ncwblue · 10 months
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@perpetualxfire sent: "Soooooooo, I've got some, news for you, once you're, settled with breakfast." Carolina was quick to plop down at the nearest seat, in sweats and a tank top herself, having dragged enough sand in with her to build a sandcastle judging by the soles of her bare feet.
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"Is it that I have to sweep again?"
It was meant to be a joke, though he says it so flatly that Wash felt the need to give her a small smile just to be sure she knew he meant it as such. He picks at his eggs some more, feeling he might have overcooked them (at least to his liking). Chances were high he'd be settled with breakfast sooner rather than later.
All the better, he supposed. It would be a lie to say he wasn't vastly interested in whatever Carolina wanted to tell him. "What have you been doing all morning?"
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groundedxdreamer · 9 months
"Alright, shirt off."
Normally, that statement would be a little more flirtatious coming from York, but he mostly sounded concerned. "I heard you got beaten up pretty badly on Chorus, and I wanna take a look at you. I don't wanna hear any tough talk, this is for your own good and you know it."
York normally wasn't this stern about anything, but when it came to Carolina, he made an exception.
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paleobird · 9 months
@perpetualxfire liked for a starter!
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"Kaaaate, what did you do this time? I heard an above average number of loud bangs. Above average for you, anyway."
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brokenbow · 5 months
@perpetualxfire (☼)
So maybe Carolina hadnt explicitly called for him. Apollo might have expected that sort of thing from one of his worshippers, but Carolina was different. She was a friend.
As the sun began to peak its way over the waters, rays beamed down on her, soothing exhausted muscles with gentle warmth. He could at least make a turbulent night bleed away with the gentleness of the morning.
Before she spoke, Apollo didn't feel the need to make his presence known beyond the slight pressure on her shoulder - like a companion gripping it briefly in passing. He was there even when she felt completely alone.
Perhaps he hadn't been as subtle about it as he thought, though, because her words made him pause. Apollo had heard them plenty through the centuries. He just wished that it made it any easier to provide comfort.
"You lucky - when I was younger, I would have taken those words literally." It was hard to know where the words were coming from. Apollo had yet to take on a physical form. "Had a boyfriend once... he killed his pet deer on accident. I should have asked more questions beforehand, but when he asked me to make it so he could always cry over the deer, it seemed completely sensible to turn him into a tree." A soft laugh, perhaps a little regretful.
"When you say you want out, I'm assuming you don't want to go right into an orchard?"
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abitofafatass · 1 year
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"I'm getting this printed for the fucking wall."
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littleblackqrow · 1 year
🎶 (Every time I hit you with this prompt the song you suggest ends up going on my playlist so,,,,)
((Hear me out, season 10 Lina-
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viitalite · 3 years
📜 Tali, Garrus, Joker (this one's for Sam-)
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mcrcenario · 3 years
📜 Lina + Locus
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ceohargrove · 3 years
(you were warned-) "THIS IS FOR CHORUS!" [punt]
And there he goes, blasting off again.
He’s an old man who’s mostly water and sawdust, he’ll go for a while and bounce.
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courtclover · 3 years
@perpetualxfire sent:  “i’m only saying something because i’ve been used enough times in my life already.”
York quiets as her words register in his head and they sink further down within him, kindling a warmth at his center. The seconds pass and he really should say something in return now. 
“Aw.” York sounds and a small smile blooms across his face, thankful for the helmet. 
“You looking out for me now? Appreciate it, really.” 
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churchwright · 3 years
☣ Have you ever rp'd with someone you knew for a fact was abusive but tried to give them a chance/to make up your own opinion on the roleplayer? Did they change or did you understand what people were talking about?
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I don’t think I’ve ever intentionally done so? I’ve talked to people whose content made me uncomfortable, but since that content wasn’t something that I had to deal with other than the occasional posts about it on the dash, I just scrolled past it. 10/10 times it’s because it’s someone I could do without to begin with, and I’m probably scrolling past their content anyway unless it specifically pertains to me. Usually I form opinions on people pretty quickly, so if I’ve heard that they’re doing X, Y, or Z, I probably already dislike them and try to avoid them when I can.
I’m not going to say I’ve never interacted with people that ended up with massive callouts (I actually just learned about two more people I talked to, which was interesting but not a surprise), but I’m going to say that I’ve never talked to anyone knowing full well how bad they were just to “give them a chance”.  I talk to a very small amount of people ooc, so I’m usually not tuned into what’s happening off the dash. I’m also not really here to give chances unless I really want to talk to someone, and even then, that only relates to people I didn’t plan on following because our writing styles don’t mesh. Those people I’ll give a chance to because that’s not fair, that’s just personal bias.
However, I’ve heard plenty of shit about people, and believed them, and in some cases it turned out to be even worse than I thought. So. I’ve never seen anyone who was already being accused of shit get better.
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ncwblue · 7 months
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This was a project he preferred to work on once everyone had either preoccupied themselves with their own work or gone to bed. It wasn't necessarily secret, but Wash was never a fan of the 20 Questions game and the Reds & Blues were masters at it. The more time he spent answering questions he already didn't want to answer, the less time he was focused on his search.
Not that said search was going well to begin with.
While he liked to consider himself a jack of many trades (though a master of few), Wash was not much for dealing with technology. He was certainly no Simmons, so when his data pad froze for the fourth time that night, followed by an inevitable crash, the former Freelancer nearly threw it across the living area in frustration with an agitated groan.
"This would be going so much faster if I didn't have to reboot this damn thing every ten minutes."
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groundedxdreamer · 8 months
"What can I say? I guess I'm a magnet for explosions."
Good thing it was mostly bruises under the armor this time. He wasn't sure he could handle losing both eyes.
"Thanks for the save, though. My hero."
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paleobird · 9 months
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"Microraptor is the best! A dromaeosaur with four wings and iridescent black feathers? It's, like, the most charismatic dinosaur ever! We're even pretty certain it was capable of proper flight instead of just gliding! It really taught us a lot about the evolution of flight in dinosaurs and even though we still have a lot of questions, you gotta respect Microraptor for being so helpful."
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brokenbow · 6 months
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"I feel inclined to tell you that while us gods are kind of… obligated by sacred Oath to acknowledge our demigod children, we're not good co-parents. At the end of the day, it'd be more dangerous for the kid for us to hang around.
"After all, we're forbidden from acting directly against each other. The mortals around us, though? Those are fair game. I don't..." Apollo stopped himself, watching Carolina's face closely, keenly aware that he was deepthroating his own foot. "I'm more of a... fun weekend kind of guy. Getting to know my partners a little bit before, and having a friendship after... that's a different set of rules."
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abitofafatass · 11 months
[eats an apple threateningly]
"You know what would make that apple better? Sticking it in a cobbler."
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