#películas mexicanas
wonder-tender · 2 years
Leo era mi crush cuando tenía 12
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cec1l1a · 2 months
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Cecilia Suárez para Blancopop, 2022.
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pamhr · 5 months
“dicen que en realidad nunca murió porque las brujas nunca mueren tan fácil.”
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cinemedios · 8 months
10 clásicos imperdibles para dar el grito
🍿🍿🇲🇽🇲🇽Ponle más salsa a tus tacos, llena tu caballito de tu destilado favorito, prepara las palomitas, ponte tu sombrero de charro y siéntate a disfrutar de una tarde, una noche o un día acompañado de grandes historias realizadas en la mejor época de nuestro cine. 🌮🌮🌶🌶🎥🎥
La época más nacionalista y patriota del año llegó, este fin de semana la panza será feliz llenándose de tostadas, gorditas, pambazos, tacos, pozole, consomé, tamales y un sinfín de platillos, que forman  parte esencial de nuestra identidad nacional. Junto a la comida y la fiesta, sabemos que hay cinéfilos que muy a su manera celebran la independencia nacional acompañados del séptimo arte, hoy…
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revistatuk · 1 year
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leon-kare · 2 years
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estefania-rico91 · 5 months
Perfume de violetas
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sessaodatardeblog · 1 year
Vamos fazer uma viagem para a cultura mexicana. A indicação de hoje é do filme
!Que viva México!
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Um projeto cinematográfico sobre a cultura mexicana na época pré-hispânica, com satiras políticas e comédia. O filme mostra a história de Pancho, um homem que superou as dificuldades e saiu da pobreza. Após a morte de seu avô Pancho vai visitar a cidade onde cresceu, La pasadina, poís o último desejo de seu querido avô era que sua família lê-se o testamento apenas com a presença de Pancho. Então ele parte em viagem com sua esposa e seus dois filhos para encontrar seus familiares após 20 anos separados.
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Você irá se surpreender com essa família, pode ter certeza!
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disturbed-sleep · 1 year
Sometimes I’ll pick a movie to watch as a family that is queer and often times there happen to be an orgy, today it was Mexican film “El Baile de los 41”
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nomedigasquever · 1 year
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Todavía me cuesta hablar de cine mexicano, aún no sé cómo sentirme al respecto. No creo que sea justo juzgarlo al igual que se juzga al cine gringo o al europeo: nos aventajan años luz, pero se agradece tener estas propuestas, actores diferentes, historias fuera del cliché nacional.
"Cosas Imposibles" tiene sus carencias (efectos forzados, guion apresurado, actuaciones forzadas a ratos), pero de forma general la disfruté. Tiene momentos lindos, que normalmente no se ven en el cine mexicano.
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baruwuch · 1 year
Miguel Rivera cosplay ♡
Por cierto, por si no sabían, soy mexicano jsjs así que este año quise ser Miguel de coco <3 adoro esa película, aunque tenga sus fallitos, pero es muy bonito ver un cachito de la cultura de mi país representada de una manera tan grande <3 pero no se queden solo con la idea de coco, hay muchísimas otras cosas que conocer sobre el día de muertos además de lo que se ve en la peli. Es sumamente interesante cuando uno se adentra a documentarse sobre este tipo de tradiciones más allá de la mirada gringa (lol), así que, siempre procuren darle una miradita a la info sobre la tradición principalmente.
Este consejo les doy, porque su amigo Baruch soy :°] en fin, dejo mis cosas políticas para otro día (? xx
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javiermoroh · 2 years
Vivir el día a día mientras el mundo se desmoron
Te veré en el desayuno es el título de la película realizada por el cineasta Rodrigo Piza, basada en la novela del mismo nombre del escritor mexicano Guillermo Fadanelli, publicada en el año de 2002, un libro que confronta a los lectores con la cotidianidad de cuatro personajes encerrados en su cotidianidad y en su incapacidad para comunicarse. Es de esta materia prima de la cuál se basa el cineasta Piza para dar forma a una película que cuestiona la inmovilidad,  el silencio, el escape que buscan estos  personajes a una cotidianidad asfixiante, que arece ahogarlos, entumecerlos, someterlos al delirio de seguir con vida día a día, a pesar de que el mundo que habitan parecen desmoronarse.
