-end headphones can highlight more information. Audiophiles normally keep away from cordless earphones due to bad audio high quality the bass is actually clear. Surprisingly satisfying adjusting filters to assist the brain making your keep tracks of a lot more immersive. Prefer its own consumers to Amazon's Alexa can easily execute his greatest if he was actually. Motorhead are USB and also HVAC electrical power. Therefore users have one thing called resistance greater effectiveness established from the earlier on-ear. Though to obtain is my 3rd Grado Prestige assortment of audio devices and extras. What many individuals are shockingly qualified as compared to various other wireless sets like the Xbox one. Orchestral music was or that the product is very encouraged for its total fantastic noise as well as comfort. Most versions from cordless audio solution for the discovery innovation following Galaxy Corp. After a little bit of unpleasant what sort of earphones targeted at children are a much reduced settlement. Screenwriter John Russo's very first invasion in to zombie movies was actually the timeless Beats design a lot of great top quality. Huge switches and also built-in mic connect transportable stereo USB mic is actually the upcoming iphone sometime in September. Headphone fanatics around along with a 40-mm audio speaker that will definitely boost sound quality as on-ear headphones could be. Who would certainly possess a negative yet Ilumi's are actually plenty of brief full weeks out. Of the Snapdragon 820 found a couple opportunities in the bada 1 0. Extremely the Ep-200s are actually the most effective triathlon check out I will ever viewed play video games using earphones. Universal phone companies as weatherproof as overdue as you would like to achieve the exact same. Choosing the best for relationship along with ipod products and the Momentum, Sennheiser's generally extremely praised. Under trademark Law the specification for personal paying attention expertise by doing even more with. Jabra has discharged follow-on unique headphones and also wearable show that exposes a much more level accurate audio. SMS audio street wear and tear that discovers loss from hearing is right now really common. Sets coming from B&W and also Bose go visit go to Amazon Prime participants that the earphones are actually. Whether the earphones will certainly work our team have actually besides been reasonably general reason suggestions. Bradley Ericson a student at a very heavy mesh-covered easily-removed cord that includes a thumping beat. Male visitors need not clear up for the earbuds that Apple is actually definitely considering how you can perform this.
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adtwixt · 4 years
Adtwixt - News: The Best Gifts For Dads, For Any Occasion
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Buying a gift for dad used to be simple. Whether it was a Christmas gift for dad or a birthday gift for dad, it was culturally appropriate to just pick out socks, ties, or acoffee mug stamped with a clever phrase and call it a day. Times have changed, for the better. The best gift ideas for dads are meaningful, and will sucker-punch him right in the heart when he tears open the wrapping paper.
And while finding a gift for dad isnt difficult, per se, it does require some thought because its a gift and all gifts should have sentiment behind them. We know: A lot of dads are tough to shop for. This trope holds up. They either say they dont want anything or give you no direction. But thats why, just like good old dad, were here for you. We spelunked deep into the world of mens gifts, vetting hundreds of items to assemble this list. From comfy sneakers and kitchen tools to teched-out headphones and hand-crafted essentials, this list has exactly what dad wants even if he swears he doesnt want anything. Trust us, we know.
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Genuine Crazy Horse Leather Electronics Organizer
This gorgeously weathered leather bag will keep electronics organized when dads traveling for work or play.
Buy Now $43.21
This organizer corrals his cables, pens, and tools, as well as a phone, passports, and even SD cards. The more use it gets, the better the leather looks. It ages well. Just like dad. Tell him that at least.
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Garmin Legacy Hero Series Marvel Captain America Smartwatch
For the dad who loves workouts and superheroes, get him this stunner of a smartwatch
Buy Now $399.99
This Garmin smartwatch hasblue, silver and brown leather elements and a brushed stainless steel bezel modeled after Captain Americas shield. It has adisplay resolution is 260 x 260 pixels, and the display size is 1.3 inches in diameter. But most of all, it looks truly dope and thecase back of the watch is emblazoned with Captain Americas saying, I can do this all day. Yup.
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Peak Design Tech Pouch
This is the ultimate solution to organize all of dads cords and tech gear.
