#penelope clade
thejdblog · 1 year
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uselessalexis165 · 1 year
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I don’t know if this part was talked about much, but I love the immediate shutdown of the “character has been gone so long that everyone they know, and love is dead” trope
Jaeger thinking that Penelope was dead after Searcher said that she was “gone”, but Searcher was immediately like, “Wtf are you talking about? No, she’s not dead. She just moved on from you because she thought you were dead this whole time.”
I don’t know why, but I just really like this part
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robindrake93 · 1 year
I kinda like that Jaeger is working on one relationship at a time.
He acts very chill about it but they didn't have airships when he disappeared. Even though Avalonia lost a lot of technology due to the death of pando and had to find alternatives, it had to be an adjustment to see how quickly the city grew and all of the new ways of doing things. He's also spent 25 years completely and utterly alone, implied to have been hallucinating Searcher. Jaeger also finds out that his family moved on without him. Plus, the whole shock of finding out what's on the other side of the mountains.
All of these surprises and adjustments, combined with unlearning toxic behaviors and trying to find who he is without exploring...and trying to build a relationship with Meridian and Ethan, while repairing his relationship with Searcher...it feels like a lot.
We get the one year later, and he's clearly comfortable with Searcher on the farm by this time. Maybe it isn't perfect - I'm sure it isn't perfect - but Jaeger and Searcher seem much more at ease with each other by the end and seem to be actively trying to improve their relationship with each other.
But then we also get a scene where he takes flowers to Penelope - whom I assume he's technically still married to? I don't know Avalonia's laws so I can't be sure either way - and meets Sheldon for the first time.
Maybe Jaeger spends the next year(s) focusing on working on his relationship with Penelope (and Sheldon), repairing their relationship and making amends for fucking abandoning Penelope and their son. I love the idea that Jaeger is still working to fix everything he broke. That it takes both time and desire to heal and change.
Also, maybe Avalonia law says that he's now got a wife and a husband. Maybe Jaeger finds that love is the legacy we leave behind.
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Lightyear: Avalonia
Hello. I made my first chapter of my first crossover ever Disney and Pixar movie between two LGBTQ animated films Lightyear and Strange World, and it's called "Lightyear: Avalonia". The plot centers around Buzz Lightyear and his Space Ranger Corps of Star Command who plan on a vacation trip to Avalonia as they meet the Clade family. But when Ethan thinks he's having a baby, he has a parasite inside his abdomen. Buzz and his team believe that they could find many ways to destroy the parasite.
(The scene opens with Izzy Hawthorne, Mo Morrison and Darby Steel practicing at the shooting range until the timer buzzes.)
Buzz Lightyear: Time's up. Good work, everybody. So, how'd it go, Izzy?
Izzy Hawthorne: Absolutely incredible, Buzz.
Buzz Lightyear: Perfect. I think that's all from today.
Izzy Hawthorne: (stretches her arms) Mm. Man, am I beat from today.
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
Strange world notes (with vague spoilers i guess but mostly just me noting specific things i liked)
Intro introducing the Clades is funny
Oh this ain’t just daddy issues this is DADDIES daddy issues too! And abandonment issues!
Wasn’t expecting caravan palace
The stars that swing through trees like spider monkeys <3 god the creature design is so. shaped.
I love the relationship the little scouts have to the big scary shell tentacles
Grandpa says to intentionally put your crush in harms way to save them ok sir
Poor Ethan he just wants to play his environmentalist nerd game but his dad and grandpa want to colonize in different but similarly harmful ways
I love the noises these things make
UH OH your life goal’s accidentally triggered your dads fear of abandonment. OOPS!!!
Oh my god. Oh my god it’s beautiful. Holy shit.
“Oh, cause I’m a HORRIBLE father 🙄??”
“YEAH. But you didn’t have to be.” <<<< FUCKING YIKESSSS. I loved that dialog cause i've wanted to see/write stuff like it for YEARS now. it's so cathartic to see someone be told they're a shitty person because they CHOSE to be.
The amount of times I happy stimmed at the visuals oh my godddd this movie is gorgeous
I Choose to believe Sheldon, Jeager and Penelope are in a thruple now
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robindrake93 · 1 year
searidisto - Searcher/Meridian/Callisto
searidian - Searcher/Meridian
jaenelope - Penelope/Jaeger
jaeneldon - Penelope/Jaeger/Sheldon
peneldon - Penelope/Sheldon
ethazo - Ethan/Diazo
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robindrake93 · 1 year
The only thing in the art book that seems to be wrong is that it says Jaeger is the biggest man in Avalonia…but five seconds with Sheldon tells us that this is inaccurate.
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