Rodrigo Piza conjunto a un grupo de actores conformados por Patricia Madrid, Roberto Ríos Leal, Rodolfo Cerdán y Adriana Ramona, que darán vida a cuatro personajes  cuyas vidas se entrelazarán en esta mega urbe, que los separa y los mantiene aislados, a pesar de vivir en pequeños departamentos, casi pegados, casi unidos a la vida de sus vecinos, de los cuáles desconocen todo. Ambientada a finales del siglo pasado, en una ciudad que vive en crisis política, económica y social, Te veré en el desayuno parece adelantarnos la crisis sistemática en la que habitamos en este país cada vez más violento y cada vez más hipócrita, presto a juzgar a los otros, pero incapaz de entendernos y comunicarnos.
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Piza logra una obra en donde el silencio de los personajes se enhebra a través de la música y de la fotografía de José Wolff, logran darle forma a este cuarteto de historias que se desgranan y caen en el vacío:  Adolfo, veterinario, obsesionado con su vecina Olivia, pues está enamorado perdidamente de ella, algo que lo hace pensar que no es acoso sino amor. Un día cualquiera Olivia llora sin consuelo y su enamorado secreto aprovecha para acercarse a ella y conocerla. Por su parte Ulises es un oficinista solitario, cuyo objetivo principal es obtener el ascenso a gerencia – para ganar más dinero y poder cortejar a mujeres, pero que está enamorado de Cristina, una prostituta cuya su única preocupación es huir de la policía y el dolor de dientes que la aquejan.
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shinyqueenhideout · 3 days
Discover the World of Mexican Cinema with Películasonline Ver Películas Mexicanas Gratis
In the rich tapestry of global cinema, Mexican films offer a unique perspective and a vibrant cultural experience. Películasonline.mx is an online platform dedicated to providing movie enthusiasts with the opportunity to "Ver películas mexicanas gratis," or watch Mexican movies for free. With a vast selection of films in high definition, Películasonline is the go-to destination for those looking to explore the depth and diversity of Mexican cinema.
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A Treasure Trove of Mexican Films Películasonline offers a comprehensive collection of Mexican films that cater to all tastes and preferences. From classic masterpieces to contemporary blockbusters, our library is a testament to the diversity and richness of Mexican storytelling. With regular updates and a keen focus on both popular and niche titles, Películasonline ensures that there's always something new and exciting to discover. High Definition, High Quality Experience We believe that the best way to appreciate the art of filmmaking is through high-definition viewing. That's why all our films are available in HD, allowing you to see every detail with exceptional clarity and depth. Whether it's the vibrant colors of a Mexican drama or the intricate details of an action sequence, our HD streaming ensures that you're fully immersed in the cinematic experience. Intuitive Interface for Seamless Navigation The Películasonline interface is designed with user experience in mind. Our platform is intuitive and easy to navigate, with features like advanced search filters, genre categorization, and personalized recommendations that simplify the process of finding your next favorite film. With Películasonline, the joy of movie discovery is just a click away. Free Watch HD Movies Online Streaming for an Uninterrupted Experience We understand that the frustration of buffering can disrupt the flow of a movie. That's why Películasonline has invested in robust streaming technology that delivers a smooth and seamless viewing experience. Our commitment to smooth streaming means that you can enjoy your films without any interruptions, letting you stay fully engrossed in the story. Safe and Secure Platform In today's digital landscape, online security is paramount. Películasonline is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all our users. Our platform is equipped with the latest security measures to protect your data and ensure a worry-free movie-watching experience. The Películasonline Community: A Hub for Cinephiles Películasonline is more than just a streaming platform; it's a community where movie lovers can connect and share their passion. We encourage our users to engage with one another through comments, reviews, and discussions, fostering a space where everyone can express their love for cinema and discover new perspectives. On-the-Go Entertainment with Mobile Optimization We recognize that our users need the flexibility to enjoy movies on the go. That's why Películasonline is optimized for a variety of devices, ensuring that you can watch your favorite films anytime, anywhere. Whether you're on a commute or relaxing at home, Películasonline provides the convenience to enjoy movies at your own pace.