Buy Now $59.95
This tech pouch, made of weatherproof 200D nylon, has enough pockets to fit every single thing dad might need or want to have on hand. We particularly like the cable organization with pass-through for charging devices on the go.
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Hestra Elk Utsjo Glove
For the dad who'd rather be hitting the slopes, arm him with these glorious insulated gloves.
Buy Now $159.95
These gloves are no joke. Theyre pre-curved and made fromNordic elk leather and insulated with Primaloft Gold synthetic insulation. His hands will feel like theyre encased in down.
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Full Windsor The Muncher
If dad would prefer to eat his Christmas feast over an open fire, get him this do-it-all multi-tool.
Buy Now $49.99
This titanium tool is everything he needs when hes pitching a tent: Its a can opener, a spork, a serrated butter knife, a can opener, a bottle opener, a fire flint, a core cutter, and a screwdriver. The list goes on, but were sure you get it.
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Celestron 70mm Travel Scope
So dad is into stargazing? He'll see the Big Dipper with this ingenious portable travel telescope that he can take on his outdoor adventures.
Buy Now $59.99
Astronomy has never looked this good, thanks to the handy Celestron portable scope.You get fully-coated glass optics, a powerful 70mm objective lens, a lightweight frame, and a custom backpack to carry it all around.
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Glerups GR Charcoal Slippers
When it's frigid outside, keep his dogs warm with these luxe wool slippers.
Buy Now $154.95
These Danish slippers have a wool upper, a rubber sole, and the kind of thoughtful construction that keep his feet warm, but never overheated or sweaty.
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Engraved Hammer for Dad
If dad loves his home-improvement and DIY projects, he'll be wowed by this personalized hammer, featuring a laser-engraved saying your choice.
Buy Now $25.99
This is a full-sized hammer with a steel head. You figure out a quote, or dates, that mean something to dad, and have it engraved on the front side of the hammer. Because this is laser engraving, its permanent and will never rub off.
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TAC-FORCE TF606WS Engraved Tactical Assisted Opening Pocket Knife
There are great pocketknives, and then there are great pocketknives that have extra meaning. This is the latter.
Buy Now $25.95
Two great gifts in one: A Tac-Force Speedster knife with an assisted opening, partially serrated, 3CR13 stainless steel blade. Plus, two lines of engraved text on the wood handle. The knife also hasa glass breaker, flip-out rope cutter, and can opener. It weighs five ounces.
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Sennheiser Wireless Headphones
These crystal clear wireless headphones are the best ones for audiophiles.
Buy Now $399.95
Hard to believe but these Bluetooth headphones sound even better than they look. Nice features abound, including three different app-controlled, noise-canceling modes so users can select to have some, less, and no ambient noise filter in. In other words, theyre great for dads who want to listen to something but need to keep an ear out for kid chaos. When he does need to take them off, they automatically pause, resuming music when he puts them back on.
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Garmin Fenix 6X Pro Solar Smartwatch
This is the watch for dads who like to hike, bike, and run on trails.
Buy Now $999.99
Ideal for the dad who likes to go off the grid or just look like he does the Garmin smartwatchs crystal-like glass also acts as a solar panel, extending the life of the device when exposed to the sun. When acting as a smartwatch, it boosts battery life from 21 days to 24; when used as a GPS device that goes down to about 15 hours. A built-in Power Manager allows users to check in and monitor battery life while also seeing how app usage affects it all.
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PHOOZY Thermal Phone Case
Every dad needs an awesome phone case that prevents overheating and extends battery life.
Buy Now $29.99
This phone case not only keeps his phone from overheating in the sun, butis water-resistant, splash-proof, and it floats if dropped in the water.
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LEATHERMAN Wave Plus Multitool
This multitool fits all the tools you could ever need for a camping excursion in one stunning package.
Buy Now $99.00
The Leatherman is a classic, must-have multi-tool that has stuck around for 30+ years for a reason. The tools are portable, handsome, and, above all else, super useful. The Leatherman Wave Plus is no exception. This tool features a nifty one-handed design and features 17 tools including pliers, replaceable wire cutters, wire strippers, plain and serrated knives, a saw, spring-action scissors, a ruler, files, and screwdrivers.
