#perfect timing for this ask sel bc i am currently scrambling to finish that fluffy cozy stsg fic pabdjs
ari!!! am dropping by with some flowers and fruits to brighten up the season!!! 🌷🍓 wishing you lots of love this holiday time!! 💗 i hope you feel warm and recharged, however way you’re spending it 🥺
on the topic of the holidays!! i am curious!! (feel free not to answer if you’re uncomfy!!) what is your go-to outfit?? do you prefer to dress up?? or stay comfy and relaxed?? what would stsg opt to wear??? 🥺
sel!!!!!!! im eating up the strawberries n smelling the flowers <333 tysm!!! here r some for u 🌻🍒!! i hope u like cherries .. and aaaa same to u sel 🥺🥺 i hope ur having a super duper cozy time !! <333
and as always u have such cozy questions hehe. im 100% a comfy and relaxed kinda person!!! i dont rly like dressing up in general LMAO and during the holidays i prioritize comfort above all else :3 sweaters n hoodies n everything. but i like wearing a santa hat for the holiday spirit !!
and as for stsg <333 i think sugu is the same!!! he has that contrast where he can dress himself up when hes going out, leather jackets or suits or whatever, but i think that when he stays home n spends time w his loved ones hes very much a cozy sweater guy. i would steal them all aaa and satoru… hmmm.. im actually not sure!!!! i can see him wearing comfy hoodies but also getting ridiculously dressed up……. the only thing im 100% sure abt is that he would fully dress up in a santa costume LMAOO. and force everyone else to do the same (gumi scowls but eventually accepts his fate and wears a reindeer headband <3)
aaa but!! what abt u sel ?? do u dress up or go for comfort? and what do u think gojo/gumi/nanamin are like?? 👀👀👀
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