Always Evolving: Películasonline's Commitment to Progress The world of cinema is dynamic, and Películasonline is committed to keeping pace. We are dedicated to staying at the forefront of entertainment trends, continuously updating our platform and expanding our movie library to include the latest releases and undiscovered masterpieces. With Películasonline, you're always in touch with the pulse of cinema. In conclusion, Películasonline is the ultimate destination for those looking to "Ver películas mexicanas gratis." With our extensive library, high-definition streaming, user-friendly interface, and commitment to security and community, we offer a movie-watching experience that is both enjoyable and accessible. So, why wait? Visit Películasonline.mx today and start your cinematic journey with a platform that truly puts the love for film first, all without costing you a penny.
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Discover the World of Mexican Cinema with Películasonline Ver Películas Mexicanas Gratis
In the rich tapestry of global cinema, Mexican films offer a unique perspective and a vibrant cultural experience. Películasonline.mx is an online platform dedicated to providing movie enthusiasts with the opportunity to "Ver películas mexicanas gratis," or watch Mexican movies for free. With a vast selection of films in high definition, Películasonline is the go-to destination for those looking to explore the depth and diversity of Mexican cinema. A Treasure Trove of Mexican Films Películasonline offers a comprehensive collection of Mexican films that cater to all tastes and preferences. From classic masterpieces to contemporary blockbusters, our library is a testament to the diversity and richness of Mexican storytelling. With regular updates and a keen focus on both popular and niche titles, Películasonline ensures that there's always something new and exciting to discover. High Definition, High Quality Experience
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We believe that the best way to appreciate the art of filmmaking is through high-definition viewing. That's why all our films are available in HD, allowing you to see every detail with exceptional clarity and depth. Whether it's the vibrant colors of a Mexican drama or the intricate details of an action sequence, our HD streaming ensures that you're fully immersed in the cinematic experience. Free Watch HD Movies Online for Seamless Navigation The Películasonline interface is designed with user experience in mind. Our platform is intuitive and easy to navigate, with features like advanced search filters, genre categorization, and personalized recommendations that simplify the process of finding your next favorite film. With Películasonline, the joy of movie discovery is just a click away. Smooth Streaming for an Uninterrupted Experience We understand that the frustration of buffering can disrupt the flow of a movie. That's why Películasonline has invested in robust streaming technology that delivers a smooth and seamless viewing experience. Our commitment to smooth streaming means that you can enjoy your films without any interruptions, letting you stay fully engrossed in the story. Safe and Secure Platform In today's digital landscape, online security is paramount. Películasonline is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all our users. Our platform is equipped with the latest security measures to protect your data and ensure a worry-free movie-watching experience. The Películasonline Community: A Hub for Cinephiles Películasonline is more than just a streaming platform; it's a community where movie lovers can connect and share their passion. We encourage our users to engage with one another through comments, reviews, and discussions, fostering a space where everyone can express their love for cinema and discover new perspectives. On-the-Go Entertainment with Mobile Optimization We recognize that our users need the flexibility to enjoy movies on the go. That's why Películasonline is optimized for a variety of devices, ensuring that you can watch your favorite films anytime, anywhere. Whether you're on a commute or relaxing at home, Películasonline provides the convenience to enjoy movies at your own pace.
Always Evolving: Películasonline's Commitment to Progress The world of cinema is dynamic, and Películasonline is committed to keeping pace. We are dedicated to staying at the forefront of entertainment trends, continuously updating our platform and expanding our movie library to include the latest releases and undiscovered masterpieces. With Películasonline, you're always in touch with the pulse of cinema. In conclusion, Películasonline is the ultimate destination for those looking to "Ver películas mexicanas gratis." With our extensive library, high-definition streaming, user-friendly interface, and commitment to security and community, we offer a movie-watching experience that is both enjoyable and accessible. So, why wait? Visit Películasonline.mx today and start your cinematic journey with a platform that truly puts the love for film first, all without costing you a penny.