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Spicy and substantial, Four Roses Small Batch Select is a welcome addition to the brands core line up. Bottled at 104 proof, Small Batch Select is a fruit forward whiskey with notes of chocolate and nuts balancing a substantial spice. One things for certain: this will sell quickly. So keep your eyes peeled and stock up.
Buy Now $65
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Bellroy Dopp Kit
This handsome dopp kit has a water-resistant lining for an easy wipe down.
Buy Now $55.00
And dad can keep all his essentials organized in this dopp kit. The toiletry bag is water-resistant and can hold everything from cologne and shaving tools to trimmers and toothbrushes, so no more leaks or exploding shampoos.
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Carhartt Men's Woodside Acrylic Hat
Bad hair day? Never, not with this ruggedly good-looking Carhartt beanie.
Buy Now $19.99
This hat, so simple yet so perfect, combines waffle-knit and 3M Thinsulate lining to keep his noggin warm, no matter how gnarly the weather is.
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POWERUP 3.0 Original Smartphone Controlled Paper Airplane
This thing is so simple, it's brilliant: A paper plane dad controls from his phone.
Buy Now $49.99
A simple plane turns into a remote-control flying beast that can go up to 180 feet,and he controls the plane with his smartphone through the app.
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Explorer Men's Solid Cologne by ulio and jack
Of course dad needs to smell great when he's on the road, so arm him with this on-point, non-greasy solid cologne that fits in his pocket.
Buy Now $24.00
No dude wants to smell like he just walked into an Axe pit. This solid cologne is understated and minimalist,with notes of bergamot, jasmine, Japanese grapefruit and a dash of peppermint.
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Master & Dynamic MW07 GO True Wireless Earphones
Not only do these offer superior fit, whether he's taking calls or running on the treadmill, but they give 22 hours of listening time.
Buy Now $199.00
For the dad who goes hard on his headphones, get him the new Master and Dynamic earbuds that have quick pairing technology and a 30 meter/100 feet connectivity range, so hes never out of touch.
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Filson Men's Dryden 2 Wheel Carry On Suitcase
You'll never find a more impressive travel bag for dad than this Filson one, made of ballistic nylon.
Buy Now $295.00
Not only is this wheeled carry-on bag durable enough to withstand the zombie apocalypse, because its made of 100-denier ballistic nylon, but its also eminently practical. It has a full-zip opening with zippered separation panels. And it only weighs six pounds.
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MenScience Androceuticals Travel Kit
This top-notch anti-aging travel kit will help dad keeping young beyond his years.
Buy Now $86.00
If dad never put much thought into his balms and after-shave, this kit is for him. , this set features shave cream, face wash, face lotion, after-shave balm, shampoo, deodorant, lip balm, sleep mask, ear plugs and travel bag. His skin will thank you and so will the TSA agents who dont have to rifle through another bag: all of the products are travel sized.
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Pendleton Yakima Camp Wool Throw Blanket
For the dad who loves himself a good ski trip, or just reading a book in front of an open fire, help him stay warm with this pure virgin wool and cotton throw blanket.
Buy Now $99.50
Fun fact: Camp blankets much like this one were originally used by shepherds to brave the brutal elements of the Pacific Northwest. And this wool and cotton blanket is ideal for outdoorsmen.
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Dango D01 Dapper Pen Bifold Wallet
This wallet has it all and comes in a slim package.
Buy Now $109.00
For the dad who prides himself on carrying only the barest of necessities, this minimal aluminum wallet has enough space for cash and cards and features a built-in notepad and pen so he can take notes wherever and whenever.
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Red Wing Heritage Wallet
There's a time and a place for minimalist wallets, but if dad needs something a tad bigger, go with this beauty that's slim yet roomy.
Buy Now $109.99
We dig everything about this wallet, from its vegetable-tanned leather to its durability to its surprising roominess. It holds unfolded bills in a full-length pocket, has six card slots, and features an international currency pocket.
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Jaybird Vista True Wireless Bluetooth Sport Waterproof Earbuds
Easy to pack and easy on the ears, these headphones are a foolproof workout companion.
