#people who are very attached to good dad!bruce aren't going to like this upcoming fic very much I think
yellowocaballero · 1 year
I love your writing but I don't read any batman comics or watch any batman shows or seen a single batman movie except like, two and a half episodes of teen titans go. I mean I do know some basics from internet osmosis but that only covers Wayne family adventures pretty much. So ummm who were all those people with dick lol
Oh yes! I like writing stuff that's really widely accessible because I like beating out my own tunes, but I've been on a big comic kick again and sometimes I will write stuff that's less accessible. The new stupid long story will also not be as accessible, sorry! I try to explain stuff for people unfamiliar with the canon plotline.
Without going into a ton of spoilers for the main plotline of the fic, but covering what I stated in the fic:
Dick Grayson AKA Nightwing is the leader of the Teen Titans, a superhero team that (in this universe) he joined when he was 18. In actual canon he was a founder with Wally and Donna (and Garth but who cares). Out of universe, the Teen Titans were invented in the 1960s. The Teen Titans listed are from the slightly later stages of the 1980s comic. The team is formed out of:
Three members from the original 1960s team: the Flash's sidekick Wally West (Kid Flash), Wonder Woman's sidekick Donna Troy (Wonder Girl, later Troia), and Dick Grayson (Robin, later Nightwing). They've all always been friends since the 60s and Donna and Dick especially are best friends, something I think people should mention more! Guy/Girl BFFs, cowards!!!
In the 1980s they were joined by the other, arguably most famous members of the cast. They're most famous because they were the cast members from the 2005 Teen Titans show, which was the cast from the Teen Titans Go show you saw. They would be Victor Stone (Cyborg, who has a serious personality in the comics), Garfield Logan (Beast Boy, jokey and fun in any incarnation), Koriand'r (Starfire, warrior alien princess), and Raven (Raven, hellspawn and #gothgirl).
More obscure dudes also listed (AKA not major characters in the TV show or around since the 60s) would be Joey Wilson (Jericho, who is Slade's son and mute, so he uses ASL). He's not that obscure. More obscure is Panthera (panther lady?) and Danny Chase (deeply fucking annoying). I admit I only know Panthera and Danny Chase from osmosis, I've only read a few comics from this run. There were other guys too but they looked boring.
All that you really needed to know is that they're his friends, Kori is his girlfriend, Dick leads the team, that they're a #ragtagbunchofmisfits, that Joey is Slade's son, and that Dick has a guilt complex. Kind of.
Slade Wilson AKA Deathstroke is like Dick's Arch Nemesis and was the first real antagonist for the series, as well as the antagonist for the most famous arc The Judas Contract (whereupon Slade planted Terra in the team as a #spy). He's probably most famous for being the main bad guy in the cartoon, and who uh kinda fucked as a bad guy. He's always canonically the "COME JOIN ME" bad guy and is always after Dick as an apprentice. There's an arc in both the comics and the show where he kidnaps Dick and forces him to work for him, which causes some pretty lasting trauma in him in both incarnations. He's also a terrible dad and a failhusband. I don't read him too much in the comics so I can't say for sure how interesting the comics get with him, but his relationship with Dick is always very fraught and complex and has a lot of history. He has a lot of respect for Dick and he takes him seriously as an adversary no matter his age but he thinks Batman is lame and that Dick should kill people and stuff and JOIN HIMMMM.
In this AU, basically because Dick's life before Nightwing was kept under absolute wraps, and Slade was so obsessed with the apprentice stuff, I think Slade thought it was funny/satisfying to make up this whole shared backstory between them that Dick just couldn't disagree with jkalsdjf. Because Dick is much more of a spy than in canon he also has a lot of juicy blackmail (from his ex-wife, I think lol) on him. So they have bother a closer relationship and a more M.A.D. one than in canon. I think Slade finds it delightful that Dick isn't as good of a person as he pretends, and I think Dick lost most of his family at once, including his very drill sergeant and hard-edged father and must have, even unwillingly, reacted to somebody who was actually trying to parent him. Well. "Parent".
Wow, that was long and I didn't even digress. I'm always stunned by how y'all will read something no matter the fandom if it's by me, thank you so much! It makes me very happy to give you guys stuff like the Steph thing, where I love the idea of it being an introduction to Batman. Unfortunately internet Batman and comics Batman have. uhhhhh. drifted. apart. and. harder to click into if you aren't as into the comics, but thank you brave soldiers!
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