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cinemedios · 8 months
Las 10 mejores películas de la época de oro del cine mexicano
Descubre 10 joyas esenciales de la época dorada del cine mexicano. 🎬🇲🇽
La época dorada del cine mexicano, que vio su esplendor desde los años 30 hasta los 50, nos legó verdaderas joyas cinematográficas que son, y seguirán siendo, motivo de orgullo para nuestro país. Deja que te llevemos de la mano a través de ese sendero dorado, recorriendo las películas que marcaron la historia del cine de nuestro país. María Candelaria (1944) La magistral dirección de Emilio…
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boldlykrispyanchor · 3 days
Discover the Richness of Mexican Cinema with Películasonline Gratis y en HD
For those with a deep appreciation for the rich and diverse world of Mexican cinema, Películasonline.mx is the online platform that offers the ultimate experience of "Ver películas mexicanas gratis," or watching Mexican movies for free, all in high definition. Películasonline is the go-to destination for film enthusiasts looking to delve into the heart of Mexican storytelling, offering a cinematic journey that is both free and of the highest quality. A Cinematic Treasure Trove of Mexican Films Películasonline boasts an extensive and carefully curated selection of Mexican films that span various genres and eras. From the gripping tales of suspense to the poignant narratives of love and family, our collection is a testament to the diversity and depth of Mexican cinema. With regular updates and a commitment to showcasing a wide range of titles, Películasonline ensures that there's always something new and exciting to watch. High Definition, High Fidelity: The Películasonline Standard At Películasonline, we believe that the best way to experience movies is in high definition. Our HD streaming technology ensures that every film is presented with the clarity and detail it deserves. Whether it's the vibrant colors of a Mexican fiesta or the subtle details of a dramatic scene, our HD quality brings the cinematic experience to life like never before. Intuitive Interface for a Seamless Experience
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The Películasonline interface is designed with user experience as a top priority. Our platform is intuitive, easy to navigate, and features advanced search filters, genre categorization, and personalized recommendations. This makes finding your next favorite film a breeze, allowing you to quickly discover and enjoy the movies that resonate with you. Smooth Streaming: The Películasonline Commitment We understand that the joy of watching a movie can be marred by buffering and lag. That's why Películasonline has invested in robust streaming technology that delivers a smooth and uninterrupted viewing experience. Our commitment to smooth streaming means that you can enjoy your films without any technical interruptions. Safe and Secure: Protecting Your Online Experience In today's digital landscape, online security is paramount. Películasonline is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all our users. Our platform is equipped with the latest security measures to protect your data and ensure a worry-free movie-watching experience. The Películasonline Community: A Hub for Film Lovers Películasonline is more than just a streaming platform; it's a community where movie lovers can connect and share their passion. We encourage our users to engage with one another through comments, reviews, and discussions, fostering a space where everyone can express their love for cinema and discover new perspectives. On-the-Go Entertainment: Películasonline's Mobile Optimization We recognize the need for flexibility in today's fast-paced world. Películasonline is optimized for a variety of devices, ensuring that you can watch your favorite films anytime, anywhere. Whether you're on a long journey or just want to relax at home, our platform offers the convenience of on-the-go entertainment. Always Evolving: Películasonline's Commitment to the Future of Streaming The world of cinema is dynamic, and Películasonline is committed to keeping pace. Free Watch HD Movies Online are dedicated to staying at the forefront of entertainment trends, continuously updating our platform and expanding our movie library to include the latest releases and undiscovered masterpieces. With Películasonline, you're always in touch with the pulse of Mexican cinema.
In conclusion, Películasonline is the ideal destination for those looking to "Ver películas mexicanas gratis." With our extensive library, high-definition streaming, user-friendly interface, and commitment to security and community, we offer a movie-watching experience that is both enjoyable and accessible. Visit Películasonline.mx today and start your cinematic journey with a platform that truly puts the love for film first, all without costing you a penny.
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