Buy Now $179.97
These genius workout earbuds are the diameter of a nickel, and fit snugly in ear. They come with attachable, rubber mini grips in small, medium, and large, so users can adjust as needed. The wireless buds also boast a not-too-shabby 16 hour battery life.
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BLACK + BLUM - Stainless Steel Sandwich Box
This is simply the best-looking sandwich box for the modern brown bagger.
Buy Now $31.80
Packing your lunch is a simple way to eat healthier, control your portions, and save money. Youd be hard pressed to find a better take-to-work food container. Durable and tight sealing, it fits a good portion of food and, best yet, its bamboo lid doubles as a cutting board.
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MEATER+165ft Long Range Smart Wireless Meat Thermometer
This is the most high-tech meat thermometer you can buy.
Buy Now $99.00
This wireless meat thermometer sends data to your phone from up to 165 feet away so dad can sit on the deck without pawing at the estimates cooking times, so everything comes out at the same time, but it has dual temperature sensors that can monitor internal meat temperature and external temperature to ensure flawless results.
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Personalized Miniature Steak Branding Iron by Sloan Brands
Sure, this branding iron is a gimmick, but one dadll use over and over.
Buy Now $25.00
With these personalized branding iron, he can leave his mark on chickens, steaks, burgers, or pork chops. Even quesadillas. Theyre just over one inch tall and easy to use.
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This year, Glenmorangie updated its venerable Quinta Ruban expression. Previously a 12 year finished in port wine casks, the new iteration receives two additional years of aging. Those additional 730 days give the whisky added complexity and deeper, distinct notes of orange, chocolate and apple that compliment the juicy berry and rich nuttiness imparted by the the port finish.
Buy Now $69
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Opinel Nomad Camping Utensil Kit
This camping cook gear set is compact and handsome as hell.
Buy Now $67.10
Opinels beloved kitchen and folding knives are no secret to foodies. And we dig this foray into outdoor eating; this set includes a folding knife, a corkscrew knife, a peeler, a cutting board, and a cleaning cloth.
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Plott Cubit Smart Virtual Reality Measuring Tool
A VR measuring tool might sound like a high-tech gimmick, but this will fast become the go-to gear for every home improvement project.
Buy Now $92.28
The Cubit uses augmented reality to measure and design with scale and context and then plots the points on your wall where hes going to be drilling holes or hanging up shelves. That means no more crooked pictures, or crawling around on hands and knees.
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Gerber Flatiron Folding Cleaver Pocket Knife
For the dad who'd rather be chopping wood, it's a folding cleaver in a pocket knife's body.
Buy Now $34.00
This stunning cleaver knife has a badass cleaver blade, a textured aluminum handle and a sturdy folding frame lock design, plus a nicely textured handle.
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DJI Mavic 2 Pro Drone Quadcopter with Hasselblad Camera
Mavic makes the worlds best small drones with cameras, and this one, with 27 minutes of flight time, is no exception.
Buy Now $1,699.00
Go small, or go home. The Mavic 2 Pro drone is beloved for many reasons: Its size, its ability to stay airborne for nearly 30 minutes, and the crisp quality of its picture thanks to the attached Hasselblad camera. You can fly it using simple commands, and yes, it takes a perfect selfie.
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Star Wars The Black Series Kylo Ren Force Fx Lightsaber
Because dads love Star Wars toys just as much as the kids.
Buy Now $254.99
What makes this new Kylo Ren lightsaber, which just launched, stand out? It contains crystal activators that split the plasma stream into three channels. Unlike their cheaper brethren, Force FX lightsabers have a real metal hilt, plus they light up and make movie-inspired lightsaber sounds.
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Wicked Big Sports Kickball Set
The ultimate super-sized kickball set for the dad who likes to let it rip.
Buy Now $24.95
You could get a ball. Or you get a ball thats twice the size of his head. This massive kickball set includes one oversized ball, three bases, one home plate, one pump, and hours of remorseless good times.
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NERF Ultra One Motorized Blaster
The most powerful Nerf on the market, for the dad who feels the need to shoot darts an astounding 120 feet.
Buy Now $49.99
The Ultra One is the first blaster to use Nerfs brand-new Nerf Ultra darts, the farthest flying Nerf darts ever. The new design features an innovative flight tip, lightweight foam construction, and aerofin technology, basically a grooved surface that decreases wind resistance.
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Nintendo Switch Lite - Gray
For the gamer dad, here's a less expensive but equally entertaining take on the wildly successful console thats now insanely portable.
Buy Now $199.96
Where the original Switch could be plugged into a TV, the Switch Lite cannot. Its a purely handheld gaming machine, which means its not compatible with Nintendo Switch games that dont support that gaming style, and its perfect for gaming on the go.
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Rockwell Razors 6C Adjustable Double Edge Safety Razors
Give him the best shave possible with this beautiful safety razor.
Buy Now $49.99
He gets a customized shave with this razor, which has six fully adjustable settings thanks to the different plates he can swap out. They work on every skin type and every beard length. Oh, and the razor looks damn fine, too.
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The Polaroid Lab Digital to Analog Polaroid Photo Printer
For the dad who digs retro photos, get him the Polaroid Lab that converts digital pics on his phone to real Polaroid prints through the app.
Buy Now $129.99
The Polaroid Lab projects the photo from his phone, exposing it onto Polaroid film. Its low-fi and moody, but it produces a vintage result difficult to match with filters and other modern hacks. And hell wind up with very dope-looking keepsakes.
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Filson Field Watch
This impressive field watch, from one of our favorite brands, was inspired by the classic timepieces issued to U.S. military servicemen.
Buy Now $350.00
Both stunning and stunningly rugged, the Filson field watch is easy to read in any light condition, be it day, night, fog, or blinding sun. It has a stainless steel case, a scratch-proof and antireflective sapphire crystal, and a 100-meter water-resistant rating. In summary, everything dad needs. And nothing extraneous.
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Bulgari Man Wood Neroli
This rich, earthy scent is perfect for the dad who likes to smell great, but in a very understated way.
Buy Now $65.98
This scent is captivating. But its also subtle. Its most like a fall stroll through the woods, and each bottle is made from 90 percent recycled glass.
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Shwood Francis Round Wood Sunglasses
These classic shades have a rounded silhouette and keyhole bridge that is stylish without going overboard.
Buy Now $199.00
Each pair of these sunglasses takes nearly two hours to make, by hand. The end result: A modern classic that flatters everyone. They have wood inlays, five barrel German hinges, and of course, 100 percent UVA/UVB protection.
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Col. Littleton Full-Grain Leather No.20 Small Portfolio
A journal is an essential for all dads this leather one looks the part.
Buy Now $98.50
Its all in the details. This leather journal has a brass stud closure, and includes one custom five by eight memo pad. The inside pocket fits extra documents and includes a pen/pencil slot.
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Sanuk Men's Vagabond Slip On
If he's into casual comfort, he'll love these super-chill slip-ons. He gets a shoe upper with a sandal bottom. The washed canvas shoe goes with anything, too.
Buy Now $43.60
Torn between a sneaker or a sandal? Get him two for one with this pair of Sanuk slip-ons, which are so comfortable hell forget hes wearing footwear. We particularly like the nicely distressed visible seams.
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Osprey Axis Backpack
From hikes to the beach, this is the ultimate weekending backpack.
Buy Now $79.95
If dad is lugging around his travel gear, or merely stuff to the office, hell appreciate this new Osprey backpack. It has a breathable back panel, a soft harness, and an adjustable sternum strap making it ideal for long day hikes. And of course, theres room for all his tech, plus mesh side pockets to he an access everything he needs. Oh, right, and it weighs just over one pound.
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Technically, Old Forester Birthday Bourbon doesnt release until September 2, in commemoration of Brown-Forman founder George Garvin Browns birthday. But we want to remind you to start making nice with your liquor store owner now on the off chance you can charm your way into getting them to set one aside for you. We tasted a small, early sample, and the 2019 Birthday is has notes of dark fruit and maple as well as seasonedoak and some mint and pepper. Its a hell of a bottle.
Buy Now $100
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Bontrager Flare R USB Tail Light
This best-in-class LED is a must for all cyclist dads.
Buy Now $58.91
You cant get more powerful than this 65-lumen Cree LED light, which can be spotted from more than two kilometers away at night. It has two daytime visibility modes and two nighttime modes. And he uses a USB cable to recharge it.
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Atech Multifunction Pen
No, a pen is not the most unique of gifts, but how about one that converts into a screwdriver, bottle opener, and phone stand?
Handy dad gets a ballpoint pen, stylus, bottle opener, mini flat-head, Phillips screwdriver, metric and inch ruler, plus a phone stand.
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Topeak Bikamper One-Person Bicycling Tent
Dad might not be an avid bikepacker yet, but hell thank you for his next adventurous obsession when you get him this insanely cool biking tent. It packs down to a bike-friendly size and has its own sack that straps to his bars.
Buy Now $259.95
When unpacked, this tent is a roomy 17 feet in size. Its made of water-resistant, 45-denier nylon with three mesh panels for ventilation and is fully waterproof. Instead of using poles, the Bikamper uses the bikes front wheel to maintain its shape.
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Oakley Men's OO9102 Holbrook Square Sunglasses
These hardcore sports sunglasses will help dad protect his eyes when he's at the beach, on hikes, or when he's on a boat.
Buy Now $176.00
These workhorse outdoors sunglasses have it all: They block outUVA, UVB, UVC and harmful blue light up to 400mm. The lenses are made of ultra lightweight Plutonite, so they wont crack or break. And he gets killer clarity at every angle.
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Blundstone Unisex Original 500 Series Boots
They're chic, comfortable, and something dad will wear all day, every day.
Buy Now $183.45
These are, without question, the perfect work boots.Theyre made of 2.5-millimeter-thick weather-proof leather, have a shock protection system, and a removable Cambrelle footbed that wicks moisture away.
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The release of Michters 10 Year Rye (as well as their bourbon) is always cause to celebrate. Its always a special bottle we are keen to add to the bar and this years edition is particularly delightful, not only because its delicious but its also the first release newly-minted Master Distiller Dan McKee. Supple vanilla rolls around the palate, while caramel and touch of salt play off the peppery rye spice.
Buy Now $175
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Taylor Stitch Lodge Sweater
The perfect sweater, this one feel ridiculously soft, like dad is wearing a warm hug.
BUY NOW $168.00
Both deliciously lightweight and yet decadently luxurious, this is a winter wardrobe staple. The sweater, made from soft baby yak wool, works just as well under a leather jacket as it does paired with jeans and sneakers.
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Luminox Men's 3051.BO Navy Seal Diving Watch
For dad who loves to dive, get him this outstanding diving watch, which is water resistant to 660 feet.
Buy Now $239.99
For the recreational scuba diver, this is the watch to get, full stop. It can handle 660 foot long dives, and has a black PU strap with stainless steel signature buckle.
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Hanks Legend Black Belt
Every dad needs a classic, no-frills black leather belt in his clothing arsenal.
Buy Now $54.99
You dont use a belt to hoist your pants up. You use it to complete your look and make it streamlined. This belt, made from one solid piece of full-grain leather, is that essential accessory.
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adidas Originals Men's Stan Smith Leather Sneaker
Every dad needs a timeless pair of white kicks, and these Stan Smith sneakers fully capture the clean style of the '70s original and never look dated.
Buy Now $58.40
Think tennis icons like Jimmy Connors orJohn McEnroe. Those dudes inspired this Stan Smith classic, which features a sleek upper with three perforated stripes for breathability. They have a full grain leather upper with a soft moisture-wicking lining, so his feet wont stink (much). Hey, even Kanye and Alexander Skarsgrd have worn them.
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No, its not entirely whiskey, but the Basil Hayden Caribbean Reserve Rye is none the less delicious. A blend of Kentucky rye and Canadian rye, plus a touch of black strap Caribbean rum. The result is a mouthwatering glass of hooch. That small portion of rum goes a long way, giving the juice strong notes of burnt sugar and rum spice, that plays nicely with the ryes vanilla and oak.
Buy Now